
Friday, September 6, 2019

Message Received! Deadline Met!

I'm a wreck this morning as I work on my post for tonight.
I took that bolt from the black a couple of weeks ago very seriously. 

A Bolt from the Black!
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I metaphorically got off my derrière ~ 
metaphorically, because that "something" I had been putting off
required a whole lot of sitting.  As in sitting and writing.

I had promised myself months ago that I would submit 
a story to the IWSG 2019 Anthology Contest,
even if I had never written in this year's genre.

I had been playing with an idea for months, 
but it was still in a nebulous form.

Lagoon nebula (Messier8)

Okay, it was so nebulous that I hadn't written a single word
and I couldn't see past the first scene.
I had the vaguest idea for a plot, 
so vague that it could be summed up in one word.

Ever since that bolt I've been frantically bingeing on writing;
well, between a wedding in Colorado Springs, 
a visit from a writing friend in Seattle, 
a doctor's visit and tests, 
working with my trainer on the consequences of my fall,
moving heavy furniture 
(Bad idea when you've been injured.),
and the other stuff of life 
(Do 10 crackers slathered with Nutella count as a meal?).

I'd add a photo of me binge writing, 
but it would be a scary sight!

I was in the flow, and thrilled to be there.
But let me tell you, in the flow is not a placid float on the Sissiboo.

Kayaking on the Sissiboo River
Nova Scotia, Canada
August 2, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

It's a wild ride on the raging Arkansas.
Rafting Seidel's Suckhole on the Arkansas River

My fabulous and patient husband supported me all the way,
by plunking food in front of me periodically,
by not suggesting that I really should sleep and/or shower,
and by giving me lots of big hugs accompanied with,
"I'm so happy to see you happy and having fun with your writing."

He didn't even complain when yet another obscure book showed up from Amazon.
Shhh!  Don't tell him, but I paid more for super fast delivery than the book.

At Our Friends' Wedding
(Also Our 35th Wedding Anniversary)
Colorado Springs
September 1, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Perhaps even better than submitting my story to the contest,
I have a sense of direction in my writing again:  not nebulous or vague.
I've been floundering around without direction for months,
and now I have a clear route.

And kudos to Alex Cavanaugh, the founder of The Insecure Writers Support Group.

He was kind, patient, and helpful to me 
on a very busy day for him yesterday.
Technologically-challenged me was in a panic over technical problems 
when I tried to submit my manuscript to the IWSG.
But we got it done!

If you have not discovered Alex's website, the IWSG, or his great science fiction books,
you should do yourself a favor and check them out!
I've read and enjoyed all of these!

Alex's Books

So now it's back to reality, hopefully a little more structured. 
And maybe I can drastically shorten the list of blogging buddies
I have gotten behind on visiting.  See you soon!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Me, on Donnie and Martin's Deck
Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
August 7,  2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Julie and I at Her Wedding
Colorado Springs
September 1, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Julie and Terry at Her Wedding
Colorado Springs
September 1, 2019
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Happy anniversary!
    We got you through it and now you have officially submitted. Hopefully it doesn't take another bolt of lighting to make it happen again though.

    1. Yay!!!!! And no, it won't take another bolt of lightning! That bolt really focused me. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  2. It's amazing how pretty space is.

    1. Yes, it is Adam! I was reading a little about what new telescopes will become operational in the next 5 or 6 years, on Earth and in orbit. I can't wait to see what they will observe. Some of them will be working on exoplanet studies. Have a great weekend!

  3. Happy anniversary albeit a few days late. Lovely photo's and a great read.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I hope you are having an enjoyable Friday!

  4. Great to have a spare minute and catch up with you. Now that you've done your IWSG story, I'm inviting you to try some of my Friday & Sunday flash fiction challenges. Friday is on my blog,, and has a photo prompt and a 500 word limit. Sunday is on a blog I now host,, and has a photo prompt with a 200 word limit. Love to see you there!

    1. How lovely to hear from you, Donna! I will check these out. No promises though, because I have a number of things in the work. Participating in some of these would be poetic justice of a sort, because I used to have my third graders write from photo prompts! All the best to you!

  5. That is great that you got it done and submitted. Go lightning. And go Terry for not caring that you didn't even take a shower lol Now hopefully you stay on a roll and they keep on a churning out.

    1. Thanks, Pat, and I sincerely hope I'll keep it going! Have a great weekend!

  6. Congratulations on finishing and submitting your story! It's so wonderful that you have such support from your loving family!

    1. Thanks, Tyrean! I'm very lucky. There's nothing like support from my hubby and family! Have a great weekend!

  7. Always great when your spouse is supportive.

  8. First of all, Happy Anniversary! You look so beautiful in your dress and pearls ♥

    Also, congrats on grabbing that spark and running with it. I am sure you feel so accomplished with all the writing you got done. And lovely of Terry to support you through it too. Here's hoping that little fire stays lit within you and you can continue your writing at top notch pace :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I'm feeling the accomplishment glow! I plan to keep the pace going. I hope you have a great weekend too!

  9. heartiest congratulations for being work done dear Louise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i can feel how light you are feeling right now

    what an incredibly lovely couple you are :)))

    i thank God who make two soul mates meet and live life of their dreams :))) the warmth of love is most precious thing on this whole universe and you are lucky to be among of those who have been blessed to have it my friend!

    thank you so much for elegant and beyond beautiful images
    you looked absolutely STUNNING at wedding ,the dress and the necklace is outstanding ,your lovely smile adds charm to all you wore dear :)))
    hope you feel better after rest
    love and hugs with countless best wishes !

    1. Hi, Baili!!!
      Love, hugs, and countless best wishes back at you, my dear friend!

      I count myself most fortunate to have Terry. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. I cannot believe that I've been married to him for 35 years, and dated him almost two years before that. We've been a couple now for 37 years! Over half my life. Thank you for the kind words about the outfit I wore to the wedding. I always feel happy and pretty in that dress and with those pearls. I'm a big believer in smiles, so I smile a lot.

      My friend Julie (the bride) is my trainer with whom I've worked out for over 13 years. She's been helping me recuperate from my fall. I was hurt more than I realized at the time. On Thursday she took a tennis ball and applied pressure to points all over my calves and shins. I can't tell you how badly that hurt, but it felt amazing afterwards. I've been limping since a few days after my fall, and my doctor told me I must stretch. So Julie is trying to loosen my legs and hips. She's been working out with me at home, because our gym closed for renovations last February. Hopefully it will open up again in the next month. Julie kept saying they wouldn't compete the renovations before she got married. And she was right. My limp is almost gone. I was very worried that it might be permanent, but my doctor is not.

      I had a great time writing my story, and I was so pleased to finish it in time. I think it's the prelude to a book. I am very excited to feel like I have a direction in my writing. I have four things in the works.

      I'll be by to catch up with your news. Take care my friend. Hug your precious guys!!! Family is the most important thing we have!

    2. thank you for kind reply dear Louise
      i am at so much peace to know that with the help of your such lovely friend you are feeling better now (such a grace of Lord!)

      i am also happy to know that you have accomplished your writing project successfully and feeling serene and proud :)
      more and more joys and success to you and Terry dear friend! thank you so much for remembering my family in your sweet kind heart!!!

  10. I'd say that crackers and Nutella definitely count as a meal lol...congratulations on getting back on track with your writing Louise! Oh...I have that on my wish list. I know that blogging is writing, but I have a hankerin' to write a manuscript one of these days.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.