
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

IWSG Day: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 ~ Writing Surprises with a Touch of Sissiboo

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG founder Alex Cavanaugh are:
Renee Scattergood,  Sadira Stone, Jacqui Murray, Tamara Narayan,  and L.G. Keltner.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.

Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is:

Has your writing ever taken you by surprise? For example, a positive and belated response to a submission you'd forgotten about or an ending you never saw coming?


It's always fun to see what intriguing question the IWSG comes up with every month,
and I always enjoy visiting fellow members and reading their posts.

Yours Truly
Getting Ready to Kayak for the First Time
Sissiboo River
Nova Scotia, Canada
August 2, 2019

When I first began writing I was surprised and fascinated
by how my characters would begin speaking to me,
take over the dialogue, and hijack the storyline.
Now I welcome the help!

My Sister Donnie (background)
My Cousins Dave and Carlyn (middle)
My Niece Sara (foreground)
Sissiboo River
Nova Scotia, Canada
August 2, 2019

Another surprise was not welcome.
My first submission was a query letter, outline, and the first four chapters
of a manuscript that I sent off bloated with optimism to Harlequin in Toronto.
I didn't hear back, didn't hear back, and didn't hear back,
and my hopes expanded past Mars and the asteroid belt.

Months and months later I was sitting our dining room table,
drinking my second or third coffee, 
and enjoying the warm California sunshine bathing me in golden light.

Yours Truly
Kayaking for the First Time
Sissiboo River
Nova Scotia, Canada
August 2, 2019

A loud thud against our front door startled me out of my reverie,
and I pushed the door open, my stomach flooded with foreboding.
The scrape of the package on the gray cement as the door yielded
told me all I needed to know.

Hope shriveled to dust as I picked up the heavy manila envelope.
It flamed out, plummeting to Earth, as I recognized the address
handwritten by me
and the stamps I had licked and pasted optimistically on the return envelope. 
Harlequin had rejected my manuscript.

Now I know rejection and manuscript are a likely pairing.

Kayaking on the Sissiboo River
Nova Scotia, Canada
August 2, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Happy writing this month, and may you have an inspiring IWSG Day!

I am traveling and flying during the next two days, 
so I likely won't be able to visit until Friday,
but I will make the rounds!

For Map Lovers Like Me:

Location of the Sissiboo River

Location of the Sissiboo River

Location of Nova Scotia


  1. Thanks Fundy for an excellent post, I wasn't just surprised at writing I was flabbergasted. Loved the picstures certainly brightens up one's day.


    1. Hi, Yvonne! We're finally home, and I can respond to everyone. Thanks always for your kind comments! They are much appreciated! I'm glad that you enjoyed my photos. Take care!

  2. I remember the days of self-addressed stamped envelopes (SASEs) and how the sight of them in my mailbox was agonizing. Was I holding good news or bad news in my hands? Ack! :)

    Have fun traveling!

    1. Hi, Madeline! I'm finally home and enjoying it. I had a wonderful trip. I don't miss SASEs one bit! Happy writing to you!

  3. Sorry about your dreams crash-landing to earth. Don't give up though. And enjoy your trip!

    1. Thanks, Alex! Trip done. Lot's of fun. Now back to reality! I hope that you are enjoying a great weekend!

  4. Bon voyage! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos of your kayaking trip. I'd love to try that, but am intimidated by the requirement to flip the thing over and submerse myself.

    1. Thanks, Sadira! Fortunately I was not require to flip the kayak over and submerse myself, although we discussed what we should do. I made every effort not to do anything to cause me to flip, and I have had lots of canoeing experience, so I didn't. Thanks for visiting ~ Sorry I'm just replying now because of traveling. Happy writing in August!

    2. Hi again, Sadira! I couldn't figure out how to reply to your IWSG post, because I have technological challenges ~ LOL! It is hard to see summer slip away ~ especially with winter and snow just around the corner. I always feel sad and nostalgic when the back to school sales start. I'm seven years retired and still like to see (and sometimes buy) school supplies. Pretty bad, eh? Have a wonderful rest of the summer!

  5. Beautiful pics! Sorry to hear of the rejection. Those are NOT fun.

  6. I've wanted to try it one day, but I'm always nervous the boat would turn upside down.

    1. Hi, Adam! I'm catching up after getting home. As always, I enjoy your comments! I was nervous about the kayak turning upside down, but I decided that it was now or never. I'm glad that I went for it.

