
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Winter Morning After

Perhaps this is not the winter morning 
to publish this post,
in the aftermath of Nemo. 
a few evenings past 
the snow began falling softly:
sturdy, fluffy flakes 
feathering down
and piling up 
outside my Colorado window.

The snow lasted just a few tens of minutes.
and its ephemeral sunrise beauty even less.
Sometimes you just have to stop
and drink in the loveliness that surrounds you.

This is one of my favorite winter songs
written and sung by Canadian icon Gordon Lightfoot.

Gordon Lightfoot

In the You Tube video, paintings 
by Canada's Group of Seven landscape artists 
accompany Lightfoot's 
Song for a Winter's Night. 

I hope you are warm and cozy on this winter morning!


  1. Hi Louise! These pictures are SO GORGEOUS! But I love, love, love snow. And I miss it so much. I love Gordon Lightfoot too ~ good song choice!!!

    1. Thanks, Audrey! I love snow, and I would miss it terribly myself. As for Lightfoot! He has been a favorite of mine forever. I hope that your are enjoying a relaxing Sunday!

  2. Oh my GOSH!! That second picture may be the most beautiful picture I've ever seen in my life!!

    1. Hi OE! Thanks for stopping by and leaving an encouraging comment! Our Colorado snow can be lovely! I've seen your blog's name showing up recently on blogs I read. I checked it out and found a lively discussion on favorite movies. So I'm following you now! Have a good week!

  3. This is one of my favourite Gordon Lightfoot songs too. Have you ever heard Sarah McLachlan's version of it? It's absolutely stunning.

    Beautiful photos -- the snow is so pillowy and soft!

    1. Thanks Debra! I have not heard SM's rendition ~ but I'm going to track it down. Sarah McLachlan is one of the many reasons I love Canada! Have a happy day!

  4. Oh yes...nice and cozy...catching up.....

    L-O-V-E.....did I say L-O-V-E your wonder you live in Colorado....or did Colorado pick you!!!? winkers!

    Lightfoot....I'm transferred back to the late sixties...he came to Acadia U....did you see him? I sat in the lower section in back on the north side....I can still see him singing all those wonderful songs.

    The snow here has stopped and now everything is quiet.....mmmmm!


    1. Hi Ron!
      I'm glad that you are mmmmm!
      There is no reason on earth why I should ever have landed in Colorado ~ and yet here I am! I think I was meant to land here and with Terry. I certainly paid my dues before I did!

      Yes, I was at that concert at Acadia. I was toward the front and rightish. I reviewed a number of concerts for the Athenaeum, but I don't think I did Lightfoot. Among others, I definitely remember interviewing the Clancy Brothers with Tommy Makem and Big Brother and the Holding Company! Lightfoot had so many incredible songs ~ I've worn my albums out! Thank God for You Tube!

      By the way, I'm never caught up with Blogger! And Facebook ~ as you have doubtless noticed ~ almost a lost cause. And gmail ~ I'm up to over 800 emails waiting! I rather play with photos and words!

      I'm so happy that you enjoyed my photos. I had so much fun taking them, although I nearly froze. I literally ran out the door in my apron and Terry's shoes. At least I got my rubber gloves off ~ I had been doing dishes when I sensed the light. I'm sure the neighbors scratch their heads at some of my antics!

      Have a super week, my friend! Head scratchers to my favorite Labradoodle!

    2. Neighbours will get used to the new Louise, right!

      Don't worry about Gmail...I just deleted 100 of them...and I just click ALL and zap they are gone. Sophie's FB page has to have an email address so I use a Yahoo address I've had for awhile...when I get around to looking at it...oh man all the emails...and I have to delete 25 at a time...Annoying with a captial A!!

      I keep FB up and visible because I enjoy the fast interaction with my followers. But I do know what you mean about trying to keep on top of blogs....very sad here...I'm not good at it at all, unlike Jim....he's so good at connecting!

    3. Hi Ron!
      Yes, I guess, the neighbors will get used to me! Terry's more worried than I am about what they think of me! He's much more circumspect than I am. It's bad enough when I run out the door in Terry's shoes, but if I ever forget to take off the bright yellow rubber gloves ~ well!

