
Friday, May 12, 2023

A Big Surprise!

Hi, Everyone!  I'm back!
For those of you who don't know,
Terry surprised me with a Caribbean cruise, 
giving me about 10 days notice.
It was heavenly!

Overlook in St. Thomas
(That's the Millennium docked in the middle of the right edge.)
United States Virgin Islands
April 16, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Ready to Embark on the Celebrity Millennium
Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 15, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Boarding the Gorgeous Millennium
Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 15, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

The Gorgeous Millennium
Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 15, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Those ten pre-cruise days were jam-packed 
with medical tests, doctors visits, and oral surgery.
I was so stressed out the day before leaving for San Juan 
that I forgot my black purse in a black dental chair in Castle Rock
which is a 40-minute drive from home on the congested I-25 freeway.

You should have seen the look Terry gave me when we parked in our garage,
and I realized I didn't have my purse.
He still has to cart me around because my vision isn't good enough 
to allow me to drive more than a few miles from our home.

A kind-hearted dental assistant came to our rescue 
and brought my purse home with her after she finished work.
She lives in nearby Parker, and we were there and back in 25 minutes.

That was the one glitch before we headed out.
Terry had everything so well planned.
It was smooth sailing all the way!

Leaving San Juan as Our Cruise Began
Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 15, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Already Loving Cruising
and We've Barely Moved from the Dock!
Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 15, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Well, getting up at 2:30 am to drive to catch a 4:00 am train 
to board a 5:30 am plane is more like rough sailing, but we made it!

Waiting on the RTD train
Denver, Colorado, USA
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Our Luggage and "Personal" Items.
Denver, Colorado, USA
October 24, 2022
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Terry was adamant that I take only one carryon and a personal item.
We've been going round and round on this since our honeymoon.
But I have to admit that it's gotten harder to drag a heavy suitcase
across the RTD parking lot, especially when it's cold and dark,
then continue up long ramps, jumping on the train, jumping off the train, 
riding up a very long, high escalator, 
and negotiating the trek to the check-in counter and bag drop.
Like, couldn't we just take an Uber to the airport?
Nope! ~ Terry is an adventurous, low-budget traveler.

Beautiful Cloud Land
Palmetto, Florida, USA
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I usually am too, unless I'm cold, 
have had only three hours of sleep
and a few slurps of yesterday's warmed-up coffee, 
before rushing out of our house at 3:00 am to begin our trip. 
Fortunately we get each other. 

Terry Enjoying the Evening Light
Isla Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Evening Light
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Evening Light
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I love setting off on an adventure to see new places I've never seen before.
It was hard not to travel during the pandemic, 
although it was easier to be confined to our home than I could have imagined.
The only problem with seeing new places is I always want to return to them again.

A shallowing of the water indicates that Puerto Rico is very close.  
Actually, it was on the other side of the plane, but I couldn't see it.
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
April 14, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Old San Juan is in the middle left. 
Castillo San Felipe del Morro, or El Morro, is at the left tip of land.
This is perhaps the most iconic fortification built by the Spanish in the Americas.  
It occupies a 140 foot-high headland at the entrance to the Bay of San Juan
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
April 14 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Yes, I made it to the very tip of El Morro,
but that's a post for another day
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
April 15, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Here are faces for Nicole taken during production shows on the Millennium:

The Lead Female Singers in Productions on the Millennium
Rachel Castaneda (left) and Lindsey Turner
Performing in Elysium
Somewhere on the North Atlantic
April 16, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

Aerial Flyers ~ Duo ViVo
Veronika Osypov (up) and Volodymyr Osypov (down)
Performing in The Power of Love
Somewhere on the North Atlantic on the Celebrity Millennium
April 19, 2023
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved

I am slowly catching up with visiting my blogging buddies.
See you all asap!
Have a great week!  Take care!  

Till next time ~
Fundy Blue

  My next post will be soon! ðŸ¤ž

On the Bay of Fundy
© M. Louise (MacBeath) Barbour/Fundy Blue
All Rights Reserved



  1. How fabulous. I am very, very happy for you both.

    1. Thanks, Sue! We had such fun! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. What a fun surprise. I bet it was a good time. And warm. And green. And pretty too. But two weeks isn't a lot of time to get ready for such a big adventure, especially when you have doctor's appointments to squeeze in. I hope you have more to share. I'll be checking back in to see what adventures you had. Happy weekend and happy mother's day if you celebrate. hugs-Erika

    1. Hugs to you, Erika! I plan to share lots of photos. Visiting new places and learning how the ship operated were fascinating. Have a great weekend!

