
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Scavenger Hunt 2015: Colorado

This month I'm taking a different approach.
Every picture I've used for this hunt 
was taken in or from my home.

January's List

1.  Something New

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

My niece Deirdre gave this to me for Christmas, 
and I am about halfway through it.  
It contains wonderful advice on writing 
and is deliciously funny!

I love this humorous anecdote:

“My son, Sam, at three and a half,
had these keys to a set of plastic handcuffs,
and one morning he intentionally locked himself out of the house.

I was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper
when I heard him stick his plastic keys
into the doorknob and try to open the door.

Then I heard him say, "Oh, shit."

My whole face widened,
like the guy in Edvard Munch's Scream.

After a moment I got up and opened the front door.
"Honey," I said, "what'd you just say?"

"I said, 'Oh, shit,'" he said.

"But, honey, that's a naughty word.
Both of us have absolutely got to stop using it.

He hung his head for a moment,
nodded, and said, "Okay, Mom."

Then he leaned forward and said confidentially,
"But I'll tell you why I said 'shit.'"

I said Okay, and he said,
"Because of the fucking keys!”

 goodreads ~ Anne Lamott

2.   Landscape
Out the Front Door

Out the Back

We've had wild swings of temperature and weather this January;
but early morning sunshine falling on fresh snow is hard to top!

3.  Words
Words ~ Letters and a Manuscript

I spend my days working 
with my mother's and father's words, 
turning them into my lifelong dream 
of writing a memoir. 

4.  Cold

We woke up to a cold morning
on January 4th!  (-15º C)


5.  Bottle

This decorative bottle was given to me
by a student years ago. 

6.  Up High
Snow Patterns up High on Our Neighbor's Roof

7.  In the Fridge

Our downstairs bar refrigerator
has one can of beer
and one scary hunk of ice!
I need to get defrosting!

8.  Texture
My Favorite Teddy Bears

My white teddy bear is a long ago gift from my husband.
The black and grey one is made from 
my Grandmother MacDonald's lamb's wool coat.  
My sister Bertie had it made for me  
after Grammie's death.
The coat made teddy bears for a number of us,
and each one is treasured by its owner.

9.  Hidden
Do you see what is hidden up high in our closet?

Sometimes those chocolate kisses
whisper, calling to me, 
but they're a pain to reach.  

So far their hidden spot is working!

10.  Blue
Touches of Blue in Our Livingroom

 11.  Big
A Small Piece of a Big Project

I'm in the midst of organizing literally thousands of photos.

12.  Whatever You Want
My Study

This is where I write and work on my photography.

My Honey

Not taken at home nor in January,
but the Ever-Patient is what makes our house my home.

February's List:   
Flowers, Love, Number, Something Beautiful, 
Your favorite Color, Bird, On the Road, Tap,
Price, Heart, A Corner of Your Home
Whatever You Want

Thanks to Jill (Greenthumb) 
and her Made with Love blog 
for setting up the scavenger hunt.


  1. That is one big hunk of ice lol one empty fridge too. Good the hiding spot is working well. Blah to all that snow though, Good luck sorting through all those pictures, at least you'll have a lot to see with thousands.

  2. Your comments always make me smile, Pat! That chunk of ice will probably grow before I get after it ~ It's just not fun to defrost a fridge when there are so many other more interesting things to do!

  3. I have a Diet Coke next to me. It's a good thing I didn't sip from it before reading about the fucking keys. The blue in your living room is ideal. I like to use blue in decorating. When I lived in the house before this one, the house that was way too big, I made the main floor family room look better by using blue. I had blue pleated shades and blue in much of the artwork. The best thing was a corner cabinet on the far side of the room. Everything on the corner cabinet had some blue in it. It drew the eye to the corner cabinet and made the room seem cozier.


    1. Hi Janie! It's interesting to hear how you tackled that challenge in your former house. Color is powerful! Have a great week!

  4. I loved every single picture because it showed such a personal part of you. The view out your back is so pretty and I can feel the cold. It's interesting to see your study where you work. And that big photo project. Looks like that will keep you busy for an while.

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed it, Peggy! Any groundhog in our area would definitely see its shadow this morning. It's cold and clear with sharp shadows. The photo project is daunting, but one step at a time, one step at a time. Have a great week, Peggy!

  5. I really enjoyed seeing these photos of your home and working space. I read "Bird by Bird" a few years ago and loved it too! Soooo funny -- and you picked a classic anecdote!

    1. Thanks, Debra! I'm loving "Bird by Bird!" I hope that you have a great week!

  6. I really learned about you through your hunt. I've heard of those bears made from keepsake materials - yours is special. I like your winter neighborhood photos. Those chocolate kisses wouldn't be high enough to keep me away! I read Bird by Bird such a long time ago that I didn't even remember that vignette. You need to start defrosting!

