
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

IWSG: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 ~ "Uncle!" She Cried.

Happy May to all 
the IWSG members
making the rounds today!

It's the first Wednesday 
of the month ~ 
the day when members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and offer their encouragement
and support to other members.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are stepping up to help IWSG founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are:
Stephen Tremp , M.J. FifieldLoni TownsendBish Denham, Susan GourleyStephanie Farisand Fundy Blue (That's me!).

I hope you have a chance to visit them and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate an encouraging comment!
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"Uncle!" she cried.

Perhaps I should back up a little.

Aloha ~ Until We Meet Again!

I left Hawaii on April 6th with a very sick husband in tow;
and, generous soul that the Ever-Patient is,
he passed his illness on to me during the long trip home.

The next three weeks passed in a sick haze for both of us.
Neither of us left the house except for quick forays
to get milk, bread, or more medicine.

About two weeks in, I crawled into the kitchen
for some coffee to soothe my raging throat,
coffee the E-P kindly plunked in front of me.
And then I saw it:  a life ring on TV!
A piece about Arianna Huffington's latest book 
The Sleep Revolution.

At that point we had been sleeping
in separate rooms for some ten days.

couldn't sleep for more than an hour
without catapulting awake with explosive coughing,
followed by long bouts of hacking
trying to clear my lungs.
Terry was a little better,
managing several hours of sleep at a time.

My sleep-starved eyes latched onto that book,
and lickety-split I ordered it with Amazon Prime.
If I couldn't get some sleep,
I thought I might die.

Two days later I raced through the two-part book
looking for sleep salvation as I shivered against vertical pillows.
The first part, Wake-up Call, made the case for more sleep;
the second part, The Way Forward, showed how to get it.

But it was the Acknowledgments and Notes at the end
that made me cry, "Uncle!"
They were a mother load of information
and a thunderbolt moment for me.

I looked at the 1,200 plus, up-to-date, chapter by chapter endnotes
meticulously compiled and impeccably attributed,
and I thought No way in hell one person pulled this off! 

Huffington had five researchers who helped her
and whom she thanked in her Acknowledgments.
She acknowledged plenty of others for their help too.
But it was the researchers who zapped me.

I have been hitting obstacle after obstacle
as I have tried to locate historical records for my memoir
in the Canadian parliament and press.
I have wasted so much time and energy with little to show for it.
I looked at all of Huffington's endnotes, 
and I cried, "Uncle."
It's impossible! I thought, so discouraged.  I can't do this!


"Yes you can!"
a little bird told me.
"You just need a researcher!"

So the Ever-Patient Terry and I had a chat
over hot coffee amid mounting piles of used kleenex.
I've got the go ahead to look for some professional help!

So I have some questions for my fellow IWSG-ers:
Have you ever hired a researcher?
How did it go?
What things should I know as I start hunting?

All the best with your writing this month!

Oh yes, I'm sleeping and feeling better.
It helps not to have high octane coffee after 2:00 pm!
Thanks, Arianna! 


  1. I'm not sure as I have only done my own research for family members, products, patterns, cars, mobility scooters, and lots on all the medications Hugh has to take. I have a friend who I think has done some, maybe I can ask her what is there to ask a researcher? how to know if you have a good one? Will you have to pay or do they volunteer? That would be the best IMHO. This is like a shining light coming into your days. Hope you are both better, taking care not to overdo anything at all.

    1. Hi, Jean! Thanks for your helpful comment! I'm always researching things, and the internet is a fascinating resource. But it has it's limits. I'm not trained in historical research, and I am stymied by the fact that I have to access information in aboriginal, government, church, and Hudson's Bay records that aren't easily accessible to the public. And, I know I will have to pay for it, but at this point I will. It's not about making money on a book; it's about getting the story out. Because my memoir deals with sensitive issues, I have to muster every bit of documentation I can!

      Thanks for the well wishes! Terry is 100% now, and I'm getting there. I'm doing much better! I couldn't even get a gallon of milk at the nearby Target without a significant relapse! You should have seen our house when I could finally start straightening things out! LOL! All's well that end's well! Sleep and health are beautiful things! Sending you hugs!

  2. So something very good came out of you being down for a while. You know now that you need a researcher and that is a great step toward moving forward. I've never hired a researcher before but I wish you all the best and get well soon.

    Also, thanks for being a co-host.

