
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

IWSG: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 ~ The Beta Reader I'd Choose

It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex Cavanaugh are P.J. Colando, J. Lenni DornerDeniz DevanKim LajevardiNatalie Aguirre, and Louise - Fundy Blue.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.

Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 

"If you could choose one author, living or dead, to be your beta partner, who would it be and why?"


Happy September, Everyone!  
I hope that you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and happy.  

What a tough question this month!
There are so many amazing authors to chose from,
but if I had to pick one I'd pick Stephen King.
Some of his books I flat out didn't like, but others are brilliant.
The Shining, The Stand, It, Misery, Dolores Claiborne,
and 11/22/63 are among my favorites,
and I return to his On Writing over and over for inspiration and writing advice.

Why would I choose him as a Beta reader?
That man can plot, create unforgettable, complex characters,
and write marvelous dialogue.
I think I could learn a whole lot from him and my writing would really improve.
My only concern is that he has spent so much time exploring
the dark psychology of humans and imaging horrifying things
that he might be scary and intimidating ~ LOL!

I'm keeping this short as I write tonight,
because this is my 36th wedding anniversary!
The best decision I ever made in my life was to marry this wonderful man.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barbour Leaving the Church
Parker, Colorado, USA
September 1, 1984
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Terry and I with Our Beloved Niece Deirdre
Parker, Colorado, USA
September 1, 1984
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


I'm so looking forward to making the rounds tomorrow!
Happy writing in September!  

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Waiting for the Ferry to Tiverton
Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada
July, 2016
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Check out the IWSG Anthologies blog site at the IWSG Anthologies Blog.
The post today is Published Books, New Releases, and WIPs by the "Voyagers" Authors: This Week ~ Louise MacBeath Barbour.
This is the first post in a series of posts
about the Voyagers authors and what they're up to now.

Also, Jacqui Murray, a fellow IWSG member,
recently released the final book in her Crossroads trilogy.
This is a fabulous series, one of my all time favorites!
Check out a review of it I wrote last week here.

Courtesy of Jacqui Murray


  1. Wonderful post Louise, and those pictures are just superb.
    Have a good September( I you can)
    Take care.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! September is usually my favorite time of the year! Hugs to you!

  2. I'd also like to have Stephen King as a beta reader. I think writing in his house would be pretty cool too! Happy anniversary and happy writing!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! King has quite a writing studio, and he shuts himself in it every day. I need more of his discipline! Happy writing to you, too!

  3. Happy anniversary! And thanks for co-hosting today.

  4. Stephen King is an excellent choice! I think I'd love to have him as a writing professor! I open On Writing regularly, too. Happy anniversary...1984 was a very good year...

    1. 1984 was a very good year, Liza! I would have loved having Stephen King as a professor ~ and I've had some awesome professors. All the best to you!

  5. I love Stephen King also. He's a unique (weird) person and a great writer. My kind of person. LOVE your photos. Happy Anniversary.


    1. Thanks, Teresa! I've always loved Odd Ducks ~ but then I'm an Odd Duck. As a teacher, I loved all my little Odd Ducks. All the best to you!

  6. Happy anniversary. That's an interesting question and your answer is good, especially if you're writing fiction. I might pick Edward Abbey or maybe Robert Caro (but I wouldn't want to distract him from finishing his multi-volume bio of Lyndon Johnson.

    1. LOL ~ I'm sure Lyndon Johnson's bio keeps Robert Caro very busy. And I love Edward Abbey! Of course the Colorado Plateau is my favorite place in the world. Have a great day, Sage!

  7. Happy, Happy Anniversary! Enjoy it! You are second person to choose Stephen King as a beta reader.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I'm noticing that King is popular! I hope that you are having a great time today!

  8. Happy Anniversary! It seems as if two or three authors have chosen Stephen King as a beta readers.
    Thank you so much for co-hosting and all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  9. Happy anniversary! From what I've heard, Stephen isn't that scary and nice guy. You'd be okay.

    1. Thanks, Diane! Good to know about King ~ Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thanks for co-hosting this month and Happy Anniversary! Nice choice for a beta reader.

