
Friday, August 14, 2020

Too Many Sparks of joy

I wish I had never binged on Marie Kondo on Netflix.
I've been on a tossing out, organizing binge.

"Start with clothing," she said.
"Hold each one and see if it sparks joy.
If it doesn't, thank it, and discard it."

Done.  Easy Peasy.
Clothes aren't my thing.

"Next books," she said.
"Hold each one and see if it sparks joy.
If it doesn't, thank it, and discard it."

Terry found me crying downstairs today, surrounded by piles and piles of books.
What do you do if every book you hold sets off a sparkler of joy?

"I can't do this," I sobbed.  "I love my books.  They're my friends.
They're down to an irreducible minimum."

Understand that I have been thinning out my books for years.
I have literally donated thousands and thousands of books in recent years.

"You don't have to give away your books, honey," Terry said.
"We'll find room."

But I do.  I'm determined to winnow more out.
Marie said that when you eliminate things that don't spark joy,
you make space for the life you want to live.

Since I doubt I'll ever have that vast dream library with mahogany shelves
from floor to ceiling crammed with books and sliding ladders to move to and fro,
I'll be back at it tomorrow, trying to find the books with the smallest sparks of joy.

Meanwhile I've been cheering myself up with a few book funnies!

I'm afraid my eyeballs look just like those of Buddy above.
Time to call it a night.

Take care!  Be Safe!  Have a great weekend!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved



  1. I have lots of books too that I have collected over the years. My husband calls my workroom a mess and says 'Get rid of all that rubbish' - that is until I enter his garage.

    1. I so get your comment, Brenda ~ LOL! Have a great weekend!

  2. We had a huge collection of spiritual books that we collected over the years but weren't reading. I purged most of them except for ones that really remind me of my husband. It was the same with cookbooks. My husband collected a ton but we didn't use them. I still have too many considering I don't cook much. It's hard to give away things we don't need but it's freeing. You're inspiring to purge some more this weekend.

    1. Hi, Natalie! Thanks for reinforcing the freeing part. I've got to focus on that. I've been doing too much cooking. I resurrected my breading making skills and learned to make biscotti. Terry and I both like them way too much ~ LOL! I hope you have a great weekend.

  3. For book lovers, books would be under sentimental or hobby category and one of the last categories to thin out because it's so hard. You don't have to become a minimalist...thin out your other categories and just say, done.
    Love the humor.

    1. Thanks, Joanne! You're right. I feel very sentimental about my books, and it's been so hard. I think I will take a break from the books and work on a few other things. I hope you have a safe and happy weekend!

  4. If you don't want to part with them, don't.
    Most of my paperbacks have been tossed, but I've saved the hardbacks. Those do look nice on a shelf.

    1. I wish it was just a shelf, Alex ~ LOL! I'm not tossing your paperbacks ~ They look great on my shelves. All the best to you and your wife this weekend!

  5. I’ve culled my library some in preparation for a move, but not enough. It is hard to give up books!

    1. You've got that right, Sage! I don't envy you a move, especially right now. My entire family is ridiculously attached to books. It's in our genes. I'll send you some positive vibes. Take care, my friend!

  6. Fun meme post, Louise! My faves are the Book Worms and "Bacon is Coming." There are some books I just can't get rid of either.

    1. Evert time I look at "Bacon is Coming," I start laughing. Some people have brilliant minds to come up with things like that. I love the Book Worms Club too. I've read "Green Eggs and Ham" countless times to countless kiddos. Dr. Seuss was another brilliant mind. Have a happy time this weekend. I thought of you and your Rare One sitting out on our deck tonight. It's a story high up, so it's kind of like your balcony. Terry made us ginger ale and vanilla ice cream floats. We're going to hell in a hand basket, Debra! LOL. All the best to you!

  7. Each book sparks joy. What's the problem? 😀

    1. Too many sparks of joy. I might set the house on fire ~ LOL Take care, Sandi!

  8. Oh, we wanted to do the whole Marie Kondo thing before we moved/as we moved but it was too overwhelming! We decided to just do it another time, but we'll probably have to go back and rewatch the season on Netflix. :)

    Love the Bookworm pic!

    1. The Bookworms were fun, weren't they? I've watched the series twice. I love Marie Kondo's sweet and upbeat personality, and each episode has a happy ending. This summer I need lots of happy endings. I hope all with you, Madeline. Take care!

  9. I love the cat picture.

    We've sorted and downsized many times. I think we need to do it again. The books are hard to part with though.

    1. I'm a sucker for cats, Diane. I'd have one, but Terry doesn't like cat litter boxes, tree furniture, and furniture scratches. Sigh. I hope you had fun with your friend today!

  10. Oh my gosh no! Just because Marie Kondo wants to clean out her bookshelves doesnt mean you have to. Obviously you love your books more than just a sparkle. Keep them, please! Well, maybe toss just one, or two. But thats it! I think you must have more heart and soul than Marie Kondo.