      I'm slowly digging myself out of all the piles. After so many years of a killer schedule, all I want to do is goof off and play. And later this week, we're off to Black Hawk and Central City for a fun weekend ~ Chinese New Year banquet with Chinese lions and dragons. I can't wait! I'm looking forward to doing some photography and to playing some blackjack at the Bonanza. I've finished one historical book on Central City, so I'm looking for another. I wish my hands would work as fast as my brain!

      I am in awe of how Jim keeps all his posts and comments going. But I am also in awe of the persona you have created for Sophie. I have a blast pretending I'm communicating with her! You have done a wonderful job, and so many people enjoy your blog!

    4. I'd love to play B J with you guys at Black Hawk....wouldn't that be a blast in a 1/2!
      A friend of Jim's originally, then mine, but has now passed away gave me the idea to use Sophie's POV as the angle for the blog. Sometimes I just have to get my 2 cents worth in and Sophie rolls her eyes and says OK just this once! It's never ending with her you know!
      Glad you enjoying her doodle world...I need some inspiration just like everyone else...Feb blahs you know. I need to think of this doodle world from another angle I think...I'm working on it!

    5. Now you've got my curiosity piqued, Ron! I'm looking forward to what angle you try, although the angle you have is pretty spectacular! I've been off-line for a couple of days. Pesky car repairs getting in the way ~ nothing serious, just necessary. Hope all is well with you!

  5. Oh my- such lovely snowy day photos!! It truly is beautiful when captured this way--
    You stay snug and warm!

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, Vicki! I'm as snug as a bug in a rug!

  6. Beautiful images! Winter can be so scenic through a camera lens. I imagine myself in a cabin in the woods sipping hot chocolate and watching deer strolling by... I love Gordon Lightfoot's music. It takes me back in a wonderful easygoing period of my life...

    1. Thanks, Martha! I love winter photography. And Lightfoot ~ I found him a melodic, haunting backdrop to all my anguish and drama! Life is calmer now! I'd like to be in your imaginary cabin. Have a good one!

  7. Beautiful photos, Louise. Was that Thursday morning? I had to go to the dentist in Castle Rock, and the drive was breathtakingly beautiful. It's the only time I was ever happy to be driving to the dentist, lol.

  8. Hi Terry! Yes, it was Thursday morning! It was drop dead gorgeous ~ but the beautiful sunrise light only lasted minutes. I'm glad you had a happy trip to the dentist! I've got to make an appointment ~ at least I have a great dentist. LOL Take care!

  9. Louise we had about 40+ cm of snow here the past two days. Almost like Colorado. Your photos are magical and Gordon Lightfoot's tune is the perfect choice to view them with. Best <:)

    1. You made my day, Mark! You are such an incredible photographer, so thank you for your kind comment about my photos. It was a magical morning! And I love your crow symbol! LOL

  10. Oh, my. I love all of the 'flocked' trees! You were even able to capture the sparkles in the snow. Nice job!

  11. Thank you, Dreaming, for your kind comment! I love the flock and sparkles too! One of the awesome things about living in the North was the incredible sparkling snow. Some days it would make your eyes hurt. When its 20 or 30 below the snow glistens and squeaks. Happy travels!

  12. Replies
    1. É muito bom ouvir de você, Fernando! Obrigado pelo comentário gentil!

  13. Absolutely beautiful! Hmmm, a strange osession with fiddleheads, calls herself Fundy, likes Gordon Lightfoot and the Group of 7. This is just a wild and crazy guess but are you by any chance an uprooted Maritimer?? :) I'm sure you've covered this, but I've just found you...

    1. You are so right, Francie!
      I was born in Nova Scotia ~ offspring of an Acadia University romance and marriage! My mom's people have been in N.S. for centuries, and my father's people are from P.E.I., not quite as long, but well over a century. I moved around a lot in Canada when I was a kid. I landed in Colorado 31 years ago.

      Ron (from Sophie's view) and I went to school together in grade 8 when my family landed back in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, for a year while my parents went back to university. Ron and Jim pretty much got me started on this blogging adventure last October.