    1. Haha! I have no excuse now that that lonely beer disappeared during the Super Bowl yesterday. If I had a serious chocolate attack those kisses would gone! The shelf is high enough to slow me down and remember the kisses are a want not a need. Have a great week, Barb!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Adam! I do love them! Have a great eek!

  8. I, like Peggy, love every single photo here, and the teddy bears are delightful. That "Bird by Bird" book looks wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Linda! It was fun to do the Scavenger Hunt in my home for a change. I hope that you have a great week!

  9. Thank you for you lovely comments about my blog posts. Your photos are gorgeous, especially of snow which is not something I have to deal with in our winters down here in Melbourne. Are you into genealogy? Your photos and family writings look very interesting.
    Have a fab day,
    Anne xx

    1. Thank you, Anne! We had another snowstorm Saturday night, but the sun is out, and it will disappear quickly. That's what's great about Colorado! Have a great week!

  10. You always have such interesting things to say around your photos. Love the teddy for that reason but my favourite has to be Something New - hilarious! Gorgeous views from your house too. x

    1. Thanks Julie! I love that anecdote, especially having taught young kids for twenty-five years! Have a great week!

  11. Lovely set of photos, you have had a lot of snow, the beer in the fridge made me laugh..
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda! It made me laugh too! I love it when there is fresh snow everywhere ~ it's so beautiful. Have a great week!

  12. Wow, the view out front and back are stunning!,and I really like the flecks of blue in the living room :)
    You have a lovely home Fundy.. I can imagine you working on your project and in the study. Writing away !
    The anecdote was funny too x

    1. Thanks, Dawna! I spend a lot of time in my study, and it's wonderful to have my own space, especially after so many years of being in the classroom. Have a great eek! hugs!

  13. Oh I do love your selection of photos and it's nice to take a peek in your lovely home! Suzy xo

    1. Thanks, Suzy! It's aways fun to come up with photos for the hung! Have a great week!

  14. Louise good thing you are living where you are this past week! :) WE have been walloped by snow here in Nova Scotia and yet another biog storm on the way tomorrow. I wish I had your gas fireplace. After shovelling off the driveway for the 6th time in about 5 days, I'd put a flame on in the fire, curl up and start to read until the next storm hits tomorrow with about 25-35 cm. I had actually been planning to visit Brier Island this weekend - but with weather, that got cancelled. Maybe next weekend. Best - Mark

    1. HI Mark! After a lifetime of wood stoves and fireplaces, I love my gas fireplace. It's on right now because it is very cold this morning. I can turn down the heat in the house and just warm up the area I'm in, which is great. I feel for you with all that shoveling. For the first time we are living in a place that provides snow removal. I've shoveled tons of snow in my life, and it's a relief not to worry about it. I don't miss winter down on the islands. In Freeport I could stick my hand up from under the covers in my bed and tell which way the wind was blowing. And a number of times ice formed in my water glass. I envy you your upcoming trip though, because the island are beautiful and the wildlife fun. Have great week! May the snow stop falling!

  15. What a fun post! I love this mixture of photos, and I really enjoyed the peek in your beautiful home, particularly your working space. I can now picture you sitting there and putting together your blog posts. And I had a good laugh with those hidden chocolate kisses! So funny. Happy Sunday and happy February to you!

    1. Happy, happy right back at you, Martha! I like to see people "in context", so it was fun to tackle the challenge of the hunt in my home. Take care!

  16. Oh how I love Anne Lamott's books. I haven't read Bird By Bird yet but I loved that anecdote! So funny. The views you have are really gorgeous and, as usual, you know I'm envious of all that snow!!!! That's a fun list for February ~ I love seeing what you come up with! Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

    1. I think she is a minister.

    2. Maybe not. I thought I read that in the book you posted.

    3. I had a great weekend, Audrey! We largely relaxed, especially during a fun Super Bowl. The game was exciting and Katy Perry was awesome! I knew that she'd close with "Firework", one of my favorite songs EVER! Have a great week! Oh yeah ~ "Room" ~ Wow! I stayed up reading it last night until 1:15 a.m. It is phenomenal! I knew right away that when I finish it, I'm going to pass it on to my sister Bertie who is a teacher like me. She took it to a whole different level than I did though, because she worked with a lot of kiddos with special needs including a multi-year stint teaching at a hospital with a school for terminally-ill or very seriously sick children. I'm going to have to read more by this author! Have great week!

    4. Hi Susie! I'm not through the book yet, but I'll watch to see if she is a minister's daughter or not. Or, I guess I could Google! I keep forgetting how wonderfully easy it is to verify things. Have a great week!

