
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Writer Beware!

Happy First Anniversary 
to the Insecure Writer's Support Group website!
To visit, click here.

If you'd like to see that first post,
click here.

To become a member of the IWSG,
click here.

Last spring, as a newbie member of the IWSG,
I volunteered to co-host October's IWSG Post Day.

What's that old Alexander Pope adage?
“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”

Little did I know that it would be an anniversary day.

Nor did I know that it would be a day of posts
for an eBook anthology that the IWSG team is publishing:
The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond.

Nor did I know that all IWSG members, Facebook members, and followers were invited to contribute.

Do I know how to pick a month to volunteer, or what?

Joking aside, I am thrilled to be a co-host 
on such an auspicious day!

My wonderful co-hosts who are stepping up to help 
IWSG founder Alex J. Cavanaugh today are
Kristen SmithElsie Amata, and Suzanne Furness.
Visit them, thank them, and follow them (if you haven't yet).

I hope everyone has had fun this past month
writing and polishing his or her contributions.

I worked on a piece about writing.
Then a few days ago Alex sent out a request 
for contributions on publishing and marketing.

Yikes!  I haven't published my book yet.
Actually I'm still writing it.
So out I crawled on a long skinny tree limb,
and I came up with a piece on publishing ~
300 words exactly, Captain Ninja!
I can't pare another syllable.

Here are directions for submitting your contribution 
of 200-1000 words to the IWSG eBook anthology:

1.  Anthology submissions of 300 words or less can be posted 
     as your contribution for IWSG Post Day.

2.  After you have posted on October 1, 
     go to this page on the IWSG website
     and enter your link at:
     The deadline for submission is Thursday, October 2, 2014.

3.  If your anthology submission is over 300 words,
     email it to  
     also by October  2nd. 

4.  Be sure to state which category you are contributing to,
     add a one-line by-line, and permission for the IWSG to use it in
     the eBook anthology.

So here's my contribution:  
Title:      Writer Beware!
Topic:     Publishing
By-line:  Louise MacBeath Barbour (Fundy Blue) 
               Blog:  Standing Into Danger @

Permission:  The IWSG has my permission to use Writer Beware!
                     (text and photos) in its eBook anthology.

Don't let the word Beware scare you,
my post is meant to be helpful.

Writer Beware!

It’s a heady time for writers.

The Internet has cracked open publishing
like a gull dropping a clam on a rock
to get at the mollusk inside.

Never has publishing a book
seemed so accessible.

Fundy Gulls on the Hunt

But writer beware!
Publishing is riddled with pitfalls
that can thwart your plans
like Fundy rocks can frustrate a hungry gull.

Fundy Rocks
Nova Scotia, Canada

I'm no famous author.
I've written reports,
published articles and a short story,
presented at literacy conferences,
and established a blog with a growing readership.
I'm writing my first book
and imagining it on bookstore shelves.

But I have observed several writers
as they wrote, published, and marketed their books:
It's a tough mollusk to crack.

There is a surfeit of information
available on publishing a book,
and there are many ways to publish.
Most can cost you more
time, energy, and money
than you ever dreamed.

What have I scavenged
as I observed writers in my life
strive to accomplish their goals?

1.  It takes grit to publish a book.

2.  You must be very clear about your purpose for publishing 
      and the time, energy, and money you can invest.
      These will determine which publishing route you take.

3.  You'd better understand your chosen route thoroughly.

4.  It's worth the cost to have a lawyer 
     examine any contract before you sign it.

5.  Know your legal rights 
     and protect the copyright to your book diligently.

Can you publish your book?
Yes:  I’ve seen the most surprising people publish!

Is it worth it?
Sometimes:  But you can increase your odds for success
with a keen awareness of your purpose, resources, and rights.

Like a gull searching for a suitable rock,
you can use your intelligence, experience, and resourcefulness
to crack open publishing
and extract your dream.

Gulls on Peter's Island
Between Long and Brier Islands, Nova Scotia

Meet you on a bestsellers bookshelf somewhere soon!


