
Friday, October 11, 2019

Under the Weather

Hi Everyone!
No real post today.  
I'm still down with a cold/flu that refuses to quit.
Likewise Terry.
We both tired of paying the piper for all the fun we had in Vegas!

So I pulled a few funnies from the internet to cheer myself up
and to share with you.
May you NOT catch the crud going around,
and I hope you have a chuckle or two.


  1. Maybe it was the germy pinball machines, or most likely the airports. Hopefully the germs go away soon, sick is never ever fun. And yeah, work is very much like that in many a spot I've been. "Oh, don't come in if you're sick." "What do you mean you need a sick day?" Pffft.

  2. Sorry you are both sick. What is it about colds that they just hang on forever?

    I love the purrito kitty.

    1. I am sick of this one hanging on, let me tell you! Have a great weekend!

  3. Those last two made me laugh out loud! Sorry you and Terry are sick -- hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks, Debra! The last two were my favorites! Have a good weekend with your Rare One!

  4. So true about the nearly impenetrable packaging! 😂

    1. That packaging me crazy, Sandi! Also child-safe caps! Have a good weekend, my friend!

  5. Love that first cartoon! So true.

    Hope you both feel better soon!

  6. Haha!!! Hope you both recover very soon, and do not need any more funnies to heal you in any way whatsoever.XXX

    1. Thanks, Jean! You're the best. Wishing you and Hugh a great weekend!

  7. Feel better.

    My mother has the stomach bug, which made me avoid her house today.

    1. Good idea to avoid your mom's house today. Thanks for the well wishes. Have a good weekend!

  8. Yikes - is it already flu season? I sure hope you both feel better soon? Did you get the show? We never do since we once got sicker from the shot than we ever did from the flu.

    1. Hi, Barb! Yes, I always get my flu shot. I've had mine this year, but Terry hasn't. I've never had a problem with the shot, and I always get it because I'm allergic to most antibiotics. I have asthma, so colds always nail me. I hope that you have a great weekend!

    2. Your photos are so beautiful, Barb!

  9. LOL those are great Louise! If Ryan Gossling wanted to wipe my brow, I don't think I'd put up a fuss hee hee. I hope you feel better soon! Have some hot toddies!!! :)

    1. Thanks, Rain! I rejoined the Land of the Living today ~ Not 100%, but getting there! I hope all is well with you!

  10. Oh I hope y'all both feel better soon! Guess what, I have been sick going on 3 weeks now! How fun is that? Not!! I plan on doing a post about getting ill when I was visiting England, trying to find medicine and chicken soup, but it wasn't easy!😄 Here...squeeze lemon juice into cup, with 2 tablespoons of local honey, pour in boiling water. If organic lemon, place lemon slice in too. Drink it! Feel better!

    1. Hi, Kay! I hope that you are feeling better too! I'm starting to get my energy back and am feeling definitely better. Thanks for the recipe! Delicious!

  11. Get well soon! The Man-Cold was so spot on for my ex-husband, except it went a little further. If I got the flu or a cold, he immediately became more ill than me.


    1. Thanks, Teresa! I'm definitely on the mend. Terry can have his Man-Cold moments, but as sick as he was, he took good care of me. We sort of alternated helping each other and running to get milk and cough syrup. Take care!

  12. I have often wondered why it is so dang hard to remove pills from those foil packets. Definitely the last thing you want to mess with when you aren't feeling well.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I keep thinking I'm on top of this thing and then it knocks me down again ~ Terry too. Argh! The trend is upward though! I hope all is well with you!

  13. LOL! These are so funny! LOL! Love that last one!! Hope you and your man are feeling well now! Big Hugs!


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