
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

IWSG: That Time of Year

It's the first Wednesday in December,
and that means it's time to post for the
Insecure Writer's Support Group.

The last IWSG post of 2014 ~
Can you believe it?

Thanks to founder Alex J. Cavanaugh
and our awesome co-hosts for the month:  
Heather Gardener, T. Drecker (Kidbits), 
Eva E. Solar (Lilicasplace),
and Patsy Collins.

That time of year thou mayst in me behold! 
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.1

Cottonwood Along Piney Creek

No, I'm not expiring!
But Shakespeare's words
have been running through my mind.

It's been cold here in Colorado
on our bare high plains
and I'm feeling as ragged 
as a December cottonwood.

It's from cooking, cleaning, baking, 
traveling, celebrating,
and looking after my sick hubby ~
who has now recovered
and left me with his pesky cold!

Icicles Hanging from the Roof
Breckenridge, Colorado 

It's that time of year 
when writing slows down for me ~
Okay, let's be honest.
Except for my blog,
it's come to a complete stop 
in the past week or so.

My Power of Ten has been working miracles,
as I tackle my holiday tasks;
but writing, not so much.

I'm refusing to get discouraged!
I know that in a few weeks,
the days will lengthen, 
the year will turn,
and I'll be back 
to writing on a schedule.

When I lived in Newfoundland
we celebrated Christmas for twelve days.
It was a time-out from everyday life
when we ate, drank, sang, danced,
and told stories and jokes.
We went from house to house
dressed as mummers 
trying to trick our friends and neighbors
to get a free drink or two.

Winter Days
Westport, White Bay, 1974

Then, after Old Christmas, 
it was back to the real world
and getting down to business.
We need more time-outs in our hectic world.

Time-outs that refresh
and allow us to tackle our goals
with renewed enthusiasm.

I'll squeeze writing in when I can,
but I'm going to enjoy 
this special time of year
with my family and friends.

Terry with Rufus
along the Burro Trail

Terry with Rufus and Gracie with Me
Breckenridge, Colorado

I'm wishing each of you
a happy time with your loved ones,
however you celebrate the holidays.

I'd love to hear how you tackle writing
and the busy holiday season.

1.  Shakespeare's Sonnet 73


  1. Whew! That's quite a bit of snow. Sorry you caught his cold. Hope you're feeling right as rain (snow) soon!


  2. Thanks, Elsie! Last year Breckenridge (where my husband's sister lives) got about 400 inches of snow. It looks like this may be a good snow year too. Happy Wednesday!

  3. There is so much going on this time of year. 12 days sounds amazing...unless the stores and everything closes during those days. I found the 3 days in Germany lovely, but stocking up before hand was like a battlefield. Enjoy the snow and hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks, Tonja! When I was in Newfoundland, I was living in a tiny, remote outport . Many people were fishermen or loggers, so everything pretty much shut down from Christmas Eve until January 6th. It was quite a time! Have a good one!

  4. You can keep all the snow there, so far not much here at all, sooo nice. Hopefully the germs go away soon.

    1. Thanks, Mr. Hatt! I'm down on the flats now. The temperature went from 23ºF on Sunday to 60ºF+ yesterday. Crazy Colorado weather! May the snow stay away at your bay!

  5. This time of year my writing slows, too. I'll be back writing along with you when the new year rolls around. I hope you get over your cold soon!

  6. When I know, I'll let you know! My writing does slow as well at this time of year. So many other things to contend with, but I try not to let the blogging go because I need my fix of writing community. I wish you as well, a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. I love your photos! Just don't know if I could actually LIVE in snow like that!!!

    1. I'm glad you love my photos, Lisa! Photography means as much to me as writing. Like you, I try to keep up with my blogging, although I feel like I'm always playing catchup! Life doe get in the way! I don't mind snow, as long as it doesn't get below -10ºF. And, while the Colorado mountains get tons of snow, the state gets as much sunshine as in Miami, Florida. Give me bright, blue days, and I am happy! Have a good one!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda! I'm incapable of doing a blog without a photo. I hope that you are having a great day and that it's not too cold up there in Montreal!

  8. I envy your snow!
    Sorry about your cold.
    Taking twelve full days for Christmas would be awesome...
    And thanks for reviewing CassaStorm on Amazon - you rock!

  9. Thanks, Alex! I'm starting on that review this afternoon! I've read your first two books twice and the third one once, so I think I'm prepared to start pounding out a review! Happy Wednesday to you!

  10. As you can see, I haven't been writing AT ALL. Pooh. But I do so enjoy reading your writing! And I look forward to the "quiet time" (hopeful) in Jan/Feb when I might be able to devote more time to writing/blogging. HAPPY, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you, Louise! I do hope you're feeling better soon.... XOXOXOXO

    1. It's great to see you, Audrey!!!! You'll get to writing again when things calm down for you. I know you are in the midst of making wonderful holiday memories for your family. Have the best of times, Audrey! XOXOXOXO right back at you!

  11. Oh it looks so very cold, we had 41c yesterday. I love the photo of the icicle.

    1. Thanks, Jill! It's been really cold, but we're warming up nicely. That's the thing about Colorado ~ you never know what will happen! I was really happy when I got the icicle shot. I'm glad that you loved it! Have a good one!

  12. It sure does look cold there! And with lots of snow. We had some coming down yesterday evening. And it all melted! It doesn't really look like Christmas around here, so I'm actually hoping for snow!

    1. Hi, Martha! Our snow has melted down here, but there are piles in the mountain. It's a good bet that we'll have snow in Breckenridge for Christmas. I hope you get your white Christmas too. When I lived in California, it just felt wrong to be hot and looking at palm trees on Christmas Day! Have a good one!

  13. You must let me know when you visit again - I believe you were in my neighborhood! We had family until Thanksgiving evening - after Bob got sick, our son and family decided to skidoo! Since then, it's been nursing the flu for both. Hope you feel better soon. Everything slows in winter - even the creative juices.

  14. Thanks, Barb! It's too bad that your family had to skidoo on Thanksgiving evening. Take care, stay warm!

  15. Oh gosh, I love that sonnet. It sings when you read it. "Bare ruined choirs" ... can't you just see the empty stone church with the wind whistling through the broken windows?

    Hang in there, and take some time out to breathe this month! (Hopefully through your nose and not your mouth - I hope you feel better soon.) I get through December by eating a lot of caramelcorn, drinking gallons of tea, and sleeping way less than I ought. But stuff gets done. :)

    1. Hi Sue! 73 is my favorite of Shakespeare's sonnets. I loved it since I first read it in high school. You think of an old stone church, and I can so see it, especially after being in England last May. I see bare branches on a tree! It's always fun to hear what people see when they read a poem. I used to love to do this with my third graders. I'm drinking tea right now, and am on the upswing. Thanks for the kind wishes!

  16. Everybody slows down their writing in December. It's so hard to keep it up when you've got all the Holiday business to take care of. Since it's only once a year, I just let the writing slip. You've got 11 months to make it up, after all. ;)

    1. It's always nice to hear I'm not the only one, Cathy! Happy holidays to you and yours!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.