
Thursday, September 12, 2013


It's a tough night following a tough day 
for many people in the Denver ~ Boulder Metro areas,
as torrential rain has pounded northeastern Colorado.

Flash floods have overflowed waterways, washed out roads,
cut off communities, and taken at least three lives.
The rain continues tonight.

About a foot of rain has fallen in my city of Aurora.
Fortunately for Terry and me, 
we live high on a hill well above Piney Creek.

Our part of southeast Aurora,
situated just north of the Douglas County line,
is just water-logged at this time.

However, numerous areas in our city
have experienced serious flooding.

My heart goes out to all the people in Colorado
who are going through a difficult time tonight.
I am grateful that Terry and I are warm and dry. 


  1. Oh! It's monsoon season here too! There are a few flash floods but I think most people here are happy to have a bit of cool weather at last. I love seeing the heavy dark clouds and hearing the loud thunder. But I know in other countries near us, like Thailand and the Philippines, the floods are really terrible :(

    1. Hi Rebecca! How lovely to hear from you! I'm sorry that I've been in and out of blogging this summer ~ It's been a crazy/busy one! But not nearly as much fun as having a new baby brother! A lot of people are surprised to hear that Colorado has monsoons, but we really do. The storm that has hit our state during the last few days has caused 100-year, and in some places, possible 500-year flooding. That means those are storms so unusual that they only occur only every 100 or 500 years. I'm happy to have cool weather here, too! And, like you, I enjoy the dark clouds and loud thunder. We've been in a hot drought. I'll be over to visit to your blog in the near future. Hi to your family; take care!

  2. I hope the rain lets up soon, those poor people who lost their lives.

    1. Hi Jill. Thank you for the kind words. The sun is finally peeking out, and there are patches of welcome blue sky! I just heard on the radio that at least twenty people are still missing. I so hope that it's an inability to get in touch with families and that the missing will all turn up. Things don't matter, although I would be devastated to lose my home. Some people were out yesterday rescuing pets and larger animals; families were istraught at having to evacuate without them. But, of course, it's people who really matter. I feel terrible about the dead and how they died. And especially for their loved ones left behind. Take care, Jill!

  3. Incredible how something so terrible can look so beautiful. Nature is a stunning, but ruthless one at times. I hope your people recover... and to those who no longer have that choice, I wish safe travels into the places their souls always dreamed off.

    1. Hi Magaly! Thanks for your thoughtful and compassionate comment. I feel so sorry for the ones who have lost their lives and hope they are in a much better place. Coloradans will recover; it's been my experience that most people are resilient. People help each other and get on with their lives the best they can. Of course, if you lose someone dear to you, that loss is always there. I shall think on you lovely altar filled with items from your loved ones. Take care!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Adam! The sun is coming out, so I think the worst is over for most people. There are still the missing and those who died ~ that's going to take longer. Have a happy weekend.

  5. Yes, saw this on the news. Terrible, just terrible for all concerned. Glad you're high and dry though.

    1. Hi Debra! Thanks for the kind words. It has been terrible for many, many people. Calgary and now the Denver area! The weather seems to be destabilizing. You take care and have a great weekend!

  6. I am glad you are situated on a hillside, too. This rain is UNBELIEVABLE!!! The only thing that could make this worse is if it had been snow! (Maybe I shouldn't even utter that word ;-)

    1. Hi Dreaming! I'm not sure if snow would be worse. But then 1 foot of rain would equal about 120 inches of snow!!!!! That's scary! And you have critters to take care of! Imagine Gypsy and Tucker trying to deal with that much snow! The sun's shining at my house, so I'm sure you're seeing it around yours too. Take care!

  7. Hubby wants to know how you got your first picture. He has been trying to get a picture showing the raindrops... but it doesn't work!

  8. Thanks, everyone, for your well wishes and comments. I will get back to you all individually later. Dreaming, I'm glad to hear you're on a hillside. Tell Mr. Dreamy that I shoot the rain when it's pounding then enhance the rain with higher definition and sharpening the focus on my computer. Have to run!

    1. Hey Dreaming! I went back and checked what I had done to the photo on my iPhoto program. Besides upping the definition and sharpness to 100%, I also increased the saturation to 50%. I'm not sure if the angle of the natural light had any effect.

  9. That is a ton of rain
    Hopefully soon it goes to a new lane
    Like in the ocean where it belongs
    And all can stop singing rain rain go away songs

    1. Hi Patt! We got almost a year's worth of precipitation! Unreal! Our please end the drought songs worked way too well. Hope all is well where you are. Take care!

  10. I'm also glad you guys are warm and dry. I had no idea there was so much rain in your area because, well basically, I live under a rock!!! Ha. Hope things improve soon!!! Have a fantastic weekend, Louise!

    1. Hi Audrey and thank you! I'm under a rock a lot, so I miss tons of things! Terry is always saying, "Where have you been?" Things are definitely brightening up, and we have amazing emergency people and caring citizens in Colorado. You have a great weekend too, Audrey.

  11. Sorry to hear about all the rain, but glad to know that you are safe.
    Hopefully, the weather will calm down so things can dry up.

  12. Hi Truedessa! Thank you for your kind comment. We caught a little sunshine yesterday, but it's gloomy today with heavy rain predicted for tomorrow. I feel so badly for people who have lost so much. People will recover though ~ most are resilient. And Coloradans are very good at helping one another. I hope that you are enjoying an excellent weekend! Take care!

  13. Saw the news last night and the Boulder area was totally consumed, omg, doesn't it just make you sick.

    So happy you 2 are on high ground ~~ smart aren't you!?


  14. Hey Ron ~ Just found this. Yes, so far so good, high and dry. More coming though. A lot of the state is currently under flash flood watches from the SW corner to the NE corner. Another storm system heading on a NE track from the southwest. Not sure what will happen, but I think that we are safe. Now I've seen that as many as 500 people are unaccounted for. Yikes! I hope they'll turn up.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.