    Patricia @

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting, Pat! I'll be making my co-host rounds as the day goes by. It is a privilege to be a co-host, and I have fun visiting members of the IWSG! I've done it several times now, and it's always enjoyable!

  3. Before I retired, researchers were called grad students... Thanks for hosting and I sure do hope you are feeling better! and sleeping!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I hadn't thought of grad students because it's outside my experience. I am feeling better and sleeping. Your comment made me realize that I needed to add a little to my post! We all benefit from objective eyes! Have a good one!

  4. What? Hire someone? That would cost, like, money. ;) I'm with Elizabeth. I get my labor for free where possible.

    1. Hi, Crystal! Yes, hire someone! I know it will cost $$$, but I have a little "mad money" I can tap, if I have to. All the best to you!

  5. Smart move!
    You can find people to help for free. Google experts. Contact them. You'll find a lot of them will offer information for free.
    Hope you've been able to sleep since then. Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Hi, Alex! Thanks for your well wishes! They reminded me that I had left an ending off my post. Of course, I was writing it last night, and the right words always come slowly. By the time I had finished, I couldn't read it objectively. I woke up this morning with a few edits in mind, but it hadn't occurred to me that I needed more of an ending! I will Google experts!!! A valuable tip! Arianna emailed many according to her endnotes and acknowledgements; but sometimes I don't see the obvious. I need to be hit by a 2X4! Have a good one!

  6. I have not hired a researcher, but I have asked for help. Other people are more expert on certain subjects. And, of course, librarians are wonderful.
    Sorry you were so sick! Glad you had an awakening from reading the Sleep book. Famous authors always have helpers/staff to make the book happen.
    Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. Thanks, Mary! I have contacted librarians, but I've not been hitting the right libraries. I found one critical news article with the help of the curator at the Admiral Digby Museum in Digby, Nova Scotia. She kindly combed through piles of microfiche records and found it. That's how I discovered that the Canadian press had my father's name wrong.

      Oh to be famous, powerful, and wealthy! To have people!!! I remembered as I read your comment, that my niece who worked at the Federal Reserve did research for a book about the financial crisis for former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (when he was secretary and she worked at the reserve). I'm certainly appreciating the tips you and others are giving me! Have a good one!

  7. That's a super idea! I have no idea how to go about hiring a Canadian history researcher. But I would start with a history department at some Ontario university (maybe U of Ottawa or Carlton, since federal docs will be in Ottawa and of course First Nations were and are a federal responsibility) -- contact whichever prof teaches Canadian history there and ask for their help in hiring a reliable grad student (or even undergrad) who needs some extra work. I'm assuming students could be hired at a relatively affordable rate as well and the prof could probably tell you what the going rate is.

    1. Wow! Thank you, Debra! That's great information! I was considering a trip to Ottawa and crashing at an old family friend's condo while storming aboriginal and parliamentary archives, but I realized a researcher might be a more efficient and cost-effective approach. Sometimes Colorado seems light years away from Canada! Have a good one!

  8. Mmmm, sleep. My quest for sleep is what motivates me to exercise like mad for thirty minutes to an hour every day. It usually works.

    I'm sorry you got so sick. Three weeks? Man, that sounds rough.

    Good luck with hiring a researcher. I've never done that, but I envy those who have.

    1. Thanks, Tamara! Yes, three weeks! Talk about frustrating! I won't bore you with my medical history, but my lungs are my Achilles heal. I nearly 100% now and back to exercising daily like you! I love to work out, especially with weights. And I'm sleeping again ~ aahhh! Have a good one!

  9. I think hiring a researcher is good for those who can afford it. I am so sorry you got sick, dear Louise. I miss you and I wish you all the best with the research.

    1. Thank you, my special Montreal friend! I am feeling much better, and I am excited by the prospect of getting the help and expertise I need. I'm trying to catch up with my blogging friends. I get behind and I get discouraged. You always inspire me not to give up, to think that I'm not crazy to be chasing this goal of a memoir! I treasure your friendship! Sending you hugs!

  10. Wow...what a tough journey it's been. Healing prayers coming your way. I've not hired a researcher, but what a great tool that would be to ease the burden. It's so easy to get lost and sidetracked when doing research. Could save a lot of time. Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month and happy healing.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Dean! I have definitely been wandering in the "lost and side-tracked" forest and bog. I've finally had to admit that I can't find my way through without a guide.
      A researcher would save me a lot of time, wasted energy, and probably money, because it would cost me a lot to go to Canada and do research in some unusual places. Reading Huffington's book was such an epiphany for me, and the irony is that it had nothing to do with sleep! Although I found some help there too! I swear I can feel those healing prayers. thank you!

