
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

IWSG: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 ~ This or That?


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie LeesJoylene Nowell ButlerErika Beebe,  and Lee Lowrey.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 
What's harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb?

Happy November, Everyone!
Can you believe we're into the tail end of the year?
American Thanksgiving and Christmas are racing at Terry and me.
Throw in a trip to Vegas, a trip to Calgary, and NaNoWriMo,
and I'm dancing on the tips of my skates trying not to fall.

This or that?  Title or Blurb?
I find both coming up with a title and writing a blurb daunting!

I've written a lot of things, but they are typically short.
Titles are much easier to create, and one will often come to me as I write, 
usually a significant phrase or words in the piece.
I've rarely written a blurb.

I do have my first book underway, my memoir.
I don't have a title for it.
For a long time its working title was Human Refuse, but that was too dark.
Now I'm using A Place Called Lansdowne House as a placeholder in NaNoWriMo.
I don't have a clue what the actual title will be.

Lost in the Bush
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

As for a blurb, my memoir is gushing like a broken water main,
overflowing with voices, themes, trauma, history, and everyday life.
I can't stem the flow, let alone reduce it to a blurb.

Right now I'm rewriting everything in a massive chronological narrative,
hoping my path through it all will emerge.

If any of you have participated in NaNo while rewriting,
how did you count your daily words?
I worked over four hours yesterday
and ended up with fewer words than when I started.
I decided to give myself 400 words for each hour I worked
for a total of 1624 words.

My purpose in doing NaNoWriMo is to get back into writing daily,
after a year of upsets, the latest my just being diagnosed with Graves Disease.
Should I move forward with my plan, or should I be kicked out of NaNo?

Good luck to any of you participating in NaNo this year!
Here's a little humor to help you along.

I hope each of you has fun visiting around today.
Happy writing to each of you in November!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue 


  1. Good luck with NaNoMo. I would LOVE to read your memoir (in the fullness of time).

  2. The title comes to me usually during as well. I always start with one but sometimes it changes and sometimes it doesn't as I go along. haha fun ones indeed. Never bothered with Nano, but enjoy at your sea. And don't fall as you skate of tippy toes lol

    1. You've had some great titles, Pat, like Delivered, Zero Usage, The Disconnective, and Detoured! I like strong brief titles. NaNo is like a whip. It's relentless, and I need that right now. Have fun today, my friend!

  3. I don't do any writing these days, but I think it must be very hard to come up with a title. Have fun with your writing this month! Hope you are feeling well, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Valerie! I am feeling better simply knowing what is going on with me. The pressure of NaNo will keep me distracted. Have a happy day, my friend! Hugs to you!

  4. Sounds like you have a lot of fun plans. Sorry about your health challenges. I wish I could help you on the word count issue, but I don't know the answer. I'm using NaNo to focus on my writing more too.

    1. Hi, Natalie! Good luck with your writing! Once I see my endocrinologist and start a treatment plan, I know I will feel more normal again. Hugs to you!

  5. I think that title is a good placeholder.
    Good luck with NaNo. My first attempt, I won, so if I can do it, anyone can.

    1. Thanks, Alex! You are an exceptional inspiration, my friend! Have a fun time visiting around!

  6. Wow, you have a busy month coming up! If it all gets to be too much, just ditch NaNoWriMo.

    1. I'm going to do this, Debra! I need NaNo to get back on track ~ LOL! Besides it keeps me distracted from how I'm feeling. Take care, my friend!

  7. Love the one with the black cat - time for crazy!

    Maybe Lansdowne House Memories? Surviving Lansdowne House? Or some other powerful verb.

    1. Time for crazy indeed, Diane! Thanks for the suggestions. I like powerful verbs. Have fun visiting around.

  8. Hi Fundy! So excited that your book is being published! Huzzah! I'm on NaNoWriMo too this year and not revising but working on an already started project. I have revised on it and just count an hour of revising as 600 words or so (just figure out how long it takes you to write a thousand words typically). Please befriend me on NaNoWriMo! I'm JanLaBanan there.

    1. Thanks, Jan! I'll get there! I found you on NaNo, but I can't figure out how to add you as a buddy. I'm Fundy Blue at NaNo. Maybe you can figure out how to make me a buddy. I'm technology challenged! Have a great day!

    2. Hi Fundy - I know it looks like I'm Ron but this is my fella's laptop - it is Jan Morrison. I cannot find you on the site. I found out that it may be because you haven't verified your account. I know I did mine as I have found at least one buddy! The other possibility is that your account may not be public. Okay!

