
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


A quick post 
from the shores of Paradise!

A beguiling young lady
with beautiful eyes 
and a fetching tail
will hunt me down
if I don't post 
at least once
while I'm traveling!


We have rented a studio apartment 
in Ke Iki Beach on the North Shore.
Our place is the bottom story 
of this beach house.

It's basic and cozy.
This is our view
from our door.

We spent a lot of time our first day
just walking the world's most beautiful beach
(from the part of the world I've seen!).
Here's the E-P headed down to the beach
for the first time ~ 
his personal photographer right behind him!

I spent a lot of time trying to catch the perfect wave!

The tall tree in the middle distance
marks the beginning of Banzai Pipeline Beach ~
technically it's a reef break 
off Ehukai Beach Park
in Pupukea on the North Shore,
but people call it Pipeline
including the lifeguard I talked with.

The far point in this next photo
marks the beginning of Sunset Beach.
Pipeline and Sunset are world-renowned 
for surfing on the big waves.
We are not experiencing the big waves
which can be thirty or more feet high.
These are only five or six feet high.

The light is quite different 
late in the afternoon.

Terry, who is much braver than I am,
decided to go for a swim with a bodyboard.

This has to be my Picture of the Day,
if not my Picture of the Trip.

That is Terry!
Upside down in a wave!

Don't worry ~
He survived just fine.

But I decided discretion is the better part of valor
and passed on a dip in the waves for now!

We closed out the beach part 
of our day sipping wine
and watching the sun set.

This one's for Sophie ~
sorry, Girl, no Labradoodles!

Darn palm tree right in the way!
I guess I'll have to move my beach chair ~
oh well, I've got ten more days to get it right!

Please forgive me for not visiting your blogs.
I'll be back in Colorado way too soon, 
and I'll have lots of time to catch up
on all your wonderful posts I'm missing!

Take care, everyone!


  1. Looks so wonderful! I love plumeria. Aloha!

    1. Hi Debra! Thanks for your kind words! Have a good one!

  2. Looks like you have great weather, have a glass of wine for me.

    1. Hi GT! The weather has been amazing ~ a little shower right now, so I can answer a few comments! I've been having glasses of wine for a lot of people! Cheers!

  3. Holy cow, what a view! Lucky you!
    Great photo of Terry eaten by a rogue wave.

    1. Hi Terry! I feel like the luckiest person on earth! I'm still waiting to get to Waimea Falls ~ where for sure I'll get a photo for you! Take care!

  4. Wow, that looks awesome!! I love the sea! I recognise that flower -- here we call it Frangipani :D

    1. Hi Rebecca! I love the sea too! That's why I refer to myself as Fundy Blue on-line ~ for the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia where my mother's people are from (centuries of them!). I hope that your school year is going well. I'll visit your blog and catch up when I get home ~ or sooner if we have a little more rain! Have fun!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Martha! It is as wonderful as it looks beautiful! I hope all is well in your corner of the world! I can't wait to catch up on all your funny and spot-on posts! Have a great day!

  6. What stunning wave pictures! And such a beautiful sunset. It is paradise.

    1. Hi Peggy! I have spent so much time taking wave pictures ~ and surfers on waves! Too fun! The waves finally lay down enough for me to get in the water this morning, and Terry is champing at the bit to go in again. We had a touch of rain which gave me a chance to answer a few comments. I hope that your weekend is going well!

  7. Pffft I send you hate
    Showing off such a fate lol
    Just kidding of course though
    Does look like such a paradise as stuff sure does glow

    1. Hey Pat!
      Hope all is well where you're at!
      Sunsets here are the best!
      Nothing but ocean to the west.
      Sending you some good vibrations
      from various glowing locations!
      Take care
      at your lair!

  8. You are a DoodleSweetHeart, MissLouLouDoodle ~~~ remembering little ol' hairy me, while you soak up the rays and surf those beautiful waves.

    The colours in the waves are so crystal amazing ~~ oh I know the guys would love to snap a few hundred or thousand shots of this.

    Terry, you are our kind of hubby ~~ into the water as soon as you get there ~~ take that you waves ~~ I bet it felt great.

    Looks like the rip current is super strong there ~~ if I'm right, please be careful.
    It can really do a number on your body ~~ like hurt you!!!

    Your abode is just perfect ~~ no need to be ostentatious ~~ it's the ambiance of the beach that you came for, right!?

    Any chance that the waves action might increase ~~ woouldn't that be the best to watch. Video it if you can!

