
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

IWSG: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 ~ Distractions, Distractions!


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Victoria Marie Lees

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.

This month's featured question is: 
How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?

Happy May, Everyone!
I hope you are each doing well and moving forward with your writing goals.

Things are going well for Terry and me.
I love springtime in Colorado, despite the whiplash
from snow to warm and sunny and back to snow repeatedly.
It's the time for me to do battle with birds trying to build nests on our deck and porch
and for shaggy muleys to emerge to munch on the fresh greenery in our neighborhood.

Yummy Clematis Vines! 
Heritage Eagle Bend
Aurora, Colorado, ⁨USA
April 28, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Heritage Eagle Bend
Aurora, Colorado, ⁨USA
April 29, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

I had my eye operation on April 15th, and I can see so much better!
I was a little worried the morning after my surgery,
when I looked down and saw I had four feet, one set in front of the other.
Our stairs to the basement have fifteen steps, and now there were thirty.
When I tried to go down, my back set of feet were on a higher step, 
and my front set on the next one down. 
Recovery has been entertaining, if nothing else.

Two weeks out, and I have single vision almost everywhere. 
I can't wait to see my eye surgeon next week.

Gorgeous Blossoms and Heavenly Scented Breezes
Heritage Eagle Bend
Aurora, Colorado, ⁨USA
April 23, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

This month's question is a fitting one for me:  
How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?
The short answer is yes, distractions do derail me.

My brother Roy calls me his beautiful butterfly.
He says I flit from flower to flower, never really stopping to light on one.
My sisters are blunter.  They call me The ADHD One.

A Passion Butterfly (Gulf Fritillary, Agraulis vanillae) on Purple Trailing Lantana
Honolulu Zoo
Waikiki, Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawaii, ⁨USA
February 29, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Butterflies like me often struggle with two opposite symptoms of ADHD,
distractibility and hyperfocus.
Distractibility is when your mind is easily diverted from what you should be focusing on,
while hyperfocus is the ability to focus on something for hours at a time.

I can flit all around the house doing lots of small things, anything but writing,
or I can be sitting at my computer writing and a spot on the kitchen floor,
a crooked picture frame, or something on the tv or out the window
can distract me from what I should be doing,
I may not remember that I was writing for hours.

More Garden Goodies! 
Heritage Eagle Bend
Aurora, Colorado, ⁨USA
April 28, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Hyperfocus, or bingeing as I call it, can work wonders for writing ~ except ~
when I crash and burn after many hours of having forgotten to eat, sleep, or shower.
Terry has often plunked a sandwich or a slice of pizza
on the counter beside my computer when I'm bingeing on writing.
Then he leaves me to my madness ~ lol!

Hyperfocus can prevent me from writing as well, 
because I can be concentrating so hard on doing something, completing something,
that I refuse to go on to anything else, even if it is really important.
I can get angry or frustrated if someone (like Terry) interrupts me.

Lovely and Fragrant Crabapple Blossoms
Heritage Eagle Bend
Aurora, Colorado, ⁨USA
April 23, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

I'm painfully aware that I've not been making good decisions about how I use my time,
and this year I've been working on spending more time writing, especially on my memoir.
I'm using incrementalism, breaking up tasks into small steps,
and doing one step of a task per day.
Doing this can add up to a lot accomplished in a week.

Watching the action at Tembe Elephant Park is a great distraction!
I've been watching the park's webcam daily for years.
I just might be its most faithful viewer in the world ~ lol!
Screenshot April 26, 2024

Because my memoir writing can feel overwhelming, I've taken a slightly different tact.
I've committed to writing for ten minutes a day.
But nine times out of ten, I end up writing for hours during the day.

I'm finding that two hours is about all I can handle in a writing session right now. 
Unscrambling the mess of research documents, manuscripts, letters,
and blog posts can be flat out exhausting.
But some days I'm managing a morning and an afternoon session. 
So this butterfly is making progress!

The next book I hope to sign is my memoir!
(Meanwhile, I'll happily sign any anthology I can!)
Aurora, Colorado, ⁨USA
June 23, 2020
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Have a creative and fulfilling May!
Enjoy IWSG Day!  And a big thank you to the co-hosts!

Just a heads-up ~ In an effort to visit more of you tomorrow, 
I'm going to visit around first and then reply to comments.
And I will reply!!!   

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

My next post will be soon!🤞


  1. I am thrilled that you are continuing your memoir and look forward to reading it. And thank you for the beautiful blossoms.

