
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yesterday and Today

What a difference a day makes!
Sunday a blizzard;
Monday brilliant blue skies and sunshine!

(Being a little out of control with my camera, 
you might want to click on this lovely song: 
Tori Amos - Winter (From "Live At Montreux 91/92")

You've got to love Colorado!

I felt sorry for all the Snow Dancers though.

The plows, de-icers, and sanders were out
during and after the storm
to make sure that the Metro Area school buses
could ferry all the kidlets to school. 


Channeling Jim from the Back Seat

And then our awesome solar heating kicked in!


Just twenty-four hours outside my door!

And what does one do on a blizzardy day!
Why, go out to one's favorite bar and restaurant, of course!


And the day after?
Run amok with your camera!

Exploring things new under the sun!

Another twenty-four, and it's snowing again!

You've got to love Colorado!!!


  1. I am so jealous of all your now!! I love that close-up snow pic.

    1. Hi Keith! I'm on a mission to help people enjoy winter! I couldn't believe those snow crystals. They built up overnight during the wind down of the winds but were gone in no time in the morning sun. I hadn't seen crystals quite like that before! Enjoy your day!

  2. Great images! I still love that bunny. It doesn't matter how many photos of it you post; they are adorable. And the close-up of the snow (with the top layer hit by the sun) --- that is very cool. I never knew that Colorado gets that much snow.

    1. Hi Martha!
      I love the bunny too! That snow was piled up on the rail of our deck. I couldn't believe it! It was so delicate, and gone so quickly.

      We can get a lot of snow. The most we've gotten at this house when I've been home is 42 inches (over a meter). The worst storm while we were in this house happened just before Christmas about five years ago. We were on Ko Lipe which is a little Thai island in the Andaman sea. The snow drifted up from the driveway onto our garage roof!

      Sunday's blizzard only dropped about 10 inches, but the wind was crazy. My camera stopped the snow, and you don't really get the effect of the snow flying sideways.

      Francie said that snow is headed for Ontario tonight. I know just how big Ontario is, so maybe it will miss you. Stay safe and warm!

  3. LOL "Why is that human taking pictures of our butt?"

    (goes back to grazing)

    "It happens once in a blue moon."

    Damn that is a ton of snow, you can keep it at your show. What a difference a day can make too, and more great shots from you.

    1. Hey Pat!
      It's another dark night,
      and the winds they do bite!
      Little bunnies are tucked in tight,
      And the snow piles to greater height!
      Enough already!
      Is there no end in sight?

      There! I made a rhyme!

    2. Very well spun
      Hope soon you will only see the sun

  4. Aren't we happy when the sun comes out? Great pictures today. Those deer are enjoying the sun. We are in the middle of a sleet storm which is tinkling on the roof. Bad roads in the am I fear.

    1. Hi Peggy! Well, it's another 24 hours later. Our chance of a little snow has turned into sleety snow, then horizontal snow, and wild winds. I think there are a lot of little feet doing snow dances tonight. I mean, why did we have to waste a good storm on a Sunday? I hate icy roads ~ That's the best thing about being retired; I don't have to venture out! Stay safe!

  5. I enjoyed all your photos! It's amazing what a difference 24 hours can make.

    1. Hi Debra! Thanks for the kind comment. The weather in Colorado is schizophrenic! We're back to horizontal snow and howling winds. The snow doesn't have a lot of moisture in it, so I don't think we get a lot of accumulation ~ Just a lot of redistribution. Have a good evening!

  6. Hello Louise,
    I love the coconut snow and 24 hours really does make a difference! Just pleased you got to go to your favourite restaurant!!

  7. Thanks, Ivan!
    Coconut snow ~ What a great description!

    I'm always good for Parkway! We had another storm with high winds come through last night. We were going to meet Terry's sister downtown for dinner at a fancier spot, but we landed back at Parkway because it's only about a kilometer from where we live. Now Noreen's flying out to a stop in New Jersey (her oldest son is taking his Ph.D. at Princeton), and then she goes back to New Delhi until late June. It's always hard to see family go. And now the sun is streaming down again!

