
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Don't Shoot Me, Ron!

I have begun tackling an almost overwhelming task:
sorting through thousands and thousands of photographs.  
I know it's doable because I've done it before!  

I spent the summer of 1968 working in the Acadia University library organizing its photo collection and identifying as many people, places, events, and things as I could.  

And now, finally, it's my time to work on my photos.

So can you imagine my delight when, 
out of nowhere - at the very beginning of my task, 
I stumbled on this photo:

Ron, myself, and Renee!

We are on the Acadia University campus in the vicinity of U Hall.
I am quite certain it's in the summer of 1964.

This is not the original photo, 
but a copy I made in the Geology Department some years later
when I was learning to print photos.

So Ron, I beat you to the Wolfville photos!  I haven't located the rest, yet!
Don't shoot me!
If you protest loudly, I promise to take down this post!
If you don't, I'll add a link to Sophie Doodle!

Sorry, Jim!  I hugged him first!

We were just friends horsing around!


  1. I absolutely love this photo of you three! OK, you hugged him first Louise! And I really couldn't blame you!! lol Look at that smile you all have! Ron still has that wonderful smile and laugh! Thanks for posting this.....brought back a lot of good memories for Ron.

  2. I'm glad it brought back good memories for Ron, Jim! It certainly makes me smile! Somewhere I have the original and not just this copy I printed on old paper. I think it was Professor MacNeill who gave the paper to me to practice with. Digital photography is fun, but there was something thrilling about gently moving the exposed paper in the water and seeing the image appear.

  3. I believe I worked that very same summer in the Acadia Library typing index cards(can you believe that)...I should/would/could have been a librarian but I think this job scared me away from that. Grace Murray got me the job she worked in the same office....I always liked her because of this and the fact that I knew her niece Jan Ferguson(another story which pops up later in my life).

    I am blown away at how pre-pubescent I look! I never matured, actually I haven't yet! Teasing! It's funny how pictures just grab you and zap you back to the time...I can remember you and Renee as if it were yesterday....her dress was so vivid...and I remember you hauling my head back...I,again, am blown away. Renee returned to the 1993 WHS re-union and still looking the same. Well you got me good's time for payback...I'm heading down into the may take me 'forever' but I'll find something!

    Please Lord be on my side!


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