
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Paradise 3

Our vacation days in Hawaii are racing by,
even as we slow down and relax
more and more every day!

Here are a few photos from recent days!

Waiting to Catch a Wave
Banzai Pipeline

Zebra Dove on the Rocks
Sunset Beach

Surfers at Banzai Pipeline

Water Lilies
Waimea Valley

Under a Monkey Pod Tree
Waimea Valley

??? Waimea Valley

Paddle Boarder (Not Me!)
Ke Iki Beach

This One's for Terry and David 
at Moondance Ranch
Waimea Falls

Brazilian Cardinal
Waimea Falls

Lava at Waimea Bay

Terry with Shave Ice
Waimea Valley

Waimea Valley

Luz and Me at Waimea Bay
A Local Who Made Me Feel So Welcome

Tree and Flowers
Waimea Valley

Waimea Valley

A Little Visitor

Another Beautiful Sunset
Ke Iki Beach

Aloha from Paradise!


  1. What a wonderful post, Fundy!
    To see this marvellous vegetation, the beaches, the sun is awesome for someone who has seen so little sun these days.
    Our spring is rotten with temperatures "soaring" to 9/10°C at the most and tons of rain... :(
    I wish I could join you!!
    Thanks for sharing this with us!
    Enjoy your vacation!

    1. Hi Noushka! Thank you for the kind words! I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a lousy spring! No fun! This is truly a magnificent place. I want to come back and back. We have rain today ~ serious rain ~ but it's day 10 so I don't mind as much. With no TV or radio or anything else to distract me, I get to catch up on some comments and maybe some blog posts. I hope you are showered in sunshine today!!! Take care!

  2. Looks like you are having a fabulous holiday, keep having fun.

    1. Hi GT! I hope all is well with you! We are having a fabulous holiday! It has been so much fun ~ and we've still got several more days in Hawaii, including two nights in Honolulu! Then a quick overnight in Vegas and home. I always hate to leave my vacation behind, but I always love to come home too. Take care!

  3. Beautiful photos! This looks like such an amazing place. Enjoy every minute that you are there, and continue to share photos with us. To give us hope...LOL...

    1. Hi Martha! Thank you for the kind words! I love taking pictures ~ the digital camera has turned me into a maniac ~ I am always excited when people enjoy my pictures. I hope your garden continues to grow well and that you, hubby, daughter, and critters are doing well! Take care!

  4. I SO want to go here. Waimea Falls looks amazing!!

    1. Hi Keith!
      This place is amazing, and I want to come back again and again! I've barely scratched the surface.

      Rain woke me up in the middle of the night, and it was refreshing to hear it pounding and almost drowning the sound of the surf. The fresh earth and vegetation smells were and remain so rich.

      The whole Waimea Valley is lush and lovely, culminating in the rushing waterfall. The botanical gardens in the valley have over 5,000 species of plants - some of them very endangered. There is a whole garden devoted to just the evolution of the hibiscus flower. I could spend a day there alone.

      I hope all is well with you! Take care!

  5. Geez making the cat jealous indeed
    One day I'll get there at my feed

    1. Sorry Kit-Kat!
      Wish you weren't where you're at.
      One day soon I hope you'll be
      in a swoon by this beautiful sea!
      Take care!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Adam! I hope that you are having a great day! :)

  7. Such a lovely spot! Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    1. Hi Francie! I hope that you are having a lovely day. Right now we're taking a rain break! The streets are flooded. I'm guessing we've had about 4 inches of rain since it woke me in the middle of the night. I just got a new book at Foodland to settle in with in case it doesn't clear. Rain or shine, it's awesome here! Thanks for the good wishes!

  8. Fantastic Louise! Look at the smile on Terry's mug ~~~ that shaved ice looks 'some' good!! LOL

    The waves are doing their thing for sure there now.

    Lovely picture of you and Luz ~~ look at those smiles!

    The hibiscus is the same colour as ours which we are trying to put out doors for the spring and summer...too cold....sorry I had to say that!

    My computer is in for a rehaul and superfix, so I haven't been in the cyber world for a few days..... life has actually gone on without all this cyber infiltration. Oh well, I do know that I am/was addicted. Time to cut back...maybe... maybe not!

    Sure hope your trip was the best ever!


    1. Hi Ron! That bit of brightening earlier was a tease. The skies opened up again and dropped at least 1 1/2 inches. Woah! All the streets are flooded. We're on our 4th pot of coffee (It's a small pot)! I'm sorry it's so cold and foggy and rainy in NS these days. Poor hibiscus! I hope you don't stop blogging!!!!! I'm rarely on Facebook now, as you know!!!! Still a few days until we head east to Vegas. Home always looks good, even if I'm in no hurry to get there! Take care!

  9. I've been hearing about PARADISE from Ron for a few days, so figured I'd better check it out! Yes, it is PARADISE! Such great photos Louise! And you do look like you and Terry are enjoying yourselves. That beach (Pipeline) looks fantastic! we have to get
    Soak it all up, Teach, you so deserve it!!

    1. Thanks Jim!
      As you can tell, I'm having fun with my cameras. I'll photograph anything moving or not! LOL!

      I was dreaming last night about setting up my classroom for the start of the year! I was very excited! Not safe for me to set step in a school yet, I can tell!

      Yes, you've got to get here. This long stretch of beach is unreal! I'm about to go swimming in the rain if I have to ~ but maybe a nap first! Terry is sound asleep! We have hours until sunset, rainset???

      I have a great new novel to read too, found it at the grocery store earlier today.

      Take care!

    2. Skies just opened up!!! Nap for sure!!!

  10. Oh thank you! Such wonderful images. I can't pick a favourite. I'm happy you're enjoying yourself :)

    1. Thanks for your kind comment about my pictures! We are having the time of our lives! I hope that all is well with you and your family!

  11. More beautiful pics. I especially like the birds.

    1. Hi Sandra! Thanks for the kind words! I'm always chasing birds. If you like bird photos, you have to click on Noushka's link. She is the first comment on this post. Noushka is an amazing bird photographer who lives in France. I'm blown away by her posts. Have a good day!

  12. Aw, thank you, Louise! I wish we could do it all over again.

  13. Hi Terry! It's a gorgeous spot! I know what you mean about wishing you could do it all over again. I'd relive these 30+ years with my Terry in a heartbeat! It's been a great ride! Take care!

  14. Oooh, Louise, it looks like paradise and I especially like all of your nature photos!!! That lizard is so cool! Hope you enjoy the rest of your time there!!!

    1. Thanks Audrey! It has been wonderful ~ just one more day and night, and then we're off to Honolulu for two nights. We have loved being on the North Shore. The beaches are incredible. Take care!

  15. Beautiful pictures, the water lilies are exquisite..

  16. Thanks Truedessa! There was a pond in Waimea Valley filled with water lilies. I plan to post some more when we get home. Hope all is well with you!

  17. Oh, my! It IS truly a paradise!Your photos really capture that feeling! I wish I was there too! Enjoy!

  18. Hi Rose Fern! Thank you for your kind words! I'm sure you would love Hawaii! Have a happy day!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.