
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

IWSG: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 ~ What Should the IWSG Offer to Members?

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Liza at Middle Passages
Shannon LawrenceMelissa Maygrove, and Olga Godim!

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.


Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.

This month's featured question is: 
In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

Happy June, Everyone!
Where is this year going?  We're almost half through it!

I'm writing my post on Monday in my room at the Plaza in Downtown Las Vegas.
I fly home tomorrow on Tuesday, and 🤞, I'll be making the rounds on IWSG Day!

Cloudland, One of My Favorite Places! 
Passing Over Floyd Hill
Eastern Rockies Corridor, Colorado, ⁨USA
May 29, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

It's been a good month for writing for me,
although I was deluding myself when I brought my manuscript to Las Vegas.
I did not work on it during my visit.

Watching a Favorite Band, Alter Ego! 
Fremont Street
Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, ⁨USA
June 2, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

The thing I have valued most in the IWSG
has been the relationships I have build over the years.
Close behind was the opportunity to have
a short story of mine included in an IWSG anthology.

I wish we could publish more anthologies,
but I think the economics and work of doing so cratered during the pandemic.
I will own the fact that I did not do enough on my part to promote
the anthology my story was in:  Voyagers:  The Third Ghost

Diane Wolfe of Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. has done and continues to do
an amazing job of producing and promoting the seven IWSG anthologies.
If there was a feasible way to do more anthologies, I would really appreciate that.

Never a Dull Minute on Fremont Street! 
Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, ⁨USA
June 2, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

I think each of us as members should consider how 
we can contribute more to support our group.
I think a lot has fallen on the shoulders of a few. 
I'm very interested in seeing what other members suggest.

Each Moment Is a Gift ~ Enjoy! 
Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, ⁨USA
June 2, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue  All Rights Reserved

Wishing each of you an enjoyable IWSG Day.
It will likely take me more than Wednesday to complete my visits to your blogs.
I enjoy these visits every month!
A big thank you to our great hosts today.
Have a healthy, happy, and creative June!
Just a heads-up ~ In an effort to visit more of you tomorrow, 
I'm going to visit around first and then reply to comments.
And I will reply!!!   

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Standing Into Danger
Copyright ©2024 – All rights reserved.
My next post will be soon!🤞 


  1. A rock and roll theme this week. Always on a party there. Lucky you!

    1. We did have fun, Roentare! Now we're in the recovery phase of our vacation ~ lol. I hope you've caught up from yours. Enjoy your day!

  2. You are so right Fundy, Each moment is a gift - enjoy. Have a good time and all the best

    1. Thanks, Violetta! We had a good time ~ Lots of living in the moment with no worries. I hope that you are enjoying your week, my friend!

  3. I'm glad you didn't work on your manuscript while on your trip. Doing the anthology again sounds like a great idea. And I think that if everyone on the list would at least post on the first Wednesday and follow more of us so our community grows, that this would be helpful for us all.

    1. I agree, Natalie! Posting and following would be a great step.

  4. ...Louise, you sure are on the go! Cloudland is fabulous image. Be well.

    1. Thank you, Tom! If anyone looks at my expansive collection of photos after I'm gone, they're going to laugh at all the cloud and SW plane photos I have ~ lol! Have a great day, my friend!

  5. I wish the anthologies hadn't become too much. we do need something that gets more members involved.

    1. I've been thinking a lot about this, Alex. This month's question was a timely and important one. Take care!

  6. Thank you, Louise. The anthologies were a lot of work and some issues were coming up that were difficult to get around or deal with, so it was best to retire it while in its prime.

    1. I completely understand, Diane! I hope you enjoyed visiting around yesterday. Take care, my friend!

  7. Las Vegas is such a distracting place that I wouldn't be able to write a single word! Enjoy.

    1. Thanks, Lee! I always have a good time there with Terry. Have a great day!

  8. Anonymously Esther O'Neill, East oif the Sun, who doesn't have a google account, or a signal,

    Each moment as a gift, ? Even last night, when worried sick about one of our family, sent to hospital urgently last night, and seven hours later, no doctor yet ? Gift, in a way, because we could appeal to friends in that city, and they could help.
    A good month for writing would be wonderful. Instead, so much else, is happening.

    1. I hope that your family member is doing better, Esther! It's a very difficult time when someone we love is in medical trouble. It always feels like everything hits us at once. May things get easier for you! Take care!

  9. I liked the anthologies, too. I love writing short stories, but you're right, there isn't much of a market for them, so I imagine it doesn't make much business sense. I hope you were behaved in Vegas, and didn't lose too much money! :-P

    1. I was reasonably well behaved in Vegas, other than burning the candle at both ends, lol! Have a good one, C.D.

  10. I loved the anthologies, too, but I understand why we don't do them anymore. I agree with you that a great question might be: what can we each offer the group? How can we make this amazing group even more amazing? :)

    1. You said it so well, Tyrean! The IWSG is amazing! Enjoy your day!

  11. I have all the anthologies. Thank you for having such an upbeat post.

    1. Thanks, Susan! I consciously try to be positive. I learned a lot by reading the stories of fellow members, and I've read each anthology several times. Have a good one!

