
Friday, March 26, 2021

Gimee Shelter

Snow, snow, and more snow has been the story of our days since the recent blizzard.  
We get a dump.  It melts.  We get another dump.  It melts.
This bodes well for all the thirsty plants, animals, and soils in our area.

It just keeps coming!
Monday, March 22, 2021
Aurora, Colorado, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Herds of hungry deer have appeared on the golf links outside our townhome.  
They head for patches on the golf course where the wind has thinned the snow,
and they seek shelter under the evergreen trees and feed on their lower branches.
It is a joy to see them.

Hungry Deer ~ 1
Monday, March 22, 2021
Aurora, Colorado, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Hungry Deer ~ 2
Monday, March 22, 2021
Aurora, Colorado, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Hungry Deer ~ 3
Monday, March 22, 2021
Aurora, Colorado, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Hungry Deer ~ 4
Monday, March 22, 2021
Aurora, Colorado, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

On Wednesday morning, I woke up on a damp, frigid day
to see a large number of deer seeking shelter under the trees
along the far edge of the golf course below our home.
Initially I counted thirteen deer resting beneath the branches,
but as I enlarged photos and recounted, I realized there were twenty-five,
one identifiable buck and twenty-four likely does.

Sheltering Deer ~ 1
Wednesday,  March 24, 2021
Aurora, Colorado USA
© M. Louise MacBeath Barbour
All Rights Reserved

Doe and Buck
Wednesday,  March 24, 2021
Aurora, Colorado USA
© M. Louise MacBeath Barbour
All Rights Reserved

This mule deer buck has only one antler, and I have spotted it over a number of years.
Typically bucks shed their antlers in February or March,
but this one probably hasn't shed his because his antler appears to lack a velvet cover.

When a buck grows new antlers, the antlers are covered
with a fine soft membrane called velvet.
The velvet contains blood vessels that provide nutrients for the growing bone
and nerve endings that allow the buck to feel his antlers.
In mid-late August the antlers stop growing and harden,
and the buck rubs the velvet off by scraping it on trees.
This action also strengthens the buck's neck muscles for the fall rut.

                                                                                                                                                    Mule deer have bifurcated antlers.  
Each antler has a main beam that forks as it grows. As each fork grows, it forks again.  My One Beam is a four-point buck.  Unlike the white-tailed deer back East, when you count the points on a western mule deer, you count them on one side only, and you don't count the brow tine or eye guard.                 © M. Louise MacBeath Barbour All Rights Reserved

The herd of deer spent much of Wednesday morning under the trees,
then they slowly melted away in twos or threes when the sun came out.

Mule Deer Does ~ 1
Wednesday,  March 24, 2021
Aurora, Colorado USA
© M. Louise MacBeath Barbour
All Rights Reserved

Mule Deer Does ~ 2
Wednesday,  March 24, 2021
Aurora, Colorado USA
© M. Louise MacBeath Barbour
All Rights Reserved

Mule Deer Does ~ 3
Wednesday,  March 24, 2021
Aurora, Colorado USA
© M. Louise MacBeath Barbour
All Rights Reserved
I may have just found #26 near the house.

I've watched this herd for over fifteen years, and the sight
of these gentle creatures with huge ears still fills me with wonder and appreciation.

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


On a personal note:
To celebrate completing our vaccinations and our two-week-post-vaccination time,
Terry and I hope to go to Vegas, Baby! next week.
And I have ditched the Dreadful Gray for new locks.
Life is looking up!

Just for fun, I throwing in my favorite live Stones video ever!

Gimme Shelter!
Twickenham Stadium
England, UK, 2003


  1. That is a lot of deer!
    Glad you are able to head out and live again. Enjoy Vegas and your young-looking hair.

    1. Thanks, Alex! It's a relief, and it's exciting. Now, if the border to Canada and an easing of quarantine restrictions will happen and we can go to our niece's wedding in June. Poor Natalie and Jake ~ This will be their third attempt to get married because of Coronavirus. Have a great weekend!

  2. I would love to see so many deer. Love your hair. Have fun on your celebration.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I feel like I'm alive after feeling like I was increasingly diminished. We will have to be careful while traveling, and since I still can't go to Canada, Vegas beckoned. Take care!

  3. Golly Louise you did have some snow. Those poor deers, always the wildlife that suffers. Have a lovely time in Vegas, I've been there twice, stayed at The Flamingo Hotel. Good memories. Good for you getting hair done, I'm still waiting "Sigh"
    Have a wonderful weekend and take care.

    1. Your happy hair day will come, Yvonne! We're staying downtown on Fremont Street. I like the feel of "old" Vegas. The Flamingo is wonderful. We've had a lot of fun there over the years. Hugs to you, my friend, and take care!

  4. I'm glad you got your hair done. We had planned to got to ABQ (where we got married) then on to Vegas (where we honeymooned) in the next month or so for our 30th anniversary. We've decided to wait until next year so we can do it in full style, no masks, no restrictions.

    We had mule deer in NM. I remember one at Bandelier Park passing within 10 feet of us.

    1. Thanks, Diane! I hope you have a ball when you return to Vegas. No masks, no restrictions will be wonderful. Meanwhile I'm looking forward to colorful lights, music, and liveliness. I loved Bandelier Park when I visited it. New Mexico is a magnificent state. Have a great weekend!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Debra! I smile every time I look in the mirror. The gray was really dragging me down. Have a fun weekend with your Rare One!

  6. Loved watching the deer live their life, handle the cold. Thank you for those pictures.

    1. You bet, Jacqui! Sharing my photos gives me so much pleasure. Hugs to you and have a great weekend!

  7. The deer right in an area with homes and roads, they must feel safe, and definitely seeking shelter and food.Love your hair and Vegas, enjoy every second.

    1. Thanks, Jean! I'm looking forward to fun beyond the confines of our home, even if I have to wear a mask and be careful. These deer do feel pretty safe. They are usually in the Ponderosa Pine Reserve or along Piney Creek in the park, but they will come into our community when no one is on the golf course. Hugs and best wishes to you and Hugh!

  8. Enjoy Vegas. You live in a beautiful place. I enjoy seeing deer in the woods, but they become annoying when they eat what I've planted.

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I love living with space and nature close by. I know a lot of people are irritated by deer eating their plants, but I don't mind the wildlife. I'm okay with hawks on my deck, bunnies under my front door step, and deer showing up. Wishing you a moving Holy Week.

  9. Hi Louise!!!!!!! Your hair looks great!!! :) Oh the deer are so beautiful. I'm happy to say that our snow has MELTED here in Southern NB!!! I'm so happy for an early spring!!

  10. They sure are enjoying their time under the trees. I see so many during my outings into woodtick land. Never knew that about the antlers though. Enjoy Vegas and don't lose your shirts lol

  11. Looks like a winter wonderland

  12. Your hair looks lovely!

    The snow is so pretty. I miss seeing it since I've lived in Georgia, but I don't miss driving in it.

    How interesting that the buck has only one antler. I wonder why he didn't get the velvet coat on it to let it shed. Loved seeing your pictures!

  13. Oh your hair look great and you look breathtakingly beautiful with new lush hair :)))

    i never saw deer from close ,they are so many and you have been watching them since years wow such a pleasure to have wild life around and specially in such harmless and cute form !
    i hope snow is gone now as it was previous post dear Louise and you are enjoying spring season now .
    i loved the snow shots and deer photos are exquisite !


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.