
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 2013 Scavenger Hunt: Colorado

The last day of the year
finds Terry and me 
back in the mountains in historic Black Hawk
to celebrate New Year's Eve.

Black Hawk was founded in 1859
during the Pike's Peak Gold Rush.
It's nickname is The City of Mills
because it had many smelters
to process gold ores from the surrounding area.

First Presbyterian Church
Black Hawk, Colorado

City of Black Hawk
The First Presbyterian Church is in the middle right.
December 31, 2013

When visiting an historical area,
it's always fun to look at old photographs.
The one below was taken between 1863 and 1870.

Historical Photo of Black Hawk
The First Presbyterian Church stands alone above the town's buildings.

The Planning and Development Department, 
the Board of Alderman, 
and the Historic Preservation Commission 
continue to hold meetings
at the First Presbyterian Church in Black Hawk today.
Source:  cityofblackhawk

Dedicated in 1863,
the First Presbyterian Church
was the first church west of the Mississippi
to have a bell in its belfry.
In 1907 the Black Hawk School bought the church
and used it as a gymnasium.

And now for the December Scavenger Hunt!

December's List:

1.  Silver
Silver Musical Instruments
Legend High School Titans
Parker Christmas Carriage Parade

Silver December Morning
Parker, Colorado

Silvery-Grey Horse with Silver Trappings
Parker Christmas Carriage Parade

2.  25
Twenty-five spectators watch the Wells Fargo Stage Coach.

Silvery Take on the Stage Coach

3.  Christmas
Rushing Home on Christmas Eve
Silverthorne, Colorado

Christmas Eve Lights
Frisco, Colorado

Christmas Crackers at Christmas Dinner

 4.  Religious Icon
If you're a Denver Broncos fan, 
then this is your religious icon right now!

Go Peyton Manning,
the greatest quarterback ever!

Religious Icon at Ruth Memorial Chapel
Main Street, Parker, Colorado

 5.  Shiny
Shiny Christmas Lights in Breckenridge

Shiny Christmas Lights and Balls
Our Christmas Tree, 2013

6.  Movement
Gracie on the Run
Burro Trail, Breckenridge

7.  Celebration
Pouring Wine for the Christmas Dinner Celebration 

8.  Words
City of Black Hawk Sign
Gilpin County, Colorado, 2013

9.  Recipe
Making Cranberry Nut Bread 

Did you take Home Economics?

It used to be a curriculum staple 
for Nova Scotian girls in high school.

I've been making this recipe
since I learned it in Home Economics
at St. Mary's Rural High School,
Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia
in the fall of 1965.
It is a family favorite.

I think Home Economics is sorely needed
for everyone today ~ boys and girls!

An all-time favorite recipe of mine!

10.  Candles

Candles at a Parker Store ~
Some Look Good Enough to Eat!

11.  Window Display
Window Display St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
Parker, Colorado
This is the church where Terry and I were married.

Window Display Main Street, Breckenridge

12.  Cake
Festive Peppermint Cake Pops
Starbucks, Ameristar
Black Hawk, Colorado

 Location of Colorado in the U.S.A.
Source:  Wikimedia

January's List:

J is for ?, 1p.m., Measurement, Color, A Corner, Hats, Stamp, Looking Down, Crowd, Natural, Fruit, Roof

Thanks to Jill and her Made with Love blog for setting up the hunt.


Wishing you and yours
health, happiness, fulfillment, and love
in the coming year!


  1. Happy new year to you. Thank you for taking part in the scavenger hunt over the past year, I always enjoy your photos and this month is no exception to many lovely ones to list. (I thing you forgot yo add your link) Greenthumb.

  2. Happy New Year, Jill! Thanks for the kind words ~ and the reminder to add my link! And now to bed after a night of celebrating! All the best to you in the new year!

  3. Loved all these photos -- happy new year and have a fabulous 2014!

    1. Happy New Year, Debra! All the best to you and your Rare One in 2014. I think you have been more than slammed by Old Man Winter! Stay warm!

  4. Happy New Year! Fabulous photos….always inspiring!

    1. Thanks, Moncia! Happy New Year to you and your family. We just got back from the mountains, so I'm behind on replying to comments. I hope that you had a lovely Christmas with your family!

  5. Such a beautiful place to live. I love seeing all your photos and a glimpse of your life in Colorado!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Lizzy! Thanks for your kind comments. I'm finally home for a little while and catching up. I can't wait to see everyone's scavenger hunt photos. All the best to you in 2014!

  6. Absolutely awesome photographs. Happy New Year to you and yours:)

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I can't wait to see yours. I'm just back home again after the holidays in the mountains. Have a fabulous 2014!

  7. Another great collection! You do so well to find multiple photos to match some words.
    Happy New Year :)

    1. Thanks, Louise! It's always fun to hunt down the items! January's list looks like fun! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! Take care!