  3. That looks like quite the adventure. Nice of the dental assistant to get your purse for you.
    I hate lugging stuff around an airport and on the plane, so we take as little with us as possible and send everything through one big suitcase.

    1. Hi, Alex! We usually check our carryons, a recent concession due to our age, but we take on our personal items. I need that just to carry my medications ~ lol! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Your photography in your travel is always stunning and fun. Thank you for sharing

    1. You made my day, Roentare, with your kind words! You are such an amazing photographer, so you really have encouraged me. Take care!

  5. Lucky you! That looks such fun. I've never done a cruise but boy, it looks like a grand time!

    1. I know I'm lucky, Jeanie, and I'm very grateful. We had a smashing time! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  6. Glad you had fun, Louise! Looking forward to more photos and stories of your cruise!

    1. Thanks, Debra! I have lots to share! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. What a wonderful surprise! I couldn't manage with just two little items though.

    1. It was, Diane! I can't imagine how much luggage you have to carry when you are doing an exhibit at a convention! Have a great weekend! Hugs to you!

  8. So nice to see some cruise photos. We don't cruise again until our 2 month European vacation that starts in mid-September. I'm so excited and definitely over-planning. We have been working towards carry-on only (thanks to the Travel Fashion Girls group on Facebook) and other than Stu's big bag that holds his dive gear, we managed it for our last back-2-back cruise a couple months ago.

    I just finished the April A to Z Challenge in two blogs and write a seven part series of things we plan to use for our European vacation (3 cruises and sightseeing in Barcelona, Rome, & Edinburgh).

    Our Prime Years - Life in Tennessee
    DB McNicol - author | traveler | shutterbug
    My Snap Memories - My Life in Photographs
    Hopping thru my day - Personal Thoughts, Memories, & Ramblings

    1. Wow, Donna! I'm going to have to check out your packing tips and other things. I love to cruise. It sounds like you are going to have a fabulous adventure. It's good to see you!

    2. I was tickled to see an update from you. Hugs!!!

  9. Ooooh, how lovely. You have a nice hubby! I'm just a little bit jealous of your cruise, but glad you had such a fabulous time, you lucky girl! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Valerie! I know I'm lucky, and I'm truly grateful that I have the opportunity to travel. There is not much in this world that I enjoy more. And I learned so many neat things. I hope you are doing well! Hugs to you!

  10. What a wonderful cruising you had to enjoy🤩
    Happy weekend 😘

  11. What a wonderful surprise! Glad you got your purse back.

    1. Thanks, Christine! I discovered my purse was missing about 13 hours before we were supposed to leave. Talk about panic. I'm grateful there are kind people in this world! Have a great weekend.

  12. What a nice dental asst. Always a freak out when we leave our purse somewhere. I am so happy you went on a cruise. It looks like you really enjoyed yourself. I also want to thank you for all the wonderful photos and sharing this with FFO. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! It was a huge relief to get my purse back, and we were relieved that we didn't have to drive to Castle Rock and back on the freeway again. I can't see well when heavy traffic rushes around me, and it has become highly stressful for Terry to drive on traffic-heavy freeways. The dental assistant was an angel. I have so much I want to share. Probably more than anyone wants to see ~ lol! Please take care of yourself. Hugs to you!

  13. haha you were on planes, trains, automobiles, and ships. Added an extra. That was great of the dental assistant to help out.

    Sure looks like a great time was had. I always want to go back to places too. Never know what you might have missed. And ugg, hate lugging lots of luggage. If it can't fit in a carry on, I don't need it.

    1. Hi, Pat! Yeah, Terry's always saying that if he can't fit it in his carry on he doesn't need it. Then I tell him, "You're a man. I'm a woman." Then throughout the trip he keeps asking me if I have this or that, because he doesn't ~ (and I do! ~lol!). Yes, we had a blast! I hope all is well with you and your family! Take care, my friend!

  14. ...Louise, what an exciting surprise. It looks like you had an enjoyable time.

    1. We sure did, Tom! And I do love surprises. I hope all is well with you!

  15. I would say your husband is a KEEPER. Pretty awesome trip. Nice dental assistant, too. Seems you had a fabulous trip and a wonderful time. What a charming vacation you two had. I look forward to seeing lots of photos from your trip, too.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! More photos are coming and tales! Have a good one!

