
Friday, May 29, 2020

Everything's Better with Bacon

Bacon has been the flavor of the past week in our home.
I dearly love bacon, but we rarely have it on hand.
During a year I buy one, maybe two, pounds of bacon.

One Slice of Fried Bacon 

But, under a stay-at-home order and hearing of possible meat shortages,
I spied a ridiculously good price for a pound of bacon at my grocery store.
I caved and bought a pound, even though I had almost a pound in the freezer.

Good thing, too, because this last week has been challenging,
and I have been forced to eat lots of bacon.  
It's been a comfort in a time of trial.

Flickr:  Kim Ahlström   Licence

A week ago, when Terry was long asleep and I was roaming in the wee hours,
I raided the freezer for one of my favorite treats, frozen cherries.
I was worried about my trip to my cataract surgeon early the next morning
and all the Covid-19 protocol I had to follow for my checkup.

As I dumped a cup of hard red balls into a Pyrex bowl,
it occurred to me that cherry juice followed them into the bowl.
But I was preoccupied, and I quickly escaped into a book,
forgetting the juice as I rolled the frozen, sweet treats around in my mouth.

I woke up the next morning coughing, congested,
with brutal body aches, and a very sore throat.
I cancelled my appointment and looked online for a Covid-19 testing site.

"We have more testing capacity than people showing up for a test,"
our governor had just said.
"If you think you have Coronavirus, go get a test."

I drove half an hour to a drive-up, no-appointment-needed site to get a test
and waited as two people heavily garbed in protective gear
tested someone in a car in front of me.

The car drove off, and I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Finally I got out of the car, decked out in bandana and gloves, and approached them.

"How can I help you?" the male asked.

"I'd like a Covid-19 test," I said.

They determined I had legitimate symptoms
and asked me if I was a first responder or an essential worker.

"No," I replied.  "I'm retired."

"Are you a member of our clinic?"


"Sorry, but we're only testing essential workers or clinic members here.
You have to go to another location in north Aurora."

WTF?  "But your website said ..."

"I don't know why it still says that," the guy said.
"But it's wrong.  You have to go to another site.
Here's a map with the address."

I left, parked around the corner, and called Terry,
furious and in tears, to let him know I had to drive
another twenty minutes or so to get to the testing site.

"Just come home, honey," he said.
"If you don't get better, I'll drive you to the other site.
Even if you don't think it's safe for us to be together in the car."

By then I was feeling really, really bad and floored it for home.
Before I threw myself down on the couch in a major crash,
I reached for some frozen cherries in the freezer to soothe my throat.
They were soggy and cherry juice was dripping out of the bag.

I reached for a small bag of bacon.  It was flabby.
I felt the other small bags that I had filled with the divided pound of bacon.
They were flabby, as was my previous stash of bags of bacon.
Our eighteen-year-old fridge had croaked.

One Long-lasting Fridge 
It served us well.
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The next few days were not pretty.
As I languished on the couch with a bug,
Terry and I scoured the internet for kitchen appliances.
Our dishwasher had given up the ghost before Thanksgiving,
and our stove was limping along.
We had been holding off on replacing appliances until we moved to Las Vegas.

Since the move to Vegas is not likely to happen,
I was determined to buy what I wanted,
not something serviceable for potential buyers of our house.
I wanted black ~ a bold, sexy statement for our kitchen.

Terry made the rounds of appliance-selling stores
and repeatedly dragged bags of ice into the house
to keep our refrigerator and freezer cold.

Meanwhile I repeatedly unpacked the fridge, pulled out water-soaked towels,
sopped up water, lined the shelves with dry towels,
drained and rebagged partially melted ice, and stuffed it all back into the fridge.
A lot of towels rotated through the fridge, washer, and dryer, let me tell you.
Then I'd perform triage on our Covid stockpile of frozen goods.

One Giant Cooler
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Meals were whatever had thawed.
Mushy peas, mangos, and cherries straight into the garbage,
limp bacon straight into the frying pan.

Finally Terry found the appliances and the deal,
but with a staggered delivery date.
Thankfully the new fridge came first,
and the rest will be coming soon.

Out with the Old #1
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Out with the Old #2
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Out with the Old #3
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

In with the New
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

My bug is gone today, along with the last of the bacon.
I'm now playing catch up ~ again.

The bacon was a great relief all week,
because of its mouthwatering smell and scrumptious taste.
That smell, that taste convinced me that I needn't bother with a Covid test.

Everything's better with bacon.  
Even chaos.

A Bold, Sexy Statement
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved



  1. Phew, what a drama and the worst time for this to happen.however the silver lining, you have sexy black!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Jean! I just heard the most beautiful sound. For the first time this year a meadowlark is singing in the long grasses beyond our deck. Just yesterday I was wondering why I hadn't heard any. It is the sweetest, purest sound, perhaps my favorite in nature. I hope that you and Hugh are faring well and staying safe. Hugs to you, my friend!

  2. Too bad about all that. We lost a chest freezer this week, but we'd been eating down the meat in prep for hurricane season and decided not to replace that freezer as we've lost it's content 3x (twice on hurricanes with extended power delay and once when it was accidental unplugged). I'm glad you're better. The county health dept did a testing day at our church on Thursday--an hour before the testing started the parking lot was filled. It was a "no questions asked" and I was even tested.

