
Friday, May 31, 2013

May 2013 Scavenger Hunt: Oahu

Aloha!  Here's a tropical take on
May's scavenger hunt!

After a mean spring in Colorado,
Terry and I relaxed 
in the warmth and beauty of Oahu.

North Shore, Oahu

Thanks to Jill 
and her Made with Love blog
for setting up the hunt.

So here we go with my results!

Scavenger Hunt May 2013:  Oahu

1.  Aqua ...
Surfers follow an aqua path through the coral to ride the waves.
Sunset Beach, Oahu

2.  Four ...
A four-legged pal shares a paddle board.

3.  Patriotic ...
Flags at half mast at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki 
in honor of the Aurora victims
of the mass shooting at the Century Movie Theater
in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012.
This had a profound effect on me when I saw them last July.
Having just flown in from my city of Aurora,
I was deeply moved by the care and concern of Hawaiians.
I felt the heart of America, and it was one of the most patriotic moments I have experienced in my life. 

4.  Door ...
Looking out the door of Foodland Super Market, 
Pupukea, North Shore, Oahu,
and waiting for the rain to to slacken
so we can dash to our car.

5.  Skyline ...
Wind Turbines dominate the skyline at Waimea Valley.
The low whoomp of their blades is amazing.  

6.  A Map ...

Wall art in our vacation rental 
evokes the stick charts
ancient Polynesians created 
as navigational devices.
The charts were significant 
because they mapped 
ocean swells and currents.
Islands on such a map 
were represented by shells. 

7.  Lines ...

There are always lines of people
waiting to buy shave ice at Aoki's in Haleiwa.
Sadly this old building is scheduled to be demolished,
and Aoki's will be closed on July 31, 2013.
They plan to reopen in another location.

 The lines in these hibiscus petals are delicate and lovely.

8.  Washing ...
Gentle Waves Washing the Shore of Ke Iki Beach at Sunset

9.  A Flag ...
A flag on my favorite beach in the world (so far!)
And three more.

10.  Broken ...
A surfer rides just ahead of the broken edge of a wave.
Banzai-Pipeline, North Shore, Oahu

11.  Keys ...

Terry holds the keys to our bit of Paradise.
(We actually stayed in the unit below the balcony.)

12.  Construction ...
The beach is always under construction.
Large waves move a lot of sand, 
and the beach is different every day.

Last July B-P Beach was steep and narrow.
This May it is wide and flat. 
Please note:  Terry and I are leaving and will be traveling for the next three days.  We won't have access to the internet.  As soon as I get home, I am going to look at everyone's scavenger hunt photos.  I cannot wait to see your results!  Take care!

Architectural Detail
Ice cream
A tombstone

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Paradise 3

Our vacation days in Hawaii are racing by,
even as we slow down and relax
more and more every day!

Here are a few photos from recent days!

Waiting to Catch a Wave
Banzai Pipeline

Zebra Dove on the Rocks
Sunset Beach

Surfers at Banzai Pipeline

Water Lilies
Waimea Valley

Under a Monkey Pod Tree
Waimea Valley

??? Waimea Valley

Paddle Boarder (Not Me!)
Ke Iki Beach

This One's for Terry and David 
at Moondance Ranch
Waimea Falls

Brazilian Cardinal
Waimea Falls

Lava at Waimea Bay

Terry with Shave Ice
Waimea Valley

Waimea Valley

Luz and Me at Waimea Bay
A Local Who Made Me Feel So Welcome

Tree and Flowers
Waimea Valley

Waimea Valley

A Little Visitor

Another Beautiful Sunset
Ke Iki Beach

Aloha from Paradise!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Paradise 2

I married a smart man!
I could have been here:

Beach at Turtle Bay Resort

Turtle Bay Resort Beach

Ola Restaurant on the Beach

Instead I have this:

Ke Iki Beach

More Ke Iki

See Sophie!  You'd look so fine relaxing on Ke Iki!

Small Wave on Ke Iki

Another Small Wave on Ke Iki

All that "surfing" on the flat side of a bosu ball
did not prepare me for paddle boarding 
on something like this, let me tell you!

Nor this!


Did that wave faze Terry after his recent smack down?

Notice he didn't go into the water!
(Smarter.  Wiser.  Can't fool him twice.)

Sunset on Ke Iki

I have a sneaking suspicion
that Turtle Bay Resort blocks 
the sunset from its beach.
Not that I checked it out to be sure.

The E-P just knew 
I'd be much happier on Ke Iki
than in a gorgeous resort.

I'm so glad I married such a smart guy!
He knows me better than I know myself!

A little rain made it possible for me to post.
If we get more rain tomorrow,
I just may be able to catch up 
reading some of the awesome posts
I know I'm missing.

Aloha from Paradise!