
Friday, April 12, 2019

Should We Stay or Should We Go?

I'm a mess right now.
Should we stay or should we go?

I'm biting my nails, sitting on pins and needles, 
got my fingers crossed, can't decide if I want 
luck to be a lady tonight or not.

Things will work out or they won't.
It's all good.

I can't focus. 
I can't think.
I certainly can't produce a post.

At least this had me laughing last night.
Hope it makes you laugh too.

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Donnie and Me
Sisters are the best!
On Margaret's Justice
between Long and Brier Islands,
Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 31, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Decisions that are so important are so hard. We knew we had to downsize, and are happy where we are, but the smaller, hugely smaller section has its limitations. I am slowly getting used to having very close neighbours. the shops,plumber, doctor and dentist are all the same ones, familiar, close by, Our home will be fine once the plumbing alterations are done. I can so understand your dilemma. Maybe travel there and stay in a motel or similar for a week or so, drive around, talk to the local people? check out the year round climate, and how easy will it be to travel from there to where you go now.Will rates, insurance, cost of living be the same, or more? And can you still write, blog, do photography or find something new altogether? Huge to even contemplate, and having been there so recently, I send you both a huge heap of love.XXXXX ( p.s. maybe get a large sheet of paper and write pros on one side,cons on the other)

    1. Thank you, Jean, for your wonderful, helpful comment! We put an offer on a house in Sun City Anthem in Henderson on the south side of Vegas. Unfortunately ours isn't the only offer. We shall see, hopefully sometime tomorrow. We have spent over two years checking out potential relocation places, including three months in a trailer in Bullhead City, Arizona, and a month in Surprise, Arizona two years in a row. I think we have the community ~ if we can just get the house. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear. I love the house we've bid on, although we haven't lived in a single family home in 29 years. Thanks for your wonderful support. XXXXX right back at you!

  2. Major decisions are hard to make. Good luck making yours.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I thought at this point in live I'd have it all figured out. LOL Have a great weekend!

  3. It's a big decision. Just consider it a new adventure.

    1. Thanks, Diane! I am excited about the potential new adventures ahead of us. Fingers crossed! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I hope everything works out for the best and that the uncertainty is over soon!

    1. Tomorrow by 3 pm we'll know if we had our house contract accepted. Unfortunately we're not the only offer. I think we have our community; now we just need the house! My brainwaves are a little calmer now ~ LOL! Have a good one, my friend!

  5. Well as the Clash sang, "One day it's fine and next it's black". But after seeing your creation for the tin foil hat awards, I would change that line to "One day it's fine and next it's shiny silver.

    1. thanks for your kind words, Bill! Things are definitely looking up! Take care!

  6. We should stay across to everyone and everything!

  7. Positive and negatives to everything. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and see what comes of it. One thing to remember though, especially with moving, things will never ever go perfectly smoothly. That help? No? Hmph. Time to back back to the video?

    1. Hey, Mr. Hatt! I miss your blog, but I am so glad that you are visiting and commenting! I think we've finally decided on where to and tomorrow we should know if we get the house. I do hope so ~ It will be my favorite house ever! Nail biting time. All the best to you, Orlin, and Cassie!

  8. Republicans really hate Waters, which means she's doing it right.

    1. Hi, Adam! I watched the whole exchange live as it was happening. I nearly died laughing. Go Maxine! Have a great weekend with Daisy. Btw I haven't forgotten your book ~ my life is completely out of control right now. Hopefully several more months of crazy upheaval and then calm ~ Yah, right! LOL

  9. Thumbs up and toothy grin.
    Coffee is on

    1. Everything is better with coffee and a smile, Dora! Thanks for visiting!

  10. Best wishes for a positive outcome.

    1. Hi, Geo! It's been nutso around here, like Groundhog Day. We didn't get the house, but we have an offer in on another one. Of course there's more than one! More nail biting. LOL I'll be by.

  11. These are always hard, stressful decisions. I hope it all goes smoothly and you start with enthusiasm on this new adventure in your life!

    I had a good laugh with that video! Don't you just love these tough women? LOL

    1. Hi, Martha! The decision to move is made. Now if we can just get a house. We've had offers in on two which didn't work, and that's a good thing in retrospect. Now we're on to an offer on a third house today. I would be really happy with this one if we got it. Sorry I haven't responded until now ~ been a little crazy here. I hope all is well with you!

  12. Good luck on getting the house you want. I’m not sure I’d ever be ready to live in Southern Nevada, but the northern part of the state does has its appeal.

    1. Hi, Sage. Sorry I'm just responding now. We didn't get the house, but we're hoping for another. Southern Nevada has some pretty amazing wild areas, starting with Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area and then Zion. I'll be joining the hiking club asap once we've accomplished the move. I have to admit, I am not looking forward to that! All the best to you!

  13. it's always hard to leave a place where you have spent most time of your life dear Louise and i can totally understand your confusion right now

    i remember in one of your post you said you will follow the Terry's wish so i think it would be a combine decision for good

    i will be looking forward to updates about your moving thing my friend

    1. Hi, Baili! It's so good to hear from you! I haven't been able to blog ~ too much going on. We didn't get the house we hoped for, but we're trying to get another. It's very stressful. And yes, I am following Terry's wish. It's good to see him so happy and excited. He sacrificed a lot for me over the years. It's all good. Take care, my friend!

  14. Whatever happens, I hope it works out for the best.

    1. Thanks, Patsy! We've definitely decided to move, but we still need to find a house. We've been outbid on three, so far. One day at a time. Happy Easter to you!

  15. I've been thinking of you and your hubby! I hope everything works out perfectly!
    Thank you for the comments on my tinfoil hat! You're a sweetheart!
    Big Hugs!

    1. Hi, Stacy! Thanks for your well wishes. I'm a big believer in things working out as they should. Long life, lots of experiences, good and bad ~ LOL In the end, it's all good. Enjoy your Easter!

  16. Catching up on the blog world!
    Sorry you didn't get that house! I am sure there are more around and wish you both the best in getting the perfect one.

    1. It's so good to see you, Jim! Yes, we will eventually find a great house! All the best to you, my friend!

  17. Sorry you missed out on your first house, though I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I didn't get the first house I wanted 10 years ago when we were buying, but now I think God for unanswered prayers because I think we ended up in the home that we were supposed to all along. Wishing you well on your journey. I'll look forward to hearing about your move as soon as it happens :)

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I do believe things happen for a reason, and I know that the right house will come. Meanwhile every day without the clock ticking is another day I have to declutter and prepare for our move. Right now I'm deconstructing photo albums. It is a huge undertaking ~ LOL! Have a great week!


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