
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Disappearing Act

Sorry about my recent disappearing act.

Everything is okay ~
I've just been bombarded with things unexpected.

I wish I could say that it was things like this:

Iceland's Blue Lagoon

No, it was a string of events 
that went down like dominoes
beginning with this:

Bye Bye Saturn, Forever :(

Early Friday morning I am leaving for Nova Scotia
to spend some time with my extended family and friends
while Terry mans the home front.
Party times ahead!

Party Hearty!
Me (left) with My Niece Sara and Sister Bertie
Note "I Heart Nova Scotia" Pin ~
We all love Nova Scotia!

Unfortunately I will have limited or no access 
to the internet while I am at my grandmother's house ~
unless the sheriff has NOT figured out
that my extended family
has been accessing his internet service
from one corner in my grandmother's house
in unnamed summers past.

Of course, there has been intense competition 
to squeeze into that small corner
by various relatives with various devices
whenever that internet access worked.
(I CAN hold my own in family tussles!)

So, a heads up:
I most likely will be unable 
to finish and to publish
my next Scavenger Hunt photos
and Insecure Writer's Support Group posts ~
both in the works, but seriously sidetracked
by recent events on the home front.

If they do show up,
you'll know I found an on-ramp to the internet.

So here's to summer fun, everyone!

Me (with Lips) Plus Family Members
I Choose Not to Identify

See you in August!
Licks Saturday, Sophie Doodle!

You Tube ~ Sons of Maxwell
My Choice for Family Summer Anthem


  1. Have a great time Fundy!
    see you in August:)

  2. Enjoy your time at NS's bay and good luck squeezing in that room to be an internet thief lmao

  3. Have a good time and hope you can squeeze yourself into a corner now and then.

  4. Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly! We'll be thinking of you. Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting. That's what I love about the IWSG, so many folks to meet!

  5. Enjoy your time. Nice series of photos. I am glad you're O.K.

  6. Have a great time!
    So sorry about the untimely death of your Saturn.

  7. Oh oh. Watch out, Nova Scotia! Have fun and give Sophie Doodle a skritch for me, you lucky girl. Have fun!

  8. Thanks for the kind comments, everyone. My internet is now up and running again after getting a new service provider and new modem hooked up, debugged, and activated (just took up a few hours last night and this morning!), but now I'm phoneless at home until Saturday! Another few dominoes falling down! So now, I'm going to try to pack so I can get on my plane early tomorrow morning! Still laughing, but I may resort to a coconut rum and orange juice before lunch! And yes, I will give Sophie Doodle skritches, hugs, and belly rubs! Take care!

  9. Have fun, can't wait to see the photos.

  10. Nice information you have shared here and it's great pleasure for me to read this.
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  11. Have fun! Um off camping for 10 days so also awol. X

  12. Have a great time, Louise! How wonderful that you will be seeing Ron, Jim, and the most photographed dog in the world: Sophie!

  13. Your family looks like fun! Give Sophie a scratch behind the ears for me and a hug to Jim and Ron.

  14. Okay, it's official....I TOTALLY want to hang out with your family! They are my kind of peeps! :-)

    Been an insane few weeks but I've missed you, Louise! Hope you've been having a FABULOUS trip....look forward to catching up.

    R.I.P. Saturn. :-(


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.