  1. This is the most creative one I've read so far. And yes, it takes lots of grit! And then more grit! Best of luck to you.

    1. Thanks TB! And best of luck right back at you!

  2. Great advice, and I like the pics you used to illustrate! Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month, and what a month it is! You DO know how to pick'em.
    Play off the Page

  3. After reading through all the stuff we have to worry about as writers, I'm feeling more insecure than ever. It seems like the journey is only just beginning by the time the book is finished.

    Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!

    1. Thanks CK! I think writing the book is the easy part, and that's saying something! But it helps to go into publishing and marketing with your eyes wide open. I've learned a lot by watching others, especially my sister.

  4. Magnificent photos and blog well done! Just a note...the easy part is writing the book. The hard part is getting it into the hands of readers. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words, JQ! I've seen just enough of the post writing process to know how much work it is! I'm telling myself, "One step at a time, Louise!"

  5. Advice in verse... Now that is absolutely brilliant. --And you sure do know how to pick the month. Would you like to pick the month for my next published work? I'm sure you'd select the very BEST one. =)

    1. LOL, Crystal! I think I need to go eat some cheese to keep up my energy for this fun day of visiting and reading posts! You're next!

  6. Great points to keep in mind about publishing. Sometimes it seems there's too much information out there. Thanks for cohosting today.
    On another note, my son lives in Colorado Springs which I think is just south of you. Beautiful country.

    1. Thanks Susan! The Springs is gorgeous, and it is just south of me. I just have to walk to the top of the hill and I can see beautiful Pikes Peak! Your son is lucky!

  7. Hi Fundy and thanks for co-hosting "us" today. Love the prose in verse here. Know your path, even in uncertain times and trusting your heart (and words) is important and great advice. Many will try to divert (or even subvert) a writers plans and dreams. Indeed, it does take grit to get a book published. We look forward to yours!

  8. Nova Scotia rocks! Awesome pics. I'm in BC, but my heart is in the Maritimes. Thanks for co-hosting~!

    1. Thanks, Joylene! I love the Maritimes too! But I have a divided heart, because I love Colorado too.

  9. Oh wow. This is a great post. Thanks so much for sharing and for co-hosting this month. Yes, you do now how to pick 'em! You've given me food for thought, and confirmation with your words. I appreciate your point of view and how you expressed it...

    1. Thank you, Lisa! Your words are so encouraging and confirming!

  10. Not only do you have a great name, you have awesome words of wisdom to share and you do it in such a fun way. Best of luck to you while you're finishing up your book. I'm not published yet either. One day. One day. Thanks for co-hosting!

    co-host IWSG

    1. Hi fellow co-host, Elsie! Thank you for such a lovely comment! One day, for sure! Enjoy your blog hopping today! (I had to delete and repost my comment ~ I'm so LD w/computers! LOL!)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great Post, and nice to meet you, Fundy! Publishing has become easier. You don't need the middleman anymore, however, like you mentioned, there's many pitfalls!!

    1. It's nice to meet you too, Cathrina! Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for following my blog! Have a good one!

  13. Can be quite the process indeed, but along they way you learn and share and can get there. It does get easier, but still a lot of crap to deal with.

    1. Hi Pat, where you're at!
      You are definitely an inspiration and a wealth of knowledge.
      Thanks for introducing me to the IWSG and Alex!
      Have a good one under your sun!

  14. In other words, look before you leap!
    See, I knew you could come up with something awesome.
    Thanks for co-hosting today. Yes, you do know how to pick them.

    1. LOL, Alex! I struggled to get my post down to 300 words and only managed to because of contractions ~ and you made my point in four words! Too funny! And I have no regrets from my "pick." It was great fun! Take care!

