
Friday, July 2, 2021

Back Again ~ For the Last Time, I Hope!

Back again.
Every time I think I'm back again, something derails me.
I'm back again for the last time, I hope.  
Back again to stay.

June was a lost month for blogging and writing, 
but many other things happened.
If I couldn't focus on writing a page, or a post, or a comment,
I could organize a drawer or clean a door slider.
And, boys oh boy, I sure learned a lot about salt in our food!

The best thing of all?
Terry finally saw his cardiologist and began heart rehab last week.
His heart is functioning well within the normal range, 
and he played pickleball for two hours at the advanced level
on Tuesday and Thursday with no problem.

He's alive and doing well because we made it to the hospital fast and early.
The cardiologist told Terry they'd be seeing each other
two times a year for the next twenty years and beyond.
We're planning adventures again.

The Sweetest, Kindest, Most Gentle Guy!
Padua, Veneto, Italy
September 14, 2018
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The second best thing?
I have lost eight pounds and Terry nine.
Those pesky pandemic pounds have melted away,
and I wasn't even thinking about losing weight.




Terry Rummaging Through the Fridge and Looking at Me

Our happiest news in June?
Terry and I are going to have a new grand niece or nephew
on the MacBeath side of our family!
Martin, the happy grandpa-to-be says the baby looks like him ~  LOL!
And my sister Donnie is over the moon!

Krista, Dean, and Baby Bump

My proudest moment in June?
Our niece Sara wrote an opinion piece for The Prince George Citizen:
"Prince George should speak up for street people," June 10, 2021.

Not only is Sara a fierce advocate for Indigenous people, 
she is a outspoken advocate for the homeless
and understands the complex problem homelessness is.

Sara, my sister Bertie's and husband Peter's oldest daughter,
is an inspiring and forceful member of the MacBeath clan's NexGen,
and she is carrying on our family's tradition of standing up for what we believe. 

Terry and I with Sara
Paris, France
May 26, 2014
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

My dumbest move in June?
I trapped myself in our window well with Terry in Vegas
and my phone on the other side of the window glass,
trapped with spiders, bugs, and some creepy, unidentifiable insect nests.
I have never opened that window since we moved here nearly sixteen years ago,
and the window well cover was bolted down and hidden under a huge bush.

Motivated by an irresistible compulsion to make the glass sparkle
and to destroy some ghastly spider webs festooning the space,
I crawled into the window well through the open window and closed it.
Oops!  After I polished all the glass, I couldn't open the window  again.

After a minute or two of sheer panic, (I loathe and am terrified of creepy crawlers)
followed by self-bashing (Stupid!  Stupid! Stupid!  Idiot!  Idiot!  You're an idiot, Louise!),
I realized I could throw a big rock I was crouching by through the glass.

I really didn't want to do that, so after calming down,
I began to wrestle with the window.
Finally, I wiggled it open and made my escape.
Now that Terry is home, I'm working up the courage to go after those creepy nests.

The Window Well That I Was Trapped in in Our Study
(golf scene created by the previous owner)
Aurora, CO, USA
June 25, 2021
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

In June we won the battle to defeat the wily and persistent birds trying to nest on our deck,
but lost to some cagy robins who moved in just below our deck floor.

Robins About to Fledge
Aurora, CO, USA
June 18, 2021
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The rabbits are gone from under the front steps, but squirrels have moved in.

A New Resident
Aurora, CO, USA
June 23, 2021
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

While Terry was testing his post-heart-attack-wings with his best bud in Vegas,
I slipped in some cement workers and window washers.

Fixing Our Driveway and Front Porch
Aurora, CO, USA
June18, 2021
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I Wish He Did Window Wells ~ LOL!
Aurora, CO, USA
June 18, 2021
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Visits from Sam (and his humans) kept us sane.

Sam, Feeling Quite at Home on the Back of Our Couch!
Aurora, CO, USA
June18, 2021
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I hope all is well with each of you!
I've been missing my blogging buddies something fierce!
Can't wait to visit you, and this time nothing is going to derail me!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved


  1. Phew, what a month for you both. Terry, wonderful news, keep those visits going, all cardiologists like to see their patients doing so well. Love the driveway, windows, animals and after all a bird just has to have a safe and cosy home.XXX from a NZ that is cold, almost everywhere, the far south the coldest, younger daughter has minus 1 at 8 p.m. tonight. ( We use Ynr, the Norway weather app, for individual accurate temps)

    1. Hi, Jean! Yes, it was a month! And I forgot to include my 50th anniversary of graduating from Acadia University. The Alumni organization held a two-day virtual graduation which was a lot of fun. Fifty years? How did that happen? I'm not sure which is worse, cold weather or hot weather. You're freezing and the western US is baking. We've been lucky here in Aurora with cooler, rainier weather. It's always a joy to hear from you! Much love to Hugh and you!

  2. Good to hear from you!
    I take it that window well is not the one you were trapped behind.
    Glad you are both getting healthy now and doing well.
    Good for Sara. And speaking of indigenous, did you see the Native American singer on AGT? She was great. Opened by saying she wanted to represent her tribe and yes, a real tribe! (And in the Carolinas - I had to look up the location.)

    1. Thanks, Alex! Yes, that was the window well I was trapped in. You can see the big rock I was going to lob through the window right behind the apple on the shelf. I haven't seen AGT, but I'll see if there is a video of the Native American singer. I'm not sure I should admit this, but I was 133 episodes behind on The Young & The Restless. Every time I can watch tv, I work on reducing that number. I've whittled it down to 35 episodes. I think I'm on Arapahoe or Cheyenne land. I'll have to look it up. Take care, Alex!