  11. I'm not a non-fiction writer so I've never had the need for a researcher...but I do a lot of research myself!

    Glad you're starting to feel better!

    1. Thank, Megan! I appreciate your kind words! Non-fiction is tricky, especially when you're dealing with sensitive issues. I caused a lot of trouble as a passionate and idealistic ten-year old, and now that I'm writing about it, I want to be girded with impeccable historical records to document what happened. My next book is fictional, but tied into historical events in WWII ~ sigh! But the records I need are much easier to find. Good luck with your writing!

  12. Takes a lot of burden off you, so yeah, worth it indeed. As long as you find good ones. There are a lot of lazy tricksters out there just looking to make a buck. Be wary indeed.

    1. I can always count on you, Pat, to quickly get to the core of things! And thank you for saying it would be worth it. Having made the decision, I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. Have a good one, my friend!

  13. Glad you're feeling better. That flu has knocked a lot of people down for several weeks. You were up north, but the flu was rampant in FL too. Kudos to find a researcher, you can only google so much. Best wishes with your project.

    1. Thank you, J.Q. My hubby picked the flu up in Honolulu, and now one of my sisters in Calgary has it. It is everywhere, it is nasty, and there is little that a doctor can do. But hubby and I are A-Okay now! You're right; I've exhausted a lot of googling options and they've not gotten me to what I need. Happy writing this month!

  14. Glad you're sleeping better, and I hope that's helping you feel better, too.

    Good luck with hiring a researcher! Excellent idea.

    1. Thanks, Madeline! It's encouraging and supportive to hear people like you saying that it's not a crazy idea! Have a good one!

  15. I've only ever done the research myself. I used to believe it had to be that way because I needed to read this stuff on my own. How would I know what to use and what not to use? I'm older and wiser now. I think hiring someone, if you have that kind of money, would be a great thing. Thanks for co-hosting. Sorry you were sick. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Joylene! I'm hoping I can afford it! If a researcher can locate what I need, I will definitely want to see copies of the originals. We shall see! Have a good one!

  16. Thanks to everyone who is commenting on my blog. I will be visiting each of your posts, as soon as I complete my co-hosting responsibilities! Happy IWSG Wednesday!

  17. Great question. I'm following. For me and my historic novel, it's not so involved that I can't do it myself and I love that part of writing. I never know where I'll end up when I Google a phrase or an idea.

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Jacquil! Google is amazing, and it is fascinating as a research tool! Maybe my next book will be easier to research. It ironically funny that I'm having to do research on my early life and its events! Happy writing to you!

  18. Golly, I wish I could offer some insight into your research question. On the other hand, your writing style is one I've been seeking. If you have a moment to check out my blog, you'll notice I've asked folks for links to blog writers that include the five senses. I'm specifically seeking true life stories like yours. Thank you for co-hosting IWSG. That's how I found you. Thank goodness you and your husband are back to the land of the living. Always nice to have a happy ending. I'm positive you will get the research question answer you are seeking.

    1. Thank you, Lynn, for your kind words and encouragement. I enjoyed visiting your blog very much! I've gotten lots of helpful information on my research question today, so I have lots of ways to move forward! Happy writing!

  19. Phew, this was a journey! lol My sleep schedule is beginning to change, and I think it's because of the stress that was recently lifted from my shoulders. I used to fall asleep by 11/11:30, wake up at all hours of the night, and then struggle through the day if I didn't take a nap on lunch. For the past couple of weeks, though, I've been up until 1 -2 am but sleeping through the night! It's kind of weird.

    I haven't had to research yet, but I think I'm going to have to read some African diaspora and folklore before I start my next project.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Wait, that wasn't the question. lol I haven't had to HIRE a researcher. Hopefully I won't have to!

    2. I'm glad to hear that you're getting better sleep recently, Deborah! Sleep is a beautiful thing! Wonderful when you're getting it and longed for when you aren't. Since I've accepted the idea of getting research help, I've been quite excited by the possibility that I can finally find the records I'm looking for. Now to find the right help! Good luck with your writing journey.