      It's so fun meeting all kinds of people in the blogosphere ~ like you! Have a good evening!

  14. Just beautiful Louise:)Barb
    PS: Francie M has got your number! You up rooted Bluenoser :D

    1. Hey Barb! I'm glad you liked the photos! I had so much fun taking them. Bluenoser forever ~ that's me. I think Terry's feeling a little Nova Scotian pressure ~ he asked me last weekend how I felt about retiring in Hawaii! If only! I'll catch you this week on the phone! Have a good week!

  15. Oh, I love these photos, they are so beautiful.
    Great song, I love Gordon Lightfoot too, but on this recording, it sounds like there is a little man tapping a pencil behind my computer screen! HA! :-)

    1. Hi Kay! Thank you for your kind comment! I heard that tap too, but I thought it was my old computer complaining! I hope all is well with you. I'm catching up on everything after some time-consuming, but necessary chores!

  16. I love the photos of the white snow against the blue sky - nothing like a Colorado snow :)

    1. Hi Laura!
      Thank you for stopping by and for becoming a follower of my blog!
      I haven't been blogging that long, so it is always a thrill to have visitors, and a gigantic thrill when someone follows my blog!
      May the thrill never wear off!
      Your comment about Colorado snow is right on. It's the best.
      I'm sorry I didn't respond to you in a more timely manner ~ life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes.
      Have a good day!

  17. So beautiful and clean and crisp -- aaargh, you are making me long for another North American winter!! And while I've never been a huge Lightfoot fan, I have to say that I've always thought his song "For Lovin Me" a very brilliant composition.

    1. Hi B&R! Thank you for your comment ~ It's been a very busy week so far, so I'm just catching up on my comments. I agree with you 100% ~ "For Loving Me" is a brilliant Lightfoot composition. I've played it hundreds of times. I gather from your comment that you are not in North America. Now that prompts my curiosity! Wherever you are, I hope you are having a good day!

  18. Hi Louise!
    These photos really made me feel warm and inviting. Absolutely wonderful work! Just loved the deck chair photo with that small splash of sunlight.Thanks for taking the time and running around the neighbourhood with your camera!! lol Who cares what they think! an artist is at work and there's no stoppin art!
    I know exactly what you meant in a comment that you just love to have fun and play now after the hectic pace that teachers have. Welcome aboard this fantastic train of retirement!

    1. Hi Jim!
      Here I am, catching up, AGAIN! Thank you for your affirming comment! Spoken like the artist you are!

      Methinks I've been playing too much ~ the Christmas tree is in its bag, but there are still decorations that need to disappear.

      And Terry is looking at the poinsettia with murderous eyes. He's ready to toss that plant. He gets itchy palms when the bracts start to turn black around the edges. I've been plucking off the offending bracts, but I'm not fooling him.

      Meanwhile, I just want to play for the understanding reason you wrote above. I had to deal with real life the last couple of days. I won't tell you how low the oil was in my car! I'm still embarrassed! But I got it before my car cratered and crashed!

      People keep asking me if I bored yet, now that I'm retired. Seriously? I haven't been bored yet, and I can't imagine that state. I would like another 24 hours in each day!

      Hope all is well with you!

  19. Wonder play with the light!
    Its beauty is striking through your photography!
    I especially love photo 1 and 2.
    The song fits so perfectly that I chose to listen to it while I wrote comments on friends' blogs.
    Thanks Fundy for making me discover Gordon Lightfoot, he has a wonderful warm and clear voice.
    Cheers and keep warm!

    1. Hi Noushka!
      Thank you for your kind comment. It's always interesting to see who likes which photos. It's all about the light, and as you know, it changes so fast.

      I'm so glad that I led you to Gordon Lightfoot. He is well-known in Canada, and his songs are amazing! There's lots of him on You Tube, so I hope you get a chance to hear more of him. I'm playing his "Song for a Winter's Night" right now as I type this reply to your comment!

      And it is COLD! I have my space heater on to warm the study!

      I hope all is well with you! Take care!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.