
Friday, July 19, 2024

Parting Shots

I'm taking a break from blogging for the next couple of weeks.
I will publish a post on IWSG Day, August 7th,
and then I'll return to my Friday posts on August 9th or 16th.
Meanwhile I'll leave you a few parting shots:

This beautiful fawn was standing outside my door the other morning.
Aurora, Colorado, USA
July 17, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

I grabbed my iPhone and snapped a few quick shots,
as the fawn and its mother slipped between my home and our neighbor's
and cautiously approached the golf course.

Mother and Child
Aurora, Colorado, USA
July 17, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

You Can Do It, Baby!
Aurora, Colorado, USA
July 17, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

Let's Go!
Aurora, Colorado, USA
July 17, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

You've Got This!
Aurora, Colorado, USA
July 17, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

The Fawn Takes off Pronking, Leaving Its Mother Behind!
Aurora, Colorado, USA
July 17, 2024
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue. All Rights Reserved

Pronking is moving with a bounce with all four feet off the ground at the same time.
Mule deer will pronk to alert a predator that it has been spotted
and to warn other deer of the danger.
In this case, the predators were golf carts and golfers on a nearby hole.

Even if I'm unable to post, I will try to visit when I can.
Enjoy these lovely summer (or winter) days!
See you soon! 

 Till next time ~
 Fundy Blue
Standing Into Danger                          
 Copyright ©2024 – All rights reserved.

My next post will be 
Wednesday, August 7th. 🤞 

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. The deer looks so cute and adorable. Enjoy the blog break

  2. Enjoy your break - and thank you for these totally charming shots.

  3. ...Louise, you had some beautiful visitors!

  4. What a marvelous shot of the fawn on your sidewalk!

  5. Enjoy your break! I will be mostly offline until the first Wednesday as well.

  6. Never knew it was called pronking. Gotta watch those golfers. I wonder where you're going hmmmm lol

  7. Hiya Louise. Some splendid shots of welcoming visitors outside of you dwelling, that I am stressing is a blessing! Enjoy your break, you'll be sadly missed. Blessings to you my dear love (sorry for the pun)! Take wonderful and gentle care of yourself. Love love, Andrew.

  8. Beautiful animals, and Mom is definitely keeping an eye on you. How wonderful that you had this opportunity to view nature up close.

  9. I saw a little bunny rabbit 🐰 in my backyard yesterday. I wish I could have showed my son because he loves bunnies. His favorite stuffed animal is a bunny rabbit from Build-A-Bear

  10. Very nice pictures dear Fundy. Have a good time and enjoy your break. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    All the best

  11. Dear Louise, this fawn is really extremely pretty and its fur is so fluffy. I'm glad that its mother was also nearby - so it's not an orphaned fawn, just a curious one ;-) The pronking photo at the end is really funny :-DD
    All the best and have a wonderful blogbreak and a nice Sunday,
    HUGS, Traude

  12. Your parting shots are lovely. I hope that your break is only for fun things and we'll look forward to your return!

  13. many many best wishes for blog break precious friend Louise
    i believe season is lovely enough to call for some nice outings as our summer are indoor season but your summers are amazingly inviting :)
    oh thank you sooooooo much for incredible images of mom and fawn :)))
    they are captured awesomely and each shot tells very interesting story of their beautiful relationship :) the last shot is outstanding as well as ending the story so nicely wow
    i am glad you could take these photos .here we have to go to zoo to witness such luxury actually so it was truly treat for me :)
    hugs and lots of love!

  14. Nice pics of the doe and the fawn. We still get a pair from the mountain next door that will sometimes take a siesta in our backyard.

  15. Cute fawn. It seems this year, almost all the deer (white tail) gave birth to twins or triplets. I have never seen so many fawns!

  16. Hi Louise, these are lovely pictures, and how beautiful are the fawn and its mum. What a lovely place you must live in to have them come so close to your house. God bless.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.