
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

IWSG: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 ~ Now Is the Time for Optimism and Amazing Things


It's the first Wednesday of the month,
the day that members of the
Insecure Writer's Support Group
share their writing struggles
and writing successes
and offer their encouragement
and support to fellow writers.

To visit the IWSG website, click here.

To become a member of the IWSG, click here.

Our wonderful co-hosts who are volunteering today,
along with IWSG Founder Alex J. Cavanaugh are Pat Garcia, Victoria Marie Lees, Chemist Ken,  and Louise ~ Fundy Blue.

I hope you have a chance to visit today's hosts and thank them for co-hosting.
I'm sure they would appreciate a visit and an encouraging comment.

Every month the IWSG announces a question that members can answer
with advice, insight, a personal experience, or a story in their IWSG posts.

Or, the question can inspire members
if they aren't sure what to write about on IWSG Day.

Remember the question is optional.
This month's featured question is: 
What would make you quit writing?

Happy July, Everyone!
I hope this month finds you happy and healthy!
I'm feeling optimistic and energetic,
like I've been kissed awake by a handsome prince
after a long sleep filled with nightmares.
The Covid months of isolation don't feel real at all.
I feel like amazing things can happen now.  

My Prince Cooking!
(deciding the blender won't work and switching to a food processor) 
July 6, 2021  Aurora, Colorado, USA
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue All Rights Reserved

Case in point ~ My prince made me chocolate mousse today!
You have to understand, in the almost thirty-nine years I've known him,
Terry has never once made anything with a recipe.
His idea of cooking is pouring a bowl of Cheerios or popping a frozen pizza in the oven.

Over our years together, he has mastered
stirring (anything), draining (pasta), and tossing (salad).
But, inspired by a cooking class in heart rehab, he made chocolate mousse,
a heart-healthy recipe using tofu, cocoa, a sugar substitute, vanilla, and water.

This cook and baker watched with fascination as Terry grumbled through the recipe,
littering the kitchen with a trail of ingredients, utensils, and spills. 
Much to my surprise, the mousse was a tasty substitute for non-heart-healthy mousse,
rich, chocolaty, and a little denser in texture. 
Amazing things are happening!

With regard to this month's question,
the only things that would make me quit writing are incapacity or death.
Life might slow me down or sidetrack me for a brief time,
but I keep coming back to writing.
I've written throughout my life, and I can't imagine not writing. 

I hope everyone has fun visiting around today.
I know I'm looking forward to reading your posts!
Happy writing to each of you!

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue 


  1. Hi,
    A great inspiring post. Like you, I know there are situations that could take my writing away but I too hope that I will be writing until I die.
    Have a happy month of July.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks, Pat! I was born a writer, and I will die a writer. Like you, my friend, it's in my blood!

  2. Cool the first thing he made for you was a tasty and healthy desert!
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. You bet, Alex! I always enjoy co-hosting. Have a great day!

  3. Messing up the kitchen is my talent. I mean, I make a peanut butter sandwich and the entire kitchen needs an overhaul.


    1. LOL, Teresa! I admit, I can make a big mess in the kitchen, but I usually clean and wash up as I go. To Terry's credit, he cleaned up everything afterwards. A true prince! Have a great IWSG Day!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Steph! I hope all is going well with you. Happy IWSG Day!

  5. My hubby has been in Canada since the 12, so I've been without my "cook". Woe is me! Terry looks like a good addition to your kitchen, Louise. LOL. A keeper, eh? Happy IWSG day. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. Definitely a keeper, Joylene! I've been cooking since I made my first bowl of porridge when I was four. Some of us, like Terry, start at 70. How lucky you are to have a cook! Hope he's home soon and happily cooking for you. Take care!

  6. Hi Louise,
    Welcome back, both of you. Loved your post, especial this sentence, “This cook and baker watched with fascination as Terry grumbled through the recipe, littering the kitchen with a trail of ingredients, utensils, and spills.” Great visuals.
    My only question is, "Who did the dishes?"
    Congratulations on embracing your heart healthy life style.
    Thank you for co-hosting this month.
    Lynn La Vita @

    1. Thanks, Lynn! Actually, Terry did the dishes. He is a true prince. I've been learning a whole lot about heart healthy food since Terry's heart attack. I thought we had been doing well over the decades, but there was definitely plenty for me to learn. I hope you're enjoying IWSG Day!

  7. I love the photo of your prince making heart healthy chocolate mousse. And I believe today is also World Chocolate Day so your post couldn't be more appropriate. Thank you for Co-hosting.

    1. Thanks, Kalpana! I had no idea that today is World Chocolate Day. Is there anything more delicious in this world than chocolate? Definitely not, in my opinion! Have a great IWSG Day!

  8. Replies
    1. I'll send it to you tomorrow via email, Diane. I hope that you are having a fun day.

  9. Awesome that your husband is dong the amazing and cooking for you. And it even tastes great! That's good that you can't see yourself stopping writing, though there may be breaks along the path.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I hope you're having a great day. Of course, today when I'm co-hosting, Google is giving me fits ~ LOL!

