
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

IWSG: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 ~ A Timely Question

It's the first Wednesday of the month:
the day when members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG founder Alex Cavanaugh are:
Tyrean Martinson,  Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor,  Megan Morgan,  Jennifer Lane,  and Rachna Chhabria.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG poses a question
that members can answer with advice, insight,
a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is:

What steps have you taken or plan to take
to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing? 


This month's question could not be more timely.
I have not written one word since my last IWSG post:
zilch, nada, zip, zero.

In last month's IWSG post I wrote
that if I could backtrack in 2017,
I'd be less anxious.
Be careful what you wish for.

The rest of December gave me the best opportunity
of the year to practice being less anxious.
I failed spectacularly part of the time,
but during other parts, I succeeded in quashing it.

But as my sister Donnie often says to me:
"It's all good, Louise.  It's all good."

Sisters and Best Friends:  It's all good!
Donnie (back) and I (front)
Christmas Eve 2017
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

And it is.
I'm fine.  Terry's fine.  Everyone I love is fine.

It's just my writing that has gone down in flames,
and I'm about to rectify that!

December was a month of stressful turmoil,
that included among other things,
finding a new home in Surprise, Arizona,
my dream home, (evening19th), 
buying it after two viewings (21st)
financing it, planning for furniture and temporary renters,
and inspecting it (22nd),
examining the inspection (23rd),
and cancelling the contract (mid-Christmas Eve),
after the inspection report raised some concerns.

Every day of the month had something
that disrupted my opportunity to write.
The stress and frustration reduced me to raging tears at times,
but it's all good.

Relaxing and Opening Presents
Terry and I and Traveling Christmas Tree
Christmas Night, 2017
Surprise, Arizona, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

So it's mid-IWSG Day, and I'm just now writing my post.
On New Year's Day we loaded the last few things in our car and headed for home.
We got in last night after driving from Gallup, New Mexico yesterday.

Wide Open Spaces:  My Kind of Country
Approaching Wagon Mound, New Mexico, USA
January 2, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

#1 on my list, after warming up the house
     and pouring a cup of coffee this morning:  my IWSG post.
#2 getting some essential groceries
     (milk, orange juice, bread, salad, and chocolate).
#3 visiting IWSG members today.
#4 making a plan and a schedule for my writing and publishing.

I'm making this post short, because I've got a full rest-of-the-day;
and I'm channeling calm, not anxiety.

Going to Surprise:  About to Enter an Ice Fog 
Walsenburg, Colorado, USA
November 28, 2017
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Coming Home:  Clear and Dry 
Walsenburg, Colorado, USA
January 2, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Surprise to Aurora

Congratulations to all the winners of the third annual IWSG Anthology Contest:
Top honors go to Gwen Gardner for her story, A Stitch in Crime

The winners were announced today on Alex Cavanaugh's post.
Our third anthology will come out late spring.

The other winning stories: 
Three O’Clock Execution - S. R. Betler
Until Release - Jemi Fraiser
Cypress, Like the Tree - Yolanda Renée
Gussy Saint and the Case of the Missing Coed - C.D. Gallant-King
ResetTara Tyler
Center Lane - Christine Clemetson
One More MinuteMary Aalgaard
The Little Girl in the Bayou - J. R. Ferguson
The Tide WaitsRebecca M. Douglas

Special Mention: HeartlessC. Lee McKenzie

Wishing all of my fellow IWSG members a Happy New Year
and success with your writing and publishing.
I can't wait to visit your posts
and read about your writing and publishing plans for 2018.

Leaving Colorado 
Raton Pass, Colorado, USA
November 28, 2017
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Coming Home 
Raton Pass, Colorado, USA
January 2, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Sledding! I miss sledding.
    I'm sorry the house didn't work out. Better to find out up front though. What are your plans now?
    With all that, no worries about no writing. It was also the holidays as well.

    1. Thanks, Alex! Sledding is so much fun! Last year Terry, my siblings, bs-i-l and s-i-l, and extended family were all together in Calgary. This year we were scattered to the winds, and I was contemplating saguaro.

      I think, after two years of looking and trying places out, we've settled on Surprise, Arizona. What I didn't put in today's post was that on the 26-27th another house fell through ~ multiple higher offers aced us out. Oh well ~ Another one will come along. What we haven't settled on is will it be an only or second house.

      I think I offered to co-host for you in February or March. I don't know what you decided, but on February 1st it turns out, I'll be flying. I can definitely co-host for you in March from the lobby of the Royal Grove in Honolulu. I'm becoming really great at packing, LOL!!!

      Have a good one, my friend!

  2. That stinks that the inspection report raised red flags. Guess you'll have to keep on a looking, then do you even need a home? Hardly ever there lol Get a big old RV and voila!

    Sometimes life sure gets in the way, but other times it shall get out of the way and writing can fit on in.