    I found another celery root soup recipe in the paper today. The person who created the recipe used a Bloody Mary drink as an inspiration. His soup was basically celery root, onion, white wine, sour cream, and chicken stock, thinned with water and flavored with ground pepper and bay leaf. He topped it with a Bloody Mary drizzle of tomato puree, shallots, horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, celery salt, honey, lemon juice, vodka, salt, and pepper. It looked intriguing!

    OMG! I'm still realizing how awesome Google search is. Here's a link, if you're interested:

    Have a great evening!

    Have a great day!

  8. That closeup of the snowflakes stacked up was SUPER AWESOME. So ti was cold enough for a fluffy snow, huh? Instad of when it's a little weamer and you get those fat, watery flakes (great for snowball making though!).

  9. Hi TB! Thanks for stopping by! I checked out your blog, and it looked very interesting. I am in awe of "tool guys!" Have a good day!

  10. I love the clarity of your photos! And the way you position them on the page, too! Anyway it is definitely prettier there than it is here today. We got sleet not snow and the streets and sidewalks are ankle deep in slush! Yuck! Your sunshine makes me long fpr spring, Fundy!

    1. Thank you for your encouraging comment, Francie! I was thinking about you last night and hoping that your were faring well. We got a little sleet too ~ just enough to make the roads icy this morning, followed by more snow and high winds. But it's gorgeous again today! I'm longing for spring too: spring snows to help out our drought! Take care! Don't slip! One of my friends' roommate broke her leg in three places on Monday morning! I've been inching across the ice! Have a good one!

  11. Brilliant idea to show before and after!
    Here too we had snow on the 25th and a pure blue sky from the next on!
    Every photo is superb, I love the dears and the rabbit, but also your snow flakes and well... each one of them! LOL!
    Cheers Fundy, keep well!

    1. You are so sweet, Noushka! Thank you for your kinds words! Have a good one!

  12. RABBIT STEW!!!
    NO? OK then!

    Lovely winter, well sort of, but it wouldn't be Colorado w/o snow eventually, would it!?

    That meal looks 'some' good Terry and chance of sharing?!!
    (with a N.S. accent, please)

    Those crystals are magnificent. Now I really like those. The muleys look like they know what they are doing. I still can't believe they wander all over the place. People would be all 'wonky' here if they saw deer eating everything in sight!

    You really have a beautiful home, Louise. Solar heating too!

    I completely understand why you went camera cra' cra' with all the possible snow shots. Thanks for sharing and maybe there will be more!


    1. Thank you for all the kind words, Ron!
      The food is one of the main reasons we love Parkway; it's good and there's a lot! Terry and I nearly always share.

      Not only do we have solar heating, but the other half of our duplex is on the northeast side, so our neighbors block the worst winds. Tom (other half) is in Arizona now. On the day of the blizzard, I happened to carry his paper up to his door and found his garage open. Terry and I had to pull the emergency cord down to get it closed.

      Terry is chomping at the bit to MOVE. :( His sister just closed on a new place in Denver yesterday! I know we'll be downsizing in the somewhat near future, but I'm in no rush.

      I just posted Zebra Snow ~ but then I've got to slow down for a few days. The undone things are piling up!

      Have a good one!

  13. Louise! You are having far too much fun in beautiful Colorado!! I have always heard your State was wonderful, now I know why! Thanks.
    I can never understand, and maybe you know, why an entire Buddhist community (Pema's) left there to come here to Nova Scotia? I know it is beautiful here too but that always puzzled me. They still have monasteries there but their headquarters are here. They said part of it was so that could be closer to Europe. I will do more research.

    Oh! So that was you 'channeling/calling' me the other day! lol

    1. Hi Jim! Nova Scotia has the ocean! Maybe that's why Pema's monastery is there. Plus NS is pretty spectacular!
      Yeah, I was channeling you, because you are always shooting pictures from the car: door, bridges, smokestacks!
      At least your windows weren't covered in frost. I should have made a link, but I just wasn't thinking! Have a good evening!


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