    1. Thanks, Jeff! Our family bought our first chest freezer when I was in grade 9. Fortunately my parents never lost a chest of meat though. We lost a few pies that my mother was defrosting on top of our freezer. She couldn't understand where the pies were going until she caught our dog Hilda stealing one and running out behind the barn with it. It sounds like your area has it together regarding testing. At this point I'm holding out for a reliable antibody test. Fingers crossed ~ I don't want any more bugs nailing me. I hope you are getting some quality time in your kayak. All the best to you, my friend!

  3. Yes, of course all of that had to happen at once. Crappy that they wouldn't test you. They keep screaming that everyone needs to get tested but they won't test anyone. Makes no sense.
    New fridge does look nice.

    1. Such is life, Alex! When I was a kiddo I could never imagine being excited about getting a refrigerator. It's a whole different thing now. I love this fridge! I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend. Everything is a lush green here, and late this afternoon I heard the first meadowlarks. Take care. Be safe! All the best to you!

  4. Not good when things all happen together Louise, hope your cataract test went well....mine is getting worse and can't get seen yet. Love the new fridge. Enjoyed reading your post made my day.
    Keep safe.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I can laugh now that everything is doing well in my new fridge. I was worried about losing meat which is so expensive. I can handle losing a two dollar bag of frozen peas, but not a $20 pork roast even if I scored it on sale for $13. I'm doing my best to stay safe. I hope you are too, my friend! Hugs to you!

  5. Great fridge! Don't you love it when appliances die at the worst possible time? Glad you are better! I was thinking you were going to tell us that you had an allergy to the cherries!

    1. I've never known an appliance to go at a good time, Kay. LOL! I keep reminding myself that it's all good. Thanks goodness I'm not allergic to cherries. Fruit is my favorite food group, and cherries are one of my favorite fruits. I hope all is well with you and your loved ones!

  6. Sorry to hear you've been sick, Louise, but glad you're all better now. Your fridge story reminded me think how wonderful it is to be a renter rather than a homeowner. My fridge/freezer crapped out a couple of years ago and all it took was one phone call to the Rental Office and I had a new one tout suite!

    1. Thanks, Debra! It's great to feel myself again. I remember my renting days well. Fortunately I had good landlords, so no worries. We're back in deck season again ~ It's really lovely to have a late afternoon drink on our deck and watch all the goings on. I hope that you and your Rare One are having a chance to enjoy yours. Sending you a big hug, my friend.

  7. That is such a pain in the arse. Go and get tested. Oops, we don't test here. Pffffft. One big clusterduck by the sounds of it. That stinks that things just kept a piling on, but good you are on the mend and got a working fridge again. Always something.

    1. Life is definitely not boring, Pat! And I'm loving my new fridge. Right now, as I watch all the rioting going on in major cities around the US, I'm glad to be safe at home. Crazy times! Stay healthy and safe.

  8. Hi Louise,
    out with the old, in with the new reminds me of my walk with the Lord as I work out my salvation. Regarding your appliances having to be renewed, I say 'Join the club'. I noticed you used the word 'wee' in your post. Have you Irish ancestors, as that is what they say here in Northern Ireland and Scotland for the word 'small'

    1. Hi, Brenda! You are perceptive! My ancestors are Scottish on both sides. I didn't even think about using "wee," because it's so natural. I'm really looking forward to the arrival of our new dishwasher and microwave tomorrow. I haven't had a working dishwasher since mid-November. Our eighteen-year-old microwave is still going strong but is developing a crack. It's time. Now, I just need a date for the arrival of our new stove. All the best to you as you work out your old and new. Have you visited my blogging friend Jeff above? He often posts his sermons on his blog, as well as about other subjects. He's a great writer. Have a happy and safe new week, my friend!

    2. Thanks Louise,
      will visit Jeff's blog.You have a great week, glad your bug has gone.

  9. Hi Louise!! Oh that fridge is gorgeous! Good buy! I could feel your frustration with those people at the clinic...I would have been so angry. I'm so glad that you're feeling better though. I agree, bacon really does solve a lot of grief and problems! ;)

    1. I was frustrated, first because they didn't approach me when the car in front of me drove off, and after several minutes of waiting I had to get out of the car and go to them. That didn't feel like a safe protocol, even though I was wearing a dishtowel "mask" and gloves. And then second, sending me off to another site some twenty minutes away, when they were standing around doing nothing and when their website said drive through, no appointment necessary. They were supposed to be the testing site nearest my area, one of a number in the metro Denver area. Oh well, I'll wait on an accurate antibody test later. Right now it's pretty crazy on the US with all the rioting after the horrific killing of Floyd George. You're new home looks like an awesome place to be. Take care, my friend! You two stay safe and healthy.

  10. So much drama, Louise! As if there isn't enough around already, right? But thankfully all turned out well. I'm really happy to hear that you're well after that bug!

    1. Thanks, Martha! It feels awesome to be at 100%. All the best to you and George.

  11. I thought about trying meatless bacon

    1. I'm a carnivore. If I'm going to indulge, I want the real deal. You and Daisy have a great weekend!

  12. Ugh to broken appliances! But your new fridge really is bold and sexy! Glad you're feeling better. Yes, bacon does have that magical affect lol.


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