
Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Did It!!! Oh Yeah!!!

Early tomorrow we leave paradise!
I'm making one more quick post
in the lobby of our funky little
old time Hawaiian hotel.

Waikiki Beach from the Royal Grove Hotel

I crossed off a Bucket List item this morning,
and I'll be back to do it again and again!
Talk about fun!!!!!

Standing for the First Time
with my Instructor Karen Coaching

These few photos will never grace the cover
of Sports Illustrated magazine,
but what the heck!
I went paddle boarding ~ successfully!

Waiting to Catch a Wave and Stand
(It Didn't Happen!)

That time canoeing up north
among the Ojibwa and Cree
really came in handy!

Heading into the Waves

Whoop!  Whoop!

I'll Be Coming Back to Do It Again!



  1. haha look at you go
    Soon you will right in the waves flow

    1. Hi Pat! I can't wait to return to Hawaii and try it again. It was so much fun!

  2. I have wanted to do this, too. It looks so darn easy - hah!
    Canoeing among the Ojibwa and Cree??? I went to a camp in Canada that had 'tribes' - two of which were the Ojibway and the Cree. Therefore, I have canoed with them, too! (Also with the Sioux and the Shawnee!)

    1. Hi Dreaming! You should try it ~ paddle boarding is so much fun! Canoeing experience definitely helps. I lived in the north for part of my childhood and went to an Indian school with Ojibwa and Cree kids. I've started to write about my time in the north in my Human Refuse or HR posts, so maybe you'll catch some of them in the future. Terry and I are finally home. It's always good to come home, no matter how great your vacation was. I'm looking forward to catching up with all the blogs I have missed. Hope all is well with you!

  3. Good for you, you daredevil! LOL... It's always fun to try something new.

    1. Thanks Martha! I had a great time! And I always love to try something new! Take care!

  4. this looks like so much fun! I have been wanting to try paddle boarding for so long!

    1. Hi Ana! Try it ~ do! I wish I had tried it years earlier so I could have been paddle boarding all these years! Have a good evening!

  5. You look quite the professional on the paddle board. Good on you for having a go!

    1. Thanks Paul! I was determined to try it, and I discovered that I actually have some natural ability. I can't wait to try it again. I'm going to keep working on my balance and transitioning from kneeling to standing. I hope you are continuing to make progress with your recovery. I'll be over to your blog soon. I am buried in after vacation chores! Catching up is the hardest part of going away. Take care!

  6. Well, good for YOU. Glad you enjoy that, will you bungee jump next?
    There is the funniest video about bungee jumping by Jeanne Robertson, look it up when you get the chance. I laughed my head off!
    ALOHA to you!!

    1. Hi Kay! Oh I could never bungee jump! I'm scared of heights! My next adventure will probably be riding Slotzilla when it opens on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. It's the new zipline that's under construction right now. I've ridden the current zipline there. I'm going to check out that video! After I catch up on all the blog posts I've been missing. Hope all is well with you!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Terry! You ride big horses ~ you rock more!!!

  8. Looks like a like a lot of fun Louise! Practice makes perfect! Maybe there is a pool in Colorado that teaches this never know. Hope your trip back was a restful one full of great memories of Paradise!!

  9. Awesome Canadian chick takes Hawaii! I am impressed! Glad you enjoyed your holiday and for sure next time you'll be standing and riding the waves!!

    1. Hi Francie! It was so fun. Next time I will ride down a wave. I could paddle up and down them but not surf them. Meanwhile I'm working on strength, balance, and flexibility! Take care!


    ~~ now that's the way to handle those waves ~~ so IMPRESSIVE!

    Aloha and MaiTai's suit you for sure!

    I follow a couple with a one year old girl from Hawaii. Your quick visit has shown more than the indigenous have yet in 3 years!

    Yay YOU!!


  11. Oh my goodness, you do realize that this post truly represents the name of your blog: STANDING INTO DANGER!!!

    1. Hi Kay! Yes ~ I do realize it! But sometimes I just have to go for something regardless! Have a good one! :)

    2. Hi Sophie! I saw a dog riding on a paddle board ~ maybe you and Daddy Ron should try it! Hee hee!

  12. Hi Louise, It's Barb - You make me so proud to call you my Sister :) - I have never meet anyone as determined as you - keep on trucking - or I guess I should say paddling :D

    1. Hey Barb! If only I could get determined about all the household chores staring me in my face! I do plan to keep on paddling! I loved it!

  13. Wow, fabulous set of photos, what fun! x

    1. Hi Suzy! Thank you for stopping by! And thanks for the kind words!

  14. Cool photos, looks like a lot of hard work- but a lot of fun :)

  15. Hi Amanda! Thank you! I found stand up paddling much easier than i anticipated. My experience with canoeing in northern Canada certainly helped, plus I spent a lot of time balancing on the flat side of a bosu ball before I went. I can;t wait to do it some more! Have a great evening!

  16. Love the pictures! I've been body surfing at Bellows on Oahu a bazillion years ago, but I've never done a board. Go you! Love the pics.

  17. Hi Donna! Thank you for the kind comment! And thanks for stopping by! Isn't Oahu a wonderful place? I popped over to your blogs and really enjoyed my visit. I'm going to follow you and add you to my blog list on the side. Have a good one!

  18. Hello Fundy!
    Well I decidedly envy you for this gorgeous holiday!
    I long for a stay like this under hot sun, inside warm waters and along fabulous beaches!
    Instead, it is raining here day after day.... Awful!!
    I wonder how you manage to post in a hotel hall!! LOL!
    Lovely and fun posts, sorry I was not very present, but I went to other skies to photograph birds!
    Cheers and keep well!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.