    1. Thanks, Sue! You're so kind! Have a good weekend!

  2. Glad you have single vision now!
    Two hours a day is good. It's a nice balance.

  3. I can't write for hours a day either. Like you, I try to commit to writing for a short period of time most days. I make progress even if it's slow. I'm glad your vision is improving after your surgery.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I'm finding that small bits add up. Enjoy the weekend!

  4. dear Louise it makes me serene that you had a successful surgery by the grace of God !
    vision enhancement seems understandable as aftermath of the operation .i am glad that phase has passed and you are able to see clearly and a genuine world (if it is the one) around you :)
    wow spring has decorated your surroundings so beautifully ! and i think this is a gift from mother Nature after facing all the illusionary world previously :)
    thank you for sharing the glory of your season my friend it's uplifting and enchanting :)
    the fragrant trees sound healing to me wow
    loved all the amusing animal actions during spring ,world looks going through such a vibrant and pleasant change that everything looks pretty and exciting :)
    i love having birds nests in y yard as i find no harm in it but lots of amusing viewing .like you i notice few other blogger friends don't like having birds nest ,it makes me curious most because i can feel what i miss here (typical fool of me yes)
    i read this section about your writing struggle twice because it seems intense to person like me . The way you can spend hours in writing instead of ten determined minutes are dream come true thing certainly .
    i am glad you are trying to make it light and adjustable in the routine . Terry indeed a wonderful partner with heart full of love and care for what you want to do with your time.
    i hope it works for you dear Louise as i myself am looking forward to your read your memoir .I think it will be one of the best published book whenever it will get published by the grace of God!
    thanks for making me familiar with terms of hyperfocus .it took me ages from moving from distractibility to hyperfocus and it is worth experiencing state for sure :)
    you really look a gorgeous butterfly in this photo while signing the book :)
    wishing you much health ,more love and great success in coming days my friend!

    1. Baili, you're just the best! Birds are welcome to nest anywhere at our place, except on our deck. They can and do nest under it, and that's okay. They nest on our roof and on the porch light by our front door. They are amazing opportunists! Birds can be really aggressive defending their eggs and babies, and we can't use our deck if they're nesting on it. And if they nest on our speakers, then I can't play my music on the deck. I don't think hard rock is good for them, lol! Enjoy your weekend, and have a good week ahead. Love and blessings to you and your family! And big hugs to you!

    2. thanks for the response dear Louise
      okay i got it now that when they nestle in place you use often it disturbs them and they react aggressively .
      so it is wise to make them nestle on less used place .
      here they nestle in neem tree ,pomegranate tree and shade put over the sink placed in front yard ,the last one is the only where sometime they get disturbed but best part we hardly get in the front yard during scorching summers .that might is heplful for them .
      best wishes from the bottom of my heart to you and Terry and loved ones ! hugs

  5. I don't think I've ever forgotten to eat in my entire life, LOL! Perhaps I'm hyperfocused on food?

    1. Too funny, Debra! Have a good weekend! Hugs to you!

  6. Good you can see better and see in singles once more.

    Nothing wrong with 10 mins a day, especially if it turns into 2 hours a day. You'll get it done in no time that way.

    I go to it and do all the little things then nothing but the animals bother me sometimes when it comes time to write.

    1. And you have a lot of animals who don't like to be ignored, my friend! Yes, it's good to see in singles once more. I'm going to try driving this weekend, just inside our complex. I miss my vandal-destroyed Forester. I hate Terry's car, but I've got to suck it up and drive it for now. Have a good weekend, and say hi to the critters for me!

  7. Happy IWSG Day, Louise. So good to hear your sight is spot on. There are so many beautiful things to see in our day-to-day. Happy for you.

    1. Thanks, Joylene! My vision has been doubled badly for two years and nine months. It's wonderful to see normally again. Although I have to admit that it's been cool seeing all kinds of freaky things ~ lol! Our world is endlessly beautiful. Sending you love and hugs!

  8. I think it's so sweet of a brother to call you butterfly. It's hard to manage time. We don't realise where it goes. I get sad sometimes when I'll have to stop writing after deciding to write for a fixed time. It is indeed hard to stop writing only after minutes. Glad about your eyesight. It was only a couple months ago I got my glasses and I know it's pretty wonderful to see the world more clearly. Have a nice day:)

    1. Hi, Señorida Anastasia! Yes, t is hard to stop writing after a fixed amount of time. I use the ten minutes to get me going. I can do anything for ten minutes! But there are days when I have to stop at a certain time and I do. I'm glad that you are seeing the world more clearly. We live in a wonderful world, and I never tire of exploring it and seeing it. Keep writing! Sending you a big hug!