    1. Thanks, Toi! Co-hosting is fun, but I've got to learn to get faster ~ LOL! Take care my friend and hugs to you!

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    I picked Stephen King as well. When I was young, I loved his books because they were scary. Now I read and reread his work because of the writing and the characters. They are a master-class in both.

    1. You are so right, Tamara! I remember reading "The Stand" late in the night in my grandmothers house, night after night. So scary! So good! I didn't know then that I'd spend countless days in Vegas. I should reread it now since we're in the middle of a pandemic! All the best to you!

  12. You, me and Stephen, Louise!! Happy Anniversary!

  13. Replies
    1. He is such an amazing writer, Patsy! Happy writing in September!

  14. I've heard King speak, and he's very down to earth. I've also met him, just happened to see him in a bookstore buying books, and even though I geeked out like a total fangirl, he was very gracious and nice. :)

    Happy Anniversary!

    1. Thanks for the anniversary wishes, Madeline. I'd be a totally geeked out fangirl too! LOL! And I'd be peeking at what books he reads. Oh lucky you! You met him! all the best!

  15. Congrats on such an amzing milestone! And Stephen King, duh!! That would be awesome.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! Terry and I are trying to figure out where all those years went so fast! I am grateful for every single day I have with Terry. All the best o you!

  16. Thanks for co-hosting and Happy Aniversary! I admire the slogan and header photo of your blog -

    1. Thanks, PJ! The header is one of my photos. I was heading out onto the Bay of Fundy on the Chad and Sisters Two, a whaling cruise boat owned by one of my high school friends. When I lived down on the Islands off Digby Neck in Nova Scotia, whales were just whales. But I always thought they were cool ~ and today they are really cool. big tourist draw. Sadly I won't get to go out on the Bay of Fundy with Penny and crew this year. I can't even go home to Nova Scotia. Standing into Danger is definitely me. Thanks for co-hosting today! I hope that you've had fun!

  17. Happy Anniversary, you two! What a wonderful photo of you both with your niece. Those beaming smiles say it all!

    1. Thanks, Debra! Poor little Deirdre ~ That was the closest she came to a smile throughout the wedding. Her mother had to take her out during the ceremony because she was crying so much! Now Deirdre is an economist with the IMF and works all over the world. She is such a sweetheart! All the best to you and your Rare One!

  18. That great pictures of happiness! Congratulations on you're anniversary and here's to so many more. Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. Thanks, Lee! I think of you every time I go for a walk and hope that you're still racking up 4 mi/day!
      Take care!

  19. Happy Anniversary! And great choice in Stephen King. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you, Loni! I hope that you are having a fun IWSG Day! Take care!

  20. I see the logic of your choice. I got caught in the weeds on this one. I could have picked Jean Auel or the Gears but then I figured they wouldn't waste their time on my book (I actually emailed the Gears once about one of my books and she never responded). So that got me stuck. I should have 'assumed' they of course would take me seriously.

    Thanks for your shout out for my book!

    1. You bet, Jacqui! King is genius in my estimation. I hope that you are having an awesome day!

  21. If I were a writer, I'd go for Stephen King as well. I can't think of a book of his I didn't like. He does have a way of weaving a story and creating complex and memorable characters.

    Happy Anniversary! I wish you and Terry many, many more years of wedded bliss together!

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I hope we have many, many more happy years together too. All the best to you!

  22. Happy anniversary, and thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thanks, Sadira! Happy writing this month! Take care!

  23. Happy Anniversary, celebrate the best way you can these days,

    1. Thanks, Jean! We had a great day yesterday! I can't believe it's been 36 years! Hugs to you and Hugh!

  24. Happy anniversary! Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. Thanks, Carrie-Anne! Co-hosting is always fun. I ope you've had a fun IWSG Day!

    2. I couldn't find where to comment on your blog, Carrie-Anne. I just wanted to wish you luck with your WIPs and NaNO. I hope those family-crosscurrents calm down.

  25. Happy Anniversary! Your hubby looks like a very kind person!

    I'm not sure if I'd have Steven King as my beta partner. He's a great writer, for sure. But I wonder how intimidating he might be. LOL!

