
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

IWSG: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 ~ A Flight and a Fight

It's the first Wednesday of the month:
the day when members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG founder Alex Cavanaugh are:
Tonja Drecker,  Diane Burton,  F. J. Fifield, and Rebecca Douglass.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG poses a question
that members can answer with advice, insight,
a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is:

Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project?
Have any of them gone on to be published?


Well, this is an easy question!  
I have never participated in NaNo,
and I am not going to do so this year.

I've heard about it from many IWSG members, 
and I've watched them tackling the challenge each year.

I thought maybe this year; but no,
November is already jam-packed for me,
and I'll have to look forward to next year.

I'll visit as many IWSG members as I can today,
but early tomorrow morning I'm flying to Calgary.
I'm off to a big party to celebrate my sister Barb's retirement;
and typically, I just found out about the party late last week.

First Photograph of All Five MacBeath Siblings
Donnie, Barb (the Retiree), Louise (Me), Bertie, Gretchen (Our Dog), and Roy
Margaretsville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Early April, 1959
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

In January I set a goal of reading five books
written by IWSG authors in 2017.

When I recently traveled to Victoria, British Columbia,
book number five hitched a ride in my suitcase:
Delivered by Patrick Hatt.

Pat's latest novel had me reading late into the night
curled up on the sofa in our tiny hotel suite.
For several nights I raced through its 300+ pages
until my eyes blurred and I was forced to go to bed.

This is my favorite of the four Pat Hatt novels I have read.
I was anticipating a wild, phantasmagorical novel,
but I was in for a big surprise.

Pat Hatt wrote a realistic, contemporary novel with no hint
of the supernatural, beings popping in and out from other dimensions,
or mythical characters wreaking havoc ~
Just a heartwarming story of a small abused boy
who is rescued and welcomed into a close family
which fights to protect him and itself from growing danger.

Of course, given that Pat wrote the book,
it is not your average family!

Martin and Emma Hirtle are a young couple
with four children and a fifth on the way.
They deliberately forego a life of financial security
to devote as much time as possible to raising their children.
When Martin finds a frightened boy abandoned in a snowstorm,
he rescues him and takes him to the Hirtle home.

Martin and Emma soon discover bits of the child's past
and must figure out a sordid secret that haunts him
before the people hunting the boy find him and kill him.

Martin and Emma are quickly pulled into unexpected dangers
that threaten them, their children, and the abandoned child.
Can they solve the mystery of the boy's past in time,
or will they pay with their lives and the lives of their children?
These questions kept me flying through the book into the wee hours.

Pat writes with a distinctive Nova Scotian voice,
filled with the words and idioms of a native Bluenoser.
His characters in Delivered are as compelling as they are unique.
The Hirtles are unconventional, but they are a tight-knit family
with a distinct vision of who they are and why.
I quickly fell in love with them and their idiosyncrasies. 
As in his other novels, good and evil are clearly defined.
With each book he writes, Pat grows as a novelist.

Stephen King, in his excellent book On Writing,
says to become a writer "... you must do two things
above all others, read a lot and write a lot."

Pat lives both, which is why
his list of published books keeps expanding.

Happy writing in November,
and good luck to anyone participating in NaNo.

A Young Barbie,
Long Before Her Distinguished Career in Calgary's Oil Patch
Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
Circa 1960
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

1.  Quote:
     King, Stephen.  On Writing:  A Memoir of the Craft.  New York:  Scribner, 2000.
     Print.  pp. 145.

2.  Personal Note:  I'm traveling and dealing with multiple appointments before cataract
      surgery in the near future.  My Northern Posts will have to resume on November 10th.

Barb and I
Westport, Brier Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
Summer 2015
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Congratulations to your sister on her retirement. My youngest sister is retiring in January and can't wait. I think you must be racking up the air miles since you are on the go so much. Have a great visit. I know you always do when seeing your sis.

    1. Thanks, Peggy! I'll be sure to give her your congratulations! I'm actually traveling Thursday morning. Me and computers! Enjoy your day!

