
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

IWSG: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 ~ Unfocused


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Jemi Fraser, Kim Lajevardi, Tyrean Martinson, and Rachna Chhabria.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.

Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 

Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” Flannery O’Conner said, “I write to discover what I know.” Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write. Why do you write what you write?


Happy November, Everyone!  

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and happy.

Tonight I'm finding it hard to write anything. 
It's election night, and I can't focus on anything. 

So I'm going to pass on the question, other than to say 
I write what I write because I must.  I have no choice.
I have these voices inside me that have to come out.

I just finished another awesome book by an IWSG member:
Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space by C.D. Gallant-King.

OMG!  This was a scary fun read!
I finished it for the second time back-to-back at 3:10 am last night.
Even though I knew what would happen, I still couldn't put it down.
It's a page turner that is outrageously funny, poignant, and suspenseful. 

Niall, Pius, and Harper, three awkward, engaging twelve-year-olds,
struggle to defeat an ancient evil posing an existential threat to humankind.

These kiddos are so real: 
geeky, vulnerable, curious, pathetic, and courageous.  
They'd much rather be riding their bikes or playing video games
than confronting a horror devouring the people of Gale Harbour.

The psycho hose beast is great fun, but what makes the book memorable
is the relationships among the kids and the challenges they face in their personal lives.
Bring on book 2!

The Insecure Writer's Support Group has a special event coming
on January 20, 2021:  Its annual IWSG Twitter Pitch!
Hop over to the IWSG Anthologies blog where Ninja Captain Alex
shares his expertise on how to pitch your novel to agents and publishers.

I think I'm going to turn off the tv and take refuge in a new book.
It's Pat Hatt's Zero Usage; and guaranteed, 
a rollicking story by Pat is just what I need!

Good luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMO!
Happy writing in November!  

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

Waiting for the Ferry to Tiverton
Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada
July, 2016
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Hope your election went well considerint the pandemic still aroound.
    Enjoyed the read Louise.
    Take care.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. They're still counting this morning. I'm a total wreck. I just crawled out of bed ~ Terry left me to sleep way past the time I normally get up. However the vote turns out, the most important thing is to count all the votes. It's the people who should decide the election with their votes. Looks like I'm going to have a niece permanently in England (London). She and her boyfriend (whom we all love) got engaged yesterday ~ the bright, happy event of the day! Please stay vigilant and take care!!! Hugs to you!

  2. Glad you enjoyed C.D.'s book so much. This is the perfect time to start reading more. I've been reading more and watching less TV too.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! The more IWSG authors I read, the more I am wowed by the talent of our membership. C.D. is a wonderful writer, and so funny. I worked on the Burin a lifetime ago, but farther down by St. Lawrence. And my family lived in Westport on White Bay about a decade. His book was subtly rich with Newfoundland, like a cat named Joey Smallwood. ~ It was a much-needed trip "home" for me. Have a great November! Be safe!

  3. No surprise - CD is a great writer!
    I'm checking the news online today but that's about it.

    1. Hi, Alex! CD certainly is! I'm trusting our nation to follow its electoral processes, count the votes, certify the winner, and inaugurate the president chosen by the American people. That, fundamentally, is America. I've been an election junkie since I was a kid; because, of course, my parents were. LOL thanks for a great article for me to post on the IWSG Anthologies blog. Take care!

  4. I need to read that book. Sounds like a good one.

    Teresa C.

    1. It is so good, Theresa! I just recommended it to my sister's significant other whose family is from the Burin where the story takes place. I hope all is well with you! Please take care ~ My heart goes out to all the brave, dedicated educators helping our kiddos!

  5. I'm glad you're safe, Louise. I know it's been a wild year for all of us. But we're tougher than we look, eh?!

    1. We sure are, Joylene. This too will pass ~ LOL! Take care, my friend! Hugs to you!

  6. I have CD's book on my Kindle and I'm looking forward to it!

  7. All I can say is that I'm glad that you became a writer. That is the reason I tuned in every Friday to get a new installment of your adventures in Canada. (still waiting for the book to become a movie.LOL)
    I gave up on the election results at ten last night and just went to bed. Still not decided this morning. Time to read and take my mind off it.

    1. You've been so much on my mind, Peggy! It's awesome to see you. I'm using NaNoWriMo this month to kickstart me again. This year has been unreal, and I'm less focused than ever. I am classic ADHD, but at least I've made peace with that. Hugs to you and Don. Please stay healthy and safe!

  8. Replies
    1. I'm trying, Debra! I've bitten my nails back to my knuckles. I'm just grateful that everyone seems to be remaining calm while the votes are counted. Hugs to you, my friend!

  9. I gave up yesterday, thanks to the election, and now, I want an escape so writing sounds good. No high-minded reason for writing from me!

    1. Hi, Jacqui! I gave up and went to bed last night. I'm high strung to begin with, and last night I was beyond overwrought. It was a relief to escape into Pat Hatt's new book. He had me laughing and distracted in no time. I've been meaning to email you, but it has been such a nutso time. I am not as organized and disciplined as you. I finished your Crossroads trilogy late last week. It was brilliant, compelling to the very last word. You have an amazing ability to create a vivid world and people it with well-rounded, unique characters. It consistently rang true. Your trilogy holds its own against my all-time favorite books and authors. I will be reading more of your books, Jacqui! I love them! Please stay healthy and happy, my friend. Get writing ~ LOL!

  10. Thanks for the review of CD's book - it sounds great!
    I used to write for a purpose (okay, sometimes I still do), but I seem to write more purposefully when I write for fun - which seems backwards, but it works out that way.

    1. I loved CD's book, Tyrean! On top of everything else, it was a refreshing trip "home" to my beloved Newfoundland. Yes, I'm a native Bluenoser, having been born in Nova Scotia, but I'm an honorary Newfie, and Newfoundland will forever hold a special place in my heart. Take care! Enjoy IWSG Day!