  17. A super collection of photos - an interesting idea take them all in/from the home!

    1. Thanks, Louise! The inspiration was my health, which has been a challenge this month. But I'm on the mend (I truly hope!!!!), and I'll be able to get out and shout this month. Fingers crossed!!! Have a great week!

  18. Tanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt. Your landscape is so very different from mine at the moment we are so hot and dry. Great photos of up high, hidden and whatever. By the way have a fabulous holiday. Greenthumb.

    1. You have no idea how much I'm longing to get to Waikiki, Jill! Float in that lovely water, soak up the warm sun, ride the waves on my paddle board ~ and mai tais! I'm so glad that you and your family enjoyed your vacation there. Have a great week!

  19. Putting chocolate up high works for you?? hahaha. I would have to put it up high on my neighbours's shelf, preferably in another town. I love these pictures of your house , very lovely! And uber organized!! You are an inspiration. Maybe I'll do some housework today. :)

    1. Hahaha! So far it's working, since I have to drag a chair in from another room and reach very high. That slows me down enough to remember that I'm trying to loose weight. I bought them to make Hershey blossom cookies for the niece and nephews at Christmas, but I was too sick to bake them. I'll probably be buying more for next Christmas because I doubt those will still be here. Now that I no longer have a classroom to organize, I'm after my home big time! Pitch! Pitch! Pitch! Have a great week, Francie!

  20. Thanks for dropping by my blog and encouraging me with the Scavenger Hunt and now I've enjoyed seeing what you shared for January. What a good idea to use photos around the home! I can now picture you there working at your writing, sorting out family photos and relaxing by your fire. You have wonderful views from your windows and all that snow - well, that's a serious amount compared with what we've had. I gather you haven't been well so hope you're feeling better and February days are good ones for you. Linda P :)

    1. Thank you for the kind wishes, Linda! I do love my fire, especially in the middle of cold, snowy winter! Have a good one!

  21. Olá, fiquei feliz com sua visita e comentário.
    Suas fotos ficaram fabulosas, especialmente a paisagem, apesar da neve ser congelante é algo espetacular.
    Adorei sua ideia de escrever um livro de memórias da família.
    Sua garrafa é tão preciosa e os ursos divinos, sua sala é linda,eu amo o tom de azul.
    Linda sua coleção de fotos, estou precisando organizar as minhas fotos também.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

    1. Obrigado por seu comentário tipo, Rose! E para visitar o meu blog. Nós ainda temos uns bons três meses de neve ainda. É uma coisa boa que eu amo a neve. Tenha uma ótima semana!

  22. Love Bird By Bird. Such a great story behind it. Happy hunting! :)

    1. Thanks, David! The scavenger hunt is always fun! Have a good one!

  23. Oh Louise, your landscapes are incredible!!! What an amazing sight to behold daily! It looks jolly cold!!!
    Words touches me heart. I love your aim. xx

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! I do love open spaces and big skies, no matter what the weather. I count my blessing every day. And yes, it has been jolly cold! Have a happy week! XOX!

  24. Oh I understand why you are so busy.......and don't stop either.......hey it's tidy there.....more than here.......I will learn from this.

    Teddy Bears.....Love
    Morning light......Love
    Psst>>>>it's Sophie's 8th birthday
    (how did that get there?)

    All the best and Hi to E-P!!


    1. Hi Ron! The E-P wants to know if you are staying warm! Ohoh! PBS just mentioned wintery misery in the NE. Snow upon snow! Sophie's eight????? Tell her to STOP!!!! She's going to catch up with us! Take care and stay safe, my friend!

  25. What fabulous scenery Louise and a lovely home too. That anecdote made me laugh.

    1. Thanks, Fiona! It was great to see you back in the scavenger hunt this month! Happy hunting in February!

  26. Hope you are feeling A+ soon! Good idea to take photos around your home since you weren't felling 100%. It looks like I'm writing a report card with my A+ and 100%! Terrific photos ~ they look striking against the black background. A labour of love going on there with writing your parents' memoirs. Thanks for sharing the amusing anecdote... and also laughed at the chocolate kisses on the shelf. There are some nifty crafts to make with them if you still need to use them for gifts... rather than eat them :)

    1. Thanks for the chocolate craft tip, Glo! I'll check it out. Thanks for the kind comment too. I deliberately chose a black background to enhance my photos. Have a great day!

  27. Looks like a great January all in all. Hope your February will be better.

    1. Thanks SuperLux! I'm ready for it to be better! Mostly I just need to get healthy again. I hope that you are in the middle of a great week!

  28. A great collection, Louise! And all within reach too!
    I love that Teddy Bear made from your grandmother's coat! What a treasure to cherish!

    1. Thanks, Jim! That teddy bear means the world to me. It's having my grandmother close, but it's also a tribute to my sister Bertie who is the one in our family who thinks of something like this and sees it through. Bertie gives us such joy! Have a good one!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.