
Friday, December 28, 2012

White Christmas

We had a bright and beautiful white Christmas in Colorado.  
Not to mention cold Christmas!

We quickly warmed the morning up with our traditional Christmas bubbly!


Time for a little Christmas morning fun.
Santa came!

Time for a good walk before that big Christmas dinner with friends!
A Brisk Walk!

The Fashionista-NOT strikes again with her Viking hat complete with runes! 


Arapahoe and Douglas County Lines along fence running back into the picture

Natural Flocking

Closing in on home and completing Day 200 of my walk to St. Anthony, Newfoundland

Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilling New Year!



  1. Beautiful photos! And it looks like you have plenty of snow. We finally got some here yesterday --- lots and lots of it! It's finally looking like a Canadian winter :)

    Happy New Year. Health, happiness, joy and love to you and yours!

    1. Hi Martha!
      Thank you for the lovely New Year's wishes!

      We finally got some snow along the Front Range, but we are seriously down on our state snowpack. We've been experiencing a severe drought, and we need much more snow. Colorado's snowpack provides water for a lot of thirsty downstream states too.

      Terry and I have been out of town the past few days, and I am very much looking forward to catching up on everyone's posts including yours.

      Have a good day!

  2. Oh, what beautiful snow!
    And I think I need that Blogging book for Dummies, myself!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Kay!
      The New Year's greetings are very much appreciated! I'm sure a lot of people are ready to put 2012 behind them and move on to 2013 with hope!

      The snow was beautiful; the air crystalline blue on Christmas morning. Even though it was very cold outside, Terry and I walked almost two miles. It just felt so great to be alive and moving and enjoying time together.

      I'm reading the "Blogging for Dummies" book, and it's very interesting. I tend to leap without thinking things all the way through! I could save myself a lot of trouble, but it would be far less interesting. I think it's characteristic of many elementary teachers, and I tried to express that idea in my post "Building Bridges to Nowhere." I'm hoping the book will give me some great ideas and straighten out a few blogging quandaries.

      I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog after being away for a few days.

      Have a happy weekend!

  3. Hello,
    The snow is beautiful but it is the light I really could do with!! It so bright and the sky just tremendous (very grey here!). Happy to see you start Christmas perfectly, looks like you had a wonderful time.
    Sending you and your husband best wishes for a very Happy New Year and to your new beginnings!

    1. Thanks for the new year wishes, Ivan!
      I love living in the west because the sky is huge and blue. When I first left the east and landed in Northern Ontario, I was stunned by the blue sky in the winter. I don't think I could live under grey skies ever again.
      We had wonderful fun on Christmas Day. I hope you and yours had fun too.
      I am looking forward to trying some of your scrumptious looking recipes in the new year - and catching up on your blog. I went out of town the day after Christmas and left a couple of computer attachments behind. :(
      A very happy and healthy new year to you!

  4. Hi Louise! Now THAT is fresh 'mountain air' if I ever saw it! Can almost feel that 'dry' cold. Looks like an interesting read...I could have used that a few years ago! Like yourself I plunged into blogging and learned as I went....with a lot of help from Ron!
    All the best to you and Terry in 2013!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, Jim!
      Cold dry air is better than cold wet air, let me tell you! I've tried both, and dry is best!
      The "Blogging for Dummies" book is an interesting read. I have lots to learn! Actually I was surprised Terry gave it to me for Christmas, for he is viewing my increasing interest in blogging somewhat warily. My posts have been a little sketchy in the past 10 days or so, but things will settle down with the start of the year.
      I hope that you, Ron, and Sophie have an awesome new year, filled especially with happiness and good health!

  5. Bubbly and presents! What a nice Christmas.
    Best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and Terry.

  6. Thank you, Terry! I wish you, your husband, your family, and critters a happy and healthy 2013. We had a lovely Christmas. I hope you did too!

  7. Fantastic!
    So you had a great time for Xmas and that is just magical!
    It seems sooooo cold where you live... We had 22°C then in the south of France!
    Not that I enjoy the cold but then it's easier to get closer to birds!
    Many-many thanks for your kindness and faithfulness, much appreciated!
    I can hardly find the time to blog these days much is happening and I spend my days in the wild or in hides!
    When will you show us more iceberg pics?!!!! ;-)
    Cheers Fundy and a happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

  8. Hi Noushka!
    It's cold here, but it's much colder in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where the rest of my family is right now.
    My brother Roy, his wife Sue, and their youngest son Pat are visiting Calgary from Kuwait City where it is so much hotter. They are almost in shock from the cold!
    I have another set of iceberg pictures ready to go in a week or so.
    All the best to you and yours!


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