
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

IWSG Day: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 ~ The Worse Genre to Write


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Kim LajevardiCathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, Olga Godim, Michelle Wallace, and, Louise - Fundy Blue!

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 
What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why?

Happy September, Everyone!
I hope that you have all had a happy and healthy August.

Regarding this month's question, writing romance is the worse one for me to tackle.
I have avoided writing romance throughout my life,
largely because of things that happened to me in my past.
I feel stripped naked and vulnerable even thinking about writing it.

I do enjoy reading a good romance story, although I often choose other genres to read,
like science fiction, fantasy, memoir, and nonfiction.

I am almost finished reading the IWSG's latest anthology, 
First Love: The Art of Making Doughnuts, which was released yesterday.
I have an early copy because I preordered it ages ago.
I absolutely love this anthology!
I was surprised by the variety of stories about the sweetness of first love,
and I appreciated the quality of the writing and the strong voices in the individual stories.
I'm learning more about writing by reading them.
We have so many talented writers in the IWSG!

August was a challenging month for Terry and me, but things are much better now!
I'm excited because I have been approved for a series of infusions
that should significantly help my double vision.
That's good, because my eyesight has been deteriorating
as I decrease the steroids that improved my vision.

Next week Terry and I are going to Yellowstone National Park for three days.
I don't care if I see two Old Faithfuls instead of one.
I'm thrilled to get away!

 Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Since I took very few photos this summer, I thought I'd share a few funnies:

Happy writing in September!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

My next post will be on Friday, September 9, 2022.  ðŸ¤ž


  1. The ISWG has SO many talented writers. I applaud you all.
    I hope that September is much less challenging for you - and has some fun in it.
    And thanks for the funnies. I particularly liked the one in the book shop - and plead guilty.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I am so guilty about buying too many books. At least sometimes when I go to the bookstore and have coffee and a treat, I skim through some magazines and books without buying any ~ of course the coffee and treat aren't free ~ lol. Have a great day! Maybe I should say I hope you're having a great sleep. xox

  2. Cool you got an early copy of the book. I couldn't write romance either.
    Have a great time at Yellowstone. I haven't been there since I was a kid.

    1. You should visit Yellowstone again, Alex! It is an amazing place!

  3. Replies
    1. My pleasure, Alex! It's a way I can give back to the IWSG which has given so much to me. Enjoy your day. Take care!

  4. Enjoy your trip to Yellowstone, it is a fascinating place. Can you still go and soak in the river in the north of the park where there are hot springs? I agree with you on romance, I don't think I could write in that genre.

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I don't know what is going on in the northern part of Yellowstone. We're entering in from the west side because of the damage in the north. The bad flooding happened the day after we booked our flight. Of course, lol. I'm really excited about visiting it. Have a great weekend!

  5. Comments that I've read elsewhere so far agree with you about writing romance. I wish I could do the genre well. I hear it's a lucrative genre. :)

    From T. Powell Coltrin Writes @

    1. Happy IWSG Day, Teresa! I've given up any hope of earning money via writing ~ lol. Even worse, I spend money on writing. At least it has other meaningful compensations, Enjoy your day!

  6. My answer was romance too. I'm glad your doctor may have figured out a treatment for your double vision. I hope it works. And thanks for co-hosting with me this month.

    1. Thanks for co-hosting too, Natalie! I am optimistic about my eye treatments. Enjoy visiting around today!

  7. Your graphics always make me laugh! I fell into writing romance - I always preferred suspense or action/adventure. Plus, practical/historical research was always more fun than writing the book. But an agent convinced me it was my niche and I ran with it.

    1. You are braver than I am, Nancy! Every time I walk through my local bookstore and I see the big romance section, I am reminded what a popular genre it is for readers. I'm glad you found your niche and ran with it. Have a good one!

  8. I'm glad your book arrived safely.

    Yellowstone! I have fond memories of that park.

    1. Hi, Diane! I hope this anthology sells well. It's a delightful collection of stories. I absolutely love Yellowstone. It's way too long since I've been there. Have a good one!

  9. Thanks for the morning chuckle!!! It's a shame we have to get approval to help us with our bodies health. I hope the eye infusions will solve your double vision.

    1. Thanks, Cathrina! I am very hopeful about the infusions. I hope you're having fun visiting around today.

  10. Thanks for co-hosting, Louise. I hope you and dear husband have a lovely trip. Looking forward to seeing your photos.