    3. Hi, Jan! I'm not sure how I did it, but I managed to send you a buddy request on NaNo!

  9. You make me laugh, Louise. You're a delight. And so are your gifs. Hey, I like A Place Called Lansdowne House. It has a literary feel to it. Really, I like it a lot.

    1. How can we get through this world without laughter, Joylene? Thanks for the encouragement! And thanks for being a co-host today. Happy visiting around!

  10. Okay - again! I can't find you which either means you haven't verified your account on NaNo or you haven't made it public. Let's make this happen! Sorry - this is still Jan Morrison but I'm on my fella's laptop.

    1. Hi, Jan! I am public, and I sent you a buddy request. One way or another we're going to make this thing work! LOL!

  11. I've been thinking about NaNo, but I won't be registering. I, too, want to start the writing every day thing again. Fingers crossed that I can do that at least. No word count either, as long as a get a few descriptive paragraphs down I'll feel the good about it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. It's great to see you, Anna! Some progress every day is progress! Good luck! Have a fun IWSG Day!

  12. :) hahah!

    Ice skating! I haven't been for quite a while. I miss it!

    1. I miss ice skating, too, Sandi! It's been over ten years, and I'm afraid I'd shatter if I fell. LOL! I hoe you are doing well, my friend! Blessings and a hug to you!

  13. Oh I would like to participate at nanowrimo
    But I am so busy

    1. Hi, Sakuranko! Thanks for visiting today! It's going to be a late night for busy me for sure. Take care!

  14. I don't do NaNo, but oh, how I love those memes! I hope you find the inspiration, and title, you need for your memoir!

    1. LOL, Lee! I was visiting you as you were visiting me! Thanks for co-hosting today. Have a happy and fulfilling month!

  15. I love NaNo! Rewriting can be such a challenge to count. I'd check off the NaNo Rebel badge, and give yourself full words for each day. The whole point is engaging with your story and you're definitely doing that!
    Memoirs can be tough - be kind to yourself on those days!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Jemi! This memoir has been very tough, but writing has helped me confront some difficult things. Have a happy day!

  16. Great post. Keep that sense of humor. It will get you through the shorter word count days. When I'm revising, I mark time vs. words.
    Good luck with NaNo!

    1. Thanks, Mary! Humor always helps! Thanks for sharing how you handle NaNo and revising. Take care!

  17. What a hilarious post you put up on this First Wednesday, Lousie. I loved, loved, loved it! Too many "loves"? I don't think so. First, congrats on doing NaNo. That's huge. Second, I think it's amazing to tackle a memoir, so kudos on that as well. Third, I love your working title. I even think Landsdown House alone would be a great title. It has a touch of mystery to it, and I really like the sound of Landsdown. Anyway here's to a lot of words in November.

    1. Thanks, Lee! Your comment lifted my spirits this morning. Have a great day!

  18. Bravo to you, Louise, for attempting NaNo. I couldn't do it. Great post! All the luck with your writing in progress. Be brave. However you finish, finish strong! Go Girl!

    1. Thanks, Victoria! Being brave is the hardest part, but I'm doing it. I really appreciate the emotional boost! I hope you are enjoying a happy day!

  19. I think you keep on writing! Getting words on the page is a great reason and way to do NaNo, regardless of words counted at the end of each day. I find I work best when I do short, timed bits. I can get more done in a 25 minute window than I can in a 2 hour marathon. I don't know why, but it is.
    I love your working title for your memoir. I'm sure the true title will come to you through the writing, if it needs a different one.
    Way to go!

  20. Yes, the title sometimes arrives when you're in the middle of something!

    The memes cracked me up-thanks!

    Don't delete words when doing NaNo. You wrote them, they count! Delete later!

    Good luck!

  21. You do have a busy month. I understand why you want to do NaNo. Great idea, no matter how many words you write, it's more than you had on Oct. 31. Good luck to you. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Hang in there.

  22. Louise, I think your memoir will be wonderful. Writing that much is daunting for me...But then, if I count all the words in the comments I write on blogs, would that count lol? ;)

  23. you are such an inspiration dear Louise ,i am stunned always with your passion for writing and making it possible through all the odds Bravo from me either !

    imagining your dance makes me smile :) yes i can feel how much you enjoy such adventures :) loving to have challenges in life is rare ,really rare actually and having dare to face them right from front and nailed down the sense of achievement is gift you have my friend!

    i would love to read your memoir as i loved you posts regarding the circumstances your father faced during his job and stay in such unique area ,i loved it absolutely ! your way of writing is fascinating ,poignant and captivating !

    hope your tests are going well and treatment is about to start asap.

    enjoyed the memes as well :)))
    hugs and blessings to you and family!

  24. Hope you get a lot done this November, Louise!

    All the best with Nanowrimo!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.