  9. I watch the webcam too. Love the elephants and the rest of the gang when they show up.

    You walk a razorblade edge with your writing. Lucky you have Terry to watch your back. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. How fun to find someone who watches the Tembe webcam, Anna! I love all the animals, and I am fascinated watching how the elephants change the landscape over time. I'm working on getting Terry to go to Tembe. It's a hard sell ~ lol! Have a good weekend and an even better week!

  10. I'm so glad your eye surgery went well! Sounds like the recovery was a little disconcerting!

    1. Thanks, Sherry! Recovery was definitely interesting! I am so excited by my progress. I'm going to try driving in our neighborhood this weekend. I need my independence back! Have a good one!

  11. Incrementalism can be very helpful. That's how I got my first novel finished--250 words at a go. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. That's encouraging to hear, Samantha! Have a happy weekend!

  12. That was darned scary about the vision and dangerous. I'm kind of a butterfly myself, so it takes work to stay focused, so I understand what you're saying here.

    1. Yes, Lee, the double vision was scary and dangerous. I broke my foot falling in a revolving door (at a hospital, no less!), and I've had a number of bad falls because I couldn't see something. But that's behind me now! I'm looking forward to freedom and independence again. Poor Terry has been carting me around too long! Have a lovely weekend!

  13. What a grand post. I loved it. Those pictures of the critters are wondrous. I'm so relieved your eye surgery went well. Write on, Butterfly:)

    1. Thanks, Sandra! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my post! Happy writing to you!

  14. Eye troubles are so scary. I'm glad you're recovering well.

    1. Thanks, Olga! I had a wonderful surgeon, and I'm very grateful! All the best to you!

  15. I loved your thoughts about writing and distraction. I suppose it depends on what all one is writing at the time -- and what else is all around. I'm so glad your surgery went well and you are seeing better. Three cheers!

    1. Thanks, Jeanie! Yes, it's definitely easier to stay focused when you're writing in the zone. And three cheers for sure! Have a great weekend!

  16. I often find that I struggle with writing and need to get out and away from distractions. Coffee shops often work well, believe it or not, even better if they don't have wifi (which really isn't an issue since I can always hotspot, so it take even more willpower to focus)

    1. Hi, Jeff! You write so fluently and prolifically, but I know even great writers struggle. I'm definitely not alone! I've written in my journal at a coffee shop, but not my more serious writing. I'll have to try it. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  17. I miss Colorado, but it was too expensive for me to live there after retirement.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that, PJ. It is expensive. We couldn't buy our duplex now. I'm glad that we were able to buy it when we did. Whoever you have landed, I hope life is good to you! Take care!

  18. Your brother Roy is super sweet <3

    1. Yes, he is Gwen! I'm very lucky to have him. Enjoy your weekend!

  19. So glad your surgery went well and that you are making memoir progress.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! It's good to feel like myself again. All the best to you!

  20. Breaking up tasks into smaller, manageable steps sounds like a great way to go. Glad you are back to single vision again!

    1. Thanks, Lynda! I'm getting better at stopping something when the time is up. Practice makes it easier. Have a lovely weekend!

  21. I love the way your pictures balance with your ideas in this post, as if each has its own space, and your readers can appreciate both. I also appreciate how open you are about the strengths and frustrations of having ADHD, as my granddaughter struggles with this as well. Writing a memoir can be very challenging, but I have a hunch yours will be intriguing for many. Keep writing! Know that you 'see' with more than your eyes! PS You already visited me!

    1. Thanks, Beth! I'm glad that you enjoyed the balancing between my written story and my visual one. I love photography almost as much as writing, even though I can only use a point-and-shoot camera or an iPhone. When I studied photography at university, I discovered that I couldn't see well enough to do studio photography. Then I could no longer use SLR cameras. And before my operation, I could rarely see the viewfinder in my iPhone. But I could aim ~ lol! When I discovered what you can do in a darkroom with negatives over 50 years ago (gulp!), I was hooked. I absolutely love editing. So it fills my heart when someone appreciates my photos. All the best to you!

