
Friday, October 21, 2022

The Scariest House I've Ever Seen!

I've seen lots of scary houses and buildings in my lifetime,
but the scariest I ever saw was in Waikiki.
Terry and I were walking around and exploring the area near our hotel,
when a spooky house brought me to a full stop.

Straight Out of "The Birds"
Waikiki Area of Honolulu
Hawaii, USA
March 30, 2014
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

A house and yard were covered with hundreds of whispering, cooing pigeons.
The sight and sounds thrust me immediately
into Alfred Hitchcock's natural horror-thriller movie "The Birds."

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

My brother Roy and I saw this movie when it first came out in 1963.
We thought it was hilarious and laughed all the way through it,
much to the consternation of people sitting around us in the movie theatre.
It was inconceivable to think of seagulls behaving so badly.

But when I saw this house on Waikiki, I was hit with a surge of terror:
all those birds eerily perched on almost every horizontal surface 
muttering, peering at me, ready to move at the slightest provocation.
I wasn't laughing now!  I was rooted to the sidewalk.

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Was Terry bothered?
Nope!  He just sauntered on by.
The only thing that worried him was the possibility of disease.

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Finally my urge to take photos overcame my urge to remain frozen on the sidewalk.
I eased out my camera and carefully began shooting.
The shutter sounded thunderous, but not one pigeon attacked.
A few fluttered, but I'm still here!

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I think someone who lived in the house had a sense of humor.

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

It's not nearly as exciting to walk past this house nowadays.
The city made the owners stop feeding the birds,
and they've all moved on:  Health hazard.

I can't resist a few memes:

The Scariest House photos are for Rain's Thursday Art Date theme Haunted House;
and for Nicole's Friday Face Off this week, I have some faces below. 
It's no secret.  I've been dealing with brain fog about a year.
I've been worried about developing Alzheimer's, but it's more likely been due
to thyroid disease, multiple medications, Covid, prednisone, stress, or all of them together.

But my brain fog is dissipating, ๐Ÿคž, and I can finally laugh about it:

And some real faces in an old family portrait:  

Top Row: Mary Lou Raymond (cousin), Ella MacDonald (maternal grandmother), not sure (right)
Bottom Row (left to right):  my brother Roy, my sister Barb, Sara Cossaboom (maternal great grandmother)
Me (Louise),  My mother Sara MacBeath, and my sister Donnie

I will be without my computer from October 23 through November 2 and unable to post.
I'll try my best to visit around before then.

Have a great weekend! 

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

  My next post will be on 
Friday, November 4, 2022.  ๐Ÿคž

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi Louise, that house was really spooky! I get panic when so many birds are near me. Sometimes there are clouds of gulls at the Rhine, and they circle round you -not for me. Wonderful post today! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hugs back at you, Valerie! Those birds certainly freaked me out! Normally I love birds. Have a lovely weekend, my friend! Hugs to you!

  2. As a born-again Christian, the white doves (as we would call them here) spoke to me of all believers waiting to go home (the house) to be with Christ in eternity.

    1. What a soothing and hopeful interpretation you have of the birds, Brenda. Thank you! Hugs to you, my friend!

  3. LOVE the family photo. I only ever knew my immediate family so I have serious extended family envy.
    Love birds, and smiled at your funnies. My memory is shot which scares me (badly) but it does mean I can reread books. I don't remember who died, much less who killed them.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I was very lucky to have a big extended family and lots of love from many people. Yes, it is scary to have memory issues. I'm rereading the book for my book club, so I'll remember it better. "Bridge from Andau" by James Michener on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Russian crackdown. Fingers crossed for both of us. Hugs to you!

  4. That is really weird the birds were all hanging out at that house.
    Glad your fog is clearing. I'd say yes, it was due to everything that's happened in the past three years.
    I like the funny with the birds attacking the guy!

    1. I like that funny too, Alex! That house had those birds for years, but on a recent trip they were all gone. I'm glad the city made the owners clean it all up and stop feeding the birds. I miss the thrill of slowly walking by ~ lol. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  5. Have a good time away. I remember thinking the movie was pretty stupid when I first saw it but a few years ago, I caught it on TV and thought it was well-made.