  8. That sure is quite the picturesque little spot, Gracie is sure hot to trot, Happy new year

    1. Hey Pat! Are you surviving the blizzard hitting NS! I'm sure it didn't stop at the border like our weather maps! Hope all is well with you, and may you have a happy and prosperous 2014!

  9. Replies
    1. Happy New Year, Adam! All the best to you and your loved ones!

  10. Wow! Very festive photos with interesting info ~ just lovely. It certainly was a white (and silvery) Christmas. Thanks for the recipe for Cranberry Nut Bread ~ I always like the addition of orange with cranberries.

    1. Hi Glo! Thank you for your kind words! I like orange with cranberry too. I can still clearly remember making the bread the first time in home ec. I photographed the original handout I got in class almost 50 years ago! Yikes!!!!! Have a Happy New Year!

  11. Hello Fundy!
    Sorry I haven't been very present on blogs lately..... again, but time is lacking seriously when you spend most of it chasing fauna pics!!! ;-)
    What a post!
    I am happy you are enjoying yourselves so much!
    That frost shows how the thermometer must have dropped recently!
    My aunt living near Montreal in Canada says in some places it dropped below 50°C!!! Ouch!
    I would be dead long before that!! LOL!
    Happy New Year, all the best and keep warm and healthy!!

    1. How lovely to hear from you, Noushka! I so get what you mean about not being very present on blogs lately! The holidays have been a fun whirl, but they took up most of my time! When I lived up North as a kid we regularly played outside at recess and on the weekend at -45ºC. The coldest I was ever in was -52 ºC! I walked to school and fortunately the air was still, no wind chill. I lived through it, but I'm not so sure I would now! Happy New Year to you ~ I'll be visiting your blog very, very soon!

  12. Happy New Year! I enjoyed the photo's so glad I stopped over for a visit. Wishing you great things in 2014.

    1. Happy New Year, Truedessa! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I've been caught up in holiday festivities, so I've been not very present on line lately. Have an awesome 2014! May happy things come your way this year!

  13. Wow! I love the pics. It's so nice to get a peek into someone else's world. I'm so excited to try the scavenger hunt in January!
    Happy New Year!
    Big Smiles!

    1. Hi E&M! Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I was so delighted to see that! The scavenger hunt is so much fun! I'm already taking photos! And I can't wait to see yours at the end of the month. I will be following your blog later today ~ I am just home from a very busy holiday. Last night was our last event, and while it was great fun, I am glad to have a slow day at home finally! Have an awesome 2014!

  14. Replies
    1. Hi! It's so good to have you stop by! Have a Happy New Year, Ana!

  15. A great set of photos, you've done well to get so many. I've never had cranberry nut bread but I like the sound of it so may have to give your recipe a try out.

    1. Hi Eileen! Thank you for your kind words! I nearly always have my camera and list with me. It's challenging fun! I hope you enjoy my bread if you try the recipe. Have a wonderful 2014!

  16. Happy New Year to you. You outdid yourself this time with your selection - so many great ones but particularly all of the silver ones and movement. x

    1. Thank you, Julie! I had such fun taking the SH photos this month. I was all over the place! I've seen very few days like the silvery frost one, and I'm glad that I got to get some photos. I hope your new year has gotten off to a great start! Take care!

  17. Hi Louise. A great post! I am always surprised when I see (with my little eyes,lol) where Colorado is located! I always think it is further west....don't know why but I do.
    I see you are having some fun 'photo fun'....'sketched' stage-coach....very nice. You 'frame and compose' your shots so well. Nice job!

    1. Hi, Jim! Thank you for the kind comment ~ Yours are always so encouraging! Framing and composing is half the fun! I try hard to come up with the best "look." I hope the weather improves for you soon! The snow has stopped here, but it's still cold! Take care!

  18. HAPPY 2014 to you guys as well!!!

    Lots to ponder and view here. I'm so partial to the frost photos, I really don't know why, maybe because we don't have this beauty like you do. We did have a storm last night so the garden is entirely white now. YAY!! Only if we could have some beautiful crystals like you have.
    Oh well, at least I know I can have some cranberry nut loaf....another YAY!!
    Thanks for this today Louise!!


  19. Hi Ron! Are you dug out yet? Our drive is shoveled, but I still can't find the newspaper! Not that I've looked too hard. It's cold out!!!!! I love cranberries. My loaf disappeared quickly in Breckenridge, and we finished my cranberry raisin pie last night! :( I've got to get back on track with my fitness. Terry and I each gave each other Fitbits for Christmas. Both gifts were surprises ~ which I think is funny. We picked the exact same model for each other. We finally got them working today. I'm definitely planning to outstep Terry! I'm ahead of him already because he has been watching endless football! I hope that you have sunny skies soon! Take care!

  20. I LOVE the double tuba photo!!!!!! Your dog running is awesome too!!!!!!! Your photos are so crisp and Christmassy, especially the lights. HOW much snow? X


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.