  12. Who wants to write in the Vegas lights? Haha Any ziplining this time? You must have a second home in Vegas and a 3rd in Hawaii by now lol

    Yeah, the anthology was good but a ton of work for a few. Not sure what can catch on these days. Social media in some aspects has gone down the drain.

    When's the ns trip this year?

    1. I didn't zipline this time, Pat, but I will next time. Social media is certainly fragmented and problem rich. We're flying to NS on July 24th. I'm looking forward to seeing you! All the best to you!

  13. Looks like you are having a great time in Vegas! I'm glad we had the opportunity to get published in the anthology. It certainly helped connect us with other bloggers.

    1. It certainly did help us connect with others, Sherry! I always have a great time in Vegas, because I have nothing to worry about or take care of. I can relax and enjoy myself. I'm so tame there, I'm boring ~ lol! Have a great weekend!

  14. I, too, tend to carry my work around on trips and not do much, if any. But I'd rather that than be in a position to get work done and not have it! Though that can push me to write new short fiction, so... as long as I have something to write on (and not just my phone)!

    I'm pretty sure the anthologies just don't pencil out, based on our royalties. Which is weird in a way, because short story collections seem like a perfect fit for today's short attention spans.

    1. I agree, Rebecca. I'd rather have my work with me than not have it. I had very bad internet for two days, and that really cut into my time to work. I've learned just to roll with it. Our royalties might have been small, but at least I can say that I've earned royalties! Have a good one, my friend!

  15. Thank you for posting that beautiful smiling face. It's a joy to smile back at you. Happy IWSG Wednesday, dear friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Joylene! You're the best! Hugs and love to you!

  16. Looks like you had a blast in Vegas! I wouldn't have gotten any writing done there, either. I agree that it was an honor to be part of an IWSG anthology. And I don't contribute enough to the group. I'm quite grateful for all of the effort to support writers around the globe!

    1. I'm grateful too, Jennifer! It's quite something to have writing friends around the world. I never imagined this when I retired! All the best to you!

  17. I made the same mistake once, bringing a manuscript with me on a trip to Vegas. I did try to work on it. I really did try. I pulled it out of my luggage and looked at it for a minute or two. But there's just so much going on. I've been able to squeeze a little writing time into other vacations, but not when I was in Vegas.

    1. I so get it, PS! I'm always wildly optimistic. Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

  18. The pictures are great. Who could write in Vegas! hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. hehehe, indeed, Anna! Obviously I'm an optimist and not a realist. Have a good one!

  19. I am a reader rather than a writer and am in awe at the supportive community that Alex built and nurtured.

    1. Alex really started something, did't he? I hope all is well with you, Sue!

  20. Working on your manuscript in Las Vegas? It would be strange if you could.
    I like your suggestion of more IWSG anthologies, but I'm not sure about the practicalities.

    1. It was an honor to be published in one, as you know Olga! I hope you had fun visiting around yesterday!

  21. almost too hot this time of the year to go to Vegas! But it sounds like you had fun.

    1. It's good to see you, Jeff! The heat was really moving in when we left on Tuesday. Fortunately much of Fremont Street is under a canopy, so it's a little cooler. We did have fun, and I was able to hear lots of live music from my favorite bands. The music is what I love. I hope your week is going well! The care!

    2. Don't you love auto predict ~ Take care, my friend!

  22. Anthologies are fun. I kind of forgot IWSG did those a while back. But yes, they do take work to put together.

    I always bring something to work on when I'm out and about, but I don't always get around to actually working on it. Always good to have it there just in case though!

    1. I agree, Jean! It's always nice to have a chance to squeeze in a little work, especially if you are unexpectedly stuck waiting somewhere. Have a good one!

  23. Yeah. Didn't see June coming so fast. Time's flying. We better enjoy every moment granted then:)

    1. Time flies faster and faster as you get older, Señorida Anastasia! My parents and grandparents warned me about that. Now I get it. I hope that it's not too hot where you are. Stay cool, in both senses of the word!

  24. I usually just bring a journal book when I travel and make writing about the trip my word count for the duration. My imaginary friends and I will get back in touch when I get back home. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. No matter where I go, I always have my journal, Samantha, and I write in it. All the best to you!

  25. I had to have a giggle. The number of times I've taken my writing with me when I travel...and never pick it up.

    1. We optimists ~ lol! Enjoy your week, my friend!

  26. I have done the same thing so many times where I take my laptop with every intention of working on writing and don't get to it. But I figure we should enjoy our trips, whatever the reason we're on them, as much as we can, too. I hope it was a good visit. And you flew over me (sort of...Colorado, but your flight path was probably a bit north of me).