  11. I'm holding off reading anything scary until well after the first of the year. In fact, after 2020, See Spot Run is about all I can handle. (Kidding, of course.)

    1. Lol! I dearly loved Spot when I was a kiddo. All the best to you, Lee!

  12. Sure sounds like a winner indeed. You'll be watching all week if you don't turn off the TV at this rate haha

    A winning one from that Pat guy? Can't go wrong with that. I hear there are plenty of twists in it lol

    1. Hey, Pat! We're watching Fox now. LOL I should turn off the tv, but I can't. I sure am enjoying your story so far. It was exactly what I needed to distract myself last night. You are so funny, my friend! According to my family more and more people are snapping up places in Nova Scotia to take refuge from a mad world. They might want to read your books first ~ LOL. Watch out for porcupines, my friend! Although I bet their quills would make great toothpicks!

    2. Yeah. It is true. I've gone to properties that have been for sale for years and now, poof. Sold. Darn near everything is selling. Even murder shack looking places. It's nuts.

      lol could make for good toothpicks. Our dog got nailed by one years ago, wasn't pleasant

  13. Hey thanks so much for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and especially that it brought up fond memories of The Rock. :-)

    1. You bet, C.D.! The Rock is one special place, and it's because of the wonderful people who call it home. I will get back! All the best to you!

  14. Great review! I hear you on the difficulty in working or sleeping yesterday, and it's still bad. I'm trying to ignore it all and wait for my sons to tell me the outcome.

    1. You're smarter than I am, Rebecca. I've been glued to CNN since I got up this morning ~ except when I worked out with my trainer Julie and when I went out for a two mile walk. I was so strung out that Julie had me stretching for my workout ~ No torture today. Take care! Happy writing!

  15. Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space ...what an awesome title!!
    I love your review of it too. I'll have to check it out.

  16. I can SO relate to not writing on Election Day. I drank rum at 10 in the morning...and I am not a drinker. Writing usually comes easy but not when I am under stress.

    1. And, boys oh boy, it has been stressful. Take care, Leigh!

  17. Great review and sounds like a great read. Thanks! It's always nice to see another IWSG writer featured.
    You stay safe and healthy and enjoy November.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! That's my wish for all of us ~ stay healthy and enjoy November!

  18. i can relate so well to your answer dear Louise
    i remember when i wrote very first lines of my poetry i was six or seven probably ,i was dusting our room and suddenly those lines seemed to be just dropped in my head ,like i left the cleaning cloth and grabbed my pencil and started to write ,later when i showed that to my father he was amazed and asked "did you write this "
    it happens ,we write when we feel like something inside us forcing us to do so :)
    i liked the adventurous story you shared ,and yes i too enjoy the relationship between character np matter what the story is :)
    blessings and hugs too you my dear Friend!

    1. Thanks, Baili! Every time I see you, I feel such peace and love. I'm wrecked ~ The emotional rollercoaster most Americans have been on this week has been so stressful. I haven't be eating or sleeping right. What I want most is peace in our country and for all the votes to be counted. As an American, it's hard to believe that I'm saying such a thing. And, especially as a Canadian American, I never questioned our institutions, elections, or the peaceful transfer of power. The fact that I'm worrying about these things has shaken me to my core. One day at a time, and hopefully my country will come through this. I have learned that I can't take democracy for granted, and I will never do so again.

      What I have always found fascinating about your writing, Baili, is the relationships among your characters which you portray so very well. And let me not forget the beauty and freshness of your language, and your compelling plots. If I could gift you with time, I would gift you with so much with time to write!!! But, we're women, aren't we? I often say "Retired? Ha! I'm a woman." LOL Blessings and hugs back at you, my dear friend!

  19. I have to turn off the news. If we're not hearing about the resurgence of the corona virus cases, the election consumes my mind. Instead, I'm rewatching action adventure movies (Bond, James Bond). No commercials, just straight entertainment. No writing, either. Oh, well...

    1. You're smarter than I am, Diane. I'm a news junkie. I try to distract myself, but that hasn't been working too well. NaNo is keeping me in the game. I discovered today that I miscounted my words by accidentally duplicating some pages in my word count. So now I'm frantically trying to catch up to my posted word count ~ LOL. This is my first try at NaNo, and the learning curve has been steep. Take care and enjoy those James Bond movies!

  20. Aha! Fundy Blue. Is your name after the Bay of Fundy? We visited there a few years ago. We love visiting Canada. Canadians are so nice to tourists. Talk about scary! That book cover is really creepy. Thanks for introducing us to the book.

    1. Hey, J.Q. Yes, my name is after the Bay of Fundy. I have lived up and down the Fundy Shore throughout my childhood, and some of my ancestors have been there since about the 1670s. I never dreamed I'd be living in Colorado so far from the ocean. Thanks for your kind words about Canadians! All my best to you!

  21. That sounds like a fun Halloween read!
    I wish they'd have a decision already on the election. This waiting around is ridiculous!

    1. It was a fun Halloween read, Sherry! My brother has FaceTimed from Canada repeatedly this week, including this morning. He keeps saying relax, the process is working. And I keep telling him I can't because I'm suffering from election PTSD. Have an awesome weekend, Sherry!

  22. Hi Louise,
    my answer to 'why do you write? is :- I write because everything I write is to share my testimonies with others as I enjoy reading theirs, and poetry and songs have always just dropped into my head and blogging is a way of sharing and interacting all over the world that I enjoy.

  23. Oh lol, what a book title!!! :) Hope all is well Louise! :)

    1. Hi, Rain! I'm fine, just buried. Hugs to you, my friend!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.