    1. Thanks, Joylene! We are really looking forward to our trip. I hope to take lots of photos. Take care, my friend!

  11. Hi,
    I am laughing at the picture with the cat reading To Kill A Mockingbird. The conversation he's having with himself is beautiful. "This book has absolute no information on killing birds. Too funny.
    I needed that laugh. Thank you for co-hosting.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks, Pat! I think we all need to laugh more. A lot of distressing things are happening in our world right now. Have a good one!

  12. Sending healing vibes. Have fun at Yellowstone, and thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, Adrienne! I am so ready for wandering about in nature. Have a great rest of September.

  13. Love your collage of romance writers! It made me laugh.
    I'm very sorry for your deteriorating vision. Hopefully, the new treatment will make it better.
    I'm surprised at how many writers say that they can't write romance. I thought I was the only one.

    1. Thanks, Olga! I'm glad that you enjoyed the funnies. I'm surprised so many have picked romance too. I think romance writers are very brave. Take care!

  14. Hoping your vision continues to improve. Vision is so important! Especially for visiting beautiful places like Yellowstone. What a great place that is!

    I'm with you on the writing of romance and have seen that so are many others. I thought I would be in a minority regarding that.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, Arlee. Just being immersed in nature will be wonderful. It's been way too long since I've been to Yellowstone. I hope the super volcano doesn't blow ~ It would be just my luck ~ lol! I'm highly visual, so this has been frustrating for me. However, I'm confident that my eyes will get fixed. Have a good one!

  15. I'll cross my fingers for your treatment. Eyes--it's scary to think of losing vision. An efriend lost hers to glaucoma which is what I have. Yuck. Keep us UTD on the treatments.

    1. Oh, I hope that you are getting good treatment for your glaucoma, Jacqui! How scar! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too! Take care!

  16. What a great post, Louise! I love it! Bravo to all the authors of First Love. What a beautiful cover! All the luck with this new release.

    I love To Kill a Mockingbird. What a great book. And your "funnies" about book authors is right on target. Thanks so much for co-hosting IWSG's question this month. Have fun in Yellowstone. You are truly lucky to "get away"!

    1. Thanks, Victoria! Every time I look at the First Love cover, I want a doughnut so badly. The cover story is wonderful and very well written and structured. I loved it. Yes, I am very lucky to get away. I can't wait! Have a good one!

  17. I'm glad you're blessed with patience, trust, and hope as you step away into to one of nature's best places. Thanks for co-hosting and being a cheerleader for all -

    1. Thanks, PJ! I absolutely love Yellowstone! Take care!

  18. Romance seems to stump a lot of us! Loved the humor today. Thanks for that.

    1. Thanks, Lee! We all need more to laugh more, especially when the world feels darker. Take care!

    2. Hi, Lee! I tried to visit your blog, but for some reason safari won't let me go there. Maybe tomorrow I'll have more luck

  19. Wow! Just wow! Thank you for co-hosting AND for leveling with us AND for posting those funny memes that really made me laugh. I hope you enjoy your getaway to Yellowstone, especially now the hot weather looks to be mellowing. I'm stuck for the next 6-8 weeks, unable to drive anywhere, recovering from minor foot surgery, and it's most likely making me a little crazy. Your post encouraged me. Not only for the straight forward recognition of what you don't like to write, but for your openness about what you learned from IWSG's newest anthology (already downloaded and ready to read). And thank you for talking about your eyes, as my DH has double vision. We joke that he always sees double the birds I do when we go walking. Have a truly wonderful getaway!

    1. Thanks, Beth! I hope your foot heals quickly and you're soon out and about. I know how frustrating it is to be unable to drive. I can manage close to my home where the traffic is light and the speeds are slow. But I can't venture beyond a couple of miles. My poor husband has been my patient and frequent chauffeur. My double vision is caused by Graves Eye Disease which in turn is caused by a hyperactive thyroid. It just takes time to sort it all out. I'm optimistic! Take care!

  20. I'd struggle to write romance too. Hope your eyesight improves. Thank you for hosting IWSG this month.

    1. Thanks, Liza! It's all good. There are so many people dealing with things that are much worse. Have a happy and creative September!

  21. Cyber healing-hugs your way, my dear. I hope the new treatments help. Enjoy Yellowstone and thanks for co-hosting! It's always a joy to read your posts.

    1. Thanks, Diedre! You made my day with your kind words about my posts! And thanks for the healing hugs! Take care!

  22. Best of luck on the treatment for your eyes. And thanks for the funnies! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. Thanks, Samantha! Fingers crossed that the infusions work. I hope you've had a good IWSG Day!