  7. Rejects were never a surprise to me. Each acceptance was though. I must be a pessimist at heart. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Hi, Anna! I'm still catching up, but I'm getting there. That was my first submission. I've learned lots about rejection since! LOL Take care!

  8. Oh the days of mailing submissions!

    Kayaking is fun! I did it for the first time two years ago.

    1. Hi, Diane! I'm happy that we don't have to do SASEs anymore, especially internationally ones. I really enjoyed the kayaking, as did my husband. I think we'll be doing it more in the future.

  9. I have been in a kayak once, I tipped out into very cold lake water!!! I guess rejection is all part of an author's life, and you can pick up the pages, yourself and start again. Your stories about early life fascinate me, there is a book right there.

    1. Hi, Jean! I'm sorry to be responding so late. I'm slowly getting on top of things after arriving back from Nova Scotia Thursday evening. I love to travel; the catching up with laundry, groceries, bills, not so much ~ LOL So you tipped over in a kayak! That was my biggest worry, but fortunately I didn't go in. I paddled very carefully let me tell you! After I did the Sissiboo River, we went to Kejimukujik and Terry joined me in a tandem kayak. For the first 10 minutes we thought our marriage wouldn't survive, but then we had a blast! I can't wait to go again. Thanks for the encouragement!

  10. Enjoy your trip. I kayak with my boyfriend but it has two seats and I just go with him. I had a similar experience of a manuscript being returned. But it did go to acquisitions at Little Brown so that was a little achievement. And my very first submission.

    1. Hi, Natalie! Thanks for visiting! I'm still playing catch up after being out of town for three weeks. I think that it's very cool that your manuscript made it to acquisitions on your very first submission! My husband hasn't stopped talking about kayaking since we returned home. Despite our rough start with each of us trying to give the other directions, we found a way of cooperating that worked and had a blast. I certainly hope we do more of it. All the best to you!

  11. There's no thud quick as terrible as the return of the rejected submission. Totally understand.

    1. Hi, Lee! I'm still making the IWSG rounds and trying to catch up from a three week trip out of the country. Thanks for visiting! All of us who write understand rejection! Have a good one, my friend!

  12. I used to save my rejections. Then I started tossing them in the garbage, where they belong.


    1. Hi, Janie! Thanks for commenting on this herky-jerky blogger's post. I can't seem to catch my tail! I don't save rejections anymore either! But I proudly keep all the acceptances ~ They don't take up too much space, LOL! Hugs to you, my friend!

  13. That thud sure does suck indeed. Especially after the whole hurry up and wait forever in a day crap. But you never know unless you try try and try again.

    Back in NS water I see as you kayak away. Hope you enjoy the trip and travel about.

    1. Hey, Pat! "Try, try, try again!" That's you personified indeed! I'm working on it ~ trying to finish something for the IWSG contest, traveling or not! Nova Scotia always fills my heart! Take care, my friend!

  14. The kayak photos are great! Isn't it fun??? Interesting, one of the properties we were looking at last spring was in Sissiboo, it looks lovely on the river! I can't even imagine the rejection of getting a manuscript back! There must be so much competition now!

    1. Hey, Rain! The Sissiboo is magic, so beautiful. A few days later I got Terry in a kayak in Keji. After some serious doubts in the first ten minutes or so, he really loved it. I've got everything crossed for you in your quest for a place for you, Alex, and the Fur Babies! XOX!

  15. Rejections - yeah. But what did you expect from Harlequin. I lost all respect for the big publishers since I started hanging out with the IWSG community. They're only in it for the money.
    I kayaked once - and it was fun. Hope you enjoyed your kayaking trip.

    1. Hi, Olga! Thanks for visiting me! That first rejection taught me a lot, and the first thing I realized was that I'm not cut out to write Harlequin romances. LOL I very much enjoyed my kayaking trip ~ Can't wait to do it again. I hope you are having a great weekend!

  16. I'm sorry about the rejection, but don't give up!! You are an amazing writer!
    Kayaking! So cool! I love the pictures! Big Hugs!

    1. Big hugs back to you, Stacy!!! It's great to see you!

  17. Rejection sucks! I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. It does seem like you did well with kayaking though. We love it so much, we bought 4 so we could go out with family and friends as much as possible when the warm weather hits.

    1. Awesome about the family kayaking, Theresa! Have a good one! I'll be by very soon!

  18. I remember those days of getting our SASEs plus manuscripts back in the mail. Oh, the paper we wasted. My daughter hid the returned manuscript because it arrived on my birthday.

    1. What a good daughter, Diane! I don't miss the SASEs. Wishing you a happy weekend!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.