  10. Loved your blog post. My husband's idea of cooking is making steak in the oven at 500 degrees until smoke comes out of the broiler. Actually, he does quite good on the grill but has had some health challenges the past few years. Thank you for co-hosting!

    1. LOL ~ Dihiwi! I can see your husband vividly. My husband doesn't even grill. I hope your husband is coping well with his health challenges. Have fun visiting around today.

  11. Thanks, Tbriet! I've met so many wonderful IWSG members over the years, and co-hosting is a fun way to meet them. Have a good one!

  12. It's never too late to learn new skills -- enjoy the chocolate tofu mousse!

    1. Terry just took off into the sky for two nights in Vegas, but he's left me lots of chocolate mousse to enjoy in his absence. Have a great day, Debra! Hugs to you!

  13. Like the photo of your prince cooking :) what was he making?

    1. Thanks, Rachna! It was a heart healthy chocolate mousse. Lucky me. Have a fun IWSG Day!

  14. Making mousse--that is amazing. It's not easy! I do it with instant pudding and whipped cream--so much easier but probably not the heart-healthy you're looking for.

    1. I was pretty amazed, Jacqui! I'm learning lots of new things about cooking. It's all about substituting and balancing what you eat each day. Have a great day, my friend!

  15. Love that your prince tackled such a project! Thanks for cohosting this month. Death would sure put an end to writing. LOL

    1. LOL, Diane! I'm not 100% sure about death ~ Who knows, maybe the perfect writing study is waiting for each of us who loves to write? Happy writing to you!

  16. Congratulations on finding a Prince who makes mousse! That is wonderful. Thanks for your great First Wednesday co-hosting post.

    1. Thanks, Lee! You are always uplifting! Take care!

  17. What a great Prince! Fear of slowing down or *gasp* my writing not progressing altogether is one of the many reasons I cut out alcohol. Great post. Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend as well. Thank you for co-hosting, and Happy IWSG Day!

    1. Thanks, Adrienne! We did have a great holiday weekend! All the best to you!

  18. Hi Louise!
    Lovely pic of your prince - he looks very comfortable in the kitchen.

    If you enjoy writing can you really quit? I don’t think so. You may have phases, where you don’t write much; but eventually you will find your way back to the blank page.
    And I'm talking about writing for the sheer pleasure of writing.
    Then there's writing to pay the bills - that's a different story.

    Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG blog hop this month.

    1. I'd have starved to death years ago, if my writing had to pay the bills ~ LOL. Deep down I write for me. It's not a choice, but a compulsion. Have a good one, Michelle!

  19. Love your post, Louise! A man in the kitchen who's there to cook instead of rewire, unclog, tile . . . or ask what time's supper? Healthy AND tastes good?! He doesn't realize it yet, but he's created his own monster. No more excuses. And speaking of, love your response to this month's questions!

    1. Thanks, Nancy! Terry never asks, "What's for dinner?" He comes to the kitchen, where I'm usually writing at the counter, and starts opening the cupboards and looking in the fridge. I usually get the hint. I start writing, and the world disappears. Who wants to stop and make dinner, really? Have a good one!

  20. Wonderful post! Your Prince making a mousse for you - that must be the best treat ever.

    1. It was, Olga! Happy IWSG Day, and thanks for visiting!

  21. I love your comment, Jen! I've often joked that I hope there are libraries in heaven. Now I'm imagining a writing study where all the things I wrote or didn't complete would emerge from my keyboard in their perfect form. And, of course, they would be published and well read, because eternity is a very long time! You've given me a big smile! All the best to you!

  22. I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but it didn't work. So I'll say welcome back to the IWSG here and wish you luck in your quest for publication of your new book.

  23. Chocolate mousse sounds delicious. And what a pleasant surprise.

    I hope the rest of this year brings you much happiness. Take care!

    1. Thank you so much, Chrys! You take care too! Hugs to you!

  24. I've never tried Chocolate Mousse - in any form - thanks to this mouth-watering post, it is on my list to try :-) My husband cooks as well. I'm usually so pleasantly full I don't even mind cleaning up after what looks like a ransacking ;-) Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. Thanks, Diedre! You must try chocolate mousse. It's not to be missed in this life. Have a happy IWSG Day!

  25. I switched to Keto, and my cardiologist is pleased with my numbers.

    Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. Thanks for the information, Melissa. So far, fingers crossed, Terry's cardiologist is pleased with his numbers too. And thanks for visiting today!

  26. I'll send it to you, Patricia. I hope that you're enjoying IWSG Day!

  27. Thanks for co-hosting!

    A man who knows how to cook and bake is worth his weight in gold. Those are harder skills than many people assume, as I've learnt from watching so many Food Network shows.

    1. I agree, Carrie-Anne, cooking and baking skills are not as easy as they look. I was lucky to grow up learning from my mother, grandmothers, and great aunts. I was thrilled to see Terry go for it. I hope you've had a fun IWSG Day! Take care!

  28. It's great when miracles happen. May his experience give you fodder for your next book.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thanks, fellow co-host! Terry greeted me this morning with, "I saw your Standing Into Danger post." Poor guy, he's often been fodder for my writing. I hope you've had fun today!

