
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

IWSG Day: Wednesday, October 5, 2022 ~ Best Characteristics of a Favorite Genre


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Tonja DreckerCathrina Constantine, Mary Aalgaard,  and, Sandra Cox!

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 
What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre?

Happy October, Everyone!
I hope that you have all had a good August and are enjoying the change of seasons.

I can't believe I'm flying again on IWSG Day!
I'll be visiting around as quickly as I can, once I'm home.
I hope you have a great day visiting your IWSG friends.

My favorite genre for reading?  Or for writing?
My favorite reading genre is science fiction.
Its best characteristics are its ability to transport me to different places and times
and its ability to speculate and predict the science of the future
and to stretch my mind and imagination.
The best science fiction has characters that touch my heart.
These characteristics are true of most genres,
and I read and enjoy reading many genres.

 The Hyperion Cantos
One of My Favorite Science Fiction Series

My favorite writing genre, and a close second reading genre, is memoir.
I am curious about what makes people tick, how their circumstances shape their lives,
how they deal with challenges that impact them,
and their characters, conflicts, and hearts.
For me, writing memoir is confronting difficult things in my past 
and making peace with them and myself.

I read my first memoir when I was ten:  Anne Frank's unforgettable diary. 
A Powerful Introduction to This Genre

I'm sharing some writing funnies today.  
Laughter and humor keeps me moving forward these days.

This has nothing to do with writing, but it resonates with me.
I don't think I could resist.

For those of you observing Yom Kippur today,
may it be a meaningful and rewarding holy day.

Happy writing in October!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

My next post will be on Friday, October 7, 2022.  ðŸ¤ž


  1. Smiling. Happy (and safe) flying.
    I read from most genres (except horror) and refuse to be limited by target age groups. Memoirs/autobiographies are high on my reading list too. As are diaries and letters.

    1. Hi,Sue! Somehow I figured out how to get into my blog at the airport. We’ll see what happens. I’ll read anything. Even the backs of cereal boxes ~ in French. Almost anything. Graphic horror I’ll avoid. Have a great day!

  2. I still can't believe it's October 🎃

    1. Me neither, Adam! I'll bet you'll have fun with Princess L trick-or-treating. I hope so!

  3. Safe travels home!
    That's my favorite genre.

    1. Thanks, Alex! We made it home. It's always good to come home. I hope you've had a fun IWSG Day!

  4. It's so interesting that your favorite genres to read and write aren't the same. Loved your funnies, especially the first one.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I'm glad you enjoyed the funnies. Have a happy and creative October!

  5. Sci Fi is one of my favorites. Memoirs are the best, too. The thing I like is when you read a book and recognize the passion of the writer in the genre they write.

    T. Powell Coltrin Writes @

    1. I agree, Teresa, recognizing the passion of a writer for the genre they write is something I like too. Have a great October!

  6. I like the "resist temptation" meme. And yes, go on, squeeze!

    1. HeeHee, Debra! You instigator! You're as bad as my brother!

  7. I would honk that horn!

    I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy when I was younger.

    1. Your Circle of Friends books were so real and contemporary. Maybe now your tapping into those earlier reading roots. Have a great October, Diane!

  8. Haha, so that's why my skin is so pale. LOL. Happy IWSG, Louise. I was probably around 10 when I read Anne Frank also. I laughed and laughed until I realized ... The good thing is she'll live forever.

    1. She will live forever, Joylene. When I visited Amsterdam in 1972, I was able to visit the rooms where she and her family hid. It was such a powerful experience. I hope you've had fun visiting around today. I'm going to have to do most of my visiting tomorrow. Wishing you the best of everything in October! Hugs to you!

  9. I love your thoughts about writing memoir. I am doing my best on that front, too and it's not as easy as it looks, is it?! But reading a good one... it's a wonderful experience.

    1. You're right, Jeanie! Writing a memoir is not easy. Wishing you success as you write yours. Take care!

  10. What a fun post! I share some of your reading-favs. Of memoirs one can learn so much. And Kermit is always a fun one!

    1. Thanks, Iris! Kermit is great fun. Happy October!

  11. I do like reading a good memoir. Maybe someday I'll try writing one, if I find I have anything to say.

    1. Memoir is definitely easier to read than to write, Rebecca! I hope you had fun visiting around on IWSG Day!

  12. Hope you have a safe flight. You science fiction is a great one to read and write in too. Memoirs are interesting as well, as long as not that celebrity crap written by ghost writers lol can't tell what makes any tick with fiction. lol the first one. Yep. Make that face indeed.

    1. Thanks, Pat! We made it home smoothly, except for the usually bumpity-bumps as we flew over the Front Range and dropped to the High Plains. The turbulence used to scare me, but now it's fun. Yeah, I've made that face too. I love Kermit! How can it be almost Friday again ~ Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Replies
    1. LOL, Liza! You're a kindred spirit! Happy October to you!

  14. I truly enjoyed reading your post. The meme and gifs just cracked me up. I love reading and writing thrillers. Science and speculative fiction would be on my top 5 list of favorite genres.

    1. Thanks, Damyanti! I enjoy thrillers of all kinds! Have a happy and creative October!

  15. I wonder if one could write a sci-fi using a memoir style. Could be interesting. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. What an awesome idea, Anna! It could be very interesting! Have a happy and creative October!

  16. I agree with you re: science fiction. It is one of my favorite genres too, both in reading and in writing.Memoirs are different. They don't as much transport you into another place or time, like sci-fi or fantasy do, as they transport you into another person.

    1. Reading has transported me into so many lives and places and times. It has enriched my life more than anything. I hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend. Take care!

  17. Thank you for reminding us laughter and humor are magical and heal in mysterious ways.

  18. You have an ocean of beautiful vocabulary perfectly fitted to your thoughts dear Louise. I loved your answer to the iwsg :)

    When I was young travellers story would fascinate me most and poetry but of little higher level then mere cheap expression of love.
    Safe travels my friend.
    Hugs and heartfelt best wishes

  19. Oh I thoroughly enjoyed the funniest specially one from twilight movie: )

  20. That horn just begged being blown. When I was younger, I loved Science Fiction, now it's just okay. My favorite reading genre is creative non-fiction.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.