
Friday, November 9, 2018

The Art Lover

I call myself a photographer, 
but real photographers might roll their eyes at that statement.

My camera is a point-and-shoot Canon SX620 HS, 
bright red, of course!

I rarely use my iPhone as a camera
because it's much more expensive and visible,
and I don't want to be targeted by a phone snatcher,
especially when traveling.
Furthermore, I don't want to be encumbered
with a heavy camera, equipment bag, and tripod.

I go for the candid shot on the fly,
hoping I won't have to edit too much to get a photo that pleases me.
I have no qualms about editing a photo with my computer.
If I share a photo, I want it to be the best I can create.

The Ever-Patient, after years of me and my camera,
just keeps slowly moving forward,
while I stop and run to catch up, stop and run, stop and run. 

When I'm out and about, my Canon is snuggled in my right hand,
its strap looped around my wrist and thumb.
I'm on the hunt for anything that catches my eye.
I believe there are interesting, funny, or emotional shots anywhere.

Terry and I arrived in Florence for the first time on a morning train from Padua.
We dropped our bags on 500-year-old tiles in our room in the Residence Bellevue
and raced to explore the historic center of Florence,
a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982.

After hours of wandering from square to square
and marveling at the art, sculpture, architecture, and monuments
that grace one of the most beautiful cities in the world,
we found ourselves walking down the Piazzale degli Uffizi toward the Arno River.

Piazzale degli Uffizi
Florence, Italy
The Arno River lies just beyond the arches at the end of the street.

And suddenly, among the crowds I spotted a shot I wanted!
What do you think I spied?

The Ever-Patient (in bright a red shirt) Heads for the Arno
Piazzale degli Uffizi
Florence, Italy
September 16, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

"Oh please don't move," I whispered,
as I slipped the strap off my hand and lifted my camera,
opening the lens, edging forward, stalking my subject.


Piazzale degli Uffizi
Florence, Italy
September 16, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The cutest little art lover sat staring at a caricature of President Obama.
Given the water dish nearby, I suspect the art admirer belonged to the caricaturist.
Sometimes I get lucky! 

For Map Lovers Like Me:
Location of Italy

Location of Florence

Location of the Piazzale degli Uffizi


  1. Greetings Louise. In my experience with viewing your posts, you take a good picture. I rely on my Daughter to take our family pictures - I'm still waiting for her to send me some Halloween snaps, which I'll post. It's handy to always have a camera on you to catch the unexpected. I liked the picture of the dog viewing the caricature of Obama. I envy you and your travels, good luck to you. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.

    1. Happy Saturday morning, Andrew ~ well, I guess that it's seven or eight hours later where you are! Me, I'm sipping my first cup of coffee bundled up in a robe while the house warms up. I'm sure your Halloween photos will be cute. I look forward to seeing them. I now how lucky I am to be able to travel. I inherited a wanderlust gene, and it's my favorite thing to do. I am grateful for every day of health and mobility I have. Have a great rest of the day! Blessings back at you!

  2. You sure get the good shots indeed. haha I figured you were focusing in on the pup. He sure is a cute little guy sitting there ever so patiently. Did he bark while you ran and caught up? Sure have to watch the cellphone snatchers indeed.

    1. Hey, Pat, where you're at! I figured that I wasn't fooling anyone, because that little dog draws eyes. I couldn't believe how fixated he was on the Obama caricature, let alone that he would still be staring at it while I sidled up and snook the shot. He never even saw me, and I wondered if there were doggie treats stashed behind the canvasses.

      Everywhere in Europe tourists are warned to be on the alert for pickpockets. We evaded a father-child team working together in one of the squares in Florence. My iPhone is older, and it's big; but it's still a great phone, so I have to watch it. Usually I sightsee with a small Sports sac that sits snuggly under my left arm while I'm taking pictures. So far, so good.

      Have a great day ~ The weekend is in sight!

  3. That was a rare shot. Glad the dog didn't move.
    I'm like your husband. I just keep slowly moving while my wife takes photos.

    1. Hi, Alex! I think there are spouses and significant others everywhere who have learned to co-exist with the family picture taker. I hope that you and your wife have an enjoyable weekend. Good luck as you write on!

    2. funny how dogs usually ruin a photo you're trying to take of them. It's like they know you want that perfect shot. You often have to be two steps of ahead of the doggo.


    3. Hi, Adam! I hope that all is well with you and Daisy! Doggos are so hard to capture in a photo ~ like I said, I got lucky! It's been a crazy week for me. I haven't been able to get around like I hoped. Tomorrow I'll stop by. I thought of you so many times when we were traveling in England and Italy. I'll probably be thinking of you early next week as I do touch up painting. My paint is 14 years old ~ LOL I'll worry about overall painting later. You and Daisy have a great weekend!

  4. That is so cute!! My heart is smiling! Thanks Louise! Big Hugs!

    1. Seeing you pop up is making my heart smile, Stacy! You have a way of lifting people up with your kindness!

  5. As my photography teacher at UBC told us on the first day.......'this course has nothing to do with your camera. I am here to teach you how to get to know your 'eye'.....'
    And Louise, you certainly have a good understanding of this! I love what you see. The dog photo is precious.
    I have learned to appreciate that instant just before I 'click' the shutter....a true moment of zen.

  6. I always loved your captures dear Louise!

    Either your area has phone snatchers?
    This is news to me .
    Our city Karachi is badly known for such incidents and when my eldest son lived there he never took his expensive phone along outside

    Loved the Italy always. It is in my wish list either. Thank you so much for sharing the glimpse


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.