  15. Very entertainingly told, Louise. I will take it to heart <3

    1. Thank you, Gwen! I appreciate your feedback, and thanks for following my blog!

  16. A very interesting post.. and lots of useful tips! :)
    many thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Dawna! Thanks for your kind comment! When I finish up my IWSG rounds, I'm going to need a fix from the great music on your blog just to give my brain some rest. It's fascinating to see all the news suddenly available on ebola! I hope all is well with you!

  17. Love your photos! Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG today, and thanks for visiting my blog! You're so right about the publishing process. There's so much to it and so much to learn that sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get there, but I'll keep plugging away at it. Best of luck with your writing!

    1. Thanks, Lori! I'm plugging away too, but with eyes wide open. My sister, a successful author, has taught me so much. And isn't the IWSG a great resource! Happy writing!

  18. Hey Louise...Well done newbie. As I read your blog I see a lot of my adventures recorded here. I feel lucky to have you as my climbing companion, life mentor and great sister! It does take grit, resourcefulness, dedication and perhaps ignorance (with too much information you can be scared off from the challenge). Although, I have enjoyed the process ever so much. Cheers to you Louise. I want to be reading your book this time next year! Now there's a challenge:)

    1. Okay, which great sister is this ~ LOL! It sounds you Anonymous Barb. But you always say, "This is Barb." But that life mentor sure sounds like you Bertie! I've climbed some hairy scary places with you, Donnie, remember Chapeau Rouge. Is this you Donnie? LOL! No matter what, I can't lose. I've got the best sisters in the whole world. Now for that brother of mine ~ Where are you, Roy??? Luv u all!

    2. It's Bert. sorry, I'm new to this :)

    3. I love that it's you, Bertie! And I love you! And I want you to guest on my blog ~ I'll help you! XOX!

    4. This would be your sister Barb and I hope one of your best friends :) - we certainly have shared many great adventures - and you, Bertie & I all share the writing bug - keep it up Sister !!!! Love you!

  19. Thank you for co-hosting IWSG this month. Terrific article for the anthology, straight to the point and informative.

    1. Mahalo you for your encouraging words, Gail! And thank you for visiting my blog!

  20. I enjoyed your post and it is great to meet you as a fellow co-host this month :)

    1. It's great to meet you too, Suzanne! And thank you for following my blog. Yesterday was fun, wasn't it!

  21. So very true! Every aspiring author, looking to publish, should read this. Great piece and thank you for co-hosting this month.

    1. Thank you, Mark! How encouraging to read your comment! Have a good one!

  22. Lots of great info here. Well done.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you, Heather. It has been so much fun co-hosting. Have a good one!

  23. Thanks for co-hosting. There's a lot to consider when publishing a book. You shared some great advice. =)

    1. Thank you, Cherie, and thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate it!

  24. Ha! You know, I almost missed the note about the theme for this month as well. You've shared some great tips here. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you, Quanie! It's been great to meet so many new IWSG members.

  25. Lovely pictures! I'm a newbie to IWSG and I'm delighted to be here and submitting to the anthology! Amazing opportunity and community!

    Best regards,
    Donna McDine
    Award-winning Children’s Author
    Ignite Curiosity in your child through reading!
    Write What Inspires You Blog

    1. Well this newbie is welcoming you. Actually I've been here for several months, but I feel like a baby next to some giants. And I agree ~ what an amazing opportunity to participate in the anthology! Thanks for visiting and for following my blog! Have a good one!

  26. I've been enjoying reading everyone's entries for the anthology. Lucky you to volunteer for such a busy day. :)

    1. Yes, aren't I lucky, LG! LOL! I'm still responding to everyone. Thanks for visiting and for following my blog. I really appreciate it!

  27. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jim! I visited all 50 blogs on my co-host list today, so I am exhausted. I'm going to take a break and catch up on all these encouraging comments. Say Hi to Ron and give SD a belly rub. How I'd love to blow off some steam climbing over MacDonald Hill with you three right now. Okay, so it's probably dark ~ I don't care! Thanks for being behind me from the beginning! Enjoy your evening!

  28. What a unique post. You make some valid points in your story. There is a lot to consider when trying to publish. Thanks for sharing and thank for co-hosting. Oh boy do you know how to pick'em.