    10 more days ~~ whoop whoop!

    Sophie for Ron

    1. PS: Guess what starts on July 15th in Canada ~~ Amazing Race Canadian version! Yup!! Thought you should know and see if you can find it on a station in the U.S.!!

      Ron here!

    2. Hey Sophie and Ron!
      It's always good to hear from you! We're having showers and Terry is napping, so I can sneak in a few comments! Every time I see a dog chasing waves or fetching a coconut husk, or running around with other four-legged friends, I can't help but think of you, Sophie! How could I not?

      Terry is more cautious after his smack down! I got into the ocean finally this morning, and nailed trying to get out. I think I rinsed out a quart of sand from my bathing suit in our outdoor shower ~ we have an indoor one too.

      I've tried to take a few videos with my new camera, but my operating system on my computer is too old to view them. So we'll see. I have a lot to learn! But I love my new camera!!! We've had up to 8-9 foot waves here ~ unusual for May ~ what wouldn't I give to see 20-30 foot waves! I've been photographing guys and gals surfing ~
      Terry has accused me of focusing on hunks! Caught in the act!!! LOL!!!

      I'll have to see if I can find the Canadian Amazing Race. Right now we don't have TV service at home. Our DVR/Cable system went down two days before we left. I no sooner got the hot water heater replaced than Comcast went belly up! They're scheduled to come the morning after we get home. Rats ~ and I was way behind on Y&R!!!!

      Hope all is well with you and Jim! Take care!

  9. Woohoo, Louise!!! That looks like heaven, love the view outside your door. It all looks so amazing. Hope you have a lovely, lovely, romantic time!!!

    1. Hi Audrey! It is heaven here! And romantic! Terry and I have been having a wonderful and relaxing time! I hope that all is well with you and your family! I'll be catching up on all the news when I get home (or if we have serious rain)! Take care!

  10. So gorgeous! Have a wonderful holiday!

    1. Thanks Francie! I hope that all is well with you. So far our holiday has been the best. I may never have been this relaxed in my whole life! Take care!

  11. Oh, this is so beautiful!
    I must tell you, when I watch a TV show or movie that is filmed on a beach in Hawaii, I don't pay one BIT of attention to the dialogue, I only have eyes for that gorgeous scenery! Thanks for giving me this fix! xx

    1. Hi Kay! I have watched Hawaii 5-O forever just to see Hawaii! It has fed my dreams for decades ~ LOST too! This is my fourth trip, and God willing, it won't be my last!!! I hope that you are having a lovely weekend with your family. I'm going to enjoy catching up on your posts when I get home ~ or sooner if we get some serious rain! Take care!

  12. Ah-h-h! Must be a great feeling to just leave it all behind for a few days and just RELAX! Terry is very brave indeed....good on him! And you too Louise.....these waves and currents can be treacherous.
    So nice to think of Soph and you are right she'd be lovin that place and surfin with the best of them! Have fun you two.

  13. Hi Jim!
    It's great to hear from you!
    This morning it is pouring ~ the first serious rain we've seen other than some brief showers and sprinkles. The water is finally calm, so if the weather clears, I can see about a paddle board lesson.

    It is wonderful to leave it all behind. I haven't seen a TV since the 17th!!! Terry sends a little news my way from his iPad, but I couldn't care less! I have never relaxed this long in my life. I'm addicted to momentum and adrenaline. I guess I've been afraid that if I slowed down I might not get rolling again! Just watching the waves roll in has been mesmerizing. I have walked at least 10 miles up and down the beach sinking into the sand every step ~ great for the legs!

    I've gotten into the water for the past three days because the surf has been lower. Getting out is the challenging part. I don't have the strength to get up the steep beach against the backwash from the waves. I have been a study in gracelessness! My first time I got smacked and knocked around, landed on my hands and knees facing the shore, with my bathing suit half pulled off. Then I got smacked into a face plant by another wave. I finally crawled up the slope enough to break free with my boogie board flapping in the wind. I came out two cup sizes larger than when I went in the water and didn't even realize it. I must have washed a quart of sand out of my bathing suit. I'm going to be working on leg power this next year, let me tell you!!!

    I think of Sophie every day! There's always a four-legged buddy on the beach somewhere! They have as much fun as the humans. Yesterday I saw a black lab puppy chasing a yellow tennis ball into the water ~ drat no camera! And later I watched it drink down an entire bottle of water in a few seconds! So joyful and cute!

    Thanks for the well wishes! They're working because we are having a blast!!! Take care!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.