  20. If you can afford to do so, it is a great idea to help you. I have never used a researcher myself, so I don't have any advice. Hope you're feeling better and good luck! Thank you for co-hosting today. :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement, Christine! Co-hosting is a lot of fun, and I have really enjoyed my day! I will certainly share my researcher experiences down the road! have a good one!

  21. I've never hired a researcher but I am totally guilty of having high octane coffee after 2pm! Glad to hear you're sleeping and feeling better:)

    1. Thanks, for your kind words, Quanie! I'm getting up earlier so I can drink more coffee before 2 p.m. comes! LOL!

  22. My stuff is all fantasy so I don't typically need a researcher. But I do spend a good deal of time talking things out and brainstorming with my sis-in-law. She'll definitely make it into my credits. As far as other stuff, sometimes, we just need to hire someone who's a pro on the topic. Hope you get your research figured out!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Loni! I do need to hire some expertise since I haven't been able to locate the records I need! Brainstorming is such a helpful technique when writing. How fun that you can do it with your SIL! I have wonderful sisters-in-law, but they couldn't care less about writing! Have a good one!

  23. I never have hired a researcher, so I have no advice for you, but it certainly sounds like it would be a great help.

    Glad you're feeling better!

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting, M.J. I still have the vision of your mummy hand running through my head! LOL I hope that you've had fun co-hosting today! Take care!

  24. I’ve never hired a researcher. In fact, I decide what I’m going to write based on what research I want to do and what I want to know more about. That said, I’m writing fiction. That’s very different from writing a memoir. If you can afford it, hiring someone to do research, so you can focus your attention where it belongs—on the personal story—makes perfect sense.

    VR Barkowski

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, VR! I do think hiring a researcher is the step I need to take, and it's a relief now that I've made the decision! I'm always fascinated by hearing what prompts a writer to write a certain story. Your use of research as a lift off for a writing idea is really a cool approach. For me it is often an emotion or a landscape. Happy writing in May!

  25. Woo Hooo!!! A researcher! While we're ordering, I'll take an admissistraive assistant, thank you very much. ;-)

    1. That's a dangerous suggestion, Zan Marie! Why stop with just a researchers and an administrative assistant! I might as well go for a housekeeper, a cook, a massage therapist, a ...! Loved your comment! I had a great laugh!

  26. I love reading stories like this! The information's there; all you need to do is stumble on it. Congrats on co-hosting today and doing a bang up job!

    1. Thanks, C. Lee! Your comment lifted my spirits! I will find what I need. It's cracking those pesky parliamentary and aboriginal records that's so frustrating!

  27. Yikes!!! Sounds like you had a bad one!!!!! So glad you're feeling somewhat better. I hope and expect the researcher will help you.

    Thank you for co-hosting, Fundy!!!

    1. Thanks, Cathrina! I'm much improved! I am excited about getting a researcher, now that I've made the decision! It's been a blast co-hosting today. It's fun meeting new people like you!

  28. Let me know how the research hunting goes! That's a fascinating question.
    So sorry you were sick....

    1. Thanks, Sandra! I will let you and others know how the research hunting goes! Have a good one!

    2. btw, I did order the anthology "Parallels today"; I can't wait until it comes!

  29. What a great post! I have never thought of the possibility of hiring a researcher. I wish you much luck and thank you for being a host this month.

    1. Thanks, Erika! It's always encouraging to read a supportive comment! I had never thought about hiring a researcher either, until I did when I read the Huffington book. I'm pretty excited and hopeful about the idea! Have a good one!

  30. So sorry you were sick. I hope you're on the mend! I am guilty of drinking coffee until 6pm. Fortunately, Benadryl still manages to knock me out. Unfortunately, my mini-mutt will not let me sleep for more than six hours at a time. I keep telling myself it's for the best. Hiring a researcher sounds like a good move. I've never done it. Hmmm. Thanks for co-hosting! Best-A

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Adrienne! I am definitely on the mend. Your mini-mutt must be very cute! Better than an alarm clock! We'll see how it goes in my researcher hunt! Have a good one!

  31. Glad you are doing better. Enjoyed your post and the story it told. Don't know anything about hiring researches, but I hope you will share your experience. Happy IWSG Day,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Juneta Key! I will share my experiences! It has been a fun IWSG Day! All the best to you!