  29. Well, done Prince! Can I have the recipe?
    Thanks for co-hosting today. :)

    1. Thanks, Jemima! I'll try to get the recipe off to people who were interested tomorrow. I hope all is well with you!

  30. I have a prince named Terry too! Happy IWSG day! thanks for volunteering!

    1. You bet, Yolanda! I remember when I started dating Terry, and a close friend told me how Terrys are always such nice people. Sounds like you found a special one too! Lucky us! Take care!

  31. Love it! It's exciting to see someone, of any age, get excited about learning to cook.

    And I'm with you--I can't see me not writing, despite the recent difficulty in getting my groove back (at least some).

    1. Thanks for commenting in July, Rebecca! I fell behind. 😱 I envy you heading to the High Sierras! Take care!

  32. Replies
    1. One can never have enough chocolate, Yvonne. Thanks for visiting in July!

  33. Yep. Death and dismemberment would get one to quit. But ghost writing would be fun, so maybe the first wouldn't be it. If ghosts are a thing lol Answered cooking on last post. What happens when I read both and then comment lol whoops. At least I didn't get stuck behind any window hahaha had to.

    1. Hey, Pat! Where you're at! I'm still catching up with last month. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

  34. There is no life without writing. Period. Glad you enjoyed the heart-healthy mousse! Thank you for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thanks for visiting me in July, Liza! I hope that you are having fun making the rounds today!

  35. Great post! My husband mostly does the dishes but it is a joy when he cooks with me!

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    Kathy-Imagine Today

    1. Thanks for visiting in July, Kim! Husbands doing dishes are awesome! I hope you are having fun today!

  36. hurray for chocolate mousse! And for trying new things. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. And hurray for people like you who visit on IWSG Day, Samantha! Thanks for stopping by in July. Happy writing in August!

  37. Thanks for the co-host and sharing of your optimism and your life. My husband is the cook of the house and I am the baker. We have only ourselves to blame for the acquisition of our 'quarantine fifteen' pounds! hahaha

    1. Hi, Talklady! I can't seem to find your blog, but I appreciated your visit. I hope July was a good month for you. Take care!

  38. Thanks for the co-host and sharing of your optimism and your life. My husband is the cook of the house and I am the baker. We have only ourselves to blame for the acquisition of our 'quarantine fifteen' pounds! hahaha

  39. Tofu mousse, eh? Was it tasty? It's great to learn new skills at our age. I'm with you--can't imagine quitting writing ever. I'm having too much fun--and I'm too stubborn! Thanks for cohosting this month.

    1. Thanks for visiting in July, Sadira! The mousse was tasty, but the texture was different. I'm sorry I didn't reply to this comment. Blogger had me in fits last month, repeatedly wiping out my comments. Fingers crossed, comments are working today for me ~ the first time in over a month! Have a good one!

  40. Okay, Louise, so it's true. I've been blessed. My husband makes homemade pancakes for me at breakfast. And he can make the dinner...if I give him explicit directions...a few times. But he's never made me mousse. So you're lucky! Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Oh lucky you, Victoria! I make the breakfast pancakes in our home, but Terry is very good at not leaving any for leftovers. I hope you've had a happy July. Take care!

  41. My husband's big cooking accomplishment was the pancakes he made for us on the weekends. Mickey Mouse, letters of our names, various shapes dubiously identified as cats and dogs.

    Let's face it, writers are never going to stop writing, no matter what. There may be a pause, a hiatus, a lengthy interruption (I've experienced all of them) but at the end of the day, our fingers are just itching to take up the pen and . . . write. And if we reach that stage of incapacity, I'm positive I'll still be writing in my head.

    1. Oh, I adore people who make creative pancakes, Lee! Lucky you! I'm catching up on some comments I didn't answer in July. I've had a horrible time posting comments for about six weeks, but fingers crossed, comments seem to be working today. I hope you're having a fun IWSG Day!

  42. I hope the chocolate mousse was yummy!
    Work, life commitments and health may slow writers down but it won't stop us from writing.

    1. Thanks for visiting in July, Luciana! The mousse was yummy. I hope you had a great July and are having fun today!

  43. Yeah, my life would infinitely lifeless without the lifeblood of words. That chocolate mousse sounds like it was made with love.

    1. It definitely was made with love, Quenntis. Thanks for visiting in July! I'm catching up today, because after over six weeks of a nightmare time with commenting, blogger is finally publishing my comments again the first time. Happy August to you!

  44. I so LOVE this uplifting, positive post, Louise!!! Especially after what you two have been through. And I'd like to try that chocolate mousse one day. Such an example of how something terrible can be turned into something enjoyable, but on a smaller scale. Thanks for co-hosting this month and I wish you both many more years of happiness, appreciation, and bliss - in and out of the kitchen. :-)

    1. Hi, Liesbet! Thank you for your kind comment! This August IWSG Day is great, because I can comment without going through a maddening process. I hope all is well with you, and I hope your book sales are going well! Take care!

  45. Sounds so yummy! Good for him! Love the photo! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Stacy! Big hugs to you! As you can see, I have a lot of catching up to do.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.