
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Peace Be with You!

Happy Easter to all of my blogging friends
who celebrate this most important 
of Christian holy days.

To me Easter has always meant joy, hope, and renewal.
I look around, and I see 
my world bursting with new life.
I feel renewed, and I experience great joy and hope.

I remember that many religions celebrate spring 
and honor the Spirit of the Creator.
It is a season of celebrating the renewal of Spiritual promises. 


On this special day,
my hope is that humankind
will honor our similarities as human beings
and respect our differences 
with understanding and compassion.

I am fortunate to walk in a prairie world
where I feel connected to the land and its living things.
I feel the presence of the native people
who lived in this area before me.
I respect their reverence for the Earth and all its inhabitants.

At this Easter time I hope people around the world
will strive for peace and understanding
and care for our beautiful planet
which we share with so many amazing living things. 

I took these photographs several weeks ago,
but I saved them for Easter morning.

To Native Americans, a white deer is a symbol of spirit
and its presence is to remind us of our spirituality.

This Easter morning I am thinking 
of a favorite quote of mine 
attributed to Chief Seattle of the Suquamish tribe
in the western state of Washington.

The controversy over 
the historical accuracy of these words
does not diminish their meaning: 
Sources:  suquamish.nsn  and  barefootsworld  

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
~ Chief Seattle, 1854 ~

We are all bound together.

As we renew ourselves in this spiritual season
according to our faiths and traditions,
I hope we also remember and honor
our common humanity
and our connection to the Earth
and its living web. 

Peace be with you!


  1. All bound together. Such wise words.
    May you have been filled with hope, love, and faith this day!

    1. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Alex! Thank you for your kind words!

  2. Lovely Louise!

    Happiness to you both as this connection wends itself along and through all facets of your life and ours.


    1. Thanks, Ron! I hope that you, Jim, and Sophie enjoyed a happy Easter together! We spent ours with wonderful friends, and it was great!

  3. Replies
    1. And to you and your Rare One, Debra! All the best!

  4. An absolutely beautiful and heartwarming post...and photos. Thank you so much for sharing, and have a blessed Easter.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I hope that you had a blessed Easter too! I so appreciated your kind words!

  5. Awesome shots indeed at your feed, happy easter too. But what if easter is in march, then there is still snow, no renew there haha

    1. Thanks, Pat! I have my camera with me everywhere, especially when I'm going to be in the area where this little herd of deer is currently hanging out. Snow! Can't do anything about it! But the movement of the sun to the north and the changing quality of the light can give me hope that renewal is on its way. I hope you had a happy Easter! Take care!

  6. Such lovely, peaceful pictures! A blessed Easter to you and yours dear friend :)

    1. Thank you, Jan! I hope you and your family had a blessed Easter too! XOX!

  7. Beautiful post! So perfect for this day, and for my favourite season of the year. I hope you had a wonderful Easter day!

    1. We did, Martha! Thank you for your lovely comment, and happy, happy spring to you! I actually saw some daffodils blooming a couple of days ago! Yay! Take care!

  8. Well said! I loved that you quoted Chief Seattle... his sentiments are some of my favorites!

    1. Thank you, Dreaming! I often shared Chief Seattle's quotes with my kiddos when we were learning about natural resources, the environment, and living things. I hope you and Mr. Dreamy enjoyed a lovely Easter together!

    2. My son just came back from a walk down near Canterbury, on Sulphur Gulch trail. He took a picture of an albino deer - he is pretty sure it was the same one as that in your picture!

    3. I'll bet it is, Dreaming! I've spotted him off Main Street in Rowley Downs three times now. I thought it was an albino too, but then I realized its eyes and skin were normal. so it's actually leucistic. Like the "spirit" bears of coastal British Columbia. I'm so excited that your son got to see him! Take care!

  9. Hi Fundy--found you via IWSG. New follower here :) LOVE your post. Thanks for sharing. I'm in a better mood now :)

    1. Hi Randi Lee! I'm so sorry that I'm just responding now. I left my computer in a restaurant the morning after I posted this post, and I've just been reunited with it. Thank you so much for visiting. I'll be over to your blog soon ~ just catching up on all my comments. I hope that you are having a good weekend!

  10. Peace be with you too, Louise!
    I love the quote by Chief Seattle, wise words indeed. xx

    1. Hi Kay! I used to have that quote up in my classroom during part of the year. I've just gotten my computer back after leaving it behind in a restaurant up in the mountains. I'm my own worst enemy! LOL! I hope you had a lovely Easter!

  11. Happy Easter Louise! How is your book coming? Best wishes from Nova Scotia and me too.

    1. I'm a little late saying Happy Easter back to you, Mark. I forgot my computer in a restaurant in the mountains. Fortunately the security department in the hotel where the restaurant was had it and shipped it to me safely! All's well that ends well! Thanks for asking about my book. It's coming slowly, but I'm making progress. I hope all is well with you in NS! Take care!

  12. Hi Louise! I hope you had a really nice Easter yesterday. I really love all of your photos and I adore that white deer. Amazing. Of course I love the quote too..... XOXO

    1. Hi Audrey! You may have heard my ridiculous tale of woe ~ leaving my computer behind in a restaurant the day after I wrote this post. But I happily have it back now ~ so life is good. The son of Dreaming, one of my blogging friends, just spotted and photographed my "spirit" deer too. He is beautiful! I adore him too! I'll be visiting all the wonderful blogs of my friends as soon as I catch up on my comments. I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend with Alain and your darling girls!

  13. Lovely blog Louise - I wish we could get together for Easter! Love ya Barb

    1. Oh Barb!!!! Happy Easter to you too (like a lot late ~ and we did have a great chat on the phone a couple of hours ago). I'm sure that you are buried your the production at the Pump House. I wish I could see it. Next time that you come to Colorado, we see if we can spot the "spirit" deer. But there's always Nova Scotia!!! Can't wait!

  14. I hope you have a very happy Easter.

  15. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful spring!

    1. Thank you, thank you Francie! Right back at you with wishes for a happy spring! Take care!

  16. I'm so glad I caught your beautiful Happy Easter post. Saw you at WIP and came over to visit. What gorgeous photos!

    I have followed you and will be back for more.


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for following my blog. I'll be over to visit yours shortly! I've been separated from my computer this week because I left it behind in a restaurant in the mountains. Thank goodness I got it back okay! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my post. Take care!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.