
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

IWSG: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 ~ I don't want to do all the other crap!

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex Cavanaugh are Jenni Enzor, Beth Camp,
Liesbet @ Roaming About, Tyrean Martinson, and Sandra Cox.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.

Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is:

There have been many industry changes in the last decade, so what are some changes you would like to see happen in the next decade?


Happy July, Everyone!  
Wherever you are, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and happy.  

I would just like the industry to become easier to function in.  

When I was teaching I would sometimes exclaim, 
"I just want to teach!  I don't want to do all the other crap!"  

When it comes to the publishing industry I want to exclaim, 
"I just want to write!  I don't want to do all the other crap!"  

Okay, I'll admit it.  Not all of the other crap is crap.
I actually had fun signing my first books a week ago.


 Thanks to my friend Susan Fiscus for the photos
June 23, 2020, Denver, Colorado, USA

And I know the other things, biggies like book promotion and marking, are not crap.
They just are demanding and take time away from something I'd rather do:  Write. 

Fortunately I've got the Insecure Writer's Support Group.
I really appreciate all the help, support, and encouragement of my fellow members.

If it weren't for the IWSG, I wouldn't be published in the United States,
and if it weren't for the help and guidance of people like
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh and Spunk on a Stick L. Diane Wolfe,
I would have had a much harder time navigating the currents of the publishing industry.
Through them and my fellow Voyager authors, I have learned and experienced so much.

How could the industry make it easier for me?
I want it to invent a machine that I could strap on my head like headphones,
a machine that would download the perfect book in my brain
as beautifully polished real books
strategically placed in all the bookstores in the country
and advertised in online publications and off
while scheduling me for appearances at conferences and industry events.
And I'd prefer not to wait a whole decade, thank you!

Since this doesn't seem likely, I'll just keep moving along,
dealing with all the crap and hanging in there with my writing.

Happy writing in July!  


Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Waiting for the Ferry to Tiverton
Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada
July, 2016
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Check out the IWSG Anthologies blog site at
The post today is Favorite Online Writing Resources (Not the IWSG) ~ Part 2.

Also check out a new review of Voyagers:  The Third Ghost by fellow IWSG member
Toi Thomas on BookBub at

You can order a copy of
VOYAGERS: The Third Ghost 
at the links below.

Print 9781939844729 $13.95
EBook 9781939844736 $4.99

Juvenile Fiction - Historical / Action & Adventure /
Fantasy & Magic


  1. An excellent post Louise, you made some interesting points here. Thanks.
    Hope you are well.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne! You're always uplifting! Hugs to you!

  2. What a great thing! A signing. Your book's cover is beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Teresa! I hope all is well with you! Take care ~ I don't envy educators having to figure out the conundrum of school this fall. 🍀🍀🍀

  3. Signing books is an honor.
    Crap happens. We just have to make it as fun as possible.

    1. You've got that right, Alex! Signing books is a thrilling honor! Have fun today!

  4. Love your smile. You've been a delight to work with and have done such a great job with the anthology site.

    1. Thanks, Diane. It has been a wonderful experience! All my best to you!

  5. So fun to see you signing your book. Yes, I wish the industry made things even a little easier for us.

    1. Hi, Natalie! I'm so absorbed in learning about the industry now, that it was hard to think of the future. I don't know if you ever saw the sitcom "Bewitched," but I could never get Darrin's not wanting his wife Samantha to use her magic nose or her agreeing to being the perfect suburban housewife without resorting to magic. I'll take anything these days! LOL All the best to you!

  6. Yeah. The other crap, although not crap, is just a pain in the arse. But crap piles up day by day, so have to get a shovel and start digging. Or just get a dog. They'll eat all the crap for you lol

    1. Well you must have lots of crap disappearing with those two westies on patrol. Honestly, Pat, I don't know how you do it! I'm nearly through "Elusive." It's a lot of fun and filled with delicious humor! Take care, my friend!

    2. haha they eat their own crap before it even hits the ground sometimes.

      I wondered if you got that with the covid crap slowing everything down.

  7. Replies
    1. Happy Canada Day, Debra!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 Take care!

  8. Marketing and promoting is a very demanding part of publishing, unfortunately.

    Congratulations on signing your first books!

    1. Thanks, Chrys! C'est la vie! Have fun today!

  9. Congrats on your book release! I love your pictures of your book signing.
    I'm a teacher too, so I can relate. Let's just write (or teach).
    I know the other things are important and can be fun too, but it's hard for me to focus and create if I am pulled in a million directions.
    Great post!

    1. Thanks, Jenni! I'm resigned to the fact that I'll likely be pulled in a million directions all of my life. The upside is I'm never bored. Good luck as you prepare for the fall! I think teacher are amazing creatures, and they have a creative ability to tackle and solve problems. Thanks for co-hosting today!

  10. Thanks, Joylene! I've had so many books signed by authors, and it was a thrill to be on the opposite side!

  11. With all those other wishes for July, I hope you're not too hot--it's a sauna on the Georgia coast right now. Congratulation on your story being posted.

    Yesterday I posted a review of two books--the first which is about granite that I thought you might find interesting as a geologist. It's by a friend of mine and is published by an academic press (Nevada).

    1. Hi, Jeff! Thanks for the book recommendation ~ I've already ordered it, and I can't wait to read it. I feel for the southeast ~ I hate humid heat. Hopefully you're getting out in your kayak and finding a breeze around sunset. Take care, my friend!

  12. Congratulations on your book.

    1. Thanks, Adam! It's been very exciting! I hope that you and Daisy are staying safe and sound!

  13. Congratulations on your book and your book signing! I want that machine, too. Just download the story - it would be so much easier to get it right.

    1. Hi, Tyrean! I hope that you are having lots of fun today as you co-host. Take care!

  14. Yes! That's a great idea! All the marketing and social media and so on. Not to mention preparing cover designs, all that other stuff. If I could afford to hire a team, I would. But until then... it would be nice if I could focus less on that and even more on the writing!

    Love your happy book signing photos!

  15. If you figure out that machine that downloads the purrfect story, I definitely want one!:)
    Many, many congrats on the anthology. Enjoy your success.

  16. I just want to teach! I don't want to do all the other crap!" Me too. I love my job. The admin side is a headache.

    Louise, you look so good with the book in your hand! Yay! Exciting moments!
    Stay safe.

  17. Congrats on the book signing! You look so gorgeously happy in the pictures. Thanks for sharing these.

    Anne from

  18. Oh i ma so happy for you dear Louise :)

    i know how it must have been thrilling and exciting for you as a writer to have your own book published

    being g a housewife and help to my kids who have been needing my support since years and it seems they will be until they grow their wings and fly away ,i can only dream of such an
    accomplishment :)

    i loved your idea for book publishing ,how easy will things be for writer if it turns to reality
    more blessings to you and your's

  19. Congrats on your first book signing!

  20. I think a book signing would be thrilling. It's like coming full circle from start to finish. I know I always love getting a signed copy of books and I am sure your readers were thrilled with theirs. Congrats on your first signing and I'm wishing you many, many more in the future!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.