
Friday, June 28, 2024

I Wish!

I wish this were the case!
But it's not ~ My Must Do List has buried me this week,
so I'm unable to post today.
I hope to make the rounds visiting tomorrow at least.
Have a great weekend!
I'll be back for sure for IWSG Day on Wednesday, July 3rd.

Have a laughter-filled weekend! 

 Till next time ~
 Fundy Blue
Standing Into Danger                          
 Copyright ©2024 – All rights reserved.

My next post will be 
Wednesday, July 3rd. 🤞 

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Your posts are welcome whenever they appear.
    I hope you defeated that pesky list. And love the liquid cat.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I'm getting there. The electricity went out today in our area - don't know why - and I had to lie down on my bed and read until it came on again. Just what I needed, lol! My trainer Julie and I had managed to finish a hard workout in the gym under emergency lights, and I walked home, dodging cars at the intersection because the traffic lights were out as well. Reading was much better than what I had planned to do. Sometimes the universe works in your favor! Now the power is back on, and I can go out for dinner. Whew! I hope that you are having a good weekend!

  2. That cat looks like a bedsheet lol. You live your life to the fullest

    1. How did I miss this, Roentare? I do try to make the most of life! All the best to you!

  3. I hope you find some chill relaxation time, Louise!

    1. Thanks, Debra! The power went out early this afternoon and I had no choice but to lie down and read a book after I got back from the gym. Just what I needed ~ lol! btw, I'm reading, finally, "The Song of Achilles" which you recommended some time ago. I love it, but Greek mythology is so complicated. I'm googling as I read. I'm so sorry and sad about the Oilers. What a heartbreaker! Roy, my brother, told me that years ago that he went up to Edmonton to watch the Oilers play the Russians. There were a bunch of Calgarians in Edmonton for the game, and they were all cheering enthusiastically for the Russians! Finally someone from the Russian team came over to find out why and discovered how competitive the Canadian teams and their fans are. Maybe next year Canada will get the cup. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  4. I hope you catch up soon. I know the feeling. I've been too busy lately too. Have a great weekend and do something fun.

    1. Thanks for the good advice, Natalie! I hope things slow down for you too! I was hit with some unexpected things, and I just had to throw up my hands. What can you do? lol! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. ...Louise, I wish you well. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I hope you get everything accomplish that you need to do.

  7. Replies
    1. Things 🤞get easier this coming week! 😂. Enjoy your weekend, my friend

  8. Ha ha!! Wait. What? Is that a throw or a very limber animal??

    1. Haha, Sandi! I envy cats so much! I hope all is well with you! Happy weekend!

  9. LOL! That's me every night after a day of work and move prep.

    Good luck with the to-do list!

    1. Thanks, Janet! I wish I were that limber! I'm working on it, but I don't think I'll ever get that flexible . Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Ii am so sorry you have been bogged down with your lifestyle, I look forward to reading your post when you post again. I always enjoy reading what you post. Thank you for being a good friend to me, especially when I am down in the dumps - your comments on my blog have always been welcomed, and I always look forward to you visiting, which cheers me up, as I can get lonely, even in the company of others. You are knowledgable with literature, as nearly all the persons I know haven't got a clue, like my daughter, who has told me not to post any poems about her online, so I'm respecting her wishes by not doing so, which does hurt, as she means the world to me, but I'll persevere. Sorry to ramble on so much.

    Merry blessings to you, FUNdy Blue. Love love, Andrew.

    1. Hi, Andrew! This is a temporary overload ~ things coming up that I hadn't anticipated. Sometimes the universe piles on. I'll be catching up with your posts over the weekend. I'm sorry that your daughter doesn't want you to post poems about her, but I understand that you have to respect her wishes. I'm sure that some members of my family wish I included them less in my posts ~ lol! My husband for one! But he's so cute, how could I not post about him? I know what it is to be down in the dumps, my friend. I was having a very difficult day on Wednesday, and if my life had ended right then, I wouldn't have cared. I've struggled with suicidal feelings for over 60 years. What I have learned is that these feelings will pass. Anxiety will pass. Pain will pass. I just have to hang in there. Life is good, and I try to focus on all that I would have missed if I had given up on life. So yes, I am happy to be your friend, even when you're going through a difficult time, especially if you are going through a difficult time! May your weekend be really good to you! Sending you a big hug! Blessings to you, Andrew!

    2. Thank kindly for your comforting, wise words of wisdom. I didn't realise you have a similar mind - set as myself, as in having suicidal tendencies! Tut. You must relate personally to my post's of when I've been under the influence with suicidal thoughts. Just so you can take note, I haven't been suicidal for seven years now, I just write about the issue from my memory of how I was, and felt. Sorry you have had your mental health issues, you have all my empathy, and a shoulder to express your grief. Hugs to you too. Have a blessed Weekend. Lots of love, Andrew.

  11. I get the to do list issue! Hopefully t turns into an all-done iist soon.

  12. Must do? Is it really really must? Lol

    Been quite busy here too. Plus 3 hours of sleep due to children deciding they were going to take over your bed and literally kick you to the floor while they sleep doesn't help haha

  13. That's what all that travel does :)... Post when you can.


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