    1. Thanks, Sherry! Terry is kindness personified. I'm hearing in comments that King is really nice! He might be an intimidating teacher though! Take care!

  26. Happy anniversary from me too! I have friends who looked very similar in hairstyle and dress at their weddings :)
    Stephen King as a beta reader - that would scare me too much!
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Thank you, Jemima! Wedding clothes certainly go through cycles. I like the old ones better than the new ones, and thank goodness I don't have to do a choreographed dance number. All the best to you!

  27. Stephen King is a popular choice.

    Fun pictures! Thanks for sharing. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

    1. Thanks, Chrys! I finished your book, btw ~ Loved it all the way through! Take care!

  28. Happy anniversary! Congratulations on a long and happy marriage. Thank you for co-hosting. Loved your wedding pictures.
    Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers

    1. Thanks, Lynn! That was one of the best days of my life ~ and smartest choices! Take care!

  29. Happy Anniversary! A wonderful decision indeed :) Stephen King seems to enjoy giving advice and helpful critique, it's basically what On Writing is all about. So I think he'd be a great beta reader! Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. Thank you, S.E.! It was a lucky day when I met Terry at a bus stop ~ LOL! "On Writing" is so good. Happy writing in September!

  30. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures! Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thank you, Mary! I hope all is well with you and that you are having fun today. I always love getting around and visiting people!

  31. Wonderful post, as always. You got married the same year I did! Lovely pictures ;-)
    Congratulations and very best wishes for many more.
    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you, Diedre! 1984 was a very good year, wasn't it? All the best to you!

  32. Congrats on your wedding anniversary.
    You're not the only one who picked Stephen King as their beta partner. Great choice.

    1. Thanks, Olga! A lot of people seem to have chosen King. That says a lot. Not only is he a great writer, he works at his craft and is faithful at showing up to write day in and day out. Happy writing in September!

  33. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day. I recently read Stephen King's "On Writing." I have to say, it was a very enlightening work. His words are simple and down-to-earth.

    1. Thanks, Judy! Simple and down-to-earth words are often the best word choices. Take care, and enjoy the rest of IWSG Day!

  34. Congrats! I also love On Writing, it has been very helpful. Don't tell anyone, but I haven't finished it cover to cover because every time I read some, I have to go write...

    1. Thanks, Steph! You have a good problem with "On Writing." King certainly practices what he preaches. All the best to you!

  35. Oh, Joylene! You always lift my spirits, my friend! Sorry I'm just getting to you now, when your comment warmed my heart this morning. I'd be thrilled to be your Beta reader! Happy 40th this year! I think it's awesome that your hubby let you fly off to Asia solo last year. Terry would be a basket case the whole time I was gone, if I did that. He worries if I'm out of sight because I find trouble ~ LOL I'll be by before the day is over! Hugs to you!

  36. Happy anniversary!
    King is a great choice. Especially if you write something he'd love to read.

    1. Thanks, J! I'm not a horror writer, but I so admire a great writer. I'll bet that since King taught high school and university, he could help most anyone. But I'd be thrilled to write something he loved! All the best! Take care!

  37. Happy Anniversary! And I've always wanted to visit Maine and drive by Stephen King's house on Halloween. I imagine he goes all out with his scary imagination! On Writing is one of my favourite books. Also, I really enjoyed Joyland, which was different than a lot of his other books. But that's what makes him an excellent writer too--being able to write in fresh ways.

    1. Thanks, Lynn! I haven't read "Joyland," but I just googled it, and I know I would really like it. I bet Stephen King gets a lot of drive-bys. I might be scared to do it on Halloween. Thanks for visiting today!

  38. Stephen King would be a good beta reader. Great choice!

    1. Thanks, Kim! Have a great September with lots of writing!

  39. Stephen King...Well, who would contest that...Great choice. Thank you for co-hosting and wishing you a great anniversary!
    Sonia from

  40. haha yeah, he could have quite the twisted mind and could be scary after spending too much time with him. Or he could get it all out on the page and be all happy go lucky. Good pick either way.