  2. The first Wednesday of the month? Umm isn't it Tuesday? Are you flying through too many time zones? lol

    Nano I've never done because it has never seemed like a challenge to me. But it has helped a lot and that is great indeed. Hope you have a grand time at the party.

    Geez, should get you to write my book blurbs haha Thanks a lot, glad it was enjoyed. Yeah, no supernatural or time travel or anything, geez, I must have had an off moment. I did have a sequel idea to that one too, not sure I'll do it though as it stands alone pretty well. I'll make up for no fantasy stuff with my one at the end of this month.

    1. Yes, Pat, it is Tuesday. I scheduled this to post at 11:00 pm tonight ~ Oops, I guess I confused a.m. and p.m. At least on Thursday morning's trip I won't be changing time zones, although I will have to deal with switching from daylight savings time to regular time on the day I'm flying back. I did enjoy "Delivered" very much! Have a good one, my friend!

    2. P.S. I'm adding my review of "Delivered to Goodreads." Hope you don't mind!

    3. Don't mind at my sea, at least it is the extra hour sleep time zone.

  3. I'm still quite amazed of how many books he's written. Some people don't even make as many blog posts as he does books.

    1. Pat's productivity is amazing! Have a good one, my friend!

  4. Safe travels! Cool to know you enjoyed Pat's latest. I've read several but it will take years to catch up to him.

    1. Thanks, Alex! This IWSG post popped up 12 hours early. Duh: a.m. vs p.m. I'll never catch up to Pat in anything. But I've got him beat in age hands down! LOL Have a great IWSG Day tomorrow!

  5. This will be a retirement, celebration party of the best!!! Congrats Barb, you will be busier than ever, and a good time to have a birthday before the weather turns to that real winter cold.The family photo, what a treasure to still have them.

    1. Hi, Jean! I'll pass on your congratulations to Barb. She's picking me up from the airport on Thursday, and we are going to have a celebratory lunch and drink(s)! Yes, this will be a party, and it's being held in our nephew Blair's restaurant in downtown Calgary. Barb told me to wear blue jeans to the party and to bring my snow boots and winter coat. It's going to snow a lot of the time I'm there. Fast trip ~ I'll be home Sunday; meanwhile Terry gets to hold down the fort.

      I'm doing well at messing up publishing my posts! This went up 12 hours early. You commented on a post of mine which has disappeared. I was working on my Northern Post for November 10th, and I managed to publish it without realizing it. I know you commented, but in my panic, I unpublished it very fast when I realized what I had done. Hopefully your comment will still be there. I've had a good blogging break in that I've caught up with a lot of things. Still a ways to go.

      I hope that you continue to improve and that you and Hugh are both doing well and that the kitties are fine! Sending you love and hugs!

  6. Congrats to your sister Barb! May she have a long, healthy and enjoyable retirement!

    1. Thanks, Debra! I'll pass your well wishes along! Have a good one!

  7. What an awesome review! I wish all book reviews were this elegant instead of just copying and pasting the synopsis. Good luck with the surgery, and travel safely!

    1. Thanks, Snowcatcher. If I write a review, it's definitely my own work. It was fun to surprise Pat with this review, because he had no heads-up on it. I can't wait for tomorrow to come ~ Even if we have to head for the airport at the ungodly hour of 4:45 am. Have a great day!

    2. I tried to comment on your blog, but I wasn't able too. I'm lacking some kind of fee ~ maybe? Anyhow, your photos were breathtaking!

  8. All the best with your surgery and safe travels.

  9. I am currently reading Delivered and it does hook you quick. So, far I am enjoying the book and it is definitely outside Pat's normal realm.

    I am sure the surgery will go well. Safe travels Fundy and I look forward to the Post on the 10th.

    Enjoy the party and Happy Retirement to Barb!

    1. Thanks, Truedessa! I'm glad that you are enjoying "Delivered." Not only do I get to go to a big party for my sister at my nephew's wonderful downtown restaurant, tomorrow I get to have lunch with Barb, my niece Jeannie, and my baby grand niece Ella. I can't wait to hug all three and spend time with Ella. I'll pass your retirement wishes on to Barb. Have a good one!