  22. I'm so glad your eye-surgery went well! Love the flower photos :-) Yeah, I'm a butterfly, too. LOL.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Adventures in Audio: An Introduction to Audio Production

    1. We butterflies are beautiful, Ronel!!! Happy flitting!!!

  23. Hi, I love your pictures!!! Especially the one with the blossoms. Are those cherry trees? I love it when they blossom over here, and I have one in my backyard that just finished blossoming. Good luck with your memoir. Take care. Shalom shalom

    1. Thanks, Pat! The street scene has crabapple and plum trees, and the closeup blossoms are crabapple. Thanks for asking. I went back and added the tree type in.. We also have cherry trees in the neighborhood. Flowering trees are glorious! Have a happy weekend!

  24. Hi, I don't know what happened but I lost my comment. I love your pictures and especially the ones with the blossoms. Are they cherry trees? Good luck with your memoir. Have a lovely day. Shalom shalom

    1. Thanks for persisting, Pat! Blogger can be maddening!

  25. Four feet and stairs--yikes. That had to be a slow process. Yeah, for single vision again. I get that hyperfocus on other thing too! 😁

    1. Hi, H.R.! Yes, four feet was definitely a challenge. I had to slide my heel down against the riser and inch my toe forward with each step. And I did better if I closed my eyes. But it was fascinating. Have a good one!

  26. Very glad to hear that your eye surgery was a sight to behold! I don't have ADHD, but my genius swim coach does, and he is the most innovative and creative person I know, so it's great your creativity and hyper focus can help you with writing as much as it distracts you, too.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Jennifer! I really loved my ADHD students. Actually I loved all my kiddos. Everyone is unique and has special strengths. I have a niece who just earned her doctorate in veterinary school. She had learning issues and had accommodations to help her. She is now an amazing vet! Have a great weekend!

  27. That quadruple vision doesn't sound like the most fun! Glad you are recovering now.

    1. Thanks, Kate! A lot of the time it wasn't fun, but sometimes it was hilarious! I have seen some amazing and bizarre things over the last almost three years. Enjoy your weekend!

  28. Oh my butterfly friend, we really are so much alike! Your descriptions of being easily distracted and then, focusing on a subject without regard to the rest of the world hits close to home. Keep up with writing your memoir! x

    1. Thanks, Kay! I'm working on it, and nothing is going to derail me now! I have always felt we were kindred spirits! Hugs to you!

  29. Distractions are a big problem for me, too. When I'm writing, I need to get into this almost meditative zen state. And if anything pulls me out of my zen state, I'm done. Writing is done, at least for the next few hours.

    1. If I've learned anything visiting everyone this IWSG Day, it's that we all problems with distractions. I would love to get into a meditative zen state. But I'm just not geared that way. Wishing you all the best in your writing!

  30. So glad to hear your eye surgery went well— what a blessing! My sister lives in Parker and gave up planting a garden years ago thanks to the deer, but they are lovely. Keep up the writing!

    1. Thanks, Tonja! Terry and I lived in Parker (which is a hop, skip, and a jump away from us now) for about seven years. I tried gardening there, but it defeated me. We didn't have deer, but we had every kind of insect that could eat anything in our garden, heavy clay soil, southwest exposure on a hill, and hail and drought. I was used to Nova Scotia where gardens flourish ~ lol! Now I admire other people's gardens. And I enjoy the deer! All the best to you!

  31. I have a bit of ADHD in me, too, Louise. I need to move forward in baby steps in whatever I do to be able to complete the task. Incrementalism. Great word. All best to you, Louise! You can do it!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Victoria! The more I try incrementalism, the more I see its power. Have a lovely weekend!

  32. Gorgeous spring photos. Our flowering trees in Michigan this year are outstanding. It's hard to stop taking photos!! I love your brother saying butterfly. Brothers are like that. Let me know when your memoir is ready for sale. I love, love, love memoirs and memoir writing! Go for it!

    1. Hi, JQ! Thanks for your lovely comment. Somehow I missed getting back to it. I only have one brother, and he is awesome! It sounds like you have least one great brother. I am working on my memoir every day. The rewrite is a slow process because there are some controversial elements and historical events in it and at lease one known northern Canadian, so accuracy is very important. And I'm compiling appendices in case I need them. But I'll get there. All the best to you!

  33. I’m glad your surgery went well. I haven’t had to deal with birds building nests, but I’ve had to remove several wasp nests over the years. I think I’d prefer birds… ;)

    1. Hi, Kim! I'm sorry I'm late replying. Yes, definitely I prefer birds to wasps! We've dealt with a big colony of bees in a column on our deck, but we finally got rid of them with a company who specializes in preserving and relocating bees. I'll take bees over wasps too. I hope that you've had a less hectic week than I. Thanks for visiting and take care!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.