    1. LOL ~ It's so good to read your funny comments again, Pat! I haven't given up the ghost on blogging or writing. I'm back, but it's going to take me a little while to make the rounds.

      Wishing you all the best in 2018, my rhyming friend!

  3. I'm sorry December didn't go as planned, but there's all of 2018 to look forward to. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. There's nothing like a bright and shiny new year, Anna! So far it's been great! Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

  4. Louise, all I could think of is "you are CRAZY" lol when I saw the toboggan photo! Ha ha ha, that is great!!! And you both look so cute at Christmas, I love how you decorated Terry lol...
    I'm sorry the house didn't work out, but it wasn't meant to be yours I guess? I love that you are channeling "calm"...I had rather an anxious holiday season and it affected me physically. I'm working on that even more now! xx

    1. Hi, Rain! I was thinking tobogganing was pretty crazy at the time, let me tell you. And the temperature being below zero (Fahrenheit) didn't help. Terry is my Christmas! I'm sorry that you had an anxious holiday season. I know only too well how it can affect one physically. Sending you a big hug and a bigger wish that you'll vanquish anxiety ~ or at least pen it in. I have a lot of catching up to do blogging, and I'll be by yours asap!

  5. Wow, what a month you had - how stressful that must have been. I love your mantra, "It's all good" and that picture of you sledding is adorable. All the best for the New Year :-)

    1. All the best to you, Ellen! I laugh every time I look at that photo of Donnie and me. It was a big hill, especially unnerving when I hadn't done anything like that in at least 25 years. Have a happy and fulfilling 2018!

  6. Happy New Year, Fundy! Well, what a disappointment regarding the dream home--that would make anyone anxious. My sister is a realtor and tries not to ride the highs and lows of home buying because sometimes it's heartbreaking! Hope that you find another great home and the anxiety beasties don't beat you down.

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words, Jennifer! We have an awesome realtor in Surprise, and I wouldn't do her job for anything in this world! I'm sure we'll get a great one in the end. Happy writing in January!

  7. I'm sorry the home didn't live up to your hopes! Sounds like December was a true whirlwind for you!
    Hoping you have lots of peace and joy in 2018!!

    1. Thanks for your kind wishes, Jemi! Wishing you a great 2018 too!

  8. I'm afraid it's a really long drive now to escape this winter cold

    1. Happy New Year, Adam! It's been quite a start to the year for people on the East Coast. We're dry and warm here in Colorado ~ not much snow on the mountain tops, which is concerning. Meanwhile we're enjoying the warmth. Stay warm, my friend!

  9. WOW!!I just love the pictures. Don't worry about it there are some months wherein we just cannot write a single word. I had a few of those months last year.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Rachna! This month is different already! Take care!

  10. Sounds like you had a crazy December! Trying to get writing time in there too would have just caused more stress. Sometimes it's for the best to take some time off!

    Good luck in your travels and have a great 2018!

    1. Thanks, C.D. Wishing you all the best with life and writing in the coming year!

  11. I love your pictures, what a difference coming and going.

    I see the good in your experience with looking for the new home in Arizona. Which is, ‘at least you were told the place had concerns.’ It would have been horrible to move in then find the problems.

    I have noticed that each time I try to write- if I make plans, a plotline or just an idea scribbled on a piece of paper, something happens. I did find that the more I stress over it the worst it gets. So, now I try to laugh it off.

    Yes, I laughed when the toilet started leaking and squirting out water- I felt better. If you can try not to care, the best thing that can happen is that people will think you are nuts. Really, think about it. Can you see the look on their faces? Just that makes me laugh harder. No one stresses belly laughing.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Gerardine! Yes, there was definitely good in losing my dream home. We lost a lot of sleep making the decision to cancel our contract, but it was the right and only decision we could make. Some people already thing I am nuts, so why not embrace it! I will have to go see if "Six Days and Seven Nights" is on free cable. That movie always gets me belly laughing. Have a great day!

  12. Happy New Year, Louise. I wish you the very best in 2018. I have to believe everything will work out. The picture of you and your sister is adorable. Looks like much fun was had by all. Sisters are a wonderful thing. Thank you for all your blogs. I love reading about your childhood. I have forwarded them on to family and friends in Canada, and everyone agrees: your posts are wonderful.

    1. Joylene, you just made my day by your kind remark about forwarding my posts on. I'll have a northern post up next Friday and will be regular after that ~ although I hate to tempt fate by saying that. I believe that 2018 will be better. I certainly hope so for you, because you've been through so much! Wishing you health, happiness, fulfillment, and love in the coming year.