  16. I say Thumbs up to Terry ... what an awesome idea and even better as a surprise. I am sure you didn't give all of the preparation frenzy a thought once you got on your way. Oh, I feel your pain, train stations, airports, escalators ... OMG! But, it sure was worth it, right? I have never been on a cruise. My husbands college roommate was in the Navy and managed to get us on a Destroyer in San Diego ... it was in dock, but the rocking motion gave me sea sickness and I even had sea legs when I got off. I decided then that a cruise was probably not a good idea for me ... but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to and I am so happy for you that your Terry took you on this fun trip. Your pictures are wonderful ... the clouds, the gorgeous blue and green waters of San Juan, the performances of the Millennium ... all of it. And, I look forward to the pictures of the tip of El Morro on another day. Three cheers for you both ... what a wonderful way to spend time together. So happy for you, Louise. Making these kind of memories is a wonderful thing ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks for your wonderful comment, Andrea! I'm so sorry that you discovered that ships weren't for you in San Diego. I spent a lot of time on all kinds of boats and ships when I was growing up. But I always travel with sea sickness pills just in case.

      Cruise ships have big stabilizers that steady them, and they can work around bad weather. I learned all about it by touring the ship's operations and listening to an hour-long talk by the captain.

      The craziness before our trip was well worth it. I ran myself ragged on the cruise because I didn't want to miss a thing onshore or on the ship. Fortunately I was feeling so much better with my Graves in remission. And now I'm getting stronger and more energetic every day working out with my trainer, walking outside, and swimming. I finally feel like me again!

      Hugs to you and take care!

  17. Wow Louise! What a gorgeous surprise! Tom is so sweet! I loved all of the photos, I've never been on a cruise ship, the closest I guess would be the old ferry from NB to PEI (before the bridge!!) ☺

    1. Hi, Rain! I've missed seeing you! Whenever I drop out of sight, it's because I'm overwhelmed or on a trip. But you probably figured that out long ago. Did you take the Wood Island ferry to and from Pictou? I crossed a number of times. My brother and I had lots of fun on that ferry. Hugs to you, my friend!

  18. What a wonderful adventure for you both ~ great surprise ~ !

    Happy Mothers Day to you,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Hi, Carol! It's lovely to hear from you. It was a wonderful adventure, and I'll be sharing more about it. Have a great week!

  19. wow, how wonderful. To be invited to such a beautiful trip :) I really miss the ocean.

    1. It was a special trip, Monica. Never did I anticipate I'd spend well over half my life in Colorado so far from the ocean. I miss it badly at times. Terry promised to get me to the ocean every year. We only missed one year during the pandemic, so he's done well. All the best to you!

  20. I am sure that was a lovely surprise!

  21. thecontemplativecat from Sue's blog. What a trip! So beautiful.

    1. Hi, Sue! Thanks for visiting. The Caribbean Islands are amazing! Take care!

  22. big big thanks to Terry who made this trip happen for you my precious lovely friend Louise !
    my heart aches deeply to see you as weak my dear friend and it is hard to not have tears in eyes . But hey my beautiful talented friend and a wonderful amazing human being it will pass soon by the grace of God asap ! i hope all tests and treatment including surgery went fine and you are on way to recovery dear Louise !
    thank you for virtual tour ,loved each shot that reflects joys of your journey . Terry sounds just like my hubby who plans everything before doing it including travels which is unlike me .
    i think one lively and one careful makes a couple that balance the commitment well :)
    Cruising is dream everyone want to do in life once at least .i am so happy you could do it and had lots of fun .entertainment on ship looks exactly what we see in movies wow
    i am sure you had some very nice moments while standing on deck and looking the vast gorgeous water :)
    agree that there is no place like home who can hold one back for so long .

    1. Hi dear Baili! I just found your lovely comment. I am really making progress with my health now ~ gaining a lot of strength and energy! Terry is my planner. Thank goodness! Like you, I an happy to have my hubby do it. The entertainment on the cruise was amazing. I am going to share more photos of our trip in my nexts posts. Love and hugs to you!

  23. What a wonderful trip. Good to have you back. Is there now a train from Denver to the airport? I haven't been in Denver for any amount of time since I used to live in Utah and I can remember having to get up really early to drive my rental car back to the airport.

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I'm glad to be back. Yes, there is a train to the airport now. It goes back and forth from the downtown Union Station and DIA. We catch it two stops before the airport. There are park and rides along the route, and you can park your car for up to 30 days for $4/day. Downtown there are free shuttles up and down the mall by Union Station and there's always Uber or Lyft. If you ever get back to Denver, you'll have to let me know. We could meet in person! Take care!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them very much.