
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

IWSG: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 ~ Take Care of Your Spaceship

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex Cavanaugh are Diane BurtonJ.H. Moncrieff,
Anna @ EmaginetteKaren @ Reprobate Typewriter, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.

Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is:

The IWSG’s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?


Happy April, Everyone!
I hope all is well with you.

I live in Aurora, Colorado in the United States.
Our Governor Jared Polis has issued a stay-at-home order through April 11th.
He is considering extending the length of that order.
As of yesterday afternoon Colorado has 2,966 cases of covid-19 and 69 deaths.

Terry and I are doing well.  
We are taking the stay-at-home order seriously,
because we are older and I have asthma.
Life continues normally inside our home,
but when we go out the door everything has changed.
I know the covid-19 pandemic is real, but it still feels unreal to me.

Terry and I are concerned, but we are focusing on
what we can do to keep ourselves healthy and positive.

My sister Barb shared a video which I found calming, reassuring  and inspiring.
In the video Chris Hadfield, a retired Canadian astronaut,
gives people a guide to self-isolation.

This astronaut has lots of experience dealing with isolation under risky conditions.
Chris has flown two Space Shuttle missions
and has served as a commander of the International Space Mission.

His calm, down-to-earth manner and his reassuring, matter-of-fact guide
gave me a sense of purpose and direction for this difficult time.
I now have a plan to take care of my spaceship.

Take 2:05 minutes to view this inspiring video.
It's well worth your time. 

An Astronaut's Guide to Self Isolation
by Chris Hadfield

What I have found necessary to my mental and physical health at this time
is to walk outside in the open space near our home.
I meander along my beloved Piney Creek listening to joyful birdsong
and watching the landscape blush and green with rebirth.

I'm taking lots of photos, but I can't share them right now.
I need a memory card attachment for my new computer,
and Amazon can't deliver it until late April.
This is a lesson in patience for impatient me!

I have an iPhone, but it can't match the capabilities of my little Canon.
Nevertheless, my iPhone sometimes captures a photo that lifts my spirits,
like the shot below taken near the spring equinox.

Hawk High Over Piney Creek
Aurora, Colorado, USA
March 21, 2020
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Today I posted, along with my fellow anthology authors, on the IWSG anthology blog.
We ten authors shared our favorite middle-school-aged books.
It's a great list for antsy kids of all ages.
Perhaps you'll find one you can read aloud with your family.
Check out our post:  Good Reads for Challenging Times.  

Take care of your spaceship!  
Be Safe and healthy!
Happy writing in April!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Waiting for the Ferry to Tiverton
Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada
July, 2016
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. I will take care of my spaceship, sir!
    Yeah, Amazon is delaying what isn't essential. But here's a tip - order two or more items, and then they all come right away.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Alex! I'll try that. Enjoy your visits today, and thanks for all you do for us!

    2. What Alex said we found out to be true as well. They had said it was gonna take awhile but then we just got a notice that said it shipped out already. No idea if it will sit somewhere before it gets here or not but it was two items and they shipped it the next day, even though at first, they said weeks out. Dunno. But to be honest, we dropped Amazon Prime anyway before the virus stuff. So we lost our 2-day thing anyway. No biggie. We're working on getting out of debt so we said goodbye to Amazon.

  2. That eagle in the sky is amazing!

    I wonder how all this looks to him.

    1. I'm just glad that I look too big to eat to him! I would love to be able to soar like that. Take care, my friend. Hugs to you!

    2. That is a good reason not to be too thin!

  3. Staying focused on being healthy and positive is so important. I'm working on it!

    1. Good for you, Madeline! Wishing you and your husband all the best!

  4. Someday we'll all soar like that hawk again! Or like Chris Hadfield, for that matter. Take care and stay safe, you two!

    1. Thanks, Debra! I hope that you and your Rare One are doing well! I would love to soar like Chris Hadfield into space. Unfortunately, I'd likely get violently sick and completely terrified since I can't handle much beyond a merry-go-round or a ferris wheel. Chris is a hero to me and an inspiration. I loved his oh-so-Canadian personality displayed in the video, not a pretentious bone in his body and he used straightforward, positive words that everyone can understand. Take care, my friend! Sending you a big hug!

  5. Chris Hadfield's been a hero of mine for years and a great representation of what I think all Canadians are.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  6. He understood the secret - stay calm and use your head.

    1. Those are my goals, Diane. All the best to you! Thanks for all you do!

  7. Glad you are staying socially isolated given your asthma. We're under a stay at home order too. I bet it won't be lifted until at least the end of April. Like you, I'm coping in part by taking daily walks. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. I think we're in for a longer haul with this virus than we expect. I hope I'm wrong. You stay safe and healthy too!