  32. Thanks for hosting (smile) Blessings!

    1. Thanks, Ann! You've been busy! I've been seeing your comments all over the place today! Thanks for the blessing! I need all I can get!

  33. I haven't, but I probably should just because I get lost in the research (I love to learn new things). I have a friend who's an ex-FBI profiler, who recently took on a college intern (so unpaid) to do research for him. Maybe that would work for you? Find someone after a related degree?

    1. That's a great suggestion, Shannon! Finding someone taking a degree in aboriginal studies would be really helpful. It all depends on the cost because cost is definitely a factor! I'm definitely lost in my research, but I think I'm experiencing a different kind of "lost" than you are! Have a good one!

  34. I haven't been here in a while... I hope all is well as I've missed hearing about your father's work in Northern Ontario. There are times I would like a researcher but I'd tend to want to do most of it myself. I will have to look back at my dissertation and see how many notes I had--maybe not 1200 but a lot. I once published an academic article that was 5000 words with 110 footnotes.

    1. Hi, Sage! It's lovely to see you visit! Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I've had an interesting start to the year, but all is well! I regret that I haven't been able to get around to all the blogs I enjoy so much!

  35. Thanks for co-hosting today. And oh, I feel for you. When my boys gets sick they always pass their illness to me too. It’s so bad that we’re known as germ carriers. But it looks like those dark germy days was exactly what you needed. Hope you’re feeling better and good luck!

    1. Thanks, Lidy! I try to remind myself always that good things often come from bad! LOL I'm just glad that I am feeling better again! You'd think after 25 years as an elementary teacher, I'd have caught everything by now! Now, if I can just catch a good researcher! Thanks for visiting!

  36. I've never hired a researcher and don't even know how you go about it. Great idea though.

    Susan Says

    1. I'll be figuring it out as I go, Susan! I hope that you've enjoyed your co-hosting day! It's always fun!

  37. I've always done my own research. A case of more time than money (to hire a researcher). I hope you're feeling a lot better. What an awful way to end a vacation. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. Hi, Diane! It's great to see you again! You're right, that was no way to end a vacation. At least I didn't spend the last several days of our time in Honolulu in bed like my poor husband! I've had a blast co-hosting. It's definitely a time commitment, but it's always fun and inspiring. Have a good one!

  38. Oh man, that's terrible, bringing home an illness after being on vacation. But I'm glad you're feeling better. I've never used a researcher, but then I haven't attempted to write a book that needed research I couldn't research... I hope you get some good advice from people who know.

    1. Thanks, Bish! I've been getting lots of good suggestions today! That's one of the wonderful things about the IWSG group; members always lift each other's spirits! Take care!

  39. Oh my goodness, I totally do my own research. But I'm a control freak and have this *NEED* to know, I think I'd end up re-researchign to make sure they got it right lol

    But good luck, yes you can do it!! Thanks for co-hosting! :)

    1. Hi, SK! I like to do my own research definitely. But I haven't figured out how to access some sources. I'm hoping a professional researcher will know how to do it. And of course, I'd have to be confident that the researcher got it right! Have a good one!

  40. How exciting that you not only got help with your sleeplessness, but also had an epiphany about your book! I've never written non-fic, just fiction, so I do my own research (and fudge the rest). Good luck! :)

    1. Thanks, Lexa! Sometimes I kick myself for tackling this memoir, but I have a story I'm compelled to tell, even if it deals with some very sensitive topics. I'm probably too OCD over documentation and verification, but I am who I am! good luck with your writing endeavors!

  41. I've never hired a researcher.
    But if I ever decide to write a memoir/autobiography, then a researcher would be required, for sure. I can remember my cousin starting a family tree. Though that wouldn't be enough.
    With the unknown/hidden offspring that have sprouted from my family tree, there would be lots of stray branches that would need thorough investigation. More like a family forest. LOL
    Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG this month, Fundy Blue!
    Writer In Transit

    1. LOL indeed at the thought of a family forest, Michelle! Fortunately certain members of my family in past generations have put a lot of effort into our family history, and my cousin Dawn is working very hard on more branches now. Happy writing in May!

  42. My first suggestions before you start shelling out cash, is to search for online forums specific to the topic your writing. Explore, get to know their posting rules. Then, prepare your questions, and post explaining who you are, what you're doing and your questions. You would be amazed how much people are willing to share information for absolutely nothing. People like showing off how much they know. The other thing I've always been told is make sure you aren't over-researching. See if you can get a handle on one or two specific facts for each scene that will make the story come alive without you having to drown yourself in research. Good luck!

