
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Waikiki Sunset

Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii 
is among the most popular and famous beaches
in the world, even though it is short
and can be very crowded.

Waikiki Beach with Its Iconic Views
of Diamond Head and Honolulu
March, 2015

Waikiki Beach stretches two miles 
from the Outrigger Canoe Club Beach
at the base of Diamond Head
to the Duke Kahanamoku Beach and Lagoon
by the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

Duke Kahanamoku Beach
March, 2015

Waikiki Beach is actually a string of eight beaches,
each with its own character and activities.

Aerial View of Part of Waikiki 
(from breakwater by Duke Kahanamoku Beach and Lagoon, center,
to Kūhiō Beach, right)

Map of Waikiki with Its World Famous Hotels

A favorite thing for people to do on Waikiki
happens once a day:  catching the sunset.

Honolulu is closer to the equator
than much of North America,
so sunset times vary little throughout the year.

Gathering to Catch the Sunset
Kūhiō Beach looking toward the pink Royal Hawaiian
and the tall Sheraton Waikiki

Some Surfers Depart While Sunset Watchers Arrive

Sunset on Waikiki happens quickly,
but each one is unique.

These sunset photographs
were all taken on March 2, 2015.

Many enjoy sunset on Waikiki
from Waikiki waters.

I find the colors and textures of the ocean
at sunset both lovely and fascinating,
especially when contrasted with
the dark silhouettes of water lovers. 

Cloud and light rule the sunset,
and the sky can look very different,
depending on where you point your camera
and on how much you zoom.

Quelle différence!

Zooming in on Dramatic Clouds

Snapping a Selfie in the Water

It's fun to look for other photographers
as they capture their family and friends
or focus on the beautiful scenery.

One day I'll try a sunset cruise,
but to me a paddle board is more fun.

Sunset is too brief, 
but there is always another one tomorrow.



  1. We stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. They had penguins from South America.

    1. My sister, BIL, and young adult children had a blast at the HHV! It's quite a place!

  2. it's really changed a lot since the early 50's..but still beautiful

    1. It's hard to think of all the changes. When I was born, the world had 3 billion people; now we have over seven billion. We have to work really hard to preserve what we still have for future generations. Have a good one!

  3. The perfect spot to avoid all the snow. Always a sight to behold too I bet

  4. Gorgeous, Louise! If I ever had the opportunity to go to Hawaii I think I would probably want to stay...and live there. :)

    1. Thanks, Linda! I can imagine living there!!! We've thought about retiring there. But it's so far away from our families! But, we plan to go at least once a year, if we can continue to afford it. Have a good one!

  5. These photos are absolutely stunning! Each one is better than the next. Glad you had a fabulous time in paradise.


    1. Thanks, Julie! It always makes so happy when people enjoy my photos! Have a good one!

  6. Hawaiian sunsets are amazing but over so quickly! Wham, bam, thank you ma'am, so to speak. And as a prairie girl used to sunlight on summer evenings until at least 10:00 pm, pitch blackness at 6:00 pm is a bit surreal.

    1. I agree, Debra! I lived in the north and loved the long, lingering twilights. In Reykjavik I got to experience no darkness at all, although the sun did dip below the horizon. I have got to get above the Arctic Circle! Have a good one!

  7. Gorgeous photos! What an amazing place. Perhaps one day...

  8. Some of the pictures are like paintings. I love the aerial view.

    1. Thanks, Peaches! You brought a big smile to my face!

  9. We just arrived home from Hilton Head and I thought of you when I saw a SUP'er out in the ocean surrounded by dolphins!!!! I was so envious of him. You could tell he was having a blast....making little splashes of water at them and playing. So awesome! I love all your pictures but the antisocial part of me would be looking for an emptier beach. Ha ha ha!!! :-)

    1. And thank you so much for your sweet, sweet email. I appreciated it so much. I'd just lost my Kenzie the day before so I was in sad, bad shape ~ hearing from you brought a smile to my face. Thanks, Louise!

    2. Every time I see you pop up I get a smile too. So sorry about your Kenzie! The first time I saw Waikiki I was appalled. Then I got in the water and got over it! It's got the greatest water and lovely waves. There are other quieter beaches! Have a great evening!

  10. wow, that is a popular beach. It's worth the crowds for the sunset though :)

    1. Thanks, Lynda! It's a wonderful beach for swimming and playing in the water, one of the best in all my travels. Have a great day!

  11. It does look beautiful! I had no idea it was so popular. The sunset looks gorgeous. :)

    1. At first the crowds bothered me, DMV, but then the beach was so great that I got over it. There are quieter spots on sections of the beach, for those who need it. Have a great day!

  12. It looks like a popular place, but I guess that if you enjoy surfing and swimming there's plenty of room in the warm waters for everyone as well as other quieter beaches. Lovely to have frequent sunsets guaranteed and to be able to enjoy the changing colours in the sky and on the water.

    1. It was lovely, Linda! And I do enjoy the water! Have a good one!

  13. Hi Louise!
    I am major league catching up so here goes!!

    Sunsets are something I can really relate to. Last night I saw a choco-mocha latte wave curling i on our beach ~~ thanks to the clouds / light / shadow.

    I so do understand your description of colours and how things differ every day if not eveery minute!

    Thanks for the details on Waikiki Beach. A better understanding of the beauty and layout really make me feel like I know just like the back of my hand.

    Cheers, oh excuse me ~ ALOHA!

    1. For once it's somebody besides me playing catch-up! LOL Seriously though, you guys had a rough week. I loved your photo of the choco-mocha latte wave that you posted (or I saw) today. That wasn't the first latte one; I remember another from a year or more ago. You are a master of capturing light ~ like your glowing fog! Happy hunting!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.