
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Scavenger Hunt: October 2015 ~ Potpourri

Well OOPs!
I thought I had scheduled this to post on November 1st!
LOL ~ The Computer-Challenged One strikes again!

Happy November!
I hope you've survived last night's Halloween shenanigans
and are looking forward to a great holiday season!

Did you have fun chasing down October's photos?
I did!  
No organizing theme for me this time,
just a potpourri pulled together during a challenging month!

1.  Question
What Are You Hoping For, Gracie and Rufus?
Aurora, Colorado, USA

2.  Cream
A House Specialty ~ Ekmet
Loaded with Whipped Cream
Ithaka Greek Restaurant
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

3.  Number
A Number of Pronghorn on the Prairie
Aurora, Colorado, U.S.A.

4.  Lattice
Lattice Work on a Back Alley Door
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

5.  Familiar
A Familiar Walk at Sunrise 
Aurora, Colorado,  U.S.A.

6.  Ring
A Ring-Shaped Balustrade
Rotunda, British Columbia Parliament Buildings
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

7.  Today
Today is a Beautiful Day for a Walk
with Gracie and Rufus
Along Piney Creek
Aurora, Colorado,  U.S.A.

8.  Down
Looking Down on CenturyLink Field
Home Field for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League
and the Seattle Sounders FC of Major League Soccer
Seattle, U.S.A.

9.  Writing
The Daily Specials
Jam Cafe
Old Town, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

10.  Many
Many Clouds Make a Dramatic Sunset
Aurora, Colorado, U.S.A.

11.  Broken
Broken Ground on the Prairie
Aurora, Colorado, U.S.A.

12.  Whatever You Want
A Geology Field Trip to Isle Haute
October, 1970
This is one of the photos in my big collection
I digitized this month.
Nova Scotia, Canada

Happy hunting in November! 

November's List:
A Stranger,  Looking Down,  Pop Culture,  The Weather,  Big,  Sign
Bottle,  Out and About,  Hat,  Hole,  One,  Whatever You Want

Thanks to Jill (Greenthumb) 
and her Made with Love blog 
for setting up the scavenger hunt.


  1. Louise, your photos are gorgeous, and the sunset is absolutely stunning! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Linda! But I shared a little early! This was supposed to post on Sunday. That's what I get for spending the last twelve hours writing, the last seven also watching the Republican debates and drinking chardonnay. LOL! I guess life will go on! Have a happy Thursday, my friend!

  2. Pronghorn!
    Great photos. That one of the man walking the dog is so vivid.

    1. Thanks, Alex! The antelope are, of course, pronghorn! Blame that song "Where the Deer and the Antelope Roam," and the fact I'm bleary-eyed from working on three posts for many hours. The man is my hubby and the dog is Rufus; there was something so compelling about the intense light of the sunrise shining on them. Okay, now I have to crash! Have a good one, my friend!

  3. I recognized the rotunda of the BC legislature immediately, LOL!

    1. It's unforgettable isn't it, Debra! When we go back next year, I want to spend more time exploring it. Have a great day tomorrow!

  4. My pick of the day is " Piney Creek" beautiful still water, Reflections, some background greenery, and two companions. Perfect Bliss.

    1. Thanks, Jean! It was a lovely walk along Piney Creek! Until about three minutes later, Gracie decides to take a flying leap into the water on the opposite side of the bridge. She came out with her blonde and white fur drenched in grey stuff. We walked many times, and she had never done anything like that! At that moment I was not feeling blissful!!!! Have a great day! Hugs!

  5. The colors really shine through in the dog walking one. lol they must be waiting for something or think he is nuts as they watch in the first one.

    1. Hey, Pat! We get such intense light in Colorado at sunrise and sunset when the skies are clear. I wanted to spend time taking more photos that morning, but the dogs wanted breakfast, and the gorgeous light is fleeting. Have a great day, my friend!

  6. Great shots! And I absolutely love "A Familiar Walk at Sunrise". Wow, it's magical!

    1. Thanks, Martha! I get so much pleasure out of the scavenger hunt, especially when someone connects with a photo! Have a great day, my friend!

  7. I love that last digited last shot. just look at that old car! I loved how you illustraed your word this month. Now the shots for Ring is fabulous and I love your dogs and it certainly wa a gret day for a walk. Love the clouds and sunset.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Margaret! It gives me great pleasure when someone enjoys my photos. I'm having fun with my humongous digitizing project, and it's fun to relive things through old photos. I wish Rufus and Gracie were our dogs. They belong to my husband's sister, but sometimes we watch them when she has to go out of town. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's October photos. I'm under the weather now with a medical setback, but I will get around to all the posts! Have a good one!

  8. So many great shots here Louise. I LOVE the colours in Familiar and your photo of the cupola is just beautiful.
    Looks like Seattle is having the same lousy weather as us!

    1. Thanks, Fiona! The real cupola is so amazing. I always try to capture such things, but somehow photos never capture the scale! Stay dry!!!

  9. Wonderful photos for October - love your interpretations of the topics especially like familiar, ring and many:)

    1. Thanks, Rosie! I had such fun hunting them all down! Happy weekend to you!

  10. Another great collection! I like the look of cream! Lovely light in 'familiar' and a great shot for down too!

    1. Thanks, Louise! That cream-topped dessert was delicious, but might have to be a once in a year treat! At least the restaurant is in Victoria, British Columbia, a long way from Aurora, Colorado! Have a good one!

  11. What a beautiful balustrade! Lovely photos Louise, stunning sunset sky and I can almost feel the warm glow from that sunrise. Really like the last one with the old car too. Thank you so much for popping by my blog and hope you're feeling better.

    1. Thanks, Tracey. I'm getting there. My husband is keep a close watch on me, let me tell you! Have a lovely weekend!

  12. Oh my gosh. What a great collection of photos. Love these kinds. And those pups, so cute.

    1. Hi Happy Whisk! Thanks for leaving such a kind comment! Have a good one!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.