    1. Thanks, J. C.! I found a couple more to part with today. But the good news is I started resolving them, and I think I'm good! Yay-ay! All the best to you!

  11. Keep all those books, I had to give so many away when we moved, and our local library has not had many new issues lately that excite me. When I was a child, at primary school, we would get a little book " Janet and John" , if I remember rightly, I would read it ALL that first night. Guess it was meant to last at least a month. A good book is like a true friend, never fades , always there, can be read many times and held with great affection. Keep them all, Terry is so right.XXX

    1. Thanks, Jean! You get holding a book with great affection. Just looking at my favorites and touching them makes me feel so happy. I reshelved them all this morning, determined to get it finished before the technician arrived to check and do maintenance on our air conditioner. To my delight, they fit on my shelves. I've eliminated enough!!!!! The tech was running late, and when Terry brought him downstairs, I was working out with my trainer on FaceTime. You would have laughed ~ I was balancing on my hands and knees on my fit ball for a minute. I'm sure these techs see a lot of funny things. I hope you and Hugh are doing well, Jean. Please take care! Hugs to you both!

  12. I too have many books that Iv'e collected.... and will keep.
    Great post Louise and superb photo's have a good weekend and keep well.


    1. Hi, Yvonne! I know you are a book lover, too. Please take care, my friend! Wishing you a good weekend as well. Sending you a big hug!

  13. Hi Louise!!! Oh the Thesaurus had me laughing!! Good for you for downsizing!!! BUT...there are certain things I'll never give up. I must have hundreds of cookbooks, and even though I don't use them all, they all send chilling delicious sparks through my tastebuds lol...I hope you don't feel pressure to give up your books, keep what feels right that's what I say! :) Oh one day I always hoped to have the library from Disney's Beauty and the Beast...don't think it'll happen unless I renovate my entire house into a kitchen that'll house my cookbooks (and all the ones I want to get) lol! :)

    1. LOL, Rain! I am at peace with where I am right now. I'll go back in a week or two and take another stab at it. Meanwhile I'm tackling smaller things like a shelf in the kitchen (today's conquest). The biggest things I want to eliminate are some old pieces of furniture. No one's taking donations now, so I may just have to have a junk service take them away. ~ Nothing valuable, yet in decent shape. I just want it gone! I don't think I can eliminate another cookbook. Now if I can just resist buying more ~ LOL You are such a wonderful cook, Rain. I always salivate over your creative food photos. All the best to you and Alex!

  14. Nobody's taking donations here either Louise! We have stuff that the people left here in the house and we don't know what to do with them...we also have lots of things piling up for the burn barrel, but since we've been in a drought the last 3 weeks, there's a no-burn order...we're also thinking of calling one of those "junk" companies that drives the dumptruck over, fills it up and charges you a fee. I relate to the feeling of just wanting it gone!!! :)

  15. haha fun ones. Many may put math books in the horror section. I've always been the type to sell or chuck things, especially the older i get. My mother doesn't even ask me to help clean anymore lol calls me a slave driver and fears i will chuck it all hahahaha

    1. LOL! I think a slave driver would be a handy thing to have, Pat. The more I chuck, the more I find. I think stuff breeds in the dark.

  16. I remember hearing about her special, but I haven’t watched it

    1. You probably don't need her help, Adam! You strike me as someone who keeps an uncluttered home. All the best to you!

  17. Love all your memes. The Thesaurus especially caught my eye. He looks like a character in a picture book.

    1. I got quite a kick out of the Thesaurus ~ but then I've always had a soft spot for dinosaurs of any kind. Take care, Sherry!

  18. I have given away SOME of my books and I have such regret over it! You should hear me lamenting over this! Therefore, I have way too many books. And I have old clothes but I still wear them. I just found a photo of me in a sweatshirt with my son as a baby. I still wear that shirt and he's 30! Glad I can still get in it! LOL!

    1. Yes! Here's to getting into 30-year-old clothes, Kay! I have several pieces at least that old. Right now, thanks to Covid, I'm trying to wear out old clothes, since I don't need to buy new ones. I've been hearing from lots of book lovers. Either you love books, or you don't. There doesn't seem to be an in-between. I've made it through the latest culling ~ now comes photos and family papers. That will keep me going for a few months. I hope that you, Richard, and Chris are doing well. Please take care!

  19. I was impressed by the pictures of The Saurus ... it seems that he is excited to press all of his books to increase his intelligence 😆

    1. Hi, Himawan! The Thesaurus seems to be the most popular funny. I hope that you are staying healthy and well!

  20. I've been on an eliminating spree too. I love books, but I took most of the ones that have been sitting idle to our local little free library. I hope they spark joy in whoever stops to take them home.

    1. I'm sure your books will, Theresa! It's always great to donate books to a local library. All the best to you!

  21. What a fun collection of funnies. I'm set for the day.

    1. You're so organized, Jacqui! I'm writing our post tomorrow and proofing it on Wednesday, a task I will definitely enjoy! I'm looking forward to finishing your series so much! Take care!

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