  3. Glad your husband is doing so much better. That's the most important thing. Sounds like you had a lot of happy family things to celebrate in June. Glad you're back.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! It's such a relief to see Terry making a strong recovery. And it's good to be back. I am at the point where I can focus on my personal goals and passions again. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  4. I can see why you didn't have time to blog! I'm cringing over your window cleaning experience.

    1. Hi, Jackie! I certainly learned my lesson with that window well! I don't always think things through, and I have a talent for landing in predicaments. You'd think I'd have it figured out by now ~ LOL! Happy July 4th weekend!

  5. A wonderfully newsy post, Louise! Glad all is well with Terry and you, despite the window wells! And I personally identify with that raccoon and the jar of peanut butter.

    1. LOL ~ That raccoon is so me! I love peanut butter. I will be reading every one of your June posts which I look forward to every year. Wishing you and your Rare One a happy Canada Day weekend, Debra!

  6. I am glad to hear that Terry is doing so well... Be careful around windows (I once was trapped on a roof when my ladder blew down and I had to wait for a neighbor to come home).

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I've learned my lesson, for sure.I think being stuck on a roof would be awful. Have a happy 4th!

  7. How wonderful about the baby bump and Terry's good health. I once got caught behind the washing machine many years ago. I slipped behind it to check something and couldn't get back out. At least I was in the house. Eventually, I was able to squeeze out but I pictured myself living behind the washer until I turned to dust.


    1. Hi, Janie! What an awful experience! I bet you were really stiff and sore once you managed to escape. I hope you have a fun Fourth of July ~ and I hope Franklin and Penelope don't hear too many fireworks. Take care!

    2. It's 12:50 a.m. on the fifth and fireworks are still going off. We've had more than enough.

  8. Hi Louise!! Omg I would have totally panicked with creepy crawlies...shudder....I'm so happy to hear Terry is doing well and he's seen his cardiologist. How scary. Lovely updates from the family too! Btw, I visited the Rocks last week, it was magical. I posted photos on my blog post the other day. I finally went back and feel so grounded to the earth again! :) I know you can relate to that feeling there! :)

    1. Hi, Rain! Covid has caused all kinds of backups, including in cardiology and rehab slots. Normally Terry would have been in rehab within the first week. He's playing pickleball right now, and I am so happy for him (and relieved!). I am so glad that you visited The Rocks. I know how important feeling grounded to the earth is. You and I are our best selves when connecting to nature and landscapes we love. I look forward to catching up with your blog. Love to you and Alex and all the fur babies!

  9. it is such a relief to hear about Terry dear Louise .

    i am sorry that you trapped yourself in window ,how nice you could make escape all by yourself :)

    losing weight is really great feeling and i enjoyed the way you share it lol so true that it is super hard to keep eat what is good for us instead what we want or like .
    heartfelt congrats for new baby arrival soon in your family :)
    you niece looks not just pretty but tough lady too ,you must be proud of her i can imagine .
    more blessings to you and loved ones!

    1. It's lovely to see you, Baili! I am so thankful that Terry has recovered so well! It's still hard to believe that I nearly lost him. Yes, my niece Krista is a strong and determined young woman. Five years after graduating from university and working in Toronto, she decided she wanted to shake her life up and moved by herself to London in the UK. She found a flat, a job in computers, and met Dean. They are a wonderful couple, and Terry and I are very happy for them. I hope all is well for you, your hubby, and the boys. Sending you much love! XOXOX

  10. Wonderful post, Louise! So happy that Terry is doing well. I hope you both enjoy new and fun adventures. That creepy crawlers part had me shuddering! I'd be a total basket case!

    1. Hi, Martha. It's always wonderful to see you! For a minute or two I was a basket case, then I had to pull it together to solve the problem. You'd do the same, I'm sure! I hope that you and George are doing well, also daughters and critters! Sending you lots of hugs and best wishes!

  11. Louise, You've taught me never to into a window well without a backup plan! I think maybe it's safer to just never wash those windows!So glad Terry is doing well and back to his activities. Enjoy summer.

    1. Thanks, Barb! I may not wash that window well again ~ LOL! I hope that you and your family are doing well and enjoying summer too! Take care!

  12. So glad Terry is doing well. And thanks for all the updates and funnies. Made me smile. I'm not sure which are the preferred squatters: rabbits or squirrels. Both are cute at least.

    Have a good week Fundy :)

  13. Trapped in a window well? That’s unique. But not funny at the time. Thanks for catching us up on your busy life. I’m so glad Terry is doing so well. Have a great summer. Hugs.

  14. Wow. Your month of June was full of adventures. Did the pandemic end in your country? Here in Brazil not yet. Hug.

  15. Good to hear from you Louise! So happy Terry is doing well! Sorry, but I laughed about you and the window! I'm just glad you got out ok!!! You've had a busy month, with many happy moments!!! Big Hugs and stay well!

  16. I would've panicked trapped behind that window. I am so careful when I'm home alone - keys and phone go with me everywhere.

  17. Hi Louise, I hope you got my comment? I will check back! Big Hugs!

  18. hahaha whoops. I would have smashed the glass if worst came to worst. But good you could get out without. He got me beat on cooking too. Still pour a bowl of cheerios cooker here lol Great he is keeping on getting better and a pup for a visit is a win too. As is a new tiny human.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.