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I've seen "The Birds" several times now. It gets better each time I see it. Have a great week!

  6. Louise, I'm a Hitchcock fan and I loved The Birds!! That bird house would have scared me too! Once in a while my front lawn has a big murder of crows on it and it kind of freaks me out lol...but they always fly away, they really are scaredy cats! Sorry about the brain fog...I seem to be having that lately too, but I think mine is related to just too much going on!! ♥

    1. Yes, you do have a lot going on, Rain! I'm focusing right now on getting enough sleep and drinking lots of water. I've had way too much going on! I really like crows. They're intelligent and social birds. Take care!

  7. Great post. Yeah the pigeon house would be freaky. I saw the Birds when if first came out and have loved it ever since. I own the DVD. Great faces and the brain fog jokes hit home with me. LOL Thank you for joining Friday Face OFF.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I think a lot of us can relate to the brain fog. Hugs to you!

  8. ...this is why you shouldn't feed pigeons! Have a great weekend.

    1. Haha! I like to feed them in the big squares in Europe. Tanks, Tom. Even retired, I love the weekend!

  9. That is too many birds. I'd be scared too. I only saw The Birds a couple of years ago but if it was pigeons versus seagulls, I wouldn't have walked on that side of the road. Smile. I can't say I have brain fog, but I am terrible at remembering names. Now I taught school for 36 years so when I see a kid who is now grown up, I can remember where they say in class and things about them, but not their name. That is so strange to me. Hope it clears up. Have a great trip wherever you are off to, and hopefully its not being in a hospital or anything where you won't have internet. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, Erika! I'm going to be without my computer for a fun reason! I taught for twenty-five years because teaching was a second career for me. I miss the fun of being with the kiddos, but not the other things, like endless meetings. Hugs to you!

  10. That movie just TERRIFIED me as a child when I saw it on TV. Sooooooo creepy. And that Waikiki house would freak me right out too. The only way I might enjoy all those birds were if they were "vibrating midget birds," LOL!

    1. LOL, Debra! I loved the "vibrating midget birds!" Hummingbirds are among my most favorite birds. Have a great weekend!

  11. That was quite the movie ~ great series of photos and fun jokes ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks, Carol! The Hitchcock movie that scares me the most is "Psycho." I still think about it when I take a shower all these decades later. Take care!

  12. hahahaha I'm with Terry. Blah to the possible disease. And all the poop. As far as scary, meh, geese are more scary. Those suckers will take you out haha I'd snap pics like you did though before moving on from the disease.

    1. Hey, Pat! Where you're at! We have very aggressive Canada geese around here. I try to give them a wide berth. They will take you out. Happy weekend to you!

  13. Nice take on haunted house! Thanks for the funnies

  14. You didn´t go inside??? I´m still sad I had no cam with me when we went into such a house....
    Oh, yes, "The Birds"!
    And the poop!!!

    Oh. I am really sorry - it must be very scary to feel brain-foggy. Grandma, a neiughbor, I witnessed that. Hope you come out well and safe!!!
    Good you can take it with humor and what a fab family portrait!

    Best wishes from here.

    1. Thanks, Iris! It has been scary at times to feel brain-foggy. I'm relieved that it's clearing. I've found that humor helps with a lot of things. It's better to laugh than to cry. Best wishes to you too! Take care!

  15. Scary house reminds me of hearing about the most extreme Haunted house in Tennessee. They apparently can break your bones or pull your teeth. People sign a waiver but it shouldn't be legal

    1. Wow! That's crazy! Who would want to go in a haunted house where they could break your bones or pull your teeth. You wouldn't catch me there. I hope Princess L is getting excited about Halloween. She's at such a fun age. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  16. The bird songs in the morning i luv. The pigeons fluttering in swoops can be annoying.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today


    1. I love birdsong in the morning, Gillena! It's the loveliest sound. Love to you!

  17. Hi, you have here lot of pigeons and funnies as well as great quotes ๐Ÿ‘
    Enjoy nice Halloween season ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks, Sirkkis! I really enjoy this time of year. I'll bet autumn is beautiful where you are. Take care!