  8. He sure knows his stuff indeed. Stuck at home is fine by me as I can write away and go all puppy lol. At least until work finds me something to do.

    Amazon is going slow for non essential. They won't even ship some things to Canada now. I did order a copy of my new book to have and used fast shipping on Friday and got it Monday. Never got anything that fast from them. Said I wouldn't get it until Apr 29th, weird indeed.

    Stay safe at your sea. With iphone shots at least you can use things like Instagram and stuff too to show them off.

    1. Hey, Pat! I'm afraid that with two darling westies I'd be doing more playing than writing. They are so darn cute! I ordered your book, so I'll see how long it takes Amazon to get it to me. After all, I certainly consider it essential! It's supposed to be here in several days. I keep forgetting about Instagram. I joined it because all my nieces and nephews have abandoned Facebook for it, and that's the best way I can find them. One or two post a couple of things on FaceBook for we ancestors ~ LOL. I'm glad you get some home to write, as long as you don't get furloughed or cut. Take care, my friend!

    2. haha essential works for me. Thanks.

      I never liked Farcebook much, but I do enjoy using Instagram a bit. Some escapism I guess. And I can use the cats, dogs, and kids to pimp out the books lol

  9. We are taking great care, our small spaceship is doing well, and I think this weekend there is a " Street Party", friends and neighbours can sit outside their OWN fence, have a chair, for comfort a glass of wine, and shout across the street to others. When I walk, I see gardens, shout to strangers, wave to others, and will think often of the video advice, I am half way through my first goal of finishing the curtains. Will find some wool and start knitting in the afternoons, time can be too long if we do not have a plan. Take care up North, as your sunshine hours lengthen, days get warmer, and online Tai Chi, yoga, keep fit, or reading will entertain.XXXX

    1. I'm glad to hear that your small spaceship is doing well, Jean! I think of you and Hugh all the time and hope you are safe and healthy. Your Street Party sounds like a fun thing to do. I've been seeing my neighbors more frequently it seems. I think we all want to go out and walk at about 1:30 p.m. We're all waving and shouting and staying well apart. When I was walking along Piney Creek yesterday, I came across brightly painted rocks like so many Easter eggs. They had cheerful and hopeful words and messages on them. I didn't loop through the whole open space, so I'm looking forward to finding more tomorrow. Those rocks were creating a lot of fun and happiness as people came across them. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I do a FaceTime workout with my trainer Julie. Sometimes she leaves me with a tank so empty I can't even walk. That was the case today. Terry was my hero. He made a delicious stew in our crockpot for dinner tonight. Good luck finishing your curtains. Hugs and love to you both!

  10. Sound like your spaceship is doing well--mine mostly is a bicycle as I can't go much of anywhere but the grocery store or to my office...

    1. Hi, Jeff! I'm sure you miss getting out in your kayak and paddling around. I always enjoy the photos you share of your water journeys. I'm betting you are pretty essential as a minister right now. People are experiencing such hardships and uncertainty. I'm wishing you God's strength and grace as you help others. Take care, my friend!

  11. Good to hear you're staying safe and keeping positive. There is a very strong sense of unreality to all of this.

    1. Thanks, Lynda! Sunday evening Terry and I decided to watch "Contagion" on tv. It was bizarre to watch a pandemic movie in the middle of a pandemic, something I never imagined doing in my life. I keep waiting for reality to sink in, but somehow the news I'm watching on tv feels like a scary pandemic movie. This really can't be happening, but it is. Take care! Stay well!

  12. We live in a tight little neighbourhood, a Spanish version of a Norman Rockwell painting. Most people are taking the c-19 serious, but there are still so many who don't. And I understand some of their reasoning. Mexico is a poor country and there are no benefits for the lower-class working people. In Canada the government is compensating. I'm almost sure that's not happening here.

  13. nice question for difficult times dear Louise and how beautiful you replied it has uplifted my spirit :)

    thank you for this video sent by your precious sister ,i found it so encouraging and lovely ,words are just words but when someone speaks them while his personality reflects the strength and honesty behind them ,it makes them more mighty and effective indeed!

    i hope time goes quickly and you get your card to put images ,wait is not pleasant always but believe me it adds beauty to one you wait for for :)))

    oh that capture is enchanting indeed ,i am always stunned by such sights when time seems to stop i find myself part of view i look at
    happy spring my dear friend! hope your surroundings get colors and blooms soon as well
    lots of love and hugs!

  14. Stay focused on being healthy! It's so hard to just eat and eat! I know! LOL! Big Hugs and thanks for the video! By the way, love the photo!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.