  23. How kind of you to pre-order the anthology, and to read it when romance isn't really your thing. I appreciate you stepping out of your comfort zone! And I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the anthology as well. Thank you, also, for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thanks, S. E. I finished the anthology last night. Your story "The Castle of Ohno" was a fitting end to the First Love anthology. I enjoyed Hippolyta's and Konrad's story: two lonely, even desperate people, who risk everything for a chance to improve their lives. (I can't resist asking: Did you call it "Ohno," i.e. "Oh-no!" because it was such a terrifying place and Hippolyta would be imprisoned inside it for life?) I hope lots of copies of the anthology are sold. Enjoy the ride!

  24. I've written a couple of short romances, but I've often struggled with the genre. I think I'm more comfortable writing 'love stories' as I can write unhappy endings. I feel these have bigger emotional impacts. I hope everything works out for your eyes. Fingers crossed! Enjoy your trip. I hope you get good weather. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! Love stories with unhappy endings definitely have a bigger emotional impact. I think they reflect the reality that our personal love stories more often than not don't have happy endings. If we're lucky, eventually one story does. Enjoy happy and creative September.

  25. I have some eye problems, too, and wish you complete success with your eye treatment.
    My favorite cartoon is the Cat readying, "Too Kill A Mocking Bird." Thank you for co-hosting IWSG this month.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, Lynn! Eye problems are very frustrating. I hope your eyes improve. The cat cracked me up. Have a great rest of the month.

  26. This is nice question and it makes me think that why could never write a romantic poetry even when I was young. I will ponder on. it later.
    I Pray from the bottom of my heart and soul may your vision be healed dear Louise and may you keep filling in beauty of the Nature through your lovely eyes! Amen.

    I don't know whether you have shared about that sad stuff in your previous posts that restrain you from writing romance but I will surely look for it.
    This is a most beautiful gift for a soul to find a mate who loves her back sinserly. You have a partner who spent almost a half century with you my friend and I think such amazing love can make you feel much alive and strong than ever. Hugs and blessings

    1. It's so good to see you, Baili! I promised myself I would not go to bed tonight until I had responded to your kind and thoughtful words. I've been so sad and worried about the terrible flooding in your country, and I hope you and your extended loved ones are okay and coping with all the challenges. I will get caught up with you!

      It has been a tough summer for Terry and me for medical reasons. I finally got to Nova Scotia to see my family, but we had to cut our visit short and fly home suddenly because of a scary medical situation that hit Terry. And I've been dealing with a lot more medically than just my eyesight. Fortunately Terry is fully recovered, and I'm feeling much better. I remind myself that each day I'm one day closer to feeling normal again.

      I haven't shared the sad stuff in previous posts that restrains me from writing romance stories. I get close and then I back away. That's one reason why it's taking me so long to finish my memoir.

      I'm very lucky to have Terry! He is my rock! Hugs and blessings to you, dear Baili!

  27. Replies
    1. It is, Anna! It's lovely to read some happy endings when the world is experiencing a difficult time. Enjoy the weekend!

  28. What a lovely picture of the Grand Canyon. I wish you all the very best for your eyes. Come back stronger and happier :D Thank you for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you, Damyanti! Wilderness always makes my spirit soar, and it's been way too long since I've been out in it. Take care!

  29. I would love to try writing fiction (any fiction), but have zero confidence. There are already so many talented and clever fiction writers out there, I just don't think I could ever find my place.

    1. I understand what you are saying, Leigh. I decided a long time ago to write for me, and I have a broad definition of what writing is for me. It includes letters, journals, the occasional newspaper article, blogging, nonfiction, and fiction ~ even commenting on blogs ~ lol! I literally write in some form every day, and that makes me happy. I try not to compare my writing with that of others, because it can be so discouraging and deflating. I just try my best to be authentic and to develop my own style and voice. Have a relaxing weekend!

  30. A great bunch of stories in the new anthology indeed. I've only ever done actual romance once. I could do it more, but I have more fun with the outlandish stuff haha

    Hopefully you enjoy your trip and the infusions work.

    1. You do outlandish so well, Pat! It's cold and cloudy in Yellowstone currently, according to the weather news, so Terry and I are bringing lots of warm layers. If we have to curl up in front of the fireplace at the Old Faithful Inn, so be it. We are going to have fun! Take care, my friend!

  31. LOL. Great choice in funnies! But that first one is definitely more fantasy than romance, I'd say.

    1. Fantasy for sure, Loni! Every time I look at it, I laugh. I hope that you have been enjoying a good weekend!

  32. Fingers crossed re: the infusions--I hope they help. Have a great time in Yellowstone! It's one of the most amazing places I've ever been.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.