
Friday, November 20, 2020

A Baker's Dozen of Math Funnies

I'm sorry that I have been missing in action.
The past ten days have raced by,
as Covid has struck in multiple spots in our neighborhood,
and a shoulder injury, medical and dental appointments,
and computer woes have absorbed my time.

Time to escape into some funny math jokes to distract myself
and hopefully bring you chuckle or smile.

Hope is on the horizon.  We just have to hang tough a little longer.
Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday to all my American friends and family!
I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved



  1. Calvin and Hobbes are always funny.
    Sorry about the shoulder injury.
    Hope is always on my horizon as I put my faith in God not man. Especially right now.

    1. Thank goodness man isn't the only one we can rely on right now, Alex. I've finally found something boring! Shoulder exercises for 10 minutes/4 times per day ~ especially the pendulum one. Oh well, things could be a lot worse!

  2. These are great, LOL! Math was never my favourite subject in school.

    1. Thanks, Debra! Math was the bane of my existence. But, hopefully I have lots of time to improve at it. Have a good weekend. Be safe.

  3. Sorry to hear about your problems, but I hope things are going better. Thanks for the humor!

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I'm still fighting with my computer. It's about time to call in the Geek Squad. I hope all is going well with you at your new posting. Have you read Peter Matthiessen's "The Snow Leopard?" I'm reading it right now, and it is a wonderful memoir about an expedition to Dolpo on the Tibetan Plateau to study the bharal or blue sheep. Take care

  4. One problem at a time should be the rule, not five!!! Hope all the health issues are fixed or healing well, the PC is all OK, and you can isolate and stay safe. Isolation might be the new way to live for a long time,down here it is now compulsory to wear a mask on all internal flights. Guess no tea, coffee or meals will be served on the longer distance ones. Take care, hoping you can walk safely close by your home.XXX

    1. Hi, Jean! It's so good to see you! You and Hugh have been on my mind. I'm on the mend as I do shoulder exercises and look forward to more surgery in my jaw in January. I'm ready to call in the cavalry on the computer. I'm going to give it one more go tomorrow, and if I can't fix it, I'm getting help. Terry and I are laying as low as we can. He has even given up his beloved pickleball. We could have it so much worse. And yes, we can walk safely outside, but we wear masks and give any people we meet a wide berth. We had a great guy called Jose stop by today to give us an estimate on fixing a broken window shade (masked and distanced for us all, of course). He told us he couldn't believe how many people in our neighborhood were refusing to wear masks, and some were even asking him to take his mask off if he was repairing/replacing blinds in their homes. He refuses to remove his mask, without exception. Maybe that's why the virus has cropped up around our area. The good news is that we have a vaccine to look forward to! Bring the vaccine on ~ I am so ready! Hang tough! Take care! XXX

  5. Thanks for a wonderful post Louise.
    Sorry about the virus in your area also all those other appointments and computer problems. Hope all is ok now.
    Keep safe and well.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne! Things are improving. It's all good! Hugs to you!

  6. So funny! I always hated Math, still do!
    I am so understanding about the math word problems one. I always thought I would rather do ANYTHING than to try to solve them.

    1. Thanks, Kay! I hope that you, Richard, and Christopher have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Take care!

  7. Going through the ringer at your sea. Hopefully things get on the upswing soon.

    haha gotta love that tricky X. It always equals a new number. Fun ones indeed. Keep on avoiding the germs. Things are spreading here now too. Fun times. Ugg.

  8. I think all cats agree on his calculation

  9. Great math funnies Louise! They made me giggle. Hope all is well with you! Life is quite busy for us here too! :)

  10. Ah this was fun. Hope things get better for you.


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