    1. Thank you for your excellent suggestions, S.M.! I will certainly follow up on them! I appreciate your caution about not over-researching! I'm probably being way too cautious about documentation, but since I caused trouble on literally on a national level, I want the records to back up my story.

  43. I SO hope you're feeling better now! That sounded terrible. I have not hired a pro researcher, but instead spent many many many hours reading whatever I could find on my subject. I learned to ask a lot of questions from folks I found who knew what I didn't. I also found, in my last book, that asking EVERYONE I knew if they knew the type of person I needed to talk with, worked! I found a British cop in London, 30 years of service, who helped give me the foundation of my novel, and all because I asked a friend, who asked a friend... Thanks Fundy Blue, for dropping by my blog! Good luck with your research...

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, Lisa! I am feeling much better! I am working my way through a stack of books on my subject. I'm just going to have to start putting questions out there! Your story about the British cop is inspiring! Thanks for sharing your experience!

  44. Good to know you're on the mend :-) That stuff can be so miserable. I've never even thought of hiring a researcher as I love doing it myself (grin) but it sounds like a logical solution for those who don't, not to mention a time-saver. You certainly present a good reason to read the acknowledgements:-) I've actually happened onto gold mines by clicking on those offered by Wikipedia.

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Diedre! I'm with you on Wikipedia! You can find some amazing things clicking on those references on Wikipedia. Thanks for the reminder about that, because I'm going to start checking more closely! All the best with your writing!

  45. I've never used a researcher but sounds like a good idea. Hope you and your husband are feeling much better now.
    Thanks for being a co-host this month.

    1. Hi, Suzanne! I've gotten a lot of suggestions about doing research and a lot of encouragement about hiring a researcher from all the kind IWSG members who responded to my post, including you! I am so glad that I asked the question! Hubby and I are doing much, thanks! Have a good one!

  46. Hope you're feeling better.
    I never hired a researcher myself but I used specialists, when needed. One of my novels is set partly in Russia. When I needed some details, I found a couple of Russian bloggers (I'm bilingual) and asked them for help. They were very gracious about it.
    The rest of my stories are fantasy, where no research is required. :) I make up everything I don't know, because fantasy...

    1. What a great idea, Olga! I hadn't thought about asking bloggers! I'm so encouraged by all the helpful suggestions IWSG members have made. You make a great argument for writing fantasy! Actually, one of my sisters has a fantasy novel stashed in a drawer somewhere. She's hoping to retire at some point and dig it out to work on. The day job is too all encompassing for her to be able to write now. Good luck with your writing!

  47. Hope you are feeling better Fundy. What a nasty end to a beautiful vacation. Ain't that how it goes: men always fare better with the sickies, lol. Good thing you had a great book to read.

    1. Thanks, Dolorah! I am feeling better. I think men fare better when they're sick because they don't do anything but be sick, whereas women are often expected to keep on keeping on, sick or not. LOL Well, not so LOL, if your sick and the perfectly well hubby asks, "What's for dinner!" I always have a book to read; I get panicky at the thought of not having one at hand. But then you, as a "Book Lover" would totally get that!

  48. Sounds like you were/are suffering what I had back in March. The coughing that would never go away. The glares and glances from people as though you were patient zero. It's horrible and it lingers. But it does get better. Later, unfortunately, rather than sooner.
    I've never had to hire a researcher. I've always done my own research, but then I'm not putting together anything massive. If I'm writing about a character who visits Walla Walla, I go online and look for whatever info I can get. Back in the day, I would visit the local library (we've had a big one here) and do the research.
    PS - Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG.

    1. Hi, Jeffery! I just found this! Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I really appreciate it! We do have several libraries nearby, but they certainly don't have much on northern Canada. Good luck with your writing this month! thanks for visiting!

  49. Thanks for co hosting the IWSG for this month and I hope you're feeling better. Arianna's book is on my TBR list too. Researcher - hmm. I've never hired one so I'm not much use - but yes, I think it would be a great help for your kind of book. Good luck with finding the right person.

    1. Thanks for your kind and encouraging comment, Kalpanaa! I feeling my old self again, and it feels great! Sorry that I'm just getting back to you now. I've been away from blogging for several days, and I didn't realize you had visited. Good luck with your writing this month!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.