    1. Thank you Toinette! I really appreciate your visiting and leaving an kind comment! Take care!

  29. Great post! There is much more to it than people think. Thanks for co-hosting and sharing!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! And thank you for following my blog. I really appreciate it!

  30. I love those Fundy rocks! And you rock too!

    1. Thank, Terry! You always make my day! Thanks for always being there for me in such a positive way!

  31. Those are great tips. Love the pictures of the Fundy rocks. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. Thank you, Diane! I really appreciate your kind words and visit!

  32. Cool post and very cool tips. The best of luck to you on your writing journey.

    Father Nature's Corner

    1. Thank you, GB, for your encouragement and for following my blog! Happy writing to you!

  33. This is a great addition to the Anthology. I love the images too. Thanks so much for co-hosting this month.

  34. Thanks for all your wonderful comments, fellow IWSGers! I will answer every comment tomorrow!

  35. I love this post and I wish you the very best with your publishing dreams! Thank you for hosting on this monumental day!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging comment, Doreen! And for following my blog ~ I appreciate it!

  36. Good luck, Louise! If anyone can crack open publishing and extract a dream, it will be you. :)

    1. Thank you, Sue! You've always been so encouraging! One I complete my IWSG co-host rounds, I'll be excited to see my other blogging friends! I hope that you are having a great day!

  37. excellent advice (and wonderful photos) Someone said, "If something is worth doing, it's worth taking time to THINK about it before doing it." Having a plan is a good...plan. Very good post... I don't suppose you can get them to keep the photos...?

    1. Hi Diana! Thank you for your kind comment! I'm almost as passionate about my photos as my writing. I hope they will keep the photos ~ I gave the IWSG permission to, so we'll see. And thank you for following my blog! Have a good one!

  38. What a month to volunteer, indeed! But I'm so glad you did! Thank you for co-hosting during this all-important month! And what a great analogy- with fun pictures to boot. Not to mention that the advice seems extremely prudent. Great post!

    1. Thank you, Beverly! Your kind comment made me happy, just as your IWSG post did! Have a great day!

  39. Wonderful post. I love sea gulls. A friend and I wrote a story with sea gulls as pets once upon a time. Loved the pictures. Thanks for co-hosting.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you, Juneta! I so love seagulls too. The ocean is in my blood, even though I now live in Colorado. Have a good day!

  40. Great advice, loved the pictures too, thank you

  41. Good luck with your book Fundy. Great advice for those just starting out.

    1. Thank you, Miranda! And thank you for stopping by!

  42. There are dangers and pitfalls it's true - but there are plenty of up sides too.

    1. Yes there are wonderful upsides, Patsy! Thank you for visiting!

  43. Good tips to remember. Nice to meet you Fundy. Loved all the pictures too.

    1. Nice to meet you too, Dolorah! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my photos! Thank you!

  44. Hi Fundy, great tips and I think you are right, we should beware! Very best wishes with your book.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, HG! Have a happy week!

  45. Thanks for co-hosting! Great entry. I like your points, especially the grit. The "is it worth it" question is a good one. I suppose it depends on your purpose (which you hit on).

    Best of luck with your book!

    1. Thanks for the kinds words, Loni! I'm excited about the anthology. Aside from all the useful info it will have, it will be fun to see all the people I'm meeting online through the IWSG. Good luck with your writing!

  46. I liked the analogy and the beautiful photos. Publishing is such a big step that we really do have to be clear we're doing it for the right reasons. Glad you're co-hosting so I could make your acquaintance!

    1. Thanks, Nick! Co-hosting has been really fun, because I got to meet lots of new IWSG people. Thanks for your kind words and for following my blog. Take care!

  47. Nice to meet you, Fundy! And it is true about publishing--it is certainly a different animal from writing.

    1. Hi Michelle! It was nice to meet you too! Visiting your blog and others has been so much fun. Have a great week!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.