
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother Nature Having Fun on Mother's Day!

I didn't believe the Weather-Hypers,
but Mother Nature did deliver snow,
as they predicted.

Last night the Front Range was under tornado warnings,
flash flood warnings, and a winter storm warning.
We had it all on the high plains fronting the Rockies:
rain, thunder and lightning, hail, wind, snow, and tornados.

The rain started turning to wet, heavy snow about 6:00 p.m.
Terry and I hugged the fireplace as the wind howled around the eaves.

By the time it turned dark, 
it looked like a blizzard outside. 
It was a good night to be inside.

This is what greeted us this morning:


Snow isn't a big deal, but it is unusual
when it's falling on May 9th and 10th.

But, now that I think about it,
this is the second Mother's Day in a row
that we've had snow.

In our part of Aurora we had about five inches,
but other parts of our city had as much as nine inches.
So much for the three flakes I thought would fall. 

Mother Nature is having fun on Mother's Day
and reminding us that she calls the shots.

Okay, MN, you've had your fun!
Let's get back to spring!

Right now Coloradans' thoughts are turning 
to melting snow and potential flooding.

It's one thing to be safe and warm inside
like the Ever-Patient and me,
but it's quite another to be out on dangerous roads
or living alongside a rising creek or river.
I wonder too, about the plants and animals,
especially the birds nesting on our roof.

Heavy spring snow is pretty,
but it's no joke 
when it comes to the havoc it can wreak.

Happy Mother's Day!
Stay safe!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of snow for May! Old Man Winter just doesn't want to let go!

    1. Hey, Debra! OMW keeps coming back for encores! Fortunately I love snow, as long as I don't have to go out in it. I took all the photos from my windows. LOL! Have a great day!

  2. The snow certainly made for some stunning photos! Thank you so much for sharing them! The flooding is a serious issue, and please stay warm and safe. Hugs. :)

    1. Thanks, Linda! I do worry about flooding, not for us because we're well up on a high hill, but for all the people who are close to the water. I hope to get down to see the creek bed tomorrow morning. Not today though, brrr! Have a happy week! Hugs!

  3. Holy moly! Mother Nature's going through menopause or something. Yup, menopause! Stay warm and safe :)

    1. That's exactly what's been going on! We'll be in the mid-70s in a few days. I'm hanging out by my beloved fireplace. Have a great week, Martha!

  4. Snow for you, grey clouds for us down here, autumn leaves falling, a tiny stray ginger kitten arriving on the doorstep late Sunday night, photos of him later today. Hope you escape flooding, as do all the other areas, and stay by that cosy fire. Happy Mum's Day to you too.

    1. Hi Jean! I can't wait to see the Wee Ginger. We're pretty safe where we are. The geologist in me is pretty picky when it comes to homesites. I do hope that you are feeling ticket-boo! Have a great week!

  5. wow....and I was bitching because we keep having thunderstorms

    1. We had those too! It's really funny to hear thunder and see snow. Never a dull minute in springtime Colorado. Enjoy your week!

  6. The storm was amazing. The beginning flakes were so large - it was fun to watch them pelt to the earth. Luckily we don't have to worry about flooding at our house, and I suspect you are also on a hillside where the water will pass you by, but I do feel sorry about the folks downhill from us. This has not been a good week!

    1. Hi Dreaming. I was watching those big wet flakes too! Yes, I'm up on a hillside, although I'm below Gartrell in elevation. I want to check out the Piney Creek drainage near us tomorrow morning, maybe even later today. I'm hoping the snow melts slowly, but then it has been raining for several days. I hope you have a great week!

  7. Wow! Not so sure I'd like Mother Nature's sense of humor!

    1. I agree, but then I think Mother Nature isn't too happy with us right now. Have a great week!

  8. Oh my, you don't do things by halves in terms of weather there!x

    1. LOL! No we don't! Have a great week, Kezzie!

  9. YIKES! I know what you mean about all the snow, Louise. One day soon you will basking in the warm sunny heat of summer.
    And look at all those great photos!! It is pretty when it long as all are safe and sound.

