Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Time Out

I am without internet access for the next few days,
maybe even the next week.

I'll be back to visiting my blogging friends
and publishing my next northern post
as soon as I can get back on-line.

Heading Through Ancient Sand Dunes
Somewhere Along I-70 in Utah, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Take good care of yourself, dear Louise, no problem. Sending you warm hugs and much love. I will be 60 tomorrow (October 27th). :)

  2. Enjoying traveling away. Geez, you travel more than you are at home lol

  3. Best wishes and have a great time.

  4. Enjoy time out after the busy weeks just gone. Utah highway looks very inviting. Hugs from NZ.

  5. Trust all goes well. I look forward to the renewed pleasure of your online company.

  6. Thanks, everyone! It's been a week, and after tomorrow morning, it looks like I'm going to be stuck without internet again. Hopefully by next Friday, I'll be able to resume my posting! Thanks for your understanding!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.