
Friday, May 1, 2020

Sex-in-the-Park Time

I'm late getting a post up today.
I've been laid low the past several days by a bug.
Not Covid-19, I'm almost certain.

Today my goal is to stay vertical,
after two days in my jammies asleep in bed.
I crashed horizontal after getting my anthology post up Wednesday.

This morning is gorgeous, warm and sunny.
I'd love to walk along Piney Creek,
but it might be a day or two before I feel up to it.

It's sex-in-the-park time for our local cottonwoods.
The males are flaunting their burgundy catkins,
the females revealing their pale chartreuse flowers.

  The Boys Celebrating Spring
Male Cottonwood Catkins and a Male Red-Winged Blackbird
Along Piney Creek, Aurora, Colorado, USA
May 4, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The Girls Celebrating Spring
A Squirrel (sex unknown) with Female Cottonwood Flowers
Along Piney Creek, Aurora, Colorado, USA
May 4, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I want to get back in my beloved open space asap.
I'm missing all the action.
Things are changing along Piney Creek by the hour.

I'm longing for vigor and energy.
I'm out of my jammies, so that's a promising sign!

Take Care.  Stay Safe.

Definitely My Ducks!
My "Middle Pond" Along Piney Creek
Aurora, Colorado, USA
April 21, 2020
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


On Tuesday, May 5th the IWSG Anthology
Voyagers:  The Third Ghost
containing my short story
"Dare Double Dare" is out!

I am so excited!  I have an advance copy,
and it is a thrill to see my name in print.
I'll share more next week!!!

You can read about some of the authors,
including me, at "my anthology post"
that I linked above in this post.


  1. Sorry you've been wiped out ill for a few days. Hope you get back out this weekend.
    Voyagers is next week and we're all excited!

    1. I so hope the book does well, Alex!!! For lots of reasons! I'm working on my anthology post for next Wednesday. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  2. Phew!!! You had me worried there for a moment, were you and Terry getting fed up with home lockdown and off for an adventure where no-one else would dare to walk????: Then all was revealed, in another safer way. How wonderful you are moving into spring, down here some bulbs are shooting their green stems, more are waiting to go into the soil, it is a cool morning, the summer clothes are all packed away, and firewood is giving us that nighttime warmth once again. Take care, don't rush out there, it will all be waiting next week for you to see the changes. XXXXAnd in print, what an exciting moment, congratulations in the highest .

    1. Hi, Jean! Our state is opening up to a "Safer-at-Home Phase." That means that anyone my age and/or with underlying health issues must still stay isolated. Not that I was planning to test my luck by going out more than I have to. My doctor is still only seeing healthy people and doing telephone visits with patients, since he hasn't the proper protective gear, nor does he have the ability to administer Covid tests. Terry and I are resigned to being housebound for a long time, unless a vaccination or a therapeutic solution for the disease is discovered. Burning wood in a fireplace is such a delightful autumn treat. We haven't had our gas fireplace on in about a week. Today I have many windows open to let in the spring breezes. Delightful! You and Hugh take care! I wish we had your Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern here! XOXO

  3. Judging from the title of this post, Louise, I thought you and Terry might be getting up to some al fresco antics! Sorry to hear you've been under the weather and I hope you're fully recovered soon!

    1. LOL, Debra! My days of al fresco antics in nature are likely behind me! Although, in the right location, I still might go skinny dipping (deep water being a requirement)! All the best to you and your Rare One!

  4. Yuck to the germs. Good it isn't the stupid virus and you are starting to come around though. Then you can get out and see nature mating more. That sounds thrilling lol Sure gonna be a long while before things return to any state of normal though.

    1. Hey Pat, where you're at! So far I've only caught squirrels, birds, and cottonwoods in the act. LOL Normal ~ I sure hope the world shapes up and returns to normal enough to travel! Terry and I have been watching the "Medici" series on Netflix. I long to return to Italy, and this series isn't helping! I must have been Italian in another life. Have a good one, my friend!

  5. That's sure an attention grabbing title LOL! Sorry you've been feeling unwell. I have seasonal allergies that are really messing with me right now and it's been miserable lately. I, too, am longing to get out in the sunshine and walk through nature. Summer can't come fast enough here!

    Hope you're feeling well soon enough, my friend!

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I'm sorry that you have been dealing with allergies. Feel better soon! Hugs to you!

  6. I hope you are over your bug, thank goodness it wasn't that virus.
    I enjoyed this post and the photo's are wonderful.
    Please take care.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I hope that you are doing well! I was delighted when I was going through my photos of female cottonwood catkins to discover one with a squirrel holding/eating the tiny flowers. That shot was serendipitous. I just have a little point-and-shoot Canon with zoom capability, so I'm not always sure what I'm getting ~ LOL. All the best to you!

  7. Hope you feel better soon! I have been thinking about you!
    We saw two kildeer (birds) mating in a parking lot. They have such long legs, it was a bit comical. (Sorry, dear birds, but it was!) :-)

    1. I've been thinking about you too, Kay! I haven't been able to stay on top of blogging or a lot of things. I think I'm finally figuring out this stay-at-home situation. I think I'm going to be here quite a while regardless of how our state opens. I don hope that you, Richard, and Chris + other loved ones are doing well! XO

    2. Hope you are better now, Louise!! xxxx

  8. I hope you have all of your energy back soon. I always loved driving on CO-83 and seeing the blush of yellow/green of the cottonwoods. It always meant spring was certainly coming!

  9. I hope you are feeling better today and visited your critters.

  10. I hope you are feeling better by now. Those are great photos, thanks for sharing.

  11. Sorry you are feeling under the weather! I hope you are better! Beautiful post! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  12. happy spring time dear Louise :)))
    your words is also beautiful like blooms and creatures in the park :)

    what else can be better than walking in the park during spring time
    plants and trees smile towards you and wave friendly :)

    earth take off her brownish outfit and wear gorgeous delightful dress embellished with vibrant colors that cherish and embrace your soul to depth


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.