  18. I too saw Birds! Long ago. It was scary and nothing I wanted to see again.
    The bird-house? The owners probably feed them daily. :)

    1. Hi, Monica! I can't imagine how much bird food the owners of that house went through feeding all those pigeons. Pigeons are everywhere in Waikiki. Have a happy weekend!

  19. I've never seen The Birds, but I sure like your take on it and that scary haunted house. Really sweet and clever funnies, too.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! It was a fun post to put together. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  20. That house will never run out of fertilisers for the gardens. Then Fengshui is good when there are so many birds around

    1. Hi, Roentare! I didn't know that about Fengshui. Thanks for visiting. Take care!

  21. Your birds house looks right out of Alfred Hitchcock! sorry to read about brain fog.

    1. Thanks, Betty! The house certainly does. It certainly spooked me when I first saw it. Brain fog is no fun, but at least it's beginning to dissipate. Have a great week!

  22. I live in Waikiki. Friend of mine actually lived in that house! It was a moped shop back in the day. I was very pleasantly shocked to see you build your whole post around Joelle's house, lol!

    1. What are the chances, Cloudia?! It truly is a small world! Lucky you to have lived in Waikiki so long. We've spent a fair amount of time there. We even considered buying a place in Waikiki, but we decided against it because we would be so far from our families. Have a happy week. Aloha!

  23. I love birds and am not at all afraid of them, though maybe I should be . I have worked with birds and rehabbed injured raptors and have never had a concern for disease as there has never been any ... but I had an owl land on my head and dig her talons in and a Red Tail Hawk get frightened and fly off my glove only to land on my bare arm and dig her talons in. Talons could scare me and even beaks when they are trying to rip me, but pigeons ... they are peace birds. So I enjoyed your pictures and chuckled at your relating them to "The Birds". I might even join in your concerns if it was a flock of crows because crows are smart enough to be ornery.
    Your Brain Fog, however, is another matter. I know just what you are talking about and your choice of pictures to illustrate the issue is priceless ... I LOL at each and every one and my favorite is the "What do we want" cartoon". Anyone who has experienced the "duh" moment will appreciate how you feel. So my question for you is how do you dissipate your brain fog? If you have a good answer to that don't tell anyone and sell it on Shopify, you'll be rich :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  24. Wow, Louise! What a sight that must have been. I've never seen a home overtaken by birds to that extent. I thought the movie The Birds was hilarious, too. When my husband and I watched it, we snickered all the way through. I just couldn't take it seriously enough. And I'm glad your brain fog is dissipating! That is great! I hope you are keeping well, my lovely friend. Wishing you an amazing week ahead.

  25. I never saw the Hitchcock movie although I can't count how many times people have mentioned it to me knowing pretty much that my life has been linked to birds ever since I can remember. I would have been thrilled to see all those pigeons but I can barely imagine the amount of guano they leave behind!

  26. That is a creepy looking house -- although I feel a little better with the white birds than the black ones in "The Birds!" Not a lot, though!

  27. Jajaja Me encanta que tu niebla se haya disipado, aunque esas palomas parecen estar tramando algo.


  28. Whoa, that is a scary house! I like the cartoon of the birds referring to the "Hitchcockian way" :-)
    I'm always saying what multiple times then pretending I've heard, especially when it comes to people's names...
    Hope you're having a lovely week! <3

  29. Birds don't usually scare me too much, but on a recent holiday in Italy we met a woman with a bird phobia. She was afraid of the tame magpie that lived there. Still, I wouldn't like to enter this house or be near it... The main bad thing I've had with pigeons is that they poop ;-DD Once a pigeon pooped on my silk gilet, the silk was etched and once, on the way to my place of work, a pigeon pooped right on my hair - it was so gross. I tried washing it out, but I felt dirty and stinky all day in the office. And my husband once got seagull poop on his jeans, which stank so badly that we had to stuff them in the trunk in a tightly tied plastic bag ;-DDD
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  30. Yep. That house qualifies as truly spooky. I'm thinking how it might be to make it safely from the sidewalk to the front door without an umbrella. Great post.

  31. Ok. I'm trying to comment as anonymous to see if Blogger will let me do that. So far no other profile has worked. Great post, Louise. I'm imagining how I'd make it from the sidewalk to the front door without an umbrella! C. Lee McKenzie

  32. That's a real spooky house... Great post


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