  10. I'm reading so many books at the moment. Ugh. I wish I had four sets of eyes. Safe travels!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I know that feeling only too well! So many great books, so little time! Happy reading and writing in November!

  11. I'm such a dummy, I thought all of Pat's books were rhyming ones directed at kids. Thanks to your terrific review, I now know better... and will check out his books asap.

    Have fun at the retirement celebration! And good luck with the cataract surgery. I had my eyes "fixed" in 2001, and you'll be astounded by the huge difference in your vision. Such colors! (I drove my husband mad for a while with all of my comments about the vivid colors, but when he got HIS eyes fixed some years later, he went on about the colors, too.)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement regarding cataract surgery, Susan! I'm looking forward to seeing better! One eye at a time. The funny thing is that both my husband and I are going in for cataract surgery back to back with the same doctor. We'll be able to (hopefully) rave about color at the same time. Pat has written lots of children's books ~ I particularly enjoyed the ones about his cat Cassie ~ but he writes books for adults, too, some rhymed, some unrhymed. Enjoy IWSG Day!

  12. I hope you have a safe trip and a great time at your sister's retirement party. What fun!

    1. Thanks, Diane! I'm looking forward to a great time! Have a good one!

  13. Enjoy the party, and don't feel bad about NaNo. Though it can be fun, the timing is hard for a lot of people. (Others use the fact that it runs through the US Thanksgiving as an excuse to shut themselves away from the relatives for a few hours every day. Not saying I've ever done that. No, ma'am. Not me).
    My IWSG Post

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I'm one of those people who loves seeing my relatives ~ I'm probably the aunt and great aunt they're trying to hide from! LOL Not! We all love to play games, drink wine, and talk long into the night. Enjoy today!

  14. Hope you have a wonderful time with your family. Very special celebration indeed!
    JQ Rose

  15. Great review for Pat! I'm definitely in the contemporary/realistic camp and I'm adding Pat's book to my TBR list.

    1. Hi, C. Lee! I hope that you enjoy Pat's book! All the best to you!

  16. Enjoy the party and congrats to Barb. Let the fun begin. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Thanks Emaginette! I am so excited about going to Calgary early tomorrow morning! I'll pass on your congrats to Barb!

  17. Have a fun time in Calgary with your sister and family!!!
    Louise, you won my painting! Congrats! E-mail me your address, when you can! If something has changed and you don't want the painting anymore, let me know, so I can pick another name.
    Big Hugs!!!

    1. Not want your painting? OMG, I am dancing around! I will frame it and hand it with pride and love! Here's my email: I am thrilled!!!!!

    2. LOL! You are so cute! I will e-mail you soon! Big Hugs!

  18. A wonderful review of Pat's book. Now I have to read it. Thanks.

    1. Thanks, Beverly! I hope that you enjoy Pat's book!

  19. Great family photos. Thanks for sharing them! Happy retirement to your sister. I don't do NaNo either. Happy Writing!
    Mary at Play off the Page

  20. I've never participated either.

    I need to read one of Pat's books. I know he has a lot to choose from.

    1. Hi, Diane! Yes, Pat is a prolific writer! I've read a number of his and will read more. This year 5 IWSG books, next year at least seven. Happy writing in November!

  21. Greetings Louise. I hope you have a nice time with your sister. Glad you enjoyed Pat's new read.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Hi, Andrew! I'm sitting at the airport gate waiting to fly to Salt Lake City and on to Calgary right now. It will be fun I'm sure. I'll be by to visit you and catch up very soon. Take care!

  22. Loving the photos - enjoy the party, too. I'm no longer doing IWSG but hope you will still stop by my blog(s) once in a while. :) and

    1. Hi, Donna! I know that you said you were stopping the IWSG, but I will definitely stop by your blogs!!!

  23. I always love looking at your photos. Pat's book sound great. I'll need to check it out. Good luck in all you do. Enjoy your visit.