    1. Thanks, Shannon! We did have fun. We came off the Front Range south of Castle Rock, and I had a nice view of Pikes Peak. I screw up every time I go to Starbucks for coffee. I invariably order a Pikes Peak instead of Pike Place. Next time I fly over, I'll wave to you! Thanks for persisting with your comment. Have a good one!

  27. Sounds like you had a great trip! I rarely attempt to write when I travel with one exception. I edited a novel during an 18 hour card ride once.

    1. Now that is dedication, Liza! I'd likely end up car sick if I tried that! Take care!

  28. I have also brought my writing on trips only to be left in the suitcase! I think that perfectly okay. We need to have away time and have some fun.

    1. I'm okay with it too, HR! Vegas completely takes me away from everything, and that's the best thing about it. Happy weekend to you!

  29. Hi, I so agree. It is time for us to start thinking about how we can help support our group, because IWSG is now being carried on a few shoulders only, and that is not enough. Take care and I am glad you enjoyed your vacation. I don't think I would have worked in Las Vegas either. Too much to discover. :-)
    Shalom shalom

    1. Thanks, Pat! I've been going to Vegas for 50 years, and it is ever changing. There is always something to discover. All the best to you!

  30. More anthologies does sound nice. I wonder if there could be an annual e-publish anthology that went to subscribers. Would that be more economical for the publishers? I have no clue :)

    1. I've thought about an e-publish anthology too, Steph. But like you, I know nothing about the logistics. Have a good one!

  31. Yes, more anthologies would be good. I would like to submit to them.
    Never been to Las Vegas, although my husband and daughter have.

    1. Anthologies are a popular idea, Rosemary, from what I've been seeing as I visited around on IWSG Day. I'm wondering if there is some way we could make it work. All the best to you!

  32. That looks like a fun trip! I'm not surprised you didn't get much done on your manuscript. It will probably be the same for me, but I'm going to try anyway. :)

    1. Good for you, Loni! Sometimes the universe aligns and things work out according to plans. Have a great weekend!

  33. I love seeing your happy smile and your terrific photos!

    1. Thanks, Jeanie! You made my afternoon! Hugs to you!

  34. Oh nooo-planning to work on an ms in Las Vegas??? Come on, grrrrl....LOL. Looks like a great time.

    1. It was a great time, JQ! Now it's back to reality! Groan! Whine! LOL! Actually it's always good to come home and crawl into your own bed. I hope you are looking forward to a relaxing weekend!

  35. Sounds like you've been having all sorts of fun.
    Wishing you a creative day.

    1. Thanks, Sandra. I was working on my memoir earlier today rewriting a chapter beginning. I finally found the right way into it. Enjoy your weekend!

  36. I drag my laptop on every trip with the hope I'll have writing time. Sometimes I do, most times, I don't.

    I also will miss the anthologies. I think you are right that the work falls on a few and we should all help a little more.

    1. It's nice to see you, Elizabeth! I'm the eternal optimist. Sounds like you are too! Have a good one!

  37. Seems like you had a great trip and yay for a good writing month!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! It's been a good month! Take care!

  38. i hope you will have some interesting ideas by your writer's group dear Louise
    i could not locate your part at the page you linked .i will retry later hopefully .
    i honestly have to figure out what anthropology means here or literally (forgive my ignorance) i think this is something many writers participate to write ,right ? correct me if i am wrong my friend .
    i enjoyed the fun phots from your recent trip and LOVED THE SELFIE MOST !!!!!!!!!!!!
    your smile has magic that uplifts my heart instantly ! may this be same always amen!
    thinking of you dear Louise with heart full of best wishes and prayers!

  39. You always have the best pictures! And what a fun time you seem to be having.

  40. Thank you for co-hosting AND for that very wise suggestion that we all could do more. Well, my stamina seems to be running out for volunteering, being somewhat older than average, but the IWSG community keeps giving in unexpected ways. Thank you also for promoting the anthologies. They are truly a gift.

  41. Looks like you've had a great time! You can always compile a collection of your short fiction and publish it through Draft2Digital -- they do ebooks, paperbacks and audiobooks (the latter in partnership with FindawayVoices).

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Cantering Dark Horses

  42. Hi Louise!
    You took your manuscript to Las Vegas? At least there was intention to write.
    Over the years, I loved reading all the amazing stories in the various IWSG anthologies.
    What a privilege and a treat!!

    You always post lovely pictures!
    Hope you're well.

  43. I'd love it if the IWSG produced more anthologies! But I imagine the work involved is tremendous.

    Good for you for not working on your manuscript while in Vegas. There needs to be a corollary to "What happens in Vegas..." Something like, "What you do at home doesn't belong in Vegas." I hope you had a fabulous time!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.