    Happy Anniversary!!

    1. Thanks, Pat! I hadn't considered getting it all out on the page. That must be what you do. Take care, my friend!

  41. Replies
    1. Happy September, Adam! I hope that it is a good one for you, my friend!

  42. Stephen King would make a great beta reader!
    Happy anniversary!

  43. Happy Anniversary Louise and thanks for co-hosting this month. Yes Stephen King certainly has a great record of fantastic plot lines. You have to enjoy the dark side, though that’s part of who humans are too, unfortunately. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be in such a Mess ! Take care and Happy autumn writing.

    1. Thanks, Susan! I can enjoy the dark side only so far, and I've never wanted to write horror stories because I don't want to spent a lot of time there. I am definitely looking forward to an autumn full of writing. Take care, and thanks for visiting.

  44. Happy Anniversary, Louise! What an accomplishment. Thanks for cohosting. I enjoyed On Writing and got to see Stephen King's house on a recent trip to Maine (Bangor). It had a cool spidery gate out front.

    1. What a neat experience, Jennifer! Have a great weekend!

  45. Stephen King certainly has the writing credentials to back up any advice about writing that he might have to offer. Maybe he'd hire you as a writing assistant.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Haha, Arlee ~ I bet working as Stephen King's writing assistant would be quite an oddball experience! Have a good one!

  46. Good choice of writer, would make for some interesting conversations I'm sure. Hope you had a lovely anniversary, congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! Enjoy the weekend and stay safe!

  47. Thank you for co-hosting this month, Louise! Your post has such a positive and smiley vibe to it! And, you are one of the first IWSG blogger/writers who mentions a favorite beta partner that I have heard of. :-) Stephen King must be the most interesting beta partner ever. As a Belgian, I feel a bit lost among all the real writers of the IWSG and their examples that are unfamiliar to me. I really ought to read more, but who has the time???

    Congratulations with your 36th wedding anniversary as well. You two lovebirds looked fabulous!!

    1. Thanks, Liesbet! Who has the time??? The fundamental frustration in my life: time! I don't know if this will make you feel better about not being familiar with IWSG Beta favorites or make you feel worse as a Belgian, but I couldn't think of a single Belgian author. Not because there aren't any, but because of my own ignorance. So I did a little googling. "A Gunshot" by Virginie Loveling sounds like a fun read! But there are others too. I'll have to expand my literary knowledge to include some works from Belgium. Have a great week!

    2. You’re right about time. It’s all about priorities. Unfortunately, all the reading time I have (I don’t watch TV) is taken up by blog reading, leaving comments, and connecting with fellow bloggers and writers...

      You are amazing and too funny, Louise, looking up Belgian authors. I’ve never heard of Loveling either. :-( I doubt you’ll be able to read works from Belgium, unless they’re translated. :-) Also, I’m not aware of new authors since I left Belgium in 2003. The books I read before that were all in Dutch.

  48. Happy Anniversary, loved the photos of you. Thanks for visiting me at

  49. Now you have me wondering about Stephen King's personality. Would he be creepy to work with? I know our writers group could come up with some very different ways to kill off characters, but would his be over the top or just disappointing? And will he ever run out of stories to write? One would should be cautious about the person to choose as a beta reader. Enjoyed your post.
    JQ Rose

  50. Happy anniversary my wonderful wonderful amazing friend :)

    cannot explain how fortunate i feel to know you ,you are simply fantastic person full with inner beauty and divine sweet smiling face

    may you see many many more delightful days together

    each time i visit i feel strange undefinable peace believe me

    i might have seen some of work ,your inspiration must be reasonable i am sure :)

  51. Thanks for co-hosting this month! Dolores Clairborne was my first Stephen King novel. Don't remember if I read R.L. Stine first then graduated to Stephen King or King influenced me to read Stine's Fear Street series. Now that I think about it, I find it funny that I read a lot of horror fiction when I was young. Though I also devoured the Sweet Valley series around then too. But now, my reading and writing preferences are poetry, fantasy and romance.

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Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.