
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IWSG: September 2, 2015 ~ Plan B

It's the first Wednesday 
of the month ~ 
the day when members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and offer their encouragement
and support to other members.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are stepping up to help 
IWSG founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are:  Julie Flanders, Murees Dupé, Dolorah at Book Lover, Christine Rainsand Heather Gardner.

Visit them and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate an encouraging comment!

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I'm leaving on a jet plane this morning.

Heading for the Runway at DIA

Terry and I are off to a very important wedding,
that of our niece Deirdre and her fiancé Will.

I am determined not to wail at her wedding
like she did at ours 31 years ago yesterday!

The Calm Before the Storm
September 1, 1984

And just what does this have to do with writing struggles?

Life has consistently gotten in my way this summer.
Obviously I need a Plan B! 

Leaving Denali, Alaska
Summer, 2015

Next stop, not home!
Straight onto Victoria, British Columbia
for the second time this summer.

A Sea Plane Taxis in Victoria's Harbour

"You wanted to travel when I retired, Babe,"
says the Ever-Patient.  "Well, now we're doing it!"

Okay!  Yay!
So I have to find a way to write consistently while I'm traveling.

I'm staying up late and front-loading my blog.
I've printed off a travel copy of my manuscript.
I'm taking research materials to read.

I'm desperate enough
to consider packing a recipe
for energy-loaded green smoothies;
but damn, kale and spinach
scare the heck out of me!

flickr:  Stacy   license


I will figure out how to make this writing-while-traveling work!

Any suggestions for a traveling writer, fellow IWSG members?
I need all the help I can get!


  1. A family wedding is a great thing to travel for, hope it all goes well. Writing on the move can be difficult. If I'm a way for a week or so I will take notebooks etc in the hope of doing something but as yet I am not a master of this! Will be interesting to hear how others cope with this one as I could do with some advice on this too.

    1. Well I'm two nights into my latest trip, Suzanne, and it has not gone well (for writing that is!). Yesterday I nearly got heatstroke roaming around for miles in 100º weather! But we're having fun, and I know it will get better!Big celebrations tonight and tomorrow, and then things will ease up. Have a great weekend!

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  3. More traveling? Geez, you really go to and fro haha can be hard to write when traveling as there are so many other things to do. Hopefully the wedding goes smoothly and no wailing comes due lol

    1. Just call me a nomad these days, Pat!
      Let me tell you it's hot, where I'm at!
      The bride sees as calm as can be,
      as things get hopping at our sea!

  4. Traveling is fun. Journal as you go and maybe you'll have material for later. My favorite smoothie is a handful of spinach, little tub of strawberry yogurt, 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup of milk and 1/4 c of ice. The ice makes it super cold which is what I love. I promise you this recipe is so good.

    1. Thanks for the recipe, Teresa! I have already copied it into my calendar notebook. I use my camera as a kind of journal, snapping pictures of what captures my eyes. And sometimes I do write things down, but it's always challenging! I'm trying to think of an idea for the IWSG short story competition, but nothing so far. Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Have a great time! Enjoy Victoria and all your travels.

    1. Thank you, MR! Traveling is the thing I love to do most! I love to experience new places and talk with new people. I'm certainly hoping that Victoria is cooler, because DC has been as hat as blazes. Happy weekend to you!

  6. Wow, this will be such a happy time. Writing on the go? Maybe in bed, after a full day of fun... prop up the iPad , and just type what is in your mind at that time .Does your writing have to have a definite direction? Will it be a book? Poem? Real life story? I'm sure you will manage just fine. Safe travels.

  7. Ah... September 1984... I remember those days really well. I was soooo in love back then. :) How's life?

  8. Happy anniversary!
    It's difficult to write when you're always on the go. Just jot down ideas when you can.

  9. You have the same smile. :)

  10. Enjoy your time and Happy Anniversary! I also love your photos and one of my favourites is a photo of you smiling, Louise. You always make my day with your posts. Sending you a hug. :)

  11. Thanks for your kind comments, everyone! I will be visiting each and every one of you ~ but not tonight! We had a lovely trip to DC, but it was extra long with a two hour ground stop in Milwaukee due to bad weather in the midwest. So I am wiped out! Have a good one!

  12. Well, I guess the good thing about travel is that you can get really inspired by the place you're visiting. For me, traveling is one of the best sources for inspiration! A nice view, nature, architecture, good food, history. I like pen & paper best! It's not easy, I realize, but I look forward to reading whatever you come up with.

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Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.