
Friday, June 28, 2019


It's so good to be home! 
We were delayed getting back, 
because Spirit cancelled our flight at the last minute
and couldn't rebook us for three days.
Denver International Airport rarely looked so good!

Denver International Airport
June 21, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I've been buried in the mundane: unpacking, laundry, groceries, mail, and sleeping.
Ten days in Las Vegas and Laughlin definitely drained me.

I'm so glad to have fast, dependable, and secure internet again,
and I'm looking forward to catching up with all my blogging buddies!
See you starting tomorrow!

Denver International Airport
June 21, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved



  1. That's awful they did that.

    1. We thought so, Adam! They offered us a refund, a future travel voucher, or a free rebook in three days! We received a text from Spirit just as we were heading for security an hour and fifteen minutes before we were scheduled to board the flight. I'll think long and hard before flying Spirit again, let me tell you!

  2. Welcome home! Hope you dig your way out from under all the laundry.

    1. Thanks, Alex! I'm down to ironing ~ Yes, I'm old fashioned. I iron.

  3. Down here there is a smaller airline that gets bad reviews. So glad home is where you are again, normal everyday things take on a whole new look when you have waited extra days to get to the laundry!!

    1. LOL, Jean! It's interesting when you're traveling and you've planned for seven days, not ten! In a hot climate. I'm so happy to be home! Terry's happy too, although he's looking for new listings in Sun City Anthem in Henderson as I type. I hope that all is well with you and Hugh! Hugs to you both!

  4. Welcome back!!! I would have flipped out if my flight had been canceled like that!

    1. Thanks, Rain! Fortunately, Terry was able to call a casino host and get three comped nights in the hotel we had just checked out of. It definitely added to the cost of our trip, but it all worked out. I hope all is well with you and Alex!

  5. Welcome home! That flight cancellation sounds exhausting. Glad it's over and done with!

    1. Hi, Martha! I'm so sorry that I just found your comment and others just now. I'm caught up in my usual chaos. I was wiped out by the time I got home from Vegas ~ 10 days in Vegas and Laughlin are a lot for this introverted soul, and all the lights and noise can be draining for someone who is also ADHD. I hope that all is well with you, Martha!

  6. Welcome home, Angel Face! What did you do during all that time you were delayed?


    1. Hi, Janie! I just found this. I've been so scattered that I forgot to check for comments on previous posts. While we were delayed, we did more of what we had been doing. Terry played poker while I roamed with my camera. We both played blackjack and video poker. We watched live music on Fremont Street, ate too much good food, and had special drinks at my favorite bar in the Golden Nugget. I also slept and read, since I was having problems with internet access. We had lots of fun!

  7. Welcome back, hope you had a great trip and will tell us about it.

    1. Hi, Sage! I'm sorry, but I just discovered your comment and others this afternoon. We had a great time, although we haven't had much luck in our house hunting. I hope to share some things about our trip in the near future. All the best to you!

  8. Welcome back! Ugg to getting the flight cancelled. Hopefully you are out from under the mundane now. That stuff sure can pile up fast.

    1. Thanks, Pat. I'm almost dug out. I've even discovered these comments that I missed. That's a positive sign ~ LOL! Have a good one!

  9. Glad you made it home safe and sound. There's something that's somewhat comforting about the mundane and the familiar. Vegas is a nice place to visit and I always have a good time there...but I'm always happier to return home afterwards.

    1. Thanks, LB! I'm with you ~ Home always feels wonderful, no matter where I'm traveling from. My apologies for finding your comment so late. I've just not been on top of things.

  10. Vegas is exciting and filled with lights, but it is exhausting, too. Being stuck in an airport for unknown hours is awful.

    1. Hi, Susan! Fortunately, Spirit was able to tell us when we would be able to fly out even if it was three days later, and Terry talked to a casino host who was able to get us back into the hotel we had checked out of earlier. We had fun during those extra days, but we both were wrung out by the time we arrived home. Sorry about my late response. Somehow I missed the last nine comments on this post.

  11. Welcome back! Sorry your flight got cancelled! Big Hugs!

    1. Hi again, Stacy. I'm just catching up with all these comments I overlooked. Big hugs back at you!

  12. WELL COME BACK dear Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    missed you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i can imagine how it like to be back after tiring travels :)

    so glad you did what had to be done ,most important rest to recover energy lack

    great that finally you got efficient net connection my dear friend :)

    image of airport is MARVELOUS !


    1. Hi, Baili! I'm sorry that I'm just responding to your uplifting comment! I went through a bout of depression when I got home, just overwhelmed by so much to do and discouraged by house hunting and a fibromyalgia flare up. I didn't discover your comment and eight others until this afternoon. Argh! Things are much better now, and I will be catching up with your posts. I think of you and your family every day. Sending you big hugs!

  13. 3 days! Yikes! I would be less than happy with that :( Glad you're home safe and sound now.

    1. Hi, Theresa! We were not happy at all when we found out we'd be in Vegas three more days. We could have booked a flight on another airline but the last minute fares were outrageous. So we made the most of it. I'm sorry I'm late responding to your comment. I found it this afternoon. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever catch my tail. All the best to you!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.