    1. Thanks, Victoria! I'm sitting here in Calgary right now! Have a good one!

  24. It's great to hear you loved Pat's book.
    I hope you are having a great time in Calgary.

    1. Thanks, Lynda! I'm having a ball in Calgary right now! Have a good one!

  25. Enjoy your trip! Love the photos. I've been trying to hit IWSG member's books more lately too. The tales are amazing. Good luck with the surgery!

    1. Thank's Tonja! I am enjoying IWSG member's books a great deal! Have a great November!

  26. Enjoy your party! This is a busy time of the year for me, so I have never tried the Namo. As for Pat Hatt, I think you should be a good judge of an authentic Nova Scotia's voice!

    1. Thanks, Sage! This is a busy time of year for me too, and it was busy before I found out I was taking an unexpected trip to Calgary. Have a good one!

  27. That was a decent review and well done. Congrats to your sister on her retirement, best wishes always!

  28. Great job .
    I used to visit Pat's poetry blog but was not aware he writes novel ans such amazing one!!!

    glad you shared your pleasant experience of reading him my precious friend!

    Dear Louise I am so glad and grateful to found a kind hearted friend like you through blogging ,i feel blessed when you visit and read me such deep affaction and leave your warm precious words that brighten my days and last in my heart forever .
    i am so thankful for your loving attitude and friendship dear soul!

    wishing you a successful surgery and happy retirement party .
    these photos are soooooo beautiful and loveable, thank you for sharing them with us my friend!
    Stay strong and happy as you are always dear louise!

    1. You warmed my heart in chilly Calgary, dear Baili. I value your friendship greatly, too. I'm so glad that I found you!

      It's -11º C here. The snow has been falling, and the roads are horrible. My sister Barb is at the airport waiting for her boyfriend to fly in from Regina, Saskatchewan. His flight is delayed. Everyone else is at work, so I have a little welcome downtime. I've been drinking too much coffee, and wrapped up in blankets, and trying to stay warm!

      Yesterday, after I flew to Calgary via Salt Lake City, my sister Barb picked me up at the airport and drove me over to our niece Jeannie's home. It was cold and snowy, and the roads were awful. Barb was brave to drive on them, especially when she hates driving on snowy, icy roads. At Jeannie's I got to spend time with my new great niece Ella Grace. Ella is nearly seven months old. Jeannie and my nephew Neil have a dog, Rosie, that used to be the center of attention. Their Fur Baby Rosie has been replaced by Ella. The whole time I was visiting, Rosie was trying to keep away from the baby, and she would jump on my lap is I spoke to Ella. It was very funny. So I gave Rosie lots of love, and pats, and hugs. Then Jeannie put the dog in another room, so I could hold Baby Ella. It's so amazing to hold a sweet baby!

      Barb and I spent the evening having pizza with my sister Bertie and her husband Peter. Then Barb drove over to my sister Donnie's house where she is staying until she moves to Nova Scotia late Saturday night. Bertie, Peter, and I watched a funny, silly horror movie called "Dracula." It starred a favorite Canadian actor of mine, Leslie Nielsen.

      I live at least a two hour flight away from my nearest family members ~ Yesterday it was a five hour, two flight trip, because I had to go through Salt Lake City to get an affordable ticket price. Because I am so far away, I don't get to see my family often. It is very hard. I can't tell you how much it means to be here!

      Have a great day, my dear friend. Sending you love and hugs!

  29. Congrats to your sister on her retirement! I hope you have a wonderful time at the party.

    Wonderful of you to feature Pat. He's one of my favorites!

    1. Thanks, Theresa! The party was a blast! Pat Hatt is one of my favorites too! So funny! So good-hearted! My sister Barb flies to Nova Scotia tonight ~ moving from Calgary after a good thirty years. I fly home tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  30. I have published a couple of my NaNo projects - even though I didn't 'win' and it took me a long time afterwards.

    1. That's an encouraging story, Patsy! Sounds like you won in the end.

  31. Congratulations to your sister on her retirement. There are some NaNo projects which are published.

  32. Your blog is very useful for me,Thanks for your sharing.



Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.