    1. Thanks, Jim. All those photos were taken inside or through the open front door. Beautiful as it was, I didn't feel compelled to go outside and shoot. You should have seen the look on Terry's face when he found me with the front door wide open and the furnace and fireplace on. Oops! But you know we photographers, anything to get the shot. But Terry gets me! Yet another reason why I call him the Ever-Patient. Today we'll be in the mid 50s and tomorrow in the mid 70s. (13 to 23 CÂș). The big melt is on! Meanwhile I'm imagining your yard with its fluttering prayer flags and beautiful flowers ~ loved that FB post of yours this morning!

  10. hahaha poor poor you, you can keep that at your zoo. Not a drop of snow here anymore, sooo nice at our shore.

    1. No Pity Party here! That snow is rapidly disappearing, just 24 hours later. The grass is shooting upward in celebration of moisture. Your area had a tough winter, so I am happy its sooo nice at your shore! Enjoy, Pat!

  11. That biggest mother of them all, Ms Nature, is demanding her respect on this Mother's Day, and getting it whether we like it or not! I liked how you described yourselves hugging the fireplace. It's snowy but it's beautiful. Happy Mother's Day to you.
    I enjoyed going through your father's letters. I have been to Moosonee, Cochrane, Timmins, Thunder Bay, all those places you have mentioned. Great reads.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment, Melanie! It's my hope to go north again in 2016. I really need to see it all again and fly in a bush plane once more. I've always hugged whatever heat source is nearby. Have a lovely day!

  12. Two years in a row?. What is going on? I'm glad you could sit by the fireplace and stay warm. Retirement is going out on Monday mornings.

    1. Not having to go out on Mondays, whatever the day, is awesome! Terry told me when he woke up the other morning that he felt like he had won the lottery. We often have the furnace turned down lower (It's on right now!), and turn the fireplace on because we're nearby it and don't have to heat all those rooms we're not in. Happy Monday, Peggy!!!!!

  13. I'm so over snow. Gee. I bet you are too. Did you notice that one photo of a branch with snow reminds me of an eagles foot and talons. Great photos. Sorry about the snow.

    1. Hi Teresa! I love that snuggled up inside while the snow deepens feeling. But if I had had to go out and drive in that snow, I'd have been grousing! I hadn't seen the eagle's foot in that photo until you pointed it out, but that's exactly what it's shaped like! Have a great start to the week!

  14. Your photos are absolutely amazing, beautiful and stunning.
    Thank you for sharing.


    1. Thanks, Irene! How lovely it is to come on here and read your encouraging comment!

  15. We saw the bad weather conditions on the tv news channel and to receive a report from you makes it personal.
    Great photos, but thinking of you as those on lower ground deal with the issue of flooding when the snow melts etc. Take care.

    1. Thanks, Linda! It's quite something how the weather can change out here! So far there hasn't been widespread flooding, but for the people it happens too, it's awful. Have a good one!

  16. Now that is my kind of Mother's Day!!! Ha ha. It was warm here and we spent a good part of the day outside. It was beautiful but snow would have made my day for sure!!! That one photo reminds me of a bird or chicken foot/talon. Ha ha!!! :-)

    1. Hi Audrey! I just realized I had more comments from you! We have our master bath and walk-in closet getting new flooring (from carpet to tile, thank God!),so it's been a little hectic around here! It's looking beautiful!
      I'm glad that you had an enjoyable time outside for Mother's Day. We had quite a storm. We were lucky because we didn't need to go anywhere. My friend Nancy, who is two miles south of me as the crow flies lost power for ten hours. Their whole neighborhood was down. When I posted the photo of the branch, I didn't see the bird's foot, but that is exactly what it looks like! I'll bet that your daughters and you are really excited about summertime with all its freedom and fun. Have a good one, my friend!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.