  13. From the sounds of it, I can't say I'm surprised you found it hard to write in the last month! The holidays are a tough time in any case, with lots going on (in my case, a week spent with family). You sound like you are looking at some big life changes (relocating), which I know are disruptive to anything like a schedule. You read my post, so you know I'm going to be navigating similar waters in the next year! So good luck to both of us :)

    1. Good luck to both of us for sure, Rebecca! I'm looking forward to a much better word count this month! Take care!

  14. I struggle with anxiety too. But it's all good. Sorry your house buying venture didn't work out. Buying a house is always stressful. Good luck with your writing goals this year!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Gwen! I'm already ahead of last month, so it's all uphill from here. All the best to you!

  15. Your post brought a smile to my face. Great photos and what a trip! On writing, I struggle with the same. Life gets in the way and then I fail to write anything. It's why I started blogging again. Trying to get back into the habit of writing and have something that is truly mine separate from work, family and obligations. Great post!

    1. Thanks, Shaharizan! I've found that blogging keeps me centered in my writing. It allows me to try things out and to develop confidence in my voice. Too often I've had to write for a specific purpose given my by someone else, so blogging represents freedom to me. All the best to you!

  16. I loved the picture of you and your sister sledding, looks like great fun!! I'm glad the inspection raised some concerns and you then reconsidered. It might've turned disastrous, or you dodged a bullet so to say. Anywho, I'm happy to read you're doing better, kicking anxiety to the curb!!!

    Happy New Year, Fundy!!!

  17. Love that beautiful blue sky! So sorry to read that you had to withdraw your offer. Finding a new house can cause so much anxiety. We once had a string of three houses that fell through due to everything from undisclosed fire damage to stolen copper pipes. Eventually it all fell into place and we ended up just where we’re supposed to be. I wish the same for you in this new year and lots of writing time!

  18. Greetings Louise. Sorry about the house falling through! You've certainly had your stresses. Glad you are trying to alleviate some of your anxieties, it's not nice to feel anxious - I have bipolar so get anxious when I'm feeling unwell! I'm going to try and finish off the novel I've been writing this year? Blessings to you.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  19. Wow, that's one heck of a month! I think you deserve to take a break from writing to clear your head and deal with everything else. I didn't write over the Christmas holiday - just didn't have time to fit it in with everything else, but I'm ok with that and ready to start afresh with the new year. Good luck with everything! :)

  20. That looks like so much fun! I love to go sledding. I spent less time writing and more time with loved ones in December too. Now I'm attempting to get back into the swing of things. Here's to a great 2018 for all of us! :)

  21. I loved taking that journey with you, great pictures! Sorry about the sour inspection, but must be for the best. I know how we stressed when our old house was under inspection, but it passed and we closed on December 8th, and we're on the beach on Dec. 9th. Now to find our forever home.
    Wishing you a wonderful New Year! May all your dreams come true!

  22. How did I miss this post?? I love that picture of you and your sister! I want to come sledding too! Yes, it is all good! I have to remember that! Sorry about the house!!! I love the pictures of you and your hubby! Wishing you and your loved ones many blessings for 2018!!! Big Hugs and keep on smiling!!!

  23. Great photos! I love your priorities: #1 - IWSG post; #2 - groceries. Have a wonderful year 2018!

  24. I LOVED LOVED LOVED your smiling photos !
    both of you looking so happy and relaxed in new home right?

    heartiest congratulations for buying new residence for you dearest Louise :)))

    i am so glad that after having lots of stress about this huge change you are feeling better and calm now .
    i can't resist to say that you both are looking so precious and content ,so BLESSED :)

    thank you for sharing the glimpse of your beautiful living ,i am flattered :)

    your dear sister say so right all is good if you and your loved ones are under the grace of God !

    keeping eye on the filled side of glass is so important my friend!
    how lovely that you both sisters are having so much fun together :)

    sending you much love and blessings my dear friend!

    1. How wonderful to see you, Baili! I missed you so much during my "lost" month. My sister Donnie sent me the "Standing into Danger" art, and she is the one with me on the toboggan going down the hill. I am fortunate to have two more awesome sisters and a brother.

      Terry and I were relaxed on Christmas night, finally. The home we were celebrating Christmas in belongs to our next door neighbor in Colorado. Since we live in a duplex in Colorado (two homes, side-by-side, in one building), our neighbor is a very close neighbor! We rented his home in Surprise, Arizona so we could check out the community to see if we might want to more there. We've been considering moving from Colorado to a warmer place, because Terry dislikes the cold and snow more and more as he gets older. On Christmas Eve we canceled the contract on my dream house, because we were concerned about some things that came up in the inspection report. The day after Christmas Night we found another house, but didn't get a contract for it, because there were other people who wanted to buy it and they made an offer that we didn't beat. So now we are back at our old home in Aurora, Colorado and we are happy to be so. It's all good!

      I usually look at life as a glass half full, but sometimes I lose sight of that. I know that I have been fortunate in my life, and I have felt the grace of God throughout my life. That bothers me at times, because I wonder why I am so fortunate when others are suffering and have so little.

      Sending you a big hug and lots of love, and wishing you God's blessings!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.