
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Big Retirement Plus!

We were hit with
another winter snow
a few days ago.

This was the first time 
since the Ever-Patient retired 
that he didn't have to commute 
a long way over stressful, 
snowy roads to get to work.

He took one look at the wet snow
and the freezing fog,
ran to the bedroom,
jumped into bed,
and pulled the covers over his head.

I heard a muffled shout:
"I'm so glad I'm retired!"

That makes two of us!

While Terry burrowed deeper,
I snapped some photos 
from the front porch and back windows.


No need to even step outside.
Just aim my camera,
and then run to warm up by the fire.

This may be winter's last hurrah,
so I wanted to enjoy the privilege 
of being snug as a bug under an afghan 
with a good book and hot coffee.

It's hard to believe that Terry and I are both retired.  
Where did the decades go?

I'm grateful for this time in life.

And I am grateful for the beauty
of a last shot of winter,
when the world is stripped of color
and tinted like an antique photo.

What a relief!
What a big retirement plus!

No more worries about Terry
getting to work,
when winter piles it on.
Woop!  Woop!


  1. I would lose my mind if we had another snow right now. I'm trying to keep the yard mowed between rain storms. :)

    1. Hi TPC! It's springtime in the Rockies, and anything can happen! We can swing from 80ยบ F to snow and back in no time. It keeps things interesting. We could use some good rainstorms here. Have a good one!

  2. There may be a place with worst weather than Bradford. So sorry about your snowfall. It is pretty isn't it? Isn't retirement wonderful? It's a great time in your life when you can just relax and do whatever you want to do. Including just going back to bed! Enjoy.

    1. You had it worse, Peggy, hands down! Once the sun comes out (and we get a lot of sun), the snow melts quickly. Although I did make sure that our current home had a southwest facing driveway with no shadows when we bought it. Hate, hate, hate an icy driveway. Since Terry retired, I'm much less driven. I feel like I'm a kid on summer vacation. And it is great! Hugs to you!

  3. Thought I never hear about snow again until autumn. We've been getting plenty of rain over here.

    1. Hi Adam! I thought about whether or not I should put a snow post up, since it's been such a tough winter for so many people. But I do enjoy snow (when I don't have to drive in it)! It makes everything look so different! Have a good one!

  4. Love these words:
    "And I am grateful for the beauty
    of a last shot of winter,
    when the world is stripped of color
    and tinted like an antique photo."

    The beauty of retirement coupled with the beauty of nature. Happy you could enjoy it all.

    1. Thanks, Peaches! I'm really enjoying everything right now! Have a good one!

  5. Man, how unfair -- what a big dump of Spring snow! I hope it didn't hang around too long.

    1. It didn't, Debra! That's the awesome thing about living in Colorado! We're not out of the woods yet, because it can snow here into May. And I'm definitely keeping the flannel sheets on the bed until the end of the first week in May! Have a good one!

  6. It snowed here a bit, just enough to make people complain. NOTHING like that!

    1. Hi Susie! We got quite a bit of snow, but it went quickly! I grumble a lot less now that I don't have to go out into it. Have a good one!

  7. That's a lot of snow! I thought the snow we got here in Boston about 1.5 weeks ago was a late snow but your pictures obviously prove that snow can come later than that!
    Stay warm!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! It has warmed up beautifully today, and the snow is gone! Definitely Boston had it way worse than the Denver area this winter! Have a good one!

  8. Glad the ever patient is enjoying his retirement!
    Wow.. that's a lot of snow. I'm now more grateful for our 'slightly chilly' Spring days

    1. Dawna! I'm so glad that you visited and left a comment. I fell way behind on vacation, and I knew I was missing someone I didn't want to miss. You! Duh! Hope all is well!

  9. Beautiful photos, Louise, and I am so happy he is enjoying his retirement. Here in Montreal we are expected to get snow beginning tomorrow (Thursday) night into Friday, and possibly 10-12 centimeters. Yes indeed, anything is possible, and in Montreal, probable. LOL! Hope you are having a great week, my dear friend. :)

    1. Thank you, Linda! Stay warm and dry! You have a great week too! Hugs!

  10. haha just looking at that I'd want to be retired too. Glad there is no more of the white stuff here

    1. You all certainly got hammered in NS this winter, Pat! Glad that you're seeing green! You'll be retired before you know it. It goes way faster than you would imagine. Have a good one!

  11. This might well be the most wonderful time, no running to a clock, no driving on dangerous roads, I talked to a long-time friend some months ago, and asked " Would you like to be some years younger?" After a very busy life as an ortho. surgeon, his reply " No, I am very comfortable where I am right now, time to enjoy every day, take up playing the cello again, and so much more" He is so right. Enjoy those days at home, lovely snow pics, I never ever get tired of seeing all that snow everyone gets up North.
    much more"

    1. I'm loving it so far, Jean! I put everything into my career years, and now I'm loving the time to chase my creative dreams. I understand your surgeon friend very well! I don't get tired of seeing snow either. Wishing you lots of enjoy in your upcoming days!

  12. we have sun, then rain, then sun then rain...doesn't feel like I'm in Texas

    1. I'll take snow over rain any day, JS! I'm not sure about Texas, but at least here in Colorado our rain comes fast and furious and then goes away. Hope it dries out for you soon!

  13. Wow! It looks like winter. Spring is not coming easy this year. No snow here but still quite chilly.

    1. Oh the warmth of spring, Martha! May it come for real very soon! Our snow vanished quickly except for the northern shadowy areas. Have a good one!

  14. OH-OH!!!!
    I won't have winter back on my door step coming back from Oz where temps were about 30°C!!
    Ok, we had a few quick showers while taking photos, but back to snow........ no thanks!!
    Many thanks Fundy, for your such kind comments while I was away, I always have such a ball reading you :)
    I will be back soon to go trough your latest posts, but right know I have much to do part of which identifying some of the subjects my lens caught is one tricky job!
    Keep well, I will try to back shortly :)

    1. Hey, Noushka! I can't wait to see what you found with your lens! At least your rain was quick showers, not gully-washers like we tend to have here. Take care! Hugs!

  15. ENJOY YOUR RETIREMENT and don't look back! Do be mindful though, super mindful because we don't need any stories of tripping or slipping or giggling too hard!

    All the best and love your photos!!


    1. Cheers, my special friend! And thanks! Giggles, maybe ~ the rest, no way!

  16. Snow now? Cannot imagine that. Wish I was at retirement age too!

    J.L. Campbell - The Character Depot | A-Z Challenge Co-Host

    1. Hi JL! The snow has quickly disappeared ~ that's Springtime in the Rockies! You'll be amazed at how quickly retirement has arrived when you get there. Have a good one!

  17. They refer to the late spring snow storms here as 'farmers fertilizer' and it looks like you had a BIG one, Louise!
    I know, isn't retirement great!? Time is your punch bosses......just doing what seems right at the time, any time mostly.

    1. We did, Jim! A big one, but it's totally gone, and everything is greening up gangbusters! And retirement is awesome! Terry is walking